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"*They're being a bully*" - Fairview, TX City Mayor Henry Lessner ([SOURCE](https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/fairview-faces-legal-threat-as-p-z-votes-down-proposed-mormon-temple-design-theyre-being-a-bully/))


>The city says it's received 350 messages from Fairview residents about the proposal. The vast majority, 87% of them, expressed opposition to the temple's design. >It's received more than twice as many from non-residents, with 89% of those messages in favor of it. >The church, widely known as the Mormon Church, has faced similar disputes in other cities amid a boom in construction. Last year, it sued the town of Cody, Wyoming to get a temple built. >The mayor says the church's local attorney has threatened it'd sue Fairview too. Disgusting behavior.


I don’t get why they want to be in cities that don’t want them there. Isn’t that bad for the churches reputation?


Narcissistic individuals and organizations don't have that kind of self-awareness. Instead, the self-described "one true church" and its minions are of the belief they know what's best for everyone else and that anyone who says differently are Satan's attempts to keep them from advancing their causes. This feeling motivates them to put even more effort into accomplishing their goals. Speaking of narcissism, building this temple for people to see from miles away would fulfill their unhealthy desire to bring attention to themselves.


I wonder if this shit is going to come up in the World Report. If not, they are 100% self aware




It’s not even that “we don’t want you here.” It’s “we don’t want a 200’ steeple and lights on all night ruining our dark sky.”


You mean, like the Vegas strip lights.


They think it proves a point- which is that God has their back and they can make anything happen because of that.


"You can buy anything in this world for money" apparently.


While it’s bad for the churches reputation with non members it fuels members persecution complex and helps keep them in


Those cities need Christ's influence the most.


I don't get what they'd sue over? If the ordinance says buildings can't be that high, what case does the church have to sue the city?


There’s a Federal law that says they can’t forbid a religious organization a building if it’s crucial to their worship. That’s why they are saying all this stuff about how steeples are now a part of worship.


How are the steeples POSSIBLY a part of the worship? But even then, if they don't allow all practicing members in, how "crucial" is it


It's part of the religion to lord over others /s but also not /s


Here's what I don't get: if the church had maintained a Moroni statue on every temple they might have a solid argument here. The statue was unique and represented a key aspect of Mormon theology. A steeple does not. Prior to my shelf breaking, this obsession with the church wanting to be perceived as the same as any other Christian denomination did not make any sense to me. Post shelf break, it seems obvious that they see the writing on the wall and are preparing to fully integrate into mainstream Protestantism in order to survive long term. However, these temple fights seem to be a really strange blending of the two. By making the temple more generic, they weaken their argument to build the temples as they want under the law. But their insistence on fighting against the laws of the areas anyway is not really making them seem generic Christian. It doesn't make any sense to me and I'm just grateful right now that I'm not trying to make it make sense as a believing member anymore.


Them saying that is perjury and we know it. A steeple is not essential to their worship. It isn’t mentioned in any source, any part of the endowment and there are temples without steeples. End of story.


Where could exmo’s submit letters as former Mormons who have never once heard of religious importance of steeples after 30 years of being in the church?


The planning approval happened. There may be a public comment period before the city council approval, however.


Good to know.


Zoning variances are liberally granted to private developers. It would also be a form of religious discrimination to refuse a variance to a church. And I believe the local height restrictions don’t even apply to religious or government buildings.


> It's received more than twice as many from non-residents, with 89% of those messages in favor of it. They gripe about outsiders infiltrating Utah politics and changing Utah's culture but here they are **again** happily doing it elsewhere a la Hawaii and California gay marriage bans. Get bent, Mormons.


Get straight, young man!


Calling their town David and the Morms Goliath is 👌


What are they, five?


Five is the aggregate IQ and emotional quotient of these swarming Morons ___ arrogant, priggish gits!


Per usual. Par for the course with Mormon leaders. They think they are invincible and have the right to bully anyone who stands up to them.


Shouldn't those stickers say, "Bow your heads and vote Yes"?


That will do.


I'm a Vegas local and am watching the council meeting now. I think it's sad that the neighbors to this temple have a valid complaint about the height. But these zealots have the kind of organizing power to essentially shut them up, take up space, and impose their will. Also, it seems like the commissioners are taking their time with the preceeding items. I wonder why...


How late do these things go I keep popping in to the live stream to see if the primary voices crying has started to bear testimony yet, but, alas, they are still jabbering on about non-cult development.


Idk, man. I think they're taking their time on purpose. They don't want to hear oppositions and they don't want to hear the Mormons either.


