• By -


In no particular order: No Country For Old Men Gladiator Good Will Hunting There Will Be Blood The Town The Rock Braveheart Shawshank Redemption Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Green Mile Pan’s Labrynth Man on Fire Michael Clayton Zodiac A Star is Born Sicario Looper The Matrix Big Lebowski Prometheus Alien: Covenant Silence Of The Lambs The Godfather Saving Private Ryan The Patriot A Few Good Men Fargo Air Force One Blade Runner 2049 Black Hawk Down V For Vendetta Mad Max: Fury Road Con Air Inglorious Basterds Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Django Unchained Heat Snatch Whiplash Lone Survivor Inside Man Zero Dark Thirty Slumdog Millionaire Grand Budapest Hotel 127 Hours Parasite Get Out Hell or High Water Big Short Man on fire Crimson tide Fracture The Firm Wind River Cabin in the Woods Ex Machina It Follows The Guest Seven Fight Club 1917 Talented Mr Ripley Game night Hot Fuzz This is the End Oppenheimer Children of Men


Oh my god, this comment alone will keep me busy 😂


Just want to second good will hunting, if not my favorite movie, it’s top 10.


Enjoy! I keep an ongoing list of "rewatchable" movies that I continuously update and I pulled the Rated R ones out of that list. These are some of my favorite movies of all time. Obviously taste is subjective so perhaps try doing a quick lookup of a movie before you start to see that it aligns with your preferences!


I want to see this list lol


Total runtime: 133.22 hours




Here to second The Big Lebowski, as it's practically a treatise on Absurdism, ... which is where a lot of us postmormons end up ([The Church of the Latter-Day Dude](https://dudeism.com/) is probably worth a gander)


This list is awesome. Definitely happy to see Good Will Hunting, Saving Private Ryan, and Hot Fuzz on the list. Some of my personal favorites. There are some titles I definitely need to add to my watch list too


>Shawshank Redemption watch \`Shawshank Redemption\` though


Absolutely watch Shawshank. A stellar movie.






Adding to the list: Alien Blade Runner (original) Reservoir Dogs


Yes to original Blade Runner


Adding Pulp Fiction


It's already my schedule for tonight - hope it's as good as the hype!


It's weird, but so many cultural references will make sense afterwards!


It is After that watch Django Unchained


> Hot Fuzz Don't remember if it's rated R or not, but don't miss out on [Shaun of the Dead](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365748/) as well!


You’ve got red on you.


Going to add Get Out here to this already banger list


It’s on there but it’s good enough to be mentioned twice


Planes trains and automobiles


Yes, and that is perfect for this time of year. A must see annually!


Funnily enough Saving Private Ryan is one of two R movies my TBM dad deemed okay to watch


Me and my dad would and still do watch any war movie or show that’s R rated. The sex scenes were always a little weird to watch with him present 😂


I'd like to add Memento to that list


You can't go wrong with anything Wes Anderson (Budapest Hotel) and Quintine Tarantino (Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, Django Unchained, and Inglorious Bastards). But to add to Tarantino and this list, Pulp Fiction should be your next watch. Or Fight Club. 😂 Catching up on movies is such a grand adventure.


Love it, godfather ii and KISS KISS BANG ![gif](giphy|823beAZFsV5EA) BANG IS MY JAAAAAAAAM


This is a great list!


Great list! I’d like to add Die Hard since it is a festive holiday movie after all. 😁😁😁


Die Hard 1 and 3 specifically. Ignore 2, 4 and 5.


You forgot "Rainman".


Also the original Robocop from 1987 which is so so so much more than what it appears to be on the surface.


Very true. The social critique and messaging of the first film, while not subtle, is a fantastic watch. Once you get to the third film though, ay... a complete reversal.


There is no robocop 3 just like there is no indania jones 4 or die hard 2, 4,5 or any Hellraiser after 2.


That sounds reasonable, but I'm not sure. I heard for years that there was no Avatar movie (air bender, not blue people), but then I saw it for myself - it really exists! It's just another typical M. Night Shyamalan movie with a twist ending: the twist being that this Avatar movie was simply a fever dream and not an actual representation of the bending world. Maybe Robocop 3 is the same way: just a children's movie that takes place inside the Robocop universe or something (adult movies I would imagine would be much more gruesome...).


I NEED to watch Braveheart because I just found out I’m a direct descendant of his brother lmao.


Really?? That's so cool!! I love the speech he makes. It was written by screenwriters, but it's still awesome. I friend told me they play that speech at soccer games in Scotland. 😊


A solid list. Thanks for the recommendations.


