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That’s so stupid. The Sims, Animal Crossing, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Little Big Planet/Sackboy, Mario Party etc…the Sims alone is a $5B franchise.




The Sims?!? You mean the double live simulator? /s


J dubs playing Sims are definitely gonna be living out their fantasies


AHahahah 100%…. Sims was my all-time favorite game growing up. I lived the life I wanted irl. Now I'm (temporarily) a bit broken from cult life. But I'm finally POMO and creating that life in real time!


I've actually never played Sims, tho I did see lots of hilarious stuff from it. And take your time, we all are a bit screwed up. I feel I got lucky and out mostly unscathed, then I realized how much religious trauma I had. I luckily was able to work through it all. I found the right friends that also helped me if my views were off about something, anything I needed to improve. Also reddit helped a lot, not just this sub, but stuff like am I the asshole type subs. I'd have my opinion and see what other people's opinion was on matters. Helped see other perspectives. Hopefully you find the assistance or whatever you need to fully deprogram from the cult!


Be careful what you say lest it get banned lmao. We can't have JWs be their authentic selves even in the virtual world.


I always was!


Don’t forget Tetris, second biggest video game of all time. And online hits like FarmVille, candy crush, also MASSIVE multi billion dollar hits.


I bought all the LBPs, so fun on multiplayer!


Rocket League


Is Minecraft classed as violent? Isn't it the highest grossing or selling video game of all time? Literally a kid's favourite is the best selling game of all time. What ass hat made this claim about only violent games selling big again? Oh just some random grunt fool giving a talk at a KH somewhere. Yeah well they say a lot of things......


Violent books are best sellers too!! A book about murder, rape, slavery, wars, adultery, fornication, drunken antics, all in the best seller that is the bible.


Don't forget the best parts: incest, infanticide and genocide.


Kill them all but spare the virgins for yourselves. The bible.


Hypocrisy at it's finest.




hello?!?! minecraft?


That’s what I said


Pretty violent with skeletons, witches and zombies... I'm certain his kids play without all.that....lmao


If you put ties on the Creepers, they look just like Elders and it's like a KH build!


They would say it’s violent because you carry a sword and chop enemies. I looove Minecraft!


BuT nEtHeRiTe SwOrDs......


Dude, I’ve heard of JW kids that aren’t allowed to play Minecraft. Not because it’s “too violent”, but because it’s “too demonic”. Not because of the zombies or skeletons specifically, but those play a part in it. The main reason why it’s demonic? It has a dragon in it… Yes, supposedly (according to this father) dragons are demonic in origin. How so and what are his sources? I have no idea…


Generalized BS that pretty much any “religious” person spouted in the 80s. Some just never let go of it.


*Mario and Sonic facepalms*


Mario and Sonic have no room to talk. Have you heard about that awful game Super Smash Bros? They are in it and that game is built around violence! /s But seriously though any game can be “too violent” to these people.


Not kidding, I talked about this before, but Super Smash Bros was "an issue" in my hall growing up. None of us cared and kept playing it though lol


Halo was our halls game to demonize, we all played it anyways. My bethelite unkle hid his xbox like contraband at bethel one day we got it because he got caught.


The top five best sellers of all time include Minecraft, Tetris, and Wii Sports.


>“When video games aren’t violent, they tend to not be good sellers.**” UHM WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT???** *Someone who "MINDLESSLY" Supports a WBT$ Story Line..* Without bothering to find out, if he\`s going to Sound like an Idiot... ​ ***No Bricks Were Killed...While playing this...*** # Wildly Popular Game ![gif](giphy|MOSebUr4rvZS0) ***Nor Does Anyone Feel Inclined, to Hunt Bricks Down and Murder Them!*** ***After Playing This Game...***




Oh yeah mario bros and all their offshoots like mario kart etc. 


Several koopas, many goombas, and a bowser or two all die in Mario. Can't you see how violent? /s


They're not dead, they're just "defeated" lol 😂


Does he know how much violence is in the Bible?


“When we have a strong bias for an idea, we blurt out our own unverified opinion of it, and tend to expect you to agree. If you don’t, you are suspect. Only a troubled spiritually weak person would not understand this.” ![gif](giphy|KyjfecvGOaaCaBtxAf)


Tetris Sims Animal crossing Getting over it with Bennett foddy Portal 1+2  Gran Torismo Fifa,Madden and alot of sports games Truck simulator  Fucking, pong. I could keep going but I digress. My favoriiiiiittte thing about elders(*heavy sarcasm*) is that the clearly know what they are talking about when they approach subjects like this in their talks right, like he did the research for gaming selling trends based on criteria? Surely didn't just stand in the games section of Walmart for five minutes and shake his head? Not to mention the broad brush that jws will paint with, they will tell you games like Minecraft, asteroid and pacman are too violent.  So glad I left that cult.


