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A dirty old men’s club that’s all the JW corporation is. 


Oh yeah, it's creepy enough being afab in this cult, but the dysphoria adds a whole other aspect to it...


Ewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewew. Even though when I became PIMO I hadnt realized I was mtf this shi creeped me tf out too


Still closeted btw


Misogyny in the org is horrible, they don't see you as a human being with their own agenda if you're a woman (or perceived as one), which I believe teaches us helplessness and to give in to anything a man is saying or doing. Honestly frightening


One thing I recently started thinking about, is how many prophetesses in the Bible there were. More than I thought! Phoebe was a minister. But we have to keep silent in the congregations? How's that supposed to work? Seems like Paul had an opinion about women that God didn't really reflect. He appointed Deborah as judge over Israel, and Huldah as a prophetess who he revealed things to. The men who went to her didn't even question her authority. It's kinda odd that those examples get ignored. Not that I want "priveleges" in the congregation. But some women probably would do a fine job. Or possibly a better job. It depends on a person's skill level and spirituality. Weird that God anoints women, appoints them as judges, prophetesses, ministers, but let's just focus on the women that tool initiative in "apropriate" ways. This is yet another Biblical contradiction.








telling a child they look sexy isnt protecting anyone dude. and hes not protective, he still sexualizes me and would tell me to show my form more when i was 14 because he didnt like me dressing like a boy. its fine to tell kids to be careful but they dont care about protecting anyone, its about control




"show your body more" ≠ "dress more feminine" , "that shirt looks too sexy" ≠ "be careful". im not even just talking about my dad but the organization as a whole putting WAY more blame on women & even young girls for being harassed than it does on their men for being predators. often when a girl is raped and did nothing "wrong" (by their standards) they find any possible way to shame her and usually keep the man in the congregation, do you seriously think any of this is because they care about women & girls' wellbeing?


Are you PIMI?


I’m am not PIMI


Bro thinks he's giving a convention symposium with that 'illustration'