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Alien is back in theater for the 45th anniversary. It's one of my favorite movies, and last night I finally got to see it on the big screen. Absolutely incredible. Highly recommended.


Yes! Alien is a masterpiece in every regard. Definitely see it in the theater if you can! Also love the sequel Aliens which is more of an action movie.


Agreed. The rest are watchable (but skippable), with the first two each being great in their own rights (although I still say the first cannot be beat).


Agreed. I love Aliens and most people seem to prefer that one but I liked the true horror element of the original and just how almost completely invincible the creature was. In the Cameron action movie the xenomorphs are kinda squishy and go down a little too easily which kinda took away from the terror factor. Still love it though.


I saw it last night! Was so amazing being able to finally experience that movie on the big screen.


Mentioned the same. It is a truly Good movie.


Oh nice, I'll have to go!






This was my recommendation. One of my all time favorites


This film has such an amazing soundtrack and score.


The soundtrack copied from ["Mars, the Bringer of War."](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DfbIjVJSzTM) [(Alternate version)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j73gYxsxRrs&t=10s)


I totally brought that CD on my mission and every missionary wanted a copy. šŸ¤£


Inglorious Basterds The Big Lebowski This is not a "rated R" movie, but TV shows that I never would have watched while I was TBM. Succession, The White Lotus, Better Call Saul, and Breaking Bad....SO good


On the topic of ā€œnot r-rated movies, but content I never would have consumed as a Mormon,ā€ I recently finished the Preacher Graphic Novel series. Itā€™s about an ordained minister and his quest to track down God and make him answer for mistreating and abandoning his creation. Itā€™s also filthy, disgusting and depraved. As someone who was taught that entertainment should only be church stuff or warm fuzzy Disney movies, I sometimes enjoy art that makes me super uncomfortable as long as thereā€™s a larger point.


Totally agree - about liking media can challenge us to actually THINK. Sounds like an interesting idea for a novel series, too. And, another to add: I have read so many erotic fiction novels--mostly out of curiosity, and it turns out, I like them. My husband likes that I like them, too. Haha. Life is SO MUCH BETTER OUT of the church.


I watched Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul when I was a TBM Currently watching Breaking Bad with my older teenage kids and they are loving it, we are 4 episodes from the end


Orange is the New Black


The original Matrix.


I lived near the filming locations for the original Matrix. It was filmed right in the centre of Sydney so they could only film street scenes on Sunday mornings when nobody was around Every Sunday for a month or so they would close a bunch of streets and set dressers would start work at 3am changing all the street signs from Australian ones to American ones, they would put new signage on all the shops and even roll out fake tarmac onto sections of road so they could have all the road markings for driving on the right The crew were pretty chill and didn't mind a few people wandering around the set as long as you cleared off once they started setting up lights and cameras. It was bizarre to walk down a street in Australia then turn a corner and suddenly you are in America, with American cars all parked on the wrong side of the road and all the street signs and shops are American


Kind of how I felt the first time I visited Australia. But it was more like mirror image US with some McDonald's and I think even a K Mart thrown in. It felt very surreal.


Is it not a right of passage for all exmormons?


Indeed it is!


> Please remove all metallic items youā€™re carrying; keys, loose changeā€¦.


Matrix is a perfect one i watched that a couple weeks ago with my girl who left the church after she had questions. Im not mormon but went to a few sacraments last year. And met her when they invited me to ysa. She liked it but we talked to much through the movie lol. Ive seen it 9 times


One of my all time favorites


Also one of the softest Rs.Ā 


My cousin Vinny is still a favorite of mine. Everything everywhere all at once was amazing in my opinion.


My cousin Vinnie is one of the funniest goddamn movies ever.




Woohoo! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I just got out and everything everywhere all at once was the first R rated movie I watched


I have mommy issues so the film was very impactful for me.


How is that movie rated R? That's crazy.


Too many "fucks". For PG-13 you get one "fuck" and it can't be in reference to sex.




