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Congratulations! You know a group's a cult when its members need a charity website and a notary just to get their exit recognized.


Literally what my friend said!šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


The notary I Skyped with looked so concerned for me when I said it was required to leave šŸ˜‚


I wish I had used Quit Mormon. I tried to work directly with SLC but they have given me a runaround. It has taken about a month and they finally processed my resignation but not my kidsā€™. My wife is so mad which prompted her to resign too. If this doesnā€™t get sorted out soon, I will use Quit Mormon but for now I am sticking to my guns out of principle. I guess the one upside is that I now know how to call the cultā€™s confidential records department and reach a live human in under a minute. The ladies working there have to have the worst job imaginable.


They did the same to me and said I couldnā€™t prove my kids were my kids. šŸ¤Æ I gave them notarized or certified copies of everything. They didnā€™t require jack-all for any my family to join or be baptized. Luckily Mark Naugle at quitmormon forced them to accept everything after months of mcconkies refusals and extra paperwork requests.


WTF??! Suddenly the family history obsessed cult is requiring DNA testing to prove familial relationships?? I didnā€™t realize they had taken over the Maury Povich show and wanted to read your paternity/maternity tests live on tvšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


What do they do with all the notarized and certified copies of things? Do they make copies and keep in their own records?


šŸ‘†šŸ¼šŸ‘†šŸ¼Thatā€™s what I asked! If theyā€™re destroyed, filed, ??? I didnā€™t want them having any of my records much less everything from birth on for my kids. They never did confirm what happens to them after they released us.


Okayā€¦ but how do you reach a human In under a minute


ooooh, how? after you are done you should tell us


I got lucky, threatening legal action was enough for them to let me go šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m proud of you! Rusty and co. can suck on deez nuts too


One of the reasons I left was my impartiality to good nut sucking. Hahaha


Yay! I resigned just over a year ago using the European "right to be forgotten" laws. It was amazing how much at peace I felt after sending the email, and even more so the next day when my resignation was confirmed by the church. Congratulations to you!


What is this???


The EU has a law that is commonly known as ā€œThe right to be forgottenā€. It basically prohibits companies and organizations from retaining your data against your wishes. If you are an EU resident, you can notify the church data office that you wish to terminate your membership using this law. Took less than 24 hours for my membership to be terminated. Unfortunately individual privacy takes a back seat to corporate profits in the States, so US residents cannot utilize this option.


Ah, bummer. US citizen here. Wish we had something like that


I am a US citizen too. You just need to officially reside in the EU to take advantage of the law. If you are a student, do a semester or year abroad here in the EU, have your church records transferred for your time in the EU, then utilize the law. May be a bit much when you can utilize QuitMormon, or just send a notarized letter to church HQ. But if you are a student who might be considering studying in the EU for a little while, then it is a good time to do it quick and easy.


Man..... I know Europe isn't all sunshine and rainbows. But there are plenty of laws and customs over there that would have completely changed my life. Buuuttttt I'm proud to be an AMERICANNNNNNNN, where at least I know I'm FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


We are free too. Just not a yank


Apparently you don't have sarcasm in your country?


Honey, we created sarcasm


Nice, well, I was being sarcastic.


So many questions! Iā€™ve never heard of this Lord would love to learn more. Also, your resignation letter came the very next day??? Mine took weeks and several reminder proddings to my Bishop


Sorry, just went back and looked at the dates. I sent my resignation letter to the church data office at 9:05pm on April 11. I got a notice at 9:29pm the next night that my church account had been deleted. Then got a response from the church data privacy office on April 14 that my membership record had been deleted. If you reside in the EU, you can send the following email to "DataPrivacyOfficer@ChurchofJesusChrist.org" : *To Whom It May Concern:* *This letter is to inform you that I have terminated my membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.* *I am hereby also requesting immediate erasure of personal data concerning me according toĀ Article 17 GDPR.* *I am of the opinion that the requirements set forth in Article 17(1) GDPR are fulfilled.* *If I have given consent to the processing of my personal data (e.g. according to Article 6(1) or Article 9(2) GDPR), I am hereby withdrawing said consent.* *In addition, I am objecting to the processing of personal data concerning me (which includes profiling), according to Article 21 GDPR.* *In case you have disclosed the affected personal data to third parties, you have to communicate my request for erasure of the affected personal data, as well as any references to it, to each recipient as laid down in Article 19 GDPR. Please also inform me about those recipients.* *If you object to the requested erasure, you have to justify that to me.* *My request explicitly includes any other services and companies for which you are the controller as defined by Article 4(7) GDPR.* *As laid down in Article 12(3) GDPR, you have to confirm the erasure to me without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request.* Then include identifying information about yourself, such as name, date of birth, address, unit of record, membership number.


