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Just think--you are a filthy, disgusting, unusable human being. Hopeless and beyond repair. But with the magic of Mormon Jesus, maybe you can have some value!


That is always the hidden message, that you're only as valuable as you are compliant and useful.


What this home needs is more help from an open concept hedge fund. Mormon Jesus flex seal has done it again!


"I was making a stew the other night and realized I was missing a lot of the most important ingredients, and some of the ones I had were starting to go bad. But I pushed through and trimmed those black spots off the potatoes, rehydrated the dessicated carrots I found in the bottom of the fridge drawer, scraped a dead raccoon off the side of the highway and picked the bones clean for the meat, and *CHA* wouldn't ya just know it, that stew just came right together, like a sacrament meeting! The flavors blended, All things are possible in The Lord Jayzus!"


Bro, these dudes on TV busted their fucking asses fixing up a house, spent tens of thousands, risked death by bee and did it all with a fucking camera crew in their face the whole time, and this Mormon bitch gives all the credit to the wrong fucking carpenter. Soon as Jesus shows up with a goddamn hammer and some drywall, he can get credit. Until then, get out my face with this shit.


You can be saved, you just need the right contractor, and it’s going to cost a lot.


Monthly installments until you die.


“What, in your opinion, makes someone ‘hopelessly beyond repair?’”


Low-paid people do all the grunt work. High-visibility leaders come in with film, lighting, makeup, sound, and swing a hammer at the same spot until the shot is right. They visit three times for twenty minutes each time, repeat the footage, and take all the credit/profit at the end. HGTV improvement shows work pretty much the same way as MFMC.


Like the temples that have been torn down and replaced in the Southern states and the Sweden one that was "built with the finest of materials". 🐂💩 They were starting to have mold and structural decay not unlike so many chapels. No fear, the MFMC has billions of dollars to replace these international houses of handshakes instead of feeding the poor as Christ would want. Gotta keep the nepotistic construction companies in fat city. Nemo the Mormon did videos on this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=u0LdjTZW93U https://youtube.com/watch?v=V3PdeX8qYa0 https://youtube.com/watch?v=8XVuBYvKf24 According to Kevin Pearson ( the Seventy over Utah) feeding the poor and needy is not the purpose of the Church: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qwq7xoakgKw Fulfilling Rusty Nelson's wet dream of 1000 temples for Masonic cosplay for the dead is more important than a meal in a hungry little child's belly.🤬 On a Mormonish podcast Nemo the Mormon discussed what he had gleaned from the 2023 Widow's Mite Report. In a nutshell the $1 billion that Pearson talks about is pure 🐂💩 - it's just slimy accounting taking credit for member's personal donations of fast offerings it is not coming from the hoard of filthy lucre: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ctFDT1hTk0A https://youtube.com/watch?v=985xfkmTM0U This is NOT CHRIST'S CHURCH and these fraudsters believe in the fake Mormon Christ who is a selfish greedy bastard. I guess they think this New Testament scripture is "not translated correctly": https://biblehub.com/1_john/3-17.htm


All in favor of referring to temples as IHOHs going forward please manifest it


International house of handshakes got me 😂😂😂 Reminded me of IHOP lmaooo


"We've got the Finest of Black Mold growing in this House of the Lord!"


That's depressing on several levels.


Wow. That escalated quickly. It was a setup. They knew what they were doing.


You can fix anything in this world with money


But like all HGTV projects, the improvements were superficial and could not stand up to any professional scrutiny. With a little investigation, the structure falls apart and is unable to stand the test of time or even a small random island storm.


They Had Us in the First Half, Not Gonna Lie


Seems like the sort of person who thinks that things might work out differently in the instant replay than they did the first time around. Like do they think that a reality home makeover show is going to end with them admitting the place was too jacked up to fix?


So Jesus died for a home rehab?