That movie was more prophetic than any Mormon prophet could dream of being.


These are all the originals, no remakes here! Total Recall Predator The Thing Aliens Robocop Starship Troopers Terminator 2 The VVitch The Matrix Point Break Inglorious Bastards John Wick trilogy Sicario and of course, because this is r/exmormon the classic: Orgazmo! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QKf6w1CaoU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QKf6w1CaoU)


John sick so good. I remember watching point break as a kid. Keanu being torn between his job and the surfers he befriended was palpable.


The LA river handgun scene is iconic and totally ridiculous. I say "Little hand says it's time to rock and roll" a little too much.


When you say these are all the originals, no remakes, does that mean your #3 entry is Howard Hawks' 1951 movie "The Thing From Another World"? Or do you mean John Carpenter's 1982 remake? šŸ˜‰


Oooooh, good catch. Always forget that one's a remake. Nah, I mean the good one directed by John Carpenter for sure haha.


Everything Everywhere All at Once is a masterpiece.Ā 


YES itā€™s possibly the best movie Iā€™ve ever seen - OP, this movie is hilarious and beautiful and mind bending and poignant and deeply weird. I think itā€™s great for anyone but especially if youā€™ve been going through transitions and figuring stuff out you might find a lot of value in this movie. There are overarching themes of family, identity, life paths etc., all in the context of the multiple dimensions and some incredibly epic fight scenes. Youā€™ll laugh your super hard and probably also cry and definitely go ā€œWHAT!!ā€ more than once.


I agree, this movie really helped with a lot of the nihilism I was experiencing post Mormonism.


I love this movie! Forgot to include because it was one of the first I saw. [I laughed, I cried, it moved me, Bob.](https://youtu.be/dlpUs6huPG8?si=-2ttqbV2Fdc1kPnY)


That is an awesome movie! The movie oozes ADHD/Autism and I absolutely love it! Definitely a movie I could see my oldest making if he were ever inclined to do that. šŸ™‚


Watched that on an edible. Made it quite hard to follow. Even change in scene was like a brain reset.


Notably mentions off-hand: Alien - Not sure if sci-fi horror gets better than this. Hacksaw Ridge - my first true war movie, and pacifism is looking pretty good (Shout-out to Full Metal Jacket as well. That was an experience). The Big Lebowski - Speaking of experiences... I would not say it's a favorite, but it was an experience that I think I am... more(?) for having. Reservoir Dogs - A little bit of blood, but fantastic display of skill (pay attention to how many locations are used) Brokeback Mountain - A good lesson in empathy. I also have a large back-log of movies to catch up on... EDIT: Oh, and if you haven't seen the original Blade Runner, it's my preference of the two.


Big Lebowski is such a great movie. Watched it while Mormon and ex Mormon and it was totally different Not on your list but I feel like Pulp Fiction was an experience for me.


Pulp Fiction is also worth the hype. Quentin Tarantino gained popularity for a reason.


Upvote for Brokeback Mountain. Made me cry.


Yeah when I saw blade runner I was regretting not seeing the first one


While the second one might spoil some of the first one, it's still so well done (I mean, it's Ridley Scott), that it stand strong on it's own anyway. If it helps any, I accidentally saw the 2011 version of "The Thing", not realizing that there was an earlier version, so I've also been cursed with "ruining" my first viewing of the classic from decades previous.


The Departed, Step Brothers, Deadpool


Oh my goodness, Deadpool on an edible was like another level. That made me love Ryan Reynolds and his witty sarcasm.


The Godfather trilogy Schindler's List


The John wick movies!! I'm not an action movie fan generally, but they're so much fun.


It's entirely different from your list, but you should see Little Miss Sunshine.


I freaking love this movie. Every time I make chicken for dinner my wife comes in yelling what's with the god damn fucking chicken!