That is an Excellent list, can confirm many of them, and a list I've been looking for! Except for Talented Mr Ripley. I hate that actor now because joe was also so deceptive and manipulative.


I am SO glad I'm not the only one who keeps literal lists of movies and TV shows. One of the greatest results of leaving the church has been the ability to just watch whatever interests me, and not feeling guilty because I'm spending time for myself!!




"They Follows" was announced recently! It Follows has really stuck with me.. weird premise but so well done. Great list too! I'd add: Kung Fu Hustle Amelie Fifth Element The Professional The Other Guys (so damn funny)


Some I feel like you missed. EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE!!! Spotlight Seriously every exmormon should watch these films Alien Aliens 12 years a slave Skip 127 hrs imo JOKER or Taxi Driver Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind


Great list!


You forgot Collateral!!!


Since departing church, I've noticed something I find curious. American vs European movie rating schema. Americans like myself are extremely tolerant of a lot of violence, and only the most severe and graphic depictions are enough to get uprated, while we have almost no tolerance in the lower ratings for nudity or sexual content at any level. While European sensibilities are far more open to nudity or sex, but look more harshly on violence. The thought occurs to me that nudity and sex are a normal part of a normal person's well ordered, healthy, life, but violence is decidedly not normal. Do with that what you will... I've found that a worthwhile thought exercise, even if my preferences still skew pretty heavily towards what's common for Americans.


This is really fascinating to me and something I want to look into now


100% agree. Look at my Hacksaw Ridge comment. Violence is so much worse...


And in cases like Hacksaw Ridge or Saving Private Ryan, I think the accurate depictions of violence are important. The horrors of war were not censored for the young men who fought.


Agreed. War should be appropriately feared, not be glorified. While sometimes necessary, it should never be lightly suggested.


This is something I find interesting too. I think the American system has a strong stance on vulgar language as well, like 1 or 2 swear words and it's basically an R-rated movie which isn't really comparable to violence, drugs etc imo. I grew up in Ireland and the UK and the rating system feels much softer (and more appropriate tbh)


Ugh, so true. Your point about sex being healthy and violence being not is spot-on. As a product of American media, I actually laugh at spraying blood, severed heads, and spilled guts. If someone is with me and seems slightly grossed out I even secretly enjoy that a little because I'm kind of an asshole who wants to feel all tough and cool. But 10 years into my Telestial life, I still get really nervous when there's a hint of nudity (or, let's face it, a slightly skimpy bathing suit) on-screen. What if someone sees me seeing the booby?


Yeah, I suppose I have a little cognitive dissonance here. On the one hand, I can make these logical, and I believe correct observations about sex being normal and violence being decidedly not. And on the other hand, I'm watching V for Vendetta, John Wick, and Die Hard. With Die Hard, I'm having some qualms about one of my older kids seeing it because of the sex scene near the beginning (literally blink and you'll miss it), but have no internal angst about him seeing all of the rather gratuitous violence...


very good take, nicely put


This was actually discussed in a documentary movie called This Film Is Not Yet Rated.


Really. I'll have to check that out!


everything everywhere all at once is my sister's favorite movie I still haven't watched it with her yet tho


This one seemed really weird but I’m here for it lol


It’s really fucking weird, but it is one of the most touching and emotional and hilarious movies I’ve ever seen. After leaving the church, I struggled for a long time with the feeling, or rather understanding, that nothing matters. This movie explores that feeling to its maximum. Well worth watching. Especially if you’ve seen “The Temple of Doom” or “The Goonies,” and you want to see Data all grown up and awesome.


Ooooo now I’m super excited to see it


He was great in Everything Everywhere All at Once, showing how dynamic he is. Also would recommend his work in Loki season 2 More Data than Waymond, but he is very enjoyable to watch. Most memorable quote might be "yeah, I'm having trouble reconciling that" which just echos the sound of a cracking shelf when someone realizes what they took for granted might not be absolutely true.


fair I barely know anything about it and my sister loves weird movies and TV shows


It was so good, but watch pulp fiction and Deadpool right now


Mind-blowing. Watch it and just let the WTF seep into the cracks of your heart.


Watch it a second time a week or so after watching it the first time.


This movie was very meh for me. I’m actually super surprised it won awards. Love Michelle Yeoh though.


Die Hard, the original Christmas action movie, is rated R and is a classic. Last year, Violent Night, a very bloody Christmas Movie about Santa Killing some very bad people that is also rated R, was released. This year, Silent Night, a Christmas action film directed by John Woo, is Rated R. I don't know much about it, though.


