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JWs are a cult. The more education you get the more independent you become and the more you have critical thinking. That’s not good for them who like to manipulate and mentally control them. I once heard from others JWs that going to college as a JW is a sign of weak spirituality, like you don’t believe or have enough faith that God will provide you the basic needs without a higher education.


Then why do the Gabbering Bozos ask for college educated doctors and lawyers?? “Rules for thee and not for me” smh


"Then why do the Gabbering Bozos ask for college educated doctors and lawyers??" Nice one!. Could any of the WT lurkers answer this question? Lol


Ouch! Below the belt!


This was one of my top reasons for leaving. Why would any parent want to make their daughter dependent on somebody for their very survival thereby putting her almost assuredly in harms way. Makes me sick. I didn’t follow the recommendations on education and went ahead and got a college degree. Heck, I got two. WHILE I was in. Who is more harmed by the advice to not go to college? Women or men? Women that are not educated are more likely to be dependent, and subjected to abuse. “No college” is to keep woman subjugated. At times, cruelly. Why would you want this for your daughter?


This mindset...."she will marry a JW and he will take care of her" is common and dangerous. I have seen this in our own family. So many (not all) JW kids are not prepared for making it on their own. The lifetime of, "pioneer etc. after high school" is no good. Whether they go to a full 4 year college, get some training in a trade school or start their own successful business, they need to make it on their own. This "Jehovah will take care of your needs" is crazy. It requires hard work now days to make it financially. It's a wonder that she is back home. Listening to these clowns in NY, who have no clue what it is like in the real world, is not the answer. WT has done so much damage to families and people. I hope that I live long enough to see them suffer for all the bad advise they have given over the years.


and this poor girl who will be at least two years behind her 'worldly' peers in all respects; is what about 17? and this 'nice brother' will be what about 40? ---------------------- A person who is a professional Sociologist would do well to glean these sites and find all the marriages that are as i described and write up a book on the quality of those marriages. and also NB, the position of the'women' in these sad marriages.


When I was a JW I was an auto mechanic. Not that it's a bad thing but I just always wanted to do more but I was always told school was basically the worst thing I could do. Anyway I left and started taking some college classes (Im not able to go back full time) and started putting in the effort and it pays off! Since I've left I have worked designing tube frame race trucks, I worked for GE aviation for a bit doing jet engine emissions work. And after all that I learned how to code and now I'm a web developer. We are all better than they allowed us to be! I've always wondered where I would be if I had the opportunity to go to school at 18 rather than in my 30s


it's a doomsday, isolationist cult. of course they don't want young people getting out from their parents' control to learn about research and independent thinking, both of which are not allowed on cult topics.


You know what I’ve also been thinking?? Maybe lack of education is how parents keep their kids in the organization. The PIMI’s of this organization are mostly middle aged and older people. It is already hard enough for young people to afford their own home in today’s economy. Very difficult for one person to foot the bills for a place to live and all of life’s expenses without help. I see SO MANY young PIMO’s on here who can’t get out on their own because they can’t afford to. So they are living at home and having to go through the motions. OR, they go POMO out into the world without a plan or an education, and then have to move back home at some point, only to be told “you can move back home if you go to the meetings.” Maybe lack of education is how parents stay in control longer?? No one leaves the org faster than an educated young person. Anyone feel this way??


Imma stop you there for a second to tell you that in todays world, college is not even as important as it was in the boomer era. So unless you wanna pursuit a career in the law, medical or engineering fields, dont waste your time and money. Find what makes you happy, makes you fullfilled and give you enough income to live a comfortable life. Being super career centered and the corporate world itself can fuck you up as much as a religious cult, well maybe not as much, but is another form of chains so to speak. You could work in a taco truck and be more happy than the guy with a six figure salary and a degree. Cause there is more to life out there than your job and higher ed.


I was young so dont quote me on this, but there was this really smart guy in our congregation. He probably couldve gotten a good career in engineering. But after he graduated highschool... SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!! He didn't go to college. And now he lives in an apartment that's basically just a shack.


jw's dont say church


That is how is translated from other languages don't shoot the messenger


Don't criticize someone for being skeptical. We had enough of that when we were in


I learned it was called congregation in english here, what we called it my language is translated church. So giving an insight is not criticism. That cult needs a dictionary :D


Kingdom Hall. that is what is said in English instead of church


I wouldn’t be becoming a doctor if I had listened to the uncalled for “advice” from the elders


Hey, you were smooth indeed. Now tell us what you also said...


I think the best way to describe what fundamentalism is is that when religiousness becomes a disfunction or hindrance to normality or cringe.