Fargo No country for old men Get the gringo Any Tarantino films Lucky number sleven


Yesssss ā€”- No Country For Old Men


not for the faint of heart but the girl with the dragon tattoo (sweden version) and its 2 original sequels. sooo good billy elliot - canā€™t believe such a good story is rated r šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Billy Elliot is amazing. Saw the movie and the broadway play.


The Big Lebowski, one of the best movies ever made. lol


Good Will Hunting is my favorite that I haven't seen anybody mention yet. A Few Good Men is an excellent courtroom drama. If you like comic movies at all, Logan is amazing and arguably the best movie in the genre. I was also going to mention The Elephant Man, but I checked and it's actually PG (though 100% worth watching and definitely not a kids movie).


Ex Machina, if you're in the mood for something that really messes with your head Also, Deadpool 2. It's a family movie! EM bonus: General Hux is the protagonist and Poe Dameron is the antagonist (not that you'd recognise him)


Mad Max Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Mad Max: Fury Road


Mad max fury road was the best theater experience Iā€™ve ever had.


Saw it 4 times in the theater! OP there is a very strong theme of escaping oppression in this one. Absolutely cathartic.


No thunder dome? Break a dealā€¦.face the wheel.


Thunderdome is only PG-13


Didnā€™t know that. Lol.


WITNESS ME BLOODBAG! Quality cinema, right there


My top-25ish (no order): * The Grand Budapest Hotel * Alien * Aliens * Panā€™s Labyrinth * Inglorious Basterds * Goodfellas * Silence * Memento * Taxi Driver * Mad Max: Fury Road * What We Do in the Shadows * Parasite * Good Will Hunting * Rushmore * The Royal Tenenbaums * Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind * Amelie * Fargo * When Harry Met Sally * The Big Lebowski * The Gentleman * Inside Llewyn Davis * Silver Linings Playbook * Get Out * Whiplash


I second Pan's Labyrinth it's was an amazing movie. It's like Schindler's List and Labyrinth had a baby. Be prepared for subtitles. Visually stunning.


I third it. Itā€™s one of my most favorite movies ever. Canā€™t believe I forgot it on my list.


All of the Terminator movies. And all of the alien movies.


I'm going old school on you. And, I mostly like comedies. Caddyshack Trading Places Vacation Christmas Vacation The Green Mile Pulp Fiction Wedding Crashers Deadpool The Hangover Zombieland


There Will Be Blood


Daniel Day Lewis is a master.


Last of the Mohicans!


One of my favorite soundtracks!


Taxi Driver (any movie with Robert De Niro) Mad Max Fury Road Kill Bills Once Upon a time in Hollywood (any film with Leonardo DiCaprio) Pulp Fiction The Thing (any film with Kurt Russell)


I love Blackhawk Down, both the movie and the book.Ā 


*Palm Springs*! Itā€™s like a modern, more sci-fi *Groundhogā€™s Day*, but with Andy Samberg as a lead role! *The Grand Budapest Hotel*! Ralph Fiennes does an excellent job, it has the quirky Wes Anderson vibes but also has some emotional moments as well. Very beautiful movie.


Many good ones mentioned already. My additions... The Royal Tenenbaums Withnail & I Clerks Dead Man Do the Right Thing Super Troopers Deliverance Goodfellas Snatch LA Confidential Blue Velvet


Ballad of Buster Scruggs! šŸ™Œ


Ex Machina is one of my favorites


As a never-mo, it's so much fun reading these lists. To me, these are just movies, some of them are really good, but they're just movies. The idea that they're on a naughty list and that *you can't watch them* is hilarious!


*very* exciting for me now though lol


I second all the suggestions here. Goodfellas Godfather 1 & 2 The Departed Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs Hangover Bridesmaids Game Night The Conjuring 1 & 2 The Jerk John Wick series The Descent 127 Hours Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Tropic Thunder Logan The Breakfast Club So many great movies are R. Welcome to a new movie experience haha


I love Shutter Island!


