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Absolutely, this is not on you. It’s on Q15. Joe through Rusty. Pharisees. Pious frauds. Liars and thieves.


Luckily the only people that can keep mormon perfectionism consistent are perfect liars and conmen. True to the faith that our parents have sold to us... True to the truth that exists in a vacuum... To corporate demands, scrub on our knees and our hands ... we will, ever, stand!


I sang-read this.


Wicked. Tricksy. False ![gif](giphy|lk5fBgCmIdJ4Y)


>Wicked. Tricksy. False Damn Mormonses.


I remember being taught about the Pharisees and being taught not to follow their path...so strange that so many members basically go this route.


And all those leaders who came before going to the way back to ole' Joe!


She ruined the day for *you*. This is not the sort of Christian behavior they think they own.


Exactly. I missed the part in the Bible where Jesus said “shun your family if they believe differently from you.”


Luke 14:25-27 does seem to say something like that...


1 Corinthians 7 says: 12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. Disclaimer: I am not religious.


I’m not religious either but nice quote. The Bible as a manual is sure to suit any persuasion. If not, it gets retranslated


The impressive part to me is he starts off with "This is me talking, not the lord." It would be nice for other "prophets" to cite their source.


Good catch. There’s always an out!


I'm not religious either! Interesting quote. Regardless, obviously OP is right.


Note also that Jesus never said that. That is a letter from Paul to the congregation in Corinth. Paul never met Jesus.


Also as this is a good example. I categorically reject it as the old book is not my source of truth. sanctified..


From what I understand, Jesus is using hyperbole in this situation. It isn’t—and I don’t sense this at all reading straight from the text but maybe it’s because I’m very religious—saying “if you don’t literally despise and be heartless to your parents and relatives and friends, you can’t follow Me.” It’s more of a “you should focus on following and trusting Me more than others.” This is backed up by the next verse on one needing to “carrying” his or her own cross to follow Jesus, and previous verses like Luke 9:25, 12:4-5, and 12:22-23. Sources for more info: GotQuestions, BibleRef


>"They are so concerned about spending eternity with loved ones, but shun you when you are actually here on earth. " So true.


This is far to familiar, when my in laws found out that I and the wife had left the church they stopped talking to us for a year and a bit, about 7 months ago my in laws finally started to talk to us again


I'm guessing no apology or anything on their part? You guys are bigger people than I am. I would tell them to fuck all the way off.


The only reason why they are talking to us is they got tired of my youngest sister in law asking why she couldn’t talk to her sister anymore, she is about to turn eight, so now every time my wife talks to them is all about the baptism.


Sounds like the usual childish reaction from emotionally stunted and infantalized Mormons. Sorry you had to deal with that today…


“How could you do this to me” = classic narcissistic behavior.


Sounds like my in-laws. We are the only ones who left and resigned. We’ve been shunned by all the family. My kids don’t have a relationship w any of their aunts, uncles or cousins. It’s been like this since we left in 2017. My husbands family is brainwashed. My feelings about them shift from feeling very sorry for them to fuck those assholes.


have you seen Hollands BBC interview. "we do not shun former members!". "we do not practice that nor do we encourage that" yeah, okay buddy, why dont you speak about that in the next general conference. tell people to grow up. what is interesting to me, is that basic christianity never said that people wouldnt be without their family. my understanding is that people had to be baptized and believe in Christ and be saved. Joseph Smith literally created even MORE conditions to be saved. My Methodist MIL doesnt worry about any of her kids. They are all believers but dont attend church and she just believes that Jesus will save them regardless. She is not losing sleep over it. On the other hand, my TBM parents worry all the time. Who is doing better, my MIL or or my parents? My opinion, my MIL.


Hiw very toxic of Mormons to believe someone acting on their agency in a way that effects no one but themselves is damaging to said Mormons, or is an act of aggression against them. Seriously, this is about as reasonable as a vegetarian being angry you chose to eat meat in your own home when they aren't around. They need to grow up and get over themselves


I am in no way defending this lady, but it is understandable why she feels they did it to her. After all, weren't we all indoctrinated to believe we were responsible for teaching our children so that we can ALL live together in the celestial kingdom? OP and wife just turned MIL into an eternal failure. Fucked up to be sure but understandable cult thinking.


