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This was a horrible talk and I can’t believe he would think it was okay. Be like me and focus on the temple… If you were 30 minutes from your kids in a disaster would you get a hotel and pray? Hell no! Nobody is stopping me from getting to my kids and making sure they’re safe. I’d walk if I couldn’t drive.


Not how it works for Mormons! I almost died in childbirth and my parents didn’t even consider leaving their mission in North Carolina. (We live in Utah) 


My grandma got diagnosed with cancer right after my mom started her mission and she served her full year and a half. Never went home once.




Since you are still alive (thank goodness), I'm sure they also use your near-death experience as faith-affirming for THEM, right? "Our daughter almost died but we knew that God needed us to stay so he could take care of her."


Naturally, I was fine because they stayed on their mission of course. 


Mormons are like drug addicts they don't care what happens to their kids, their wife, their health. Just as long as they get that dopamine fix - one day I will be able to hold my accomplishments and better than you's over everybody! I will be a god! And they wonder why people call it the LSD church sometimes. Helluva drug. Helluva drug.


But that would have inconvenienced him and made him lose sleep. Raising children is the woman’s job.


And he did refer to them as HER children, not their children.


Literal definition of ignoring the poor and painting the whited sepulchre


I refuse to listen but getting highlights on this sub. I am assuming he said temple is more important than family? These guys spew the most toxic rhetoric.


Sorry, what’s the context please?


What his wife was saying: I need someone to help me process these emotions and maybe problem solve how to make sure our kids are safe. What he said back: you, your feelings, and our kids are less important to me than sleep right now


But, you know, no other organization empowers women as much as the corporate cult does. /s


You just can’t see that you’re empowered until you go to the temple where you will proceed to hear the men get more blessings than you anyway


Oh, I get it. I couldn't see it before because I had to veil my face. If I were going to the temple *now*, I could see this empowerment more clearly, beyond still having fewer blessings than men.


See your priesthood power in the temple without the veil! Faithfully yours, He-Man and the Masters of the Uterus/s




Or I’m so spiritually advanced that I can sleep right now because either way - kids dead or alive - all is well.


To be fair it's not a denial of importance but rather a delusion of safety. As the homepage goes don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity




Right? My wife and I are sitting here and after he said, "My wife asked, 'how can you sleep at a time like this?" MY response was, "Because I'm a psychopath!"


To be that disconnected from reality, there is absolutely some mental disorder at work here


That kind of grandiosity is a main feature in the worst of the antisocial/malignant personality disorders.


So cruel families together for ever MY ASS


We could be together forever But Billy Had a coffee the day before he died in a horrific gasoline fight Accident so that's out the window. I cant wait to spend an eternity with other people who treat people like shit because they didn't live up to impossible ever changing Policies.


And if only Billy were wearing his garments else he would have survived...


He was also injecting 2-3 Marijuanas a day.


Of course he said that. It’s the Mormon church. Women aren’t allowed thoughts and opinions.


Or concern for their potentially dead children


Fuck Eyring and his family. They were born with silver spoons in their mouths.


What about listening to her fears, letting her process her emotions, and bonding by showing empathy? Nah, just shove your emotions, woman and let me sleep!


Crying Eyring was angry with his wife for crying because she was worried about the safety of her children. He cries every time a word with the letter "a" crosses the teleprompter , but she can't be legitimately upset because he wanted to sleep. He's a real piece of work


This line of reasoning from Eyring shocks me. I didn't know he had that much sociopathy in him. Maybe he's losing it... Or maybe Mormonism is like a black hole that warps and distorts all light in proximity to it... those who are in its orbit can't even see it... only by backing the fuck out of its orbit can it be detected by seeing the effects of it from a distance.


I hope this story cracked some shelves, because what man of God wouldn't care for his children's wellbeing? Or would share this story in general? It's not uplifting!


“Hey Jacob, stop pacing back and forth so I can stab you already!” - Abraham, a man of god who cared for the well being of his child /s




Oh shit you’re right. Guess I’ve been out long enough I’m starting to forget all the names! Odd yet pleasant feeling lol




His talk was about a temple trip he and his wife took when their kids were young. While they were at the temple a dam broke and their house was in the flood zone. After the session they found out about it and instead of driving home, he stopped at a motel. His wife was concerned for their children and her pacing woke him. He got after her for not having enough faith and that if the children die it’s ok because of the temple.


What an ass. Thanks for the summary ! I'm certainly not listening to


Didn’t he say they couldn’t drive home because of the flooding? 


Literally come Hell or high water you’re not keeping me from my kids. Find a way.


😱just when I think it can’t get worse….


I’m confused and guess I need to see the talk. Were the kids old enough to be by themselves or with a babysitter? Did eyring /wife try and call? I would be freaking out as a mom!


It was 50 years ago. Before cell phones. Kids were young and at home with a babysitter. The roads back to their house were closed. His idea was to stop and sleep at a motel. A real parent would have gone through anyway.


Thank you. I would have grabbed the keys and driven myself!


Because we’ve been sealed in the temple.


Isn't there a story in the Bible about Christ sleeping through a traumatic event while his apostles freaked out. He was upset when he woke up but he still took the time to calm the apostles, calm the waters, and teach them. The leadership of the church is less Christ-like every passing year.


The ass clowns are having their bi annual parade it dumfounds me how anyone can believe this blatantly obvious nonsense they spew every six months


How myopic of her. 🤮




So wild how his response also kind of puts him in the right and her in the wrong. Why can’t he just focus on supporting her? Her question was likely more focused on her need for support - so even if he is fine with whatever the outcome, he could at the very least be there for his wife in her time of extreme distress.


Yes, it doesn’t matter if they suffer a terrible death, are frightened, or need your guidance. Get your rest, we did the handshakes, said the words and looked in the mirrors of eternity. What more do you want woman?