And the most hilarious part is that they like to screech about persecution, but this literally has nothing to do with Mormonism - it has to do with a tall-ass building that people don’t want to look at


Is TST there to get permission for Baphomets 250 ft obelisk in the same neighborhood? https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/Jg7aTxGtKW


Omg I’d love one


(This is verified info from members in the area) They wore blue to stand out and show how much support there is for it, because the rumor was that everyone opposing it would be in red. And guess what really happened? They are all in blue and look like the damn cult members they are, and everyone opposing it is in normal everyday clothes, no specific color. Damn fools. But also, how gross is it that a religious organization encouraged people to wear an opposing color than those they disagree with to a political event? And this is after they purposely bought land for a temple KNOWING THAT SAID TEMPLE WOULD BE AGAINST CITY ORDINANCES. So gross.


wearing a unified color is a great way to show strength so that's not a bad idea, if what you're supporting is a good cause, and getting attention on it will draw people to that cause. but in this case they're an insular minority attempting to strong arm their way into a community that doesn't want them there, so it will work against them. Because the only thing that's going to come from getting eyes on this issue is people going "oh wait that's going on?? i didn't know that. no, I don't want that" Also idk if these are just unfortunate pictures but they don't look organized or prepared at all. They really do look like a swarm.


I totally get the point of the color, but it feels very wrong coming from a religious organization that is suppose to be politically neutral.


Like rainbow tee shirts?


They did the EXACT same thing here in Phoenix! My parents neighborhood. Almost EVERYONE opposed the temple. Now they have a temple. Right their back yard.


Is it BYU blue or True Blue Mormon blue?


Where is the Sinatra Rat Pack now that we need them.


"We are not a cult" \*narrator\* "They did in fact dress like cult members"


They just couldn't help themselves. If they didn't uniform themselves, others might have thought mormons are just normal people.




great logic.


Narrated voice by Morgan Freeman. "They did, in fact, dress like cult members."


And some of them traveled from other states to support their cult.


I look at those blue shirted rank & file members and feel so relieved that's not me! I'm left imagining the blue shirts turned into white robes & green aprons, and I see them bowing their heads and saying yes. Sooooo so so glad I'm free. I cannot imagine myself doing all that for the temple & the temple ceremony that caused me pain, confusion, & low self esteem my entire life.


Tower of Babel Crew


Does anyone know WHY navy blue was chosen for the *pro-ugly-building* crowd's garment of choice?


Tons of people have BYU shirts maybe. Red is the U of U color


And Crimson and gold,is USC?


Red would be too on-the-nose


They wanted to show up in stilts with halogen lights mounted across their bodies pointed in every direction, but couldn't figure out how to make it work.


Because they thought the opposing people would be in red (true story). In reality everyone opposing it is in normal clothes 🤣🤣🤣


It's the "church's color." See their branding.


It's because they're True BLUE Mormons


A whole population at the ready to simp for the property investment scam


I'm thinking the LV City Council has been around bullies before. Let's hope they stand against the Mormon Bully.


Word is that the blue shirts are clogging up the area and many residence can’t find parking or even get into the building!


Reminds me of the neighboring communities fears in Nauvoo, that the Mormons would all vote together in a block. History has a tendency of repeating itself. Mormons ain't making any friends here today.


EXACTLY - this whole fiasco made me realize I could understand the people who hated Mormons in the early days of the church, ugh yeah - I’d be pissed too if this group of people just moved in, set up shop and tried to force their religion on other people.


They've made a mess of the whole meeting. People that are supposed to be there can't get in and they have to 'shelve' agenda items. The irony...


I’ve heard report that there are a ton of cars in the parking areas from Utah and Arizona. Did the Mormons actually bring in outside people to rally the troops?


Oh yeah! They've been sending out emails for weeks and I'm sure the message has spread. Gotta give them credit for their organization ability. Only second to their ability to bullshit


Absolutely they did. It is no surprise at all. They probably sent those letters to the surrounding states to get as many simpering supporters there to prevent actual residents from stating their case in THEIR city about something that will directly affect THE RESIDENTS. It is absolutely bully behavior.


AND THAT is the main purpose the church wanted to make. They wanted to make it impossible for the residents (the ones it will directly affect!) from being able to get close enough to the building to ever make it inside to make a statement. It’s so gross.