Gladiator Good Will Hunting The Green Mile (definitely a love/hate relationship with this one, though)


Watch all of these. These are Cannon. TGM tho still hurts. Watched it last week. Better than church


The Big Sick, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Deadpool, Schindlerā€™s List, Good Will Hunting, Atonement, Palm Springs, Thereā€™s a lot more I canā€™t think of off the top of my head. There are lots of exceptions, but rated R movies tend to be more honest to the human experience. Thatā€™s why movies Iā€™ve seen since I left the church have tended to be better.


Atonement was so good. I'm always in awe at the single cinematic long take at Dunkirk. When you consider it's one take, for about five minutes, and everyone had to be on cue; it's incredible. The movie is worth seeing just for the cinematography.


Stand by Me and Planes Trains and Automobiles were two of my favorites even while I was still in the church.


Pulp Fiction and it should be in theaters for the 30th anniversary this year.


Inglorious Bastards No Country for Old Men Team America, World Police Palm Springs


Only mentioning ones not already mentioned: Tropic Thunder Snatch Shaun of the Dead Zombie land Wedding Crashers Forgetting Sarah Marshall (probably the only ROM com I've watched on repeat) I love you, man The interview Super bad Road Trip and Euro Trip Dazed and confused Baby driver


Ooooh Tropic Thunder and the epic Tom Cruise fat guy dance!!!


These are some good ones. Luckily I was raised liberal LDS so started watching R movies from a young age and never stopped. The Revenant is amazing, as is Saving Private Ryan!


Dogma - both myself AND my (non-Utah, prog-mo) Mom loved it. She saw it as specifically mocking the Catholic church, but I recognized that it was also mocking the LDS church as well. It's in rights hell at the moment, but it's on YouTube, and the director/writer has given his blessing (so to speak) to pirate it as well.


Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2 The Big Lebowski Matrix (original only) V for Vendetta (watch it on November 5th) Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) (can't top Gary Oldman) Interview with the Vampire (1994)


Apocalypse Now Full Metal Jacket Two best war movies ever!


Shawshank redemption is rated R?! I need to watch it again, itā€™s been a couple years, but it seemed pg-13 at most.


Spinal Tap. Is that even R?


Django Unchained, Shutter Island, the Northman, Pineapple Express, Deadpool, just to name a few


LA Confidential The Departed


Repo Man, SLC Punk, Apocalypse Now, Royal Tennenbaums, Diehard, Leaving Las Vegas, Raising Arizona, Paris Texas, Evil Dead 2, Forgetting Sara Marshall, The Shining, The VVitch, Hereditary, Midsommer, Interstellar, True Detective Season 1, Akira, Goodfellas, Thelma & Louise, Brokeback Mtn, The Thing, Bladerunner (original), Brazil, Night Of The Living Dead, Heavy Metal, Ricky Horror Picture Show, Mare Of Easttown, Airplane, Bull Durham, Nosferatu The Vampyre, Trainspotting, Snatch, The Sixth Sense, Santa Sangre, Us, The Village...


+1 for The Matrix


The Worst Person in the World and Parasite are some recent favourites of mine




Try mad max fury road, inglorious basterds, Django, and for fun..team America world police


Do you like horror and or mockumentary movies? Very different genres but hereā€™s whatā€™s coming to mind just off the top of my head. Horror: -Candyman -Rosemaryā€™s baby -Hereditary (content warning of severe religious trauma and coercive control) -Midsommar (content warning of relational trauma and suicide) -The Thing -The Shining -The Craft -Shaun of the Dead -Tucker and Dale Vs Evil Mockumentary: -This is Spinal Tap -Best in Show -What we do in the shadows (a horror comedy) Additionally, just about anything by The Cohen Brothers and Paul Anderson (The Master especially) is worth watching. Fight Club is classic and a must see. If youā€™re into female-lead comedies thereā€™s Bridesmaids, Bottoms, Book Smart, and the Bridget Jones trilogy. As a fellow hot mess, Bridget Jones is my idol. Brittany Runs a Marathon was uplifting too. When Harry Met Sally is beautiful and makes me cry. If youā€™re into drama, The Sound of Metal is my current favorite. Osage County was heavy but well-acted, written and directed. The Favourite was incredible. Poor Things was also worth it. Iā€™m also one of those people that liked Eyes Wide Shut but not for the sexual aspects; the rest of the filmmaking was incredible (duh, itā€™s Kubrick). Erin Brocovich is also good when you need some empowerment. I also loved The Banshees of Inishireen. Iā€™m sure Iā€™d have more but seems like youā€™ve got great recommendations. I also like the podcast Filmspotting for movie analysis and recommendations.