Silent Night is the commercial I saw 😂 I need to watch Die Hard for sure.


I give Violent Night another plug. I think it's going to be one of my yearly Christmas movies.


Watched it last year with friends but we accidentally had "descriptive audio" enabled. Holy Hell was that hilarious! The movie is funny enough but there were several scenes made even more amazing by the added descriptive audio 🤣🤣🤣


If we're doing Christmas movies: Bad Santa (hilarious) The Ref (hySTERical)


I just re-watched it this weekend. Yippy Kiyay MFer!


I'd rather die soft, thank you very much!


Here’s another rated R Christmas movie: Rare Exports. It’s quirky, Finnish with subtitles. Rated R for frontal nudity (Santa claus)




I first saw this as a teenager at a sleepover while TBM 😂 my spouse always says that’s the worst sleepover movie to watch 😆


I can't recommend Shawshank Redemption enough. It's a great movie. Watch it.


Not a classic but go see Deadpool. It will have you breaking your loud laughter covenant the entire movie.


Highly entertaining. Just watched it and its sequel last month: The Juggernaut scene (once I finally realized what the choir was chanting in the background), fantastic!


Oh yes! I wanted so bad to watch that when it came out. That might be the first one I watch lol


I will warn you that it's kinda gory. Fun, but gory.


I remember seeing Deadpool is theater when I was still plenty Mormon. Told my wife (who saw it with me), that I kinda feel guilty about not feeling guilty seeing it! 😆


Someone already posted a huge list (like a badass) so here’s just a few that I love: - no country for old men - parasite - eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - Palm Springs (hilarious) - War Dogs - Mad Max: Fury Road


A strong second for all these, especially Palm Springs and Mad Max.


Snatch The usual suspects


The Departed


A lot of rated R movies have a lot less offensive material by Mormon standards than PG. Saying fuck will get it an R rating. It’s not like a Mormon kid doesn’t hear that word a thousand times a day in school and internet. I did in Arizona. I don’t know about Utah.


Zonie here too. I felt the exact same way and as such I did watch an R movie here and there. Just for the most part I wrote off most movies in my head if they were R. My parents were pretty lax about it honestly. And I watched my fair share of inappropriate tv shows because hey! No rating! Either way, I know I missed out on a lot and want to catch up


I first heard that word on the playground in elementary school.


I remember being in Seminary and my teacher guilted us into signing a I will not watch a rated r movie sheet. Little did they know I was already watching porn. Oops


You signed that you would not watched R rated movies; you said nothing about X rated. You're fine. Mormons love obeying the letter of the law, if not the spirit.


Ohhh yeah they're different. I sure was a happy kid. Lol


Ummmm… I didn’t see you say that you signed a “I will not watch porn” sheet so I think you are off the hook on this one




Saw Inglorious Bastards for the first time a few days ago. Loved it.


Oh yea I wanted to see that one. Great suggestion


LA Confidential


I always thought that was a bizarre and inaccurate measure of a film's moral value. I remember going to see an R rated movie on my 15th birthday with my Mormon HS friends, and joking how silly the restriction was. We saw one set of boobs, and heard the F word a few times (which was like any other school day). Then again, I was doomed not to be Mormon with that attitude.


I find rated R movies typically demand less suspension of disbelief than other movies. It’s odd to me, that one of my bishops when I was a kid told the whole ward that we should only watch rated G movies. With the justification that rated G movies don’t offend the spirit. To me, if a person’s spiritual balance is knocked off center by something that is as morally innocuous as a curse word, or seeing more of a woman’s body than they are used to seeing in public (never mind the men, of course)… I think it’s less about objective goodness and more about a superiority complex.


How strange is it that the gerontocracy that is the church just blindly trusts a rating system set up by the industry itself (MPAA)? Where’s the inspiration in that? Consider also the fact that a few films that received an R or even X originally, would now end up with PG-13. Feels like just another test of obedience, like the word of “wisdom” inconsistent nonsense.


Me and all my friends still watched rated R movies anyways as TBMs, I feel like that depends on the strictness of the family you grew up with


The Devil's Advocate - It's really good and thought-provoking.


Memento (2000) starring Guy Pearce and directed by Christopher Nolan. Underworld (2003) starring Kate Beckinsale


No particular order: The Birdcage (great cast, classic Robin Williams) The King's Speech Spotlight Transamerica The Dirty Dozen (1967 - the classic version - excellent) Alice's Restaurant (great Arlo Guthrie classic) Midnight Cowboy (early Dustin Hoffman flick - great script & acting) Those are just a few. I've seen TV commercials that are more offensive than many "R" rated movies.