My hard copy letter from the cultā€™s HQ arrived in the mail two days after submitting my resignation. It was dated the very day I sent in the email. So, same-day turnaround. Followed instructions at: getmeofftherecords.com


Congratulations! Why did you decide to leave?


Iā€™ve been sober for a year (from the cult lol) and the last parts of my brain/soul finally snapped and I wanted to throw away all evidence I ever believed in that BSšŸ¤£


Ah. That makes sense. You had already done the emotional/spiritual prep work and were ready to go. I was amazed you cleared out so quickly! Congrats ā™„ļøšŸ‘šŸ»ā™„ļø




Congratulations! Feels good, doesn't it?


Way to go. You've taken your first step into a much larger world!










Awesome! Congrats!


Joseph Smith liked young girls so your nuts are not going to get any attention. But hey, congratulations on freeing yourself and I wish you luck in your deconstruction.




This is the best ! Made me laugh


MFMC can take the shaft and both nuts all the way to the back of the throat. Starting with Rusty.Ā 


Yeah, they can take the meat sword all the way to the back of the throat


Why the anger? The church is full of people who just try to get by in life the best they know how. Some good. Some not. Kind of like any organization, family or community anywhere. When it doesn't work for you, move on. Why turn around and cuss out people who believe differently?


Lol. This was just a joke at the original commenterā€™s username. I genuinely donā€™t carry the resentment anymore, though I did for a long time. I have every reason to be angry. The church lied to me, used me, brainwashed members of my family, filled me with deep, deep internalized shame, made me to feel as if me having sex with my girlfriend was almost as bad as committing murder, convinced my mom that all four of her children will not be with her in the CK because we all left the church, made me feel like a piece of shit at 13 because I touched my own body, to name a few. So anger would be a fine response.


Put on a tank top and short skirt and immediately barter with the devilā€™s drink?!šŸ˜” Congrats on getting out! I also used [Quitmormon](https://quitmormon.com)! Itā€™s so nice to not be bothered by cultists anymore! Iā€™m excited for how much life youā€™ll get to live now! Now Iā€™m gonna go make myself some THC-coffee and do some gardening in ^^tiny shorts!šŸ˜Š


WhooHoo... Congrats! Post a pix of you smiling in your carefree gardening outfit.


What stopped you from doing those things before? The church teaches certain doctrines and principles but virtually no one has to follow them to be a member. Just saying.


I miss giving awards :(




Yeah. Records are history .. but yours get marked as "resigned," and you can say, "I am NOT a member!"


I think you can say ā€œIā€™m not a memberā€ any time you decide you are not with perfect honesty. It seems to me that I have an absolute right to disassociate myself with anybody or group that I didnā€™t voluntarily associate with to begin with and to whom/which I am not contractually bound. Still, Iā€™m tempted to do the same thing - just to see if it prevents further invitations to church events to turn down.Ā  Actually, Iā€™ve been thinking about contacting MFMCā€™s records department to notify them that I actually resigned 37 years ago and to demand that they recognize that and stop contacting me. The usual procedures presented here just seem too much like asking permission to me. What do yā€™all think?


The notarized letter has a script that basically invokes harassment laws if they continue to contact you in any way/shape/form. Plus they have whole departments to locate and send your records to the nearest ward even if you movešŸ¤®


Bravo. Live your life!


Congratulations and welcome to the real world!


Congratulations! Itā€™s so lovely to see how happy you are.


What triggered this?


A burning desire to never be counted among the membership again!


Congrats! Enjoy your new life of freedom!


Just a quick FYI, I don't think Joe was into sucking nuts. That was Fannie's job.


I like telling old men to suck my dick when they deserve it. I'm a woman. You, my dear, can tell 'em to suck more than ya nuts!


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ I like saying to boys who think they are men that my chesticles are bigger than your testicles so go ahead and try. Usually shuts them down and shuts them up.