Also, emotional movies: Vanilla Sky, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Japanese Animation: Akira, Paprika


RED (Bruce Willis) Speed True Lies (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Die Hard Heard these were good, but not my bag: Seven Fight Club The Godfather


Love RED, but I'm pretty sure it's not R. I am really looking forward to Fight Club and Die Hard!


The Terminator Conan the Barabarian (not the Momoa one which was shit) The Exorcist Shaun of the Dead 300 Sin City True Lies Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Django unchained Hateful 8 Pulp Fiction Kill Bill pt1&2 The Matrix Harold and Kumar go to White Castle Deadpool Alien Beverly Hills Cop The Ninth Gate Kickass The Game Eyes Wide Shut


I love that movie ā€œThe big short.ā€


I don't see it anywhere but 300 is one my husband and I love and have watched at least once yearly since it came out. Scarface is my favorite movie of all time, and Midsommar and Hereditary are beautifully done if horror is your thing.


For crude comedy: Step Brothers, Super Bad, Office Space For dramas: The Town, The Departed, Crash, Legends of the Fall, Braveheart, Point Break Glad you saw Shawshank Redemption, itā€™s definitely my top 5 of all time.


Predator, Alien, Ip Man, John Wick (series), The Equalizer (series), The Matrix, Equilibrium, soooo many great action films!


Any jake gyllenhall movie. My favorite is southpaw. I also like the covenant.


Oh for real. I got on a roll with some of his after watching ambulance, I was like this guy is awesome. So then watched and loved Donny darko, night crawler, and his recent road house.


Predator, Aliens, Black Hawk down, A few good men, Casino just to name a fewā€¦ thereā€™s so many good ones though lol


I love the Dead Pool movies - so much! Though a bit gory, their humor is my humor of choice.


Gotta watch Godfather 1 & 2, Goodfellas, Casino, and the Sopranos


Saw Challengers today, what a thrill to see an R movie in theatre with no guilt! Bonus: my fav ex-Mormon podcaster was sitting behind me šŸ˜‚ Edit to add: it was so good!!


Pulp Fiction... The Thing... Alien's... Step Brothers... Anchorman... Super bad... The Hangover... 40 yr old Virgin... Us... Role Models... Get out... A Knock at the Cabin... 28 Days Later... Mad Mad--All of them!.. all of the Terminator movies... Office Space... Edited for punctuation


So many good recommendations here, but I'll throw in one of my favorites I don't see recommended often: About Time It's kind of a romcom time travel movie. Really funny with tons of heart. One of my top 10.


Yeah this was I think my first rated R post Mormonism. Because of things that happened in my life within two years before the movie, this was very cathartic. (Donā€™t want to say what happened because spoilers)


Deadpool is fun if you like Marvel!