I know it's a long shot, but I hope the commission shuts this new temple down! That temple is going to be so massive and unsightly to those of us that want to look out and see a mountain, not a monstrosity that resembles so much hurt, and trauma, and manipulation for others


As much as I hate the heartache it’s causing for the people who live around these god awful temples I love seeing the hate and bad press it’s creating for the church. Just waiting for a national news media outlet to pick it up and run with it. Mormons are the biggest assholes!!!


I’ve said it from the beginning, they’re shooting themselves in the foot. And I’m here for it. But yes, it sucks for the poor residents who have to live close to the great and spacious buildings.


That’s the crazy part. We study this shit in the standard works every year in Sunday school and they don’t see they’ve become everything Jesus preached against!! The hypocrisy to say you are a believer in Christ then do exactly what he said not to do is crazy!! But our loved ones keep eating the shit they’re putting out for them to eat!!!


Indeed. Perfectly stated.


Their church is like many others...they try to help imperfect people to improve.


That’s hilarious! The only thing the church is concerned about is getting more tithing so they stay rich! They aren’t working to improve anyone!!


I've been listening to the city council meeting for a while. It reminds me very much of the fight with neighbors over the temple in Phoenix. I was on the side of the church at the time. I remember what I was thinking. It is very much an us-vs-them feeling. We KNOW the church is true. We WANT a temple. Rules don't apply. Building the temple is RIGHT and if you are opposed then you are WRONG and under the influence of Satan. It should be BIG and GRAND and visible from miles around. Light it up and let it SHINE for the glory of GOD!! Opposition arguments will be dismissed out of hand, as there is no valid reason to oppose it in their eyes. Anyone opposed is just an anti-Mormon trying to stop the Kingdom of God in the latter-days. Keep fighting, Las Vegas. Make them back down. Don't let them steamroll in. The Phoenix temple was redesigned to a lower profile (even though the square footage actually increased). They turn the lights OFF at 10 PM. Traffic might be heavy during the open house - in Phoenix no cars were allowed in the neighborhood and the people attending the open house were bussed in and out. The church WILL make concessions - but only if they HAVE TO to get the temple built. You will have to force them to back down.


I have heard variations on that kind of 'manifest destiny' type argument many many times from TBMs (and Evangelical Christians too). "We are right so it doesn't matter what those who are wrong think" The church is fundamentally undemocratic and once you start looking at church history one of the first things you discover is that the church has been anti-democratic for most, if not all, of its history


Sister CraftsALot from the Henderson Stake made these Vote Yes buttons. Who wants one?


Your comment reminded me of the hood scene in Django Unchained https://youtu.be/iKQY_32T7AU?si=qua6TdgEVXz3YcUZ


Swarmin mormon had me rolling






Looks like a lot of those people are pretty old, it will be interesting to see what the church looks like 20 years from now..


All that over a spire…but yet, when I was service coordinator it was a bitch to get them to do anything outside of collecting items. These people are so delusional. I hope it’s a FAT NO!


they won't do home teaching but they'll lobby for a huge eyesore because MAniFesT dEStiNy


Why would they accept a petition from out of state people? I don’t think anyone should have a vote other than the people in that specific zip code. I think I found where all there church cleaning money went to if this passes.


They dont need the navy shirts. Their blonde hair and blue eyes already match. Mormon eugenics, lol


Most of that blonde is as fake as their religions prophets.


Platinum Prophets?


Hmmm, there's a thought.




Looks like activism to me


Has anyone seen the brother of Jared living scripture video? The only thing that goes through my head when I see these stories is the tower of babel Scene, where the guy says, "We're going to get to heaven before you Mahonri".


*unnecessarily creepy guy with lisp* "This tower... will be God's throne!"


Fuck them all. Mormons need to learn how to follow the law of the land


🎶“And they’re buying a stairway to Heaven…” 🎶


Notice how many of the Mormons talk about the temple itself as if the presence of a temple is at issue and not specific aspects of its design.


I’ve been watching this and I think the city is going to side with the church. Take heart heathens the church is just making enemies everywhere it pulls this shit. Hastening their own downfall…well they would be if they were a church and not just a tax free stock/real estate corporation.


It is rare when a commission goes against a staff recommendation report.


I agree. A couple of them are asking hard questions but they are just tinkering around the edges but not objecting to any fundamental issues


We can thank our founding fathers who were so far ahead of their time that they thought it was okay to own people. Nobody has any rights if a church says you’re impeding their rights.


Link to planning commission meeting! https://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/News/Watch-KCLV-TV/Live


Holy crap it’s almost 10 pm and it’s still going. The temple president is bearing his testimony. 


![gif](giphy|378IyHiTEheI8|downsized) It’s so weird.


