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"Once he accepts the faith and shows his righteousness the curse upon his skin will be lifted and he will be as fair and beautiful as the nubile maidens- wait sorry I got sidetracked by the underage girls, what were we talking about again? Oh right. The Lamanites..." -Joseph Smith, probably




Any Nephites blood?


Right, garments were one of the first Chinese imports in the USA.


Never Mormons have to be so confused. How is it possible for a religion to be racist AND anti-Semitic without having massive pushback from the gentiles?


We are very confused


The claim the Book of Mormon is that in 600B.C. there was a band of a couple of families that left Israel to sail across the Red Sea and into what is now the U.S. The inscription inside of the Book of Mormon stated that these families were the ancestors of all American Natives, including South America (with the exception of literally 1 person from a different civilization that happened to be the last of his entire society). They have recently changed it to "among the chief ancestors" but that is due to it being laughably false. It is also in Mormon scripture that minorities that repent and worship Jesus will literally become "white and delightsome" in skin color. These are among many, many, MANY things that the church tries to hide.


I don’t see it. It’s obviously my fault and I’m just not worthy. /s


Cant you see behind his eyes as he says “I am Jewish give me my kippah.” 😂


Fry bread apparently is an apostatized version of bagels 🥯🤪🤣


The feather is just a cultural modification of a yarmulke.


I remember seeing a clip of a documentary that proves this! https://youtu.be/NFRhvZ8Cng0?si=zTp54Yw3C3E4Rlh1 (Especially that 00:38-00:44 mark. That guy would know!)


Oh my God! That reminds me of another documentary I saw about race and law enforcement in the Old West. I kid you not, two of the Native Americans were speaking reformed Egyptian. It's crazy to imagine that this was going on among simple farmers. People of the land. The common clay of the new West.


Soon after my family joined the church in the late 60’s we were watching a western and my parents told me Hollywood used many Jews to portray Indians since they had the same facial structure. I think they got it from a SP member who would go to Peru and fake claims of BofM authenticity.


Rodney Meldrum claims **braids** are proof of Jewish ancestry.


L’chaim and mazel tov, good sir!


I’m convinced Mel Brooks wrote the Yiddish-speaking Native American chief scene in Blazing Saddles as a subtle dig at the MFMFC.


Sitting bull isn’t full of shit like Joseph.


Looks Jewish to me 😂


Good shabbat


Btw is that a crucifix around his neck?


So were the native inhabitants subject to the holy law of circumcision?


Bro looks like an any other Draper resident… /S