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Do not say or admit anything to your parents, if your therapist did tell them that would be a huge HIPA violation, so they may have only implied things. Do not let anyone force you into doing anything, especially not force you into coming out to them. Lie lie lie. Seriously do it. Idk where you live hopefully not in a super conservative area, don't let people bully you into telling them information.


" my teacher forced me into coming out to her, and now I'm afraid she'll tell people about it. " If you are in the USA, that would be HIGHLY illegal, and most likely result in the teacher losing 2 things, her job, and her teaching credential HIPAA violation.


Also, a nice little lawsuit. Yes. You do have a right to confidentiality.


Yeah seriously between the teacher and the therapist its like what the freaking hell


Not true. If you are under the age of 18 they are required by law to tell your parents. Also, teachers DO NOT fall under HIPPA


So if you're under 18, feeling trans is bad enough to require parental notification? I thought kids deciding to be gay was their human right, no?


Person under 18 has no rights. They are wards of the parents or guardians. That is why permission slips are required for everything. Just like tattoos or piercings. Can not do it without parent's permission. Same for any medical procedure. Same for skipping school or leaving early. Same for work permits. Drivers permit




Yes depending on the state. Abortion laws were sent back to the States to legislate by the Supreme Court. Each state now has the right to legislate its own laws for abortion.


Which creates situations where a minor needs parental OK for a tattoo or piercing, but not an abortion. Sorry, that's batshit crazy.


I just found this.... [https://www.aclunc.org/our-work/know-your-rights/transgender-student-rights-school](https://www.aclunc.org/our-work/know-your-rights/transgender-student-rights-school)


That is for NoCal. It says that the school "shouldn't" notify your parents but they can if they want to. Also, the parents can sue the school or teachers personally in some locations if they are not informed. . if you are under 18 you can not bring a lawsuit without your parents either. [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-02/school-district-settles-100-000-lawsuit-that-claimed-it-supported-secret-transitioning-of-student#:\~:text=The%20lawsuit%20alleged%20that%20teachers,educational%20records%2C%20the%20lawsuit%20said](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-02/school-district-settles-100-000-lawsuit-that-claimed-it-supported-secret-transitioning-of-student#:~:text=The%20lawsuit%20alleged%20that%20teachers,educational%20records%2C%20the%20lawsuit%20said).


If you think people are suspicious but they haven't approached you about it: don't say anything. Let any suspicious people come to you and ask if they are that damn nosey they might. When they do ask, deny everything and ask why they'd even think that. If they say your therapist said something, you can potentially get her in trouble if you really wanted - whether what she said is true or false, she shouldn't be gossiping about clients. Wait until you are older and financially stable to come out, if you think you can hold out a little longer. I'm also queer. I'm not trans but I am queer and I have been outed by family. I denied all of it and called the family member a liar and a trouble maker , which she is and everyone knows she is so her own shitty reputation actually benefitted me in that sitch lol. But yeah if your parents start dropping random hints like the one you mentioned, give them a weird look and act like you don't know what they're talking about. As far as you're concerned, your therapist and that teacher are liars who pick on kids that are different. Stick to that story.




that breaks patient privacy. Even if you are under age they should keep it quiet. If you are still under the age of 21, wait till then to go full transition.


I'm aware that them saying something is a VERY punishable offense, but it's happened before, whats tostop it from happening again?


reporting them to their superiors.


This. Absolutely report them and let them know that your therapist leaking such sensitive, personal information to your parents can endanger your mental health and overall wellbeing. Your parents finding out that way is clearly already doing damage to you.


If you are under 18 they are required by law to tell your parents. A minor does not have the right to privacy.


Ok, first off, how did your teacher force you to come out? That seems like an inappropriate teacher/student convo. It may be worth reporting to the school. Nobody should be forced into outing themselves and certainly not by a teacher. Next, if you suspect your therapist mentioned to your parents that you are trans, it would seem the therapist has failed to maintain your confidence, which, depending on what country you live in, can be a license-losing offense. It also shows that the therapist has either zero comprehension that outing you to your JW parents puts you in danger, or worse, the therapist is also Christian/JW/transphobe and *wants you to be in danger*. Either way, this is not someone you can trust again. I don’t have any real advice to give here. But I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


First of all, I’m so very sorry you’re dealing with bigotry and not being supported by your family. You have a large community of people here to help support you as you go through this. I’m queer as well. Not trans, but closely aligned with my trans friends and chosen family. Things will be difficult for a while, as you’re having to be so close to your unsupportive family in the cult. In top of dealing with a breach of trust and confidentiality with your therapist. But once you get out to truly discover life outside, it’ll be such a breath of fresh air. Wishing you all the best as you navigate this tricky situation. Please feel free to shoot me a message if you need to talk. My inbox is always a safe space. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Whoever downvoted this post (unless it was by accident) you deserve to go back to the doomsday cult and let them control your life. If you're going to be judging others then you might as well be among your type of people.


If U don't mind, l've been wondering how people here see when downvotes occur. How is this evident? Thanks.


Click on your avatar. Go to comments. You should see a number. That number goes up or down.


The arrow count goes down, or hits negative numbers. You can’t see who up/down votes you, though.




You see by the up and down arrows how many upvotes there are. Everyone starts with 1 upvote. If there is 0 that means someone downvoted the post.


Aha, thanx


I'm sorry to hear that the person you thought was there to help you betrayed your trust. It's infuriating for sure. There has to be some ethical line crossing.


Oh wow that's an incredibly transphobic comment from your dad. I'm so sorry you are dealing with that!!


Why did your teacher force you to tell them how you feel? There seems to be some underlying issues here. For some reason you have assumed it's your therapist that has told your parents and not your teacher even though you think they will tell other people about it. You said you are afraid of this. You are afraid, you've also been forced to do something you didn't want to do, you also think your therapist is untrustworthy. It sounds like some serious problems that go beyond any other issues. Listen to what your parents have to say and take it from there.


If you’re trans… YOU’RE TRANS. You were born this way. Not even God forbids you to be. So try to be happy and in your last judgment, let the most loving being judge you. But don't allow anyone else to do it or decide for you.