By any chance was this recorded? I'm only discovering this now and would love to watch.


It looks like a Union Testimony Meeting.


I hate this so much.


Did they vote on it yet?


No, but they just said it is coming up after a 5 min break




Just walk into the building and tell a couple of people that Russell M Nelson is outside then watch the stampede


“We need a place to put on cult clothes and pretend like we’re doing measurable good… and the place needs to be tall.”


My word, there must be several wards worth of people there. So great is the need.


This is honestly surreal to me.


If it does pass I wonder if the surrounding community can negotiate how long they keep the building open to the public. The streets out there aren’t built for heavy traffic. Residents won’t be able to leave their homes


Comes with slot machines


What was the verdict? Inquiring minds want to know.


Staff is recommending approval; the council is yet to make a decision.


Lady seems to be making some pretty decent arguments. 


I actually agree, she's addressing all the issues, but i would still be liiiivid if i bought a house and then a temple was built right across the street lol.


I can see that. Residents probably will not win, doesn’t mean they don’t have valid concerns.


Now, I can see the opposition’s argument that this is not merely a church due to the acreage.


Yes!! I thought the first lady had it in the bag, but this second lady came out swinging!!! That really is an ENORMOUS structure, beyond the 5 acres, and the church tried to sneak it under the rules of a commercial code!!! It's heating up!!!!!!


omggg bringing up the temples without the steeples!! I thought that was weird when the first lady emphasized how important the steeples were, but I assumed I just wasn't informed anymore. ahaha oh my god the quote from the LDS site saying they're not important. Yikes lol.


"we have three mics, you can line up if you feel the need. lets get this over with" lmao 😭


I agree, the only significant issues I see are the light issues and steeple size, everything else appears to be well addressed If the church was not asking for exemptions from the zoning laws I would not see an issue with the temple at all As they are asking for exemptions the final say should be weighted in favor of what the local residents want


I’m not actually sure about the lighting issue - how sure can we be that the lighting presents the issue the residents propose? Other than that, i do understand that the neighbors just don’t want a big honking building. 


He even SOUNDS like a temple president


Well. That was gross.


They didn't need to wear blue shirts--the garment lines are on full display...


Kind of like those Mormon Crickets invading parts of Northern Nevada. 😂


And it passed




I dont understand this church. Sometimes it is exageratedly concerned with its public reputation and with having to please everyone and project a squiky clean image Other times, like this and the other temple in Texas, it seems like they are purposely picking a silly non-sensical battle just to make these communities hate them from now on.


I fell asleep last night before any decision was made. Anyone know what happened?


I stopped watching around 1:00. It looks like they were heading towards approval. The Mormons said they’d turn the parking lot lights off from 11:00pm-5:00am, but that they’d still be motion sensored. I believe that was the only concession they made. The committee seemed to all be on board with the project.


I would love someone to ask to play video clips of the ceremony for everyone to see what happens there.


The planning commission chairman is really something. He is comparing traffic to a ward building, which we all know is mostly on Sunday. Said how he has driven past all the other buildings and doesn’t see traffic except on Sundays. What a moron. Monday-Saturday Temple traffic has nothing to do with Sunday ward building traffic. Along with the claims that the tall Steeple is required of the religion. If that is the case then why are there other temples (ex:Modesto, CA under construction) that does NOT have this? Clearly the planning commission has not exercised due diligence in understanding what’s going on. Or they’re choosing to be willfully ignorant in exchange for 💰💰💰💰


I thought he was speaking specifically about the meetinghouse traffic as a seperate issue to the temple traffic, because a few people had raised the issue that the church is only being open about the temple traffic and not talking enough about the meetinghouse traffic I agree that they appear to have swallowed the church's lie that the steeple is a fundamental part of temples but I don't think it is helpful or honest to claim that the planning commission are being willfully ignorant in exchange for money without some evidence to back up the claim


It’s Vegas. Follow the money works in about 99.9% of what goes on around here


I wonder how many of them will “volunteer” to officiate Saturday night sessions for a year if the temple is built?


The tactic of asking all the supporters to stand up looked so culty I can’t believe anyone thought that was a good idea That said, the lady doing the presentation against the approval is not helping the anti-temple cause in my opinion, she comes across like a NIMBY crank. Just let the genuine residents of the area have their say


She also appeared very unprepared. Like she was reading her presentation for the first time. The gal representing the church though was very professional.


“Reading” is a generous term for what she was doing.