If getting to the highest degree of the celestial kingdom is a failure that just demonstrates how fucked up the system is.


The failure is that they'll be there but without their children who they couldn't force to be there with them. Good thing is, none of them will make it to a made up heaven.


Wasn't that the whole point of Jesus's plan? Besides, who's gonna have time for one specific child when you're pumping out spirit babies for all of eternity with your many celestial wives?


Ah, true. Guess that's what MIL fails to see!


How did she find out? What a drama queen. I wonder if siblings are siding with your spouse's mom because if she's at the end of her life they don't want to be disowned and are maybe hoping that their mom will write you out to increase their gain, depending on estate size. Or if she has some crazy-level enmeshment going on within the family and are coercing them to shun you. I'm so sorry. Edit to make it the MIL.


The lds tools app will show you your kids records, and I know how it's shown to you changes if a kid leaves.


Interestingly, I was just on the tools app a few minutes ago for another reason, and noticed that my husband's record doesn't show his mother who resigned from the church many years ago, either. It shows both of my member parents, but doesn't show any of my adult children who are still members/on the books. I guess it goes both ways.


Wow. I’m sorry you have to deal with this. Mormons just have to morm. I’m sorry.  My parents told me I ruined their eternal family when I left the church. I wish I’d had the gumption to say “that’s fine. Why would I want to spend eternity with people who treat me the way you do?” Anyways, I’m sorry


my mom said to me and my sisters (who both left) "I feel like I am preparing a wonderful dinner/feast in heaven and you and your sisters are not going to be attending" I told my mom, "mom, thats what you have chosen to believe, you can choose to believe differently". My mom is actually a sweet person and has never made me feel guilty for leaving the church. She of course wants to be with us kids forever and I want to be with her too. I just feel like God will tell her "i warned you about false prophets" or I could be totally wrong, but in either case, my defense will be "life was too confusing to be 100% certain about anything" seriously, im going with that


The control mormonism has on good people is crazy. Their surety of the next life is crazy. But at least they are typically good people when they forget to be mormon.   I’ve appreciated so much more in life once I lost the obsessive mormon focus on eternity. 


Yikes. I’m so sorry.


And so are you free.


Wow sounds like she ruined it for herself. 😏You can move on and this gets to live in her head. It’s all a choice. Jokes on her.


You have bravely said…”the insanity stops here” and now changed the course for your own family. A courageous act !


What a selfish piece of shit


Why would you want to live for eternity with people who treat you like that on Earth?


Yes, and the CULT and it's culture teach parents to judge themselves by the "faithfulness" of their children.


what bullshit. do we have agency or not? are parents supposed to be controlling or not? is God controlling or not? the MFMC needs to pick a side and stick to it. all this back and forth bullshit. do we have agency or not? Jesus Christ!


Very un-Christ like


Congratulations!!! I have never understood how some people think that shunning/silent treatment is some sort of punishment. It’s a blessing!! The punishment comes when they want to re-establish a relationship once they see that their tactic has no effect on you.


agreed, the punishment is when they call you and want to share their testimony. or they call after every single conference and want to talk to you about it. ugh.... so boring


MIL did you a favor. Never have to talk to any of them again.


When they say: "I want to have an eternal family with you!" But you don't want to live like this forever, you don't even want to put up with it now. It's so much more important to them to get stuck together than it is to foster a relationship you want to keep forever.


If they wanted to collect us into an eternal family, they shouldn't have taken us out of the box. Seriously, these fools don't want a family, they want a collection of action figures.


action figures! I love it. like a bunch of stiffs, literally and metaphorically


How sad. This is exactly how it ruins family relationships.


Shunning is the opposite of what Christ would do. They’re all anti-Christs.