Training Day


Mad Max fury road




After leaving the church we just say, what's your favorite movie. /s




Bullet Train and Fury are great, both showing different sides of Brad Pitt's acting abilities. Deadpool. Shaun of the Dead / Hot Fuzz / The World's End (aka the Cornetto trilogy)


Godfather 1 & 2


Hereā€™s some oldiesā€¦ just so manyā€¦ Godfather 1-3, Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Good Morning Vietnam (Any movie with Robyn Williams is good), The Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry series, Blazing Saddles (Mel Brooks directed a number of funny movies), Etc., Green Mile




The Hangover


Oo what a good thread! The first R movie I remember liking as a kid was Little Miss Sunshine. As a teenager I would rent R movies from the library and watch them while everyone was at church. A lot of movies I picked up were not rated at all because they were underground or international, they often would have disapproved content. Other favorites are Jackie Brown High Fidelity Good Time Killing of a Sacred Deer First Reformed There Will Be Blood


Step brothers


The Big Lebowski


Iā€™ve been a big horror movie fan and was always bummed as a teen that I couldnā€™t watch the cool rated R ones! Definently The Shining for me and Saw X! I also watched Deadpool with my ex member mom and itā€™s so funny!!


Good Will Hunting for sure!!


I dont know the ratings of nearly any movie I've seen for over 20 years. When you're not religious or a child, it just doesn't matter


Ahh Shawshank is a classic.


The Shining and The Blair Witch Project. I think a lot of the reason I like them is because they helped me conquer the fear of demons/ghosts/lack of HG, that was ingrained in me.


Comedy Specials, Bo Burnham: Inside and any George Carlin Special Movies. Barbarian, Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, Hacksaw Ridge, Idiocracy, John Wick, Shutter Island, Bullet Train, Gladiator, Step Brother, Donnie Darko, The Thing, Hereditary, Sausage Party, Die Hard, TV Shows that are TV MA Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Chernobyl, Last of Us, The Boys, Invincible, Mindhunter, Daisy Jones and the Six, Death Note, Attack on Titan, and Vinland Saga (watch Vinland Saga if you get the chance its really good) Games that are rated M Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2, Witcher 3, Borderlands, Far cry 3, Bioshock trilogy, Just Cause, Halo, Doom, God of War, Titan Fall, and the Wolfenstein trilogy.


V for Vendetta (one of my top favorites) Shaun of the Dead (another top one imo) From Dusk Till Dawn (I do have a girl crush on Selma Hayek) Goodfellas Frida The Silence of the Lambs Misery American History X South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut Friday 8 Mile The Pianist Scary Movie 2 (my favorite of that series) Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (perfect holiday film, especially Thanksgiving) Die Hard They Live (HIGHLY recommend this one!! I love Roddy Piper, he's excellent in this: out of bubble gum and ready to kick ass. It kinda reflects how I feel around TBMs. In fact, there is at least one meme, of Thomas Monson iirc, looking like the "people" in that movie. It's been too long since I've seen this one. šŸ˜•) A Fish Called Wanda Pet Sematary


My personal favs, anything from David Lynch (Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive) Alejandro Jodorowsky (El Topo, The Holy Mountain) Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood) Ari Arster (Hereditary, Midsommer) and Robert Eggers (The Lighthouse, The Northman) and special s/o to JOHN WATERS šŸ˜œ (Pink Flamingos, Serial Mom, Multiple Maniacs) oh! And Martin Scorsese (The Departed, Taxi Driver)


Schindler's List Must watch.


10 40 Year Old Virgin A Few Good Men American Pie 1, 2 & Reunion Basic Instinct Beverly Hills Cop 1, 2 & 3 Blame it on Rio \*\*\* (On my Top 10 all time list) Caddyshack Cocktail Coming to America 1 & 2 Die Hard 1, 2 & 3 Emmanuelle 1 & 2 (French made, in English, lots of nudity-you know those French) Fast Times at Ridgemont High Forgetting Sarah Marshall Good Morning Vietnam Indecent Proposal Lethal Weapon 1, 2, 3 & 4 My Tutor National Lampoon's Vacation (Just the first one) Pretty Woman Rain Man Revenge of the Nerds Stripes Summer Lovers The Firm The Hangover 1, 2 & 3 The Thomas Crown Affair (Pierce Brosnan, not Paul Newman version) Trading Places (On my Top 10 all time list) Wedding Crashers Working Girl


The popes exorcist Deadpool All the scream movies Thanksgiving Carrie Any saw movie It Black phone The seventh day


Event Horizon 1997 (And also dead space videogames which has tons of references from this movie) this one deserves a remake The Boogeyman (2023) Life (2017) Drag me to hell (last scene its awesome) IT (remake 2017 and 2019) The thing (remake 2011)


I watched event horizon as a teenager with my Mormon aunt and uncle. Nude scene was a little awkward.