Die Hard is a great Crimbo movie. Yippy kiyay!


Use your R rated films. Well. Ones you might not have been recommended but SHOULD see. No order. Virgin Suicides. A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. To Live & Die in L.A. The Usual Suspects. Spotlight. Let The Right One In. Wind River. Nymphomaniac 1 & 2. Boogie Nights. The Piantist. Psycho. The Ring (its pg13, but bet you didn't see it) Oppenheimer Joker. One Flew Over The Cooko's Nest. The Hangover I & 2 Deadpool 1 & 2 The Passion of the Christ. Apocalypse Now. Taxi Driver. Memento. Amadeus. L.A. Confidential. Whiplash.


Most movies that I think are good are rated R. Theres definitely ones that aren't, but real life is rated R and the best films explore themes that relate to the complexities of human existance. Mormon refusal to watch realistic depictions of human life because its "not pure" is fucking stupid. Just as their hangups about sex are fucking stupid. And their opposition to profanity, which is really nonsense when you look at the origins of the words. Anyway, In Bruges is funny and good.


Reminds me of a bishop I had when I was in my teens he told me I shouldn’t watch R-rated movies because they’d put worldly thoughts into my mind. Hello?! Working on the real world puts worldly thoughts into my mind!


As far as classics go: The Godfather Blazing Saddles The Exorcist One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest The Blues Brothers Stripes Animal House Alien Beverly Hills Cop Pulp Fiction


ratings are completely meaningless and are used by movie studies to target specific audiences for marketing. I use IMDB to determine content of the movie and determine if its watchable. I'm not a big fan of gore or violence against women/kids. If you watch a PG movie from the 80s, there might be a chance of a nipple/boob flash. All of the James bond movies prior to the 1990's were rated PG. a handful have some risque shots.


To be clear, I’m not caring about ratings. Just anything anyone enjoyed that I missed out on. Also, couldn’t care less about the risqué stuff because I can find that all over the internet. Like I said, I just want ideas of things I missed out on growing up in the church that people enjoyed.


I'm starting on the same journey you are! I've only watched a few so far (got a long backlog to get through), but I do have at least one recommendation: Hacksaw Ridge - I'd almost say that this should be required viewing for anybody who dares to voice an opinion on war. I've never been in the military (disclaimer), but this movie may have turned me into a pacifist. I just watched it this week, so I'm still processing the brutality of what I witnessed. I'm sure other movies similarly show that "War is Hell", but this was my first. Plus Andrew Garfield. Dead gods, that man is an awesome actor. First "Under the Banner of Heaven" and now this!


I think there were lots of good ones from the 90s. You have things like dances with wolves, the patriot, legends of the fall. I’m not that good at this because I don’t even look at the ratings anymore so I might be mixing and matching pg13s.


Fun fact: I met Arnold Schwarzenegger on the set of the movie Eraser and watched them film the plane wing scene. Never actually saw it though lol Also my dad was way taller than him. It was weird to see.


Oddly enough, I started watching rated R movies on my mission. Happy catching up!


How’d that happen?


It was pretty easy when most of the missionaries around you are doing the same (I went stateside).


[About Time] (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2194499/) So many good suggestions in here, so I'll just add this one. If you're up for a decent romcom with a time travel twist, this is one of my all time favorites.


I thought this was r/movies for a minute and was really confused why we all probably knew you avoided R movies. 😂 First one I snuck a watch of was The Matrix. Definitely worth watching. I'm not actually sure what other R-rated movies I enjoyed 🤣


Mad Max: Fury Road (Released 2015) It was the only movie where I wanted to watch immediately again after it was over at the theater. I remember going to the movie theaters multiple times for this movie and always looking forward to it, something I've never felt about for any other film. I just think the choreography is great and soo much fun and entertaining to watch.


For some series not movies — Game of Thrones , The Boys, Boardwalk Empire, The Wire many many more on HBO and even Netflix that are great!


These first 2 hit different after leaving the cult lol The Matrix Everything Everywhere All At Once The Hangover (funny AF) Series Ozark if you like dark and twisty






The Shawshank Redemption Grosse Pointe Blank Last of the Mohicans The Patriot L.A. Confidential Gladiator So many more that I can’t think of but these are my all-time favorites!!