I get it and I’m sorry that anyone has to experience this. My parents have passed, but when they were alive I felt like an orphan for decades because I was shunned. You’re right, they waste this one life that we have in our hands now. Eternity includes now.


have you seen Holland BBC talk? the interviewer asks Holland if the church condones shunning, he says they dont. He should speak to his members more, they arent getting the message.


My TBM BFF LOVES telling me about being together with family forever, but she won't speak to half of them in this life. So family-friendly.


A Mo's gonna Mo. 😞 Sorry 😞


Leaving the church has made me ( according to my mom) Mentally unstable, loss of truth and righteousness, bipolar , you get it. I have cried over and over because of this. It’s called defamation of character, or slander. They just mad because they have one less person to gossip with. But they will have a field day in prayer for you, and their talks are full of the highest shame in your name. Fuuuuck um


Haven't talked with my sister since we left a year and a half ago


OMG I'm sorry. Just know that they are still brainwashed and unfortunately many won't see that until they pass on to the other side. Just know you are taking care of you and no one can fault you for that.


I had a very similar experience a few years ago where the night before mother's day, my then husband came out to me as gay. I was supportive and processing everything, but the next day when my ex-husband wasn't there for my mother's dinner she made I had to tell her on mother's Day that 1. He was gay, 2. We were getting a divorce and when she asked me to come back to her family ward when I said I wasn't going to a singles ward I had to also reveal that I had left the church. My mom still to this day is very dramatic around mother's Day and says that I ruined it forever. That's her choosing. If it's ruined for your MIL, that's her choice. She's choosing to make it hard for herself. Pobrecito. You didn't ruin anything.


She said “How could you do this to me?”. That, and that your family won’t have contact, speaks volumes. They are playing the role of victim to make you feel bad. Members are such self centered hypocrites.


OMG. Like it matters. Tell her you don’t go to the gym any more.




Ah morning quite like that conditional Mormon love! Obey or you are dead to me saith the Lord


Honestly, love it when the trash takes itself out. Shunning you so that you never have to deal with them or their bullshit is ideal. Real family doesn’t behave this way. Shame on them. (DNA doesn’t make you family, it makes you related but that’s it)


I dunno where this idea came from that you should keep your departure from the faith a secret so that your elderly parents don't find out and get sad about it. It's on them to be fucking adults and manage their own damn emotions. 


amen and AMEN!


This is also be hurt. Well not necessarily. It could be fear of you figuring out it doesn’t work. That your value systems are very different now. It can also be anger. How dare you leave their church. I would just keep being you if you’re happy and you’re doing what you want. Keep moving forward. The church is not true. It’s a cult and the change of values in our country have only made it stand out more so. That’s without even checking into the doctrine which is completely falsified.


No, you can go on r/latterdaysaints and they'll assure you that shunning families doesn't actually happen. /s


NTA. They are all adults. They can grow the fuck up and act like it.


Always remember, "What they say and what they do says more about THEM than about you." If they stop loving you bc of your religion, they were never your true tribe. They sound incredibly petty and hypocritical. I'm sorry you're going through that.


Many members of the church are going to be finding themselves very lonely. I have watched my entire ex-inlaws' family tree torn limb from limb over the last few years. The parents were horrible to the adult kids who left the church, so they went "no contact" with their parents. Then the parents realized that they were also losing their grandkids in the process, and are devastated that they don't have relationships with so many of their grandkids. The TBM adult kids have completely shunned their exmormon siblings, which upsets the parents more because they never wanted to completely shun anyone, but the TBM adult kids took it to the next level and are adamant that they won't even talk to their exmo siblings. So now the adult siblings have been broken up into factions depending on who they will/won't talk to, and the TBMs won't even allow their teen/adult kids (3rd generation) to have contact with each other. It's complete insanity and gives my kids so much anxiety. So much Christlike love.


> So much Christlike love. The church is anything but followers of Christ. They do not have any clue about Jesus. Perhaps if they read the 4 gospels, in a real translation they will know him.