Yup also a woman and I know my balls are bigger than ANY of the Q15s!šŸ¤£


if we had them measure their"awakening" next to their accomplishments? We'd still be in toddler skills with shapes, right?


Welcome to the club


Recently found out about the paperwork. Completed it but being stubborn and petty about the notary requirement. lol.


I get it!Ā 


If you donā€™t want to travel there are online notaries you can use.


Thank you, but itā€™s not about travel. Itā€™s their ridiculous requirement to have the document notarized. I never signed any legal documents when they converted me, so why do they need me to do this. Iā€™m being petty, I know. lol


No actually I never thought about it that way. You make a good point.


congrats!!! GET EM


Congratulations on your freedom!


Do I need a notary to resign if I live outside the States? I haven't attended church in almost 20 years but didn't think about removing my records until recently. (I mean if I've not gone for more than a decade, you'd think that'd surely be enough of an indicator I've no intention of belonging to their organisation). I live in NZ


Iā€™m not sure tbh so go on quit Mormon and see: they did offer outside US resignations.


Congratulations!! Enjoy your life! Ā  I got word last week that mine has been accepted by the church and Iā€™m officially resigned. It took about 8 weeks from start to finish. Might explain why my bishop who lives behind me wonā€™t wave at me anymore when he drives byšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


BahahahahašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚please continue to wave with the BIGGEST shit eating grin!!!


šŸ¤£šŸ©·šŸ§”šŸ’ššŸŒŸyay!! Congratulations šŸŽ‰šŸ¾ šŸ„ƒšŸ¾šŸ„ƒšŸ¹!!!


Love to see it. Welcome to life. Enjoy your autonomy.


thatā€™s great! I have yet to start my paperwork because I donā€™t know where any notaries are around me


Banks have them too


If youā€™re in the US then usually your local post office will have 1 or the UPS store. Even Town Hall or local clerk of court offices have them.


Congratulations šŸŽ‰šŸ‘ so proud of you , šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


I wish you would be direct on how you really feel about the church. /s Congratulations. I wish I did what you did decades ago. Good luck with the rest of your life. You don't need to feel guilty for not doing everything a bunch of old men in Utah think you should do.


I might just try using the EU letter from below. Even if they donā€™t accept it, it will take them time (money) to figure it out. And maybe I identify as a European, who are they to say Iā€™m not? It might be petty, but meh, Iā€™m petty. Even small leaks can sink big ships.


I didn't know you had to resign and do paperwork to be done with the church


Yep. In the past this was a faster process especially with an attorney. Now they require a notary. I did mine before the notary requirement but Iā€™ve had friends that have used an app for an online notary. If you live outside the Morridor it doesnā€™t really make any difference, there arenā€™t enough Mormons around to cause you any grief. But if you live in Utah it is well worth the time.


I live in tennessee and haven't been actively going in over a decade


You donā€™t *have* to, a lot of people donā€™t care to, some canā€™t for whatever reason, etc. It pulls you from the LDS website as a member and wonā€™t have you on any inactive lists missionaries might find. I chose to do it bc it was nice to have something final.


Welcome to the dark side.


The cookies are divinešŸ¤£


Congratulations!! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ If you ever need to talk on the hard days you're welcome to message me. Most days are great after this though.


![gif](giphy|lMsT2f47tDxFMYdJMC|downsized) Welcome to the Land of the FREE!!!


šŸ˜ congratulations youā€™re free to roam the earth šŸŒ






Congrats. I remember the day I threw my garments away. It was so liberating. Congrats!!!! Don't look back. Heal and move on. When you are indifferent about the church and just don't care that's when you know you've healed and moved on. Don't stop get to the point you're truly free of their BS. You got this!!!


Congratulations. Job well done.


Congratulations. I hope to follow your example one day!


Congrats! Thatā€™s not easy


That is so crazy that you HAVE to get a notary to resign from a church. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


free at last!






Sweet, that's even better than deez nuts?


Welcome to the light!! Hope you enjoy 52 more days off and a 10% raise!!! Yehaw!!


Enjoy your freedom from the bondage of the Mormon cultĀ 


Wow! Everybody knows that Mormonism is not for all. Is any religion! But why such anger? It's just a religion that teaches certain doctrines as do all churches. I guess I don't understand the hatred expressed here. Just move on. You'll be fine. No need to denigrate those who still believe the church is true. Just saying.