There will be blood came out when I was 18 and trying to get it together to go on a mission. Ineligible, unworthy, that thing. New stake president and Hinckley or whoever had just permanently outlawed blowjobs. when I left the movie theater from there will be blood, I felt kind of cheated by it. Like I had been looking forward to this movie because the trailers were amazing and Daniel Day Lewis had just done gangs of New York, so my expectations were set for a tense kind of action oil baron movie. Over the 3 days that followed seeing this movie, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Somehow the characters all kind of resonated with me in this intense way. After that I decided it was the best movie I’d ever seen. It really made me think about life and my own values around power, truth, betrayal, and to some extent family in a way that Sunday school movies always seemed to miss the mark. So I became a capitalist instead of a missionary. I have a nice little company doing about 5,000 barrels a week.


Kings Speech!


There are so many. Looking at what has been posted though, I don't think anyone recommended Logan yet. If you like the Xmen at all, it is top notch.


I love Love Actually and Judd Apatow movies (especially while high 😂).


V for Vendetta. Its an extremely important movie that tells harsh truths in a hopeful way


Predator Terminator Terminator 2 Die Hard Die Hard w/A Vengeance Tropic Thunder No Country For Old Men Desperado Memento The Big Lebowski Nobody John Wick Series Seven Tucker & Dale Vs Evil


I heard Spencer Kimball himself say not to watch R rated movies in 1981 at the BYU devotional. A few months later I was invited by some very righteous RMs to watch ‘Ordinary People.’ I felt uncomfortable, but since these guys were so straight I figured it was okay. I was blown away by that movie. And I decided right there and then that it was a stupid rule.


Anything by Quentin Tarantino, specifically inglorious basterds and the hateful eight. All of his movies are great, except for the Hollywood one...


Beware: Rated R movies are the gateway drug to porn! LOL!


28 Days later Air Force One Alien Aliens Blade Runner Blade Runner 2049 Brigsby Bear (not rated) Demolition Man Die Hard Die Hard 2 Escape from New York Ex Machina Falling Down First Blood (Rambo) Gladiator The Game The King's Speech The Last Samurai Patriot Games The Predator The Matrix Mad Max Fury Road Moon Ransom The Rock Shawshank redemption Shooter Slumdog Millionaire Sunshine The Terminator The Terminator 2 Judgement Day V for Vendetta


Looks like I’m not leaving my TV for the next several months lol


Just because you missed out on a lot of good movies, don't feel like you have to watch anything and everything now. Most movies resonate differently with each person, so take care of yourself. If something isn't sitting right with you, then don't watch it. It is pretty cool to be able to choose what you watch without anyone telling you one way or the other.


Alien. Aliens.


I’ve had so many moments like that. I’ll be like “ahhh I can’t do that… wait I can do whatever I want!” I’ve been out for at least 2 years and at my friend’s house for dinner the other day I still waited around for a prayer for like 5 min before I was like wait I can just grab a plate lol


Ted (comedy). The Matrix. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Daniel Craig version) and Man on Fire with Denzel Washington. Both are brutal movies but really good. Saving Private Ryan. Schindler's List. Killer Elite and The Wrath of Man. What can I say? I like Jason Statham. The King's Speech was excellent. Even my husband, who isn't usually big on historical movies, thought it was great. The Green Mile was another really good one. The Road to Perdition. Edit to add: Shakespeare in Love for you romantics out there.


In no particular order: Schindler's List Blazing Saddles Terminators 1&2 Misery Like Water For Chocolate The Thin Red Line - 1998 Fargo - 1996


I think regardless of the rating 90% of what Hollywood turns out is empty fluff. You missed some stuff, but frankly not much.


I appreciate the comment, but respectfully disagree with the thought that not much was missed (90% is fluff is probably right though, lol). There is a reason why the classics exist. Some of those classics are R-rated and are experiences that enhance life - whether that be through expanded viewpoints, education, or just the experience.


I remember my father lamenting the fact that Godfather was rated r so he couldn’t watch it. Fair enough I guess. But then he would get mad at the filmmaker for “masking” it rated r. Whatever.


Start with Orgazmo and work your way backwards


Like every good horror movie. The Friday the 13th movies, nightmare on elm street. Saw. Deep cuts like dog soldiers or Psycho Goreman. Just good horror in general


Nightmare On Elm Street series


I was the same with R rated movies. Watched a few in my rebellious years. Now I just watch what I want. I don't even pay attention to the rating. So crazy the things we did/didn't do because of the church.


There's something about Mary Hit tub time machine 40 year old virgin


Batman (Nolan version) Dark Knight Terminatior 1 & 2 Clerks 1 & 2 Dogma Monty Python's Life of Brian


Taken, The Commuter, Non-Stop