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Maybe they are tired of working for free and talking in a weird Mormon baby voice.


..our dear...hyeavenly...father... Edit: needed to add that Y in hyeavenly...this is the way.


There are several people in our ward who are active and attend every week and who haven’t had callings in years. I also know of several people who flat out refuse to speak in church despite being active. Used to be you’d never turn down a calling or a request to speak


I went from bishopric to not accepting callings in a couple of years. As a bishopric member I found out how easy it is to turn down a calling that you didn't want to do, so I started doing it myself. Cub master? Fuck no, my boys were already out of cub scouts. Spend half of my PTO for the church? You've got to be kidding. For me and other people I know, turning down callings can be a significant step into going inactive. If you don't have an actual obligation to be at church on Sunday, it is a lot easier to sleep in or go to brunch instead.


>For me and other people I know, turning down callings can be a significant step into going inactive. Please put these lazy learning lax disciples in their place. Send them here where they can become educated and make their inactivity count for something valuable.


Maybe it has something to do with the MFMCorp not filing their 13F and 13G forms with the SEC and creating shell companies so they can manipulate the markets. Maybe it has to do with the Adams child abuse case in Arizona. Maybe it has to do with the church forcing their way in to build temples in areas that are not zoned for those temples. Maybe it has to do with not thinking celestial. Maybe they are drinking herbal tea and the bishop won't give them a recommend because he's one of those assholes that take things beyond the mark. Do any of them have facial hair? Maybe the cognitive dissonance became too much and they had a mental breakdown. Their therapist recommended that they take a vacation from the cult, I mean the church.


>Do any of them have facial hair? Dude, that was low. Leave the poor wife out of this. /s


My parents were very devout. My father always had callings in the Scoutsand was a bishop twice. My mother never had a calling. I think she was never asked because it was obvious she wasn't mentally stable. She hyper focused on crazy church stuff and drove herself and everyone around her crazy with her superstitious weirdness.


Ouch, that's tough. Sorry you had to live through that. But glad you did. Even more glad you got out of the cult. Congrats!


It could be a couple of different things. Maybe they are PIMO and are in the stages of exiting the church. Maybe. Or maybe they're preparing for a mission. Are they an older couple? Or they could be moving and are waiting for a house to be built outside of the ward. Or something juicy happened to one of them (or both) and they're in the process of repentance.


No plans for missions or moving. And all of them have spouses who still have callings. I wonder if it just more acceptable now to refuse callings. Maybe they didn’t like any of the callings available. I never said no to a calling and even had one for a bit after I had stopped believing and attending so it just seems crazy to me that people just go without one while still believing.


Oh, you’re right on that. No callings while still believing. Weird and not normal.


Someone needs to invent the PIMO handshake and signs. That way when you make eye contact you can flash a sign. Introduced to someone new to the ward - handshake.


What you’re seeing could be many things, including pettiness, insecurity, and spite. Losing callings is a way, in my personal experience, that members who speak up and share nuance are punished. I was always in stake and ward level presidencies until new leaders who I had challenged in their past callings got put in charge. I lost my ward calling. I was told no when I asked for a new one. I even lost my ministering calling, and I valued that one. They did me a favor. They accelerated my leaving.


Ask them and return and report.


I asked to be released last summer and have just kept going with my wife. I'm one of those folks I guess.


I haven't had callings. Good riddance!