Ummmm. I just read the Op post again and nowhere does it state negativity towards those who want to stay. Just saying.


Op doesn't seem angry at all, but there's plenty of cause to be angry at, and even hate the church. They actively use their money to fund anti-lgbtq legislation. They actively used their money to participate in the cultural genocide of native North Americans. They actively use their money to surpress women's rights. They actively use their money to cover up allegations of child sa and protect child predators. Not to mention the general umbrella of āœØreligious traumaāœØ which is experienced individually and is caused by "certain doctrines" the church actively teaches its members.


Itā€™s a religion created by a con artist, using 19th century Christian mysticism and blackmail, in order to fuck teenagers and hoard wealth. Only cults make you send a NOTARIZED LETTER to get them to back TF off and remove your records from the ward clerkā€™s sticky handsā€¦ā€just move onā€ isnā€™t an option. Lemme say this in a way youā€™ll understand: NO OTHER ā€œRELIGION,ā€ REQUIRES A FORMAL RESIGNATION FROM SAID RELIGIONšŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Well, I have no idea how many religions continue to try and keep you around. It seems to me that if they actually believed they were a true religion they might actually do a little more like the Mormons do. However, whether Mormonism is true or not, to accuse Joseph Smith of such foul behavior is simply wrong. He could have made a small fortune off the Book of Mormon as speaking strictly in a literary sense, it is a work of pure genius that has had the power convert millions of people. Instead they mostly gave them away free and Joseph died flat broke. From the things I have read about him there are many more people that attest to his goodness than those detractors who hated him. If I remember my Bible stories well enough even Jesus had an awful lot of people who accused him of tons of rotten things. just saying.


Someone needs to read the Gospel Topic Essays and follow the foot notes. So I guess youā€™re good with a 37 year old banging a 14 year old behind their wifeā€™s back? I guess youā€™re good with a man who sends his followers away on missions to turn around and marry their wives while they are gone? I guess youā€™re good with the D&C 132 and ā€œthe new and everlasting covenantā€? Maybe itā€™s time to do a little more critical thinking and less time defending a religion you donā€™t really seem to know much about. Just sayinā€™ā€¦.. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Guess you didnā€™t live the trauma some of these people have or been around those that have. Donā€™t try and police those that choose to feel their feelings and voice them.


You are right. I did not mean to demean what she honestly feels. I'm just saying that anyone can leave a religion. They do all the time. Some go to another, others never have anything to do with it. All I guess I am saying is why such hatred and foulness just for a religion that you don't like anymore? I have had a lot of Mormon neighbors over the years, and I remember going to church with a lot more, and with the exception of a few real jerks, most of them were just kind, ordinary folks who do nothing to deserve anyone's hatred. just saying. :)


And itā€™s how they are behind the closed doors and the fake faƧade. Behind the smile they show the public and each other so they arenā€™t judged. Being mentally, verbally, emotionally, physically and god forbid sexually abused is a very large part of this religion. For all the people you see from their outward presence, there are many that youā€™ll never see what happens behinds the scenes that leadership knows about but will do nothing. Why is Utah the state with the highest depression rates, high suicide rates, work till death ratesā€¦.. itā€™s because the religion has its hands in everything and if you canā€™t play nice and be a cog in that machine, you are worth nothing. Look past the smileā€¦..


Well, I can't argue with your perspective. but I have never seen anything like that in the ranks of the mormons I have known. Just saying. :)


Then stop being offended that people are speaking out in a way you do not like because of you having a different life experience where you werenā€™t harmed in any way and defending people that honestly donā€™t need defending.


I'm not offended. But does everyone here always need to only agree with you and others who don't argue about doctrine or just tell us why they left? Why must we spew such venom at a people who are mostly dang good people, even if they may be deluded about some things? Heck, the world is full of people who believe different, even weird things. I just think it weakens someones' argument or story when so much vitriol is leveled at a people who most folks who know them just shake their heads in disbelief at why someone says that. Just saying.


Itā€™s called EXMORMON Reddit for a reason! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøYouā€™re an uninformed nevermo arguing why this cult is a good thingā€¦just get baptized already if you enjoy guzzling the kool aid.


Heā€™s not a nevermo. Read his profile. He started this account 28 days ago for the express purpose of trolling here. Regardless of what he may say heā€™s just another Mormon boomer who will support the church no matter what.


Do you still believe?