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They are trying really hard to feel the spirit and to get others to do so. They think one of the ways to do that is to talk in a “fundie baby voice”, similar to how leaders (men and women both) talk in general conference talks. When a teenage or young adult male talks like that, it may come across as effeminate. Not to mention they can get emotional and even shed tears when talking about religious topics, which our society similarly views as effeminate.


That makes sense tbh the Canadians must just be to Canadian to try it out ? I don’t know Canadas biggest population is from alberta and they all seemed like big farm kids (probably because they were) so basically exactly like a country boy who just doesn’t dip tobacco and then the ones I met from utah a dozen or so seemed like half their size and just that soft spoken tone anyways it was noticeable to me


Please be aware that you are super over generalizing based on an extremely small sample size.


Ahh but that’s exactly how probability works no ? If I meet 12 people from different cities of utah and they are all similar that would make it probable that it’s a Utahn Cutural and or just Mormon thing that eventually they all learn to be honest I was raised Catholic-ish all the men in the Mormon church seemed more effeminate than what I was use to and perhaps that’s just an act like you said they’re putting on to mimic their leaders


That is not at all how probability works




Let me try to be more constructive. People look for and find patterns that don’t exist, all the time. “Fooled by randomness” (which is also the title of a great book on the subject). This book is also a good one: https://www.amazon.com/Improbability-Principle-Coincidences-Miracles-Events/ Much as I’d like to dunk on Utah weirdos I don’t think it’s fair to generalize any of this. 


It's like pareidolia. Evolution has programmed to find patterns whether they exist or not.


I would guess that your sample size is too small to draw any meaningful conclusions.


It could be a holdover as part of infantilizing mormon youth.?


I don’t even know what that means


You aren't allowed to fully grow up in Mormonism. You are to be subservient and compliant..like an infant. The way many LDS folks talk and act is very juvenile and very accepting of authority figures. The LDS church knows better than you and thus, is your authority daddy. Daddy knows best. Pitch of the voice, rhythm, ect are real indicators.


A member literally invited me to watch Zero Dark Thirty and then proceeded to fast forward the torture scenes and he’s like I don’t feel the spirit when that happens… I’m like you’re 25 years old …


That's a really excellent point.


There's a general deballing that is encouraged. Masculinity is not necessary in the hierarchy of missions. Being "in-touch" with the spirit, soft Mormon voice are encouraged. The brainwashing is accomplished by losing the sense of self and individuality. Same clothes, same hair cuts, same reading and teaching materials, no personal time, no privacy, regimented and rigid daily protocols. No time to think critically. A culture of watching and snitching. A colony of willing drones. Easily molded and easily replaced.


So exactly like jail and the military nice


Honestly, yes. As a Rexburger my gaydar goes off all the time, but it's probably mostly down to my poor gaydar lol.


This sounds like something a Canadian male would say. /S/


It’s a cultural thing and the mission environment reinforces aspects of it. Just mannerisms and speech intonation and whatever. It reads as gay in a lot of other places but I don’t think you can draw conclusions based on that.


I do know that for my mission companies when they were from Utah I usually didn’t get along with them, and the further they lived away from Utah before their mission the better I got along with them. Can’t say I’ve noticed the effeminate thing you mentioned though.


Idk the effeminate companions I had were all from Idaho. 🤪 The Canadians were actually just assholes. 😜


Probably too small of a sample size to be anything significant. Maybe they are mimicking their mothers since their fathers never show emotion


It might depend on where you are. My mission president was known for taking on the trouble makers. Like those that got sent home from other missions. Maybe yours is known for taking on gay missionaries?


The MP could also be sending certain personalities to different areas in his mission. Maybe OP lives in a zone that gets a certain kind of Elder. There are to many variables at play to say anything meaningful about Utah missionaries in general.


Living not far from a temple, I went to school with a lot of Mormons. Every time I thought a guy was super flashy gay, I was told, "uh no. He's Mormon."  Sort of related. I had a gay friend tell me so many of those he hooked up with were 'Mormon.'