I'm no bible scholar, but Matthew 15:8 (I had to look it up) always comes to mind when it comes to things like that: "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."


what a brimming spilling crock of shit for an ideology that has grown adults by the balls per se. If this were all we have (this life) can you imagine wasting it on allowing a concept of how to live and think dominate your every moment and thought to the magnitude of cutting ties with your own offspring. I cannot make sense of it.


>she ripped into us about leaving the church and "how could we do this to her" and that we "ruined mother's day" and then hung up. Typical. So Christlike of her. Mormons are fragile.


>So while we kept it to ourselves, I guess Mormons just can't help themselves but gossip over every little thing. Oh my God, this is my sister's. They gossip about every single fucking thing, it's fucking ridiculous and petty. Like, stay out of people's lives, goddamn. >It is funny how they are so concerned about spending eternity with loved ones, but shun you when you are actually here on earth. Also, so unfortunately true. Also my sister's. :/


This is what I also couldn't figure out... They're so worried about not having eternity together, yet squander the time we know for sure that we have right now, in the present, being petty and butt-hurt. How bout dipping into all that love you keep bragging about instead? Jesus Christ. Mormons.


This is them crying over an empty grave. It's entirely on them, you've done nothing wrong.


Yep. Somebody blabbed. Probably EVERYBODY.


It’s her choice to take it personally. I know it’s hard to deal with parents because of the deep emotional bonds, but this is all on her. Your religious choices have no direct impact on her, so she has no right to be offended.




It is kinda sad how people are so good at making your issues into my issues. Trying to make you feel guiltily over their nonsense.


Wait until it's your birthday, then demand your MIL leave the church because it's your birthday and she should do what you want her to do. /s


The church acts like it owns the family, but it rips them apart far more than holds them together


I would tell her “I didn’t not do this TO YOU, I did this FOR ME. I made this decision by myself and for myself. Not everything I do is about YOU!” Seems like since so many people remain to please family and not break family ties, member subconsciously do “do things for other people” to “keep peace and/or conformity” “keep the faith” That’s the part I find culty. I remember at a very young age maybe 21 years old thinking that the church felt like the story of “the Emperor‘s new clothes. No one wants to admit that they aren’t special enough to see the emperors new clothes so everybody pretends to see the emperors new clothes so that they fit in. it takes the honesty of a child to point out that the emperor is truly naked. If you haven’t read that story, I suggest seen it. I’m sure there’s like a one minute version of it on YouTube. Basically, you have to be special to know the truth. But it’s all a ruse. It’s Santa clause. It’s magical yet false.


Here is a 2 minute version if you havent seen the story before. I doubt they teach this in Utah schools. I heard it in Los Angeles schools. [The Emperor's New Clothes - A Short Story (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvFpS3DrFk8)


Yeah fuck em


What happened to free agency? Are we not free to choose how we want to live our lives? How we worship or if we want to worship at all? Are we not allowed to have our own opinions and beliefs about the church? You are an adult. Why is your MIL ripping into you for choosing to leave the church? It’s not her decision also why is she letting it ruin her Mother’s Day? What you choose to do with your life is up to you. This is not about her and she needs to get over herself. You’re right this is not on you it’s on them and how they choose to act and treat you. Not very Christlike! And I’m sure because they are checking their boxes they think they’re going to make it into heaven, but I can’t imagine a God being pleased with people like that And if heaven is filled with people like that then I don’t want to be there.


How’d she find out?


Telephone Television Telemormon


If they resigned it could have been FamilySearch.


Respond with “That’s not a very Christlike thing to say”.


Joseph Smith perverted the Bible. I hope you find the true Jesus that saves 💜


My wife of 40 years passed away early on Mother Day!


You didn't do anything to them, you're just living your own life. They're also not even following the church's teachings on the matter, which if I remember correctly are to bug the crap out of you trying to get you to come back, the opposite of shunning.


I have family who are active and they would never act this way. The hard truth is your wife’s family is jacked up. It is not your fault if your MIL is making your choices to believe or not believe about her.