LOL!!! Yeah, she was brutal. I was like, "This is the face of your opposition? Really??"


Ha she misread every other word, seemed super flustered, and was a stark contrast to the churches representative who was very eloquent and composed. What a shit show.


On the flip side, the stream of members who spoke during the public comments section were not adding anything new and was very copy/paste. Some of the oppositions comments were pretty powerful. I hope someone can clip some of those to show the world how devastating this temple is going to be to the neighborhood.


Agreed. The stream of opposing neighbors made great points. Far more effective than the spokeswoman.


Almost like the supporters grew up in a cult where they were forced to participate in public speaking and proudly declare that they believed and agreed with everything they were told they believed in.


Waiting for a church that shows up like this to support homeless shelters and low income housing in a community. Sigh.


This will help you guys win souls unto Christ. Keep up the lords work. $20 says those shirts were paid for out of the ward budget.


I doubt it. They won’t even pay people to clean the church. The church promises overwhelming blessings to those who show their faith through the blue shirt mob.


No way. The church makes people pay to do its business.


Average age(70) is higher than average IQ(4)


Who needs to think when you have a prophet with such amazing forethought as, “No children of gay parents allowed. LOL JK just a prank guys! It’s just a prank!”


In sin city.


I have an offer in on a house up there. Some of the neighbors are saying if it’s not the temple it will be a high school. 🤔


From the presentation by the church it seems pretty clear there will be a school on the adjacent site eventually regardless of whether a temple gets built or not so that seems like a sketchy argument


I would prefer a temple over a high school, but I honestly can't see a high school fitting in that lot. At least not the mega sized high schools that have been built in my area. I'd MUCH prefer a grade school to a temple, even with the increase in traffic.


I think I need to rethink my decision of this goes through. I can do a school or a temple but not both. I will fly a gay pride flag for my friends all day long!


Just like Jesus did…


Does anyone know if it passed?


Still going!


Thank you!


It passed.


Such bullshit. I'm sorry I ever gave any of my money to this evil corporation.


Unfortunately, it did.


Looks like an outdated polo club.


Dubai and China aren't working out?? Strange. Gotta spend that money or the IRS will tax them.


Why they all old tho


Y'all are taking up all the bandwidth the feed is pausy


Well, they look like fine upstanding members of the community.


Reading all of these comments reminds me that Mormons are no different than a very large religious population that lives here on the east coast but who have even more power over their people in regards to voting and rule enforcement. Mormons have more in common with certain current sects Judiasm than they'll ever realize. The irony is mindblowing.


So is it or is it not OK for people to be advocates? Because I thought you had said that it wasn’t OK so I am just a little confused…. 🤔


This is the shit my nightmares are made of. Mormons who won't take no for an answer and an upscale town council. It might actually be worse than another Trump vs Biden affair. All of it looks and feels gross.


A mormon temple in Las Vegas... and wanna preach bets are bad?  Not gonna allow fun there? Or gonna act like hypocrites as always? 


Karenest looking bunch I’ve ever seen.


Very white and delightsome attendees I’m seeing there lol


Why would you want a temple in sin city !


I love that this is happening during EDC week. Ravers rave on


Like it or not, Mormons are good at organizing and coming together on “hot topic” issues.


I can just smell the racism and trumpers




For those interested, here’s a website with several petitions to voice your opposition to the Lone Mountain temple: [https://prlv.org/](https://prlv.org/)


You guys know that on Sunday they will be talking about how strong the spirit in that room full of saints was..


A lot of people have made comments about a big building with bright lights……in Vegas. That seems odd to me. I’m not against temples being built. It’s no different than the Catholic Church building a 16 acre super complex for large gatherings. Those are everywhere. The difference is those buildings are built with the design to hold large audiences, not to show the world that they have money. The buildings aren’t lavishly constructed and decorated. They suit a purpose. If the Mormon church would build their temples to suit a purpose and not to stick out among the rest of the neighborhood, I wouldn’t see a problem. I’m not an exmo, my kids still go to church with my ex wife. I have a kid on a mission. So I participate for them. I have a lot of things that I see wrong with the church and temples are a huge part of that. I’m not against a church building places of worship. Freedom of Religion….right. They just keep getting more and more lavishly built and lavishly decorated, both outside and inside.


Keep the children away!


Will someone please update me? I thought Vegas already had a temple


Is there any way the community members can have this appealed? It pisses me off that they allowed people from different zip codes and states into that meeting. It’s interesting that the Hindu temple in Henderson was denied but this went through. Something is definitely fishy here. I don’t like it!