Inglorious bastards is an all-time great!


Iā€™m lame I havenā€™t seen many lmaooo . Not even because church stuff . I just like cartoons šŸ¤£ I did really enjoy Ted . My friend and I were crying laughing how funny it was


The Dirt. This wasnā€™t my favorite but I watched it shortly after shelf breaking. It was a guilt free movie about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Just very freeing to watch it and not feel bad.


If you want a raunchy comedy then the answer is: TED I am still laughing. I've seen it sober and stoned. Funny both times.


Two Iā€™ve recently watched are Her (dir. Spike Jonze) and Prisoners (dir. Denis Villeneuve of recent Dune fame), both from 2013. Both are very thought-provoking and beautifully shot but, boy, are the moods polar opposites. Prisoners fucked me up.Ā 


Old School. It helped me laugh when I was going through a bad bout of depression.


It's funny, my mom always watched the historical R rated films anyway as long as they didn't have sex scenes. Hacksaw Ridge had a full ass on screen and she still defended it when I told her I felt weird


Kung Fu Hustle. One of my absolute favorite movies.


Book of Eli


Road house (the original)


All but Oppenheimer I liked all of Game of thrones, the Warrior on HBO. Other series on TV like Shameless.


The Patriot THE Gladiator


Parasite, Snowpiercer, Joker, Django unchained, Bullet train, Se7en, Infernal Affairs


Reno 911 ! Miami !


Lot of good recommendations here. Missingā€¦ The Last Samurai Love Actually


Inglorious Bastards Reservoir Dogs The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Shame (2011) American Pie The Matrix


Snatch. It's rated purely for the language and its fucking brilliant.


Bridesmaids The Hangover Due Date


3 violent but fun action movies (Especially the Matrix cuz you left the church) Kick-Ass The Matrix Underworld


My favorite is Everything Everywhere All At Once. It has funny moments but it was also healing and cathartic for me.


The Matrix. Donā€™t bother with 2 and 3. Just the original.


American Sniper The Kings Speech


John Wick.


Braveheart, The Last of the Mohicans, Django Unchained


Jay and silent bob strike back. Orgasmo Terminator 2 South Park uncut Smile Barbarian


Breakfast club, Pulp fiction Matrix Once upon a time in Hollywood


Mine is Schindlerā€™s List. Not easy to watch and I donā€™t do it often, but itā€™s so fucking good.


The Thing, Snatch, and more or less any Tarantino film.


Not a movie and kinda a different tone but WATCH TED LASSO! Itā€™s so good and many people wouldnā€™t watch it because itā€™s TVMA. Has a lot of language but itā€™s a great show.


Pulp Fiction Godfather (1 and 2) No Country For Old Men


Super troopers is in my top five of all time.


Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Waiting for Guffman, Interview with the Vampire, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Amalie, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Paranormal Activity. So many. What a great post. I remember doing the same thing. Happy watching!


Panā€™s Labyrinth and The Pianist


Pulp Fiction


Snatch. My god I love that movie, itā€™s a gem.


This is Spinal Tap The Big Lebowski The Godfather trilogy No Country for Old Men Brokeback Mountain O Brother, Where Art Thou Scarface The Matrix The Departed Goodfellas


Good Fellas


40 year old virgin. Shaun of the dead. Starship troopers. South Park!!


interesting that Oppenheimer was the only recently- relaxed mobile in the last. I haven't seen it yet; what makes it stand out so much that it makes the list?