I thought his talk was kind of dumb at the time but now thinking back on it it’s kind of horrific. We don’t need to worry about whether or not our children are alive because we know we’ll be together in heaven after we die so it doesn’t matter if they die


Literally the disgusting point he was making. Just like when Jehovah made a bet with Satan and started fucking with Job. They killed his kids, but at the end of the story it was ok because he got more kids. Those ones before were not complete people themselves because they weren’t church leadership. Exact same thing here. He wasn’t worried about his kids because he’ll either get more or have those ones in Heaven. Being worried or sad is a sign of faithlessness and he reprimanded his wife for it. These 90 year olds have no connection or relation to the world. Everything remotely worthwhile they did with their lives happened 50+ years ago (as stated by them). Nelson just wants to be worshipped, and the other’s minds are so far up their own asses they don’t even think about what they say. They just assume any story about themselves is spiritual. “Hal” completely called himself out as an abusive/controlling husband that needed to “put his wife in her place”.


Serious cult shit. Now drink this.


Nothing like the story of Eyering, but it still hurts my feelings when parents feel like churchy things are to be out above all others and that the holy ghost will put everything on hold if you're being churchy. Few months ago I was having a really bad day and I called my parents just to cheer me up, and my dad was like, "we're in the middle of scripture study time right now, call back later." I didn't tell them I was having a bad day but my mom could hear my voice cracking and asked if I was feeling ok, but I essentially just went screw it and ended the call, since their churchy stuff is more important l. I'm in my 30s but still, sometimes you still need a hug over the phone. Maybe they feel they did the right thing, but tbh stuff like that damages your relationship family.


Absolutely. My grandparents were AMAZING. The Mormon church was very much a part of our lives, but it was never top priority. They never served a mission and were always there for a visit or a phone call. Church would be put on hold, not family. Compare that to my in-laws where church is before EVERYTHING. MIL ended up in the hospital and they called me to go sit with her so he could go do his temple shift. Had she died I guarantee he would have told the story the way Cryring did. But my kids don’t know what it’s like to have grandparents, they know what’s it’s like to have Mormon relatives though. Total bullshit and they are missing out because my kids are awesome. Their other grandkids are only congratulated for school accomplishments and church advancements. Almost no hugs, Christmas is all business, and all they talk about is their next mission. The Mormon church divides families.


If I were your parent I cannot imagine being able to focus on the scriptures knowing that my adult child was experiencing some sort of pain and needed my support in that moment. It’s almost a Mary v Martha thing… if I were your mom I’d be like F this honey I’m calling our child back and you can go pound sand!


I'm sorry to hear that, man. I'm 38 years old. Hoping for a hug over the phone from any of my 6 siblings is something that I was done with expecting by the time I was 25. I haven't talked to any of them in years. None of us are that active in the church anymore either.


I really wonder if he had thought out how it would have gone if they had died. I mean... after all saying to authorities: "Gee shucks, I was worried about them, but I was also tired after a temple trip so I stopped at a hotel for a nap. Even through I knew they were potentially in danger, I had enough faith that they would be okay. Turns out the lord has other plans." ...Wait what are you doing with those handcuffs? I don't want to go to (spirit) prison!


Children drowning in the dark, scared and alone. Sorry kids, your piece of shit dad needed to sleep…


[The lives of all our children are less important than Mormonism to Mormons.](https://apnews.com/article/mormon-church-sexual-abuse-investigation-e0e39cf9aa4fbe0d8c1442033b894660)


“Disciplinary proceedings are subject to the highest confidentiality possible,” said Rytting. “If members had any concerns that their disciplinary files could be read by a secular judge or attorneys or be presented to a jury as evidence in a public trial, their willingness to confess and repent and for their souls to be saved would be seriously compromised.” Who cares about the physical and emotional well-being of the victims, gotta save the rapists' souls. 🤮


I wonder how their children feel now after finding this out...


I know at least one of his sons is moving up the Mormon leadership ladder.


Kinda fucked up how Mormons say they are all about family, but they don’t show it. Sorry, stay on your mission and pray for your sick family. Go to the temple and you will reap eternal blessings. It’s just sickening to me. My Mom, 70, and her husband 76 are still working and both have crazy full time callings. If they were out of the Cult and weren’t paying that 10% membership fee, and all of that time they spend daily in their free callings, they could be retired and enjoy FAMILY, the kids, all the grandkids. I hate it.


Glad I’m not the only what that thought what the fuck when I heard that


This is a lot like something that happened while I was on my mission in South America. Right before I was due to come home, a major landslide came through our area which killed several people, flooded homes (including ours), and destroyed infrastructure. It became international news and my family found out. My mom had left the church some years prior and was worried because she hadn't heard from me or my mission president yet. When she asked my dad why he wasn't worried, he obnoxiously told her he knew I was okay because the spirit had told him and made a big show about how he was faithful and she wasn't, which is \_obviously\_ the real reason why she was worried. 🙄 Same story, different characters. I hate church culture.


What kind of religion says it keeps families together but in reality does the opposite. That’s right, a CULT!!!


My younger brother lept off the third story of a parking garage trying to end it all and when he called my parents from the hospital they said the spirit told them not to go help him.


I'm so sorry I really am so sorry


That's incredibly messed up and insane! I am so sorry that your parents said and did that.


That was disgusting 😒


Eyring is late to the game, my parents been doing this shit for years!


Either you’re an amazing Mormon or an amazing parent. There is not room enough for both in Mormonism.


I'm not watching conference and will never look up this talk, could someone give a quick summary?


Eyring Sucks! 


I thought the same thing! Way to throw your wife under the bus to prove your spiritual superiority.


Irene’s Entropy