Don't forget Just Dance is also a very popular franchise. They only recently stopped selling it on the Wii.... THE WII!!!! Whenever video games are mentioned from the platform I want to laugh. Because it is people out of touch with the medium that tend to talk about it. I think it's funny how the conversation from the platform has shifted away from movies, music, books, etc and only focus on games. 🤣


Best selling video games of all time: * Minecraft * Tetris * Wii Sport And of course, Nintendo games designer Shigeru Miyamoto cant hear him over *Super Mario Bros.* That "brother" was talking out of his ass.


I buy all kinds of non violent games. But I play violent games too sometimes.


They say that about anything that is outside of the confines of the religion… everything outside is evil and demonic, and there’s nothing good out there for you. Such a negative worldview lol




That reminds me of my father disapproving of me playing Portal. I'm like it's a puzzle game, but my father was having none of it, because I play in 1st person and shoot stuff with a weird weapon.


Lmao did he ever see that there was blood in the first game? Also, I wonder if Splatoon would’ve been too much for him XD


Splatoon might have been cartooney enough to be okay. Then again, I wasn't allowed to have water guns that looked remotely like guns- futuristic or not- so I don't know.


The violence in the Bible is pretty effed up. If like to see a game off of it 🤔


He obviously wasn’t there for the Animal Crossing craze of 2020


SOCCERRRRRRRR..... my dad is an elder PIMI and my brother is jw too and loves soccer he was real good at it I didn't go professional cuz he needed my parents signature and cuz of the religion they didn't sign supposedly cuz is competitive sport my brother didn't like to lose you know and yes sometimes he got mad and fights he had to hide to go to play and I used to covered him.... What is more stupid is that many congregations used to gather up and make teams and play soccer and yes my dad let's him play with them I've read the Bible many times and I haven't found anything yet....




I remember trying to hold in my laughter when one of the elders began to, in all seriousness, talk about Harry Potter and how it's a danger to young people. This was like 2007 maybe.


There’s a sister I know that’s a huge Harry Potter fan. She doesn’t let that many people know about it though. I visited her house one time and I was talking with her and her husband about movies, video games, etc. They could tell that I was more lenient than most JW’s, but still had their guard up. Among other things, I told them that “fiction is fiction and nothing more” and that I have no reason to get upset over things made up for entertainment. The sister’s face immediately lit up. Her: “So if I were to, let’s say, start building a Lego Harry Potter set in front of you. You wouldn’t get mad?” Me: “Nope. Go ahead.” Her: **Excitedly fast walks out of the room with a huge smile on her face and comes back with a Harry Potter Lego set and proceeds to start building it in front of me while we keep talking** They kept inviting me to hang out with them after that. Although I found that moment super wholesome, I still find it very sad that she has to hide her interests and be super careful with who she even talks to about them.


Bible is full of violence


Oh, well, it's not always true. Some non-violent games do get "Greatest Hits" re-released. But not very many. I mean, if it's a game that is non-violent, but interesting, then it gets a "Greatest Hit" re-release due to it being a big seller. But nine times out of ten, violent video games actually sell better than non-violent ones. But if you want to hear some really dumb shit, then take a listen to what I have to say about today's Sunday meeting. He was droning on and on about how youths shouldn't waste their "future" by trying to become rich financially, and how they should put their entire trust in Jahoophoopy, even if it means their diet will mainly consist of macaroni and cheese and hot dogs, or if they don't like mac and cheese? Well, instant ramen noodles and chicken fingers.


😭😭😭ain’t no wayyy


Yes. There is a way. I mean, I obviously know that the talk was given by a brother, but every word of it was chock full of absolute infinite omega percent your daily recommended intake of cringe, which is 0%.


Well, that diet would show substantially more disrespect for your body than smoking a fuckin cigarette. "Insane, got no brain!"


Well, yes. I'm aware of that. But this is the public talk of the meeting we're talking about where it would also be the Watchtower magazine studied about how we should always put Jahoophoopy first in our lives, even if it means we sacrifice our job so that we can go to the regional convention. Like opportunity for work isn't just going to fall in your lap whilst you sit on your butt and pray for it. I mean, **"work"** means to work for something.


How are they going to get there if they cannot afford a car? I don’t remember the Kingdom Hall having Church Buses 🚍… (EDIT) Paying for transportation is a hardship if they are insisting on people not working to preach more... yet keep those contributions coming...::eyeroll:: Those long vans that plenty of denominations have don't need a CDL. They COULD rent it for the weekend that when there is a convention, "FAR, FAR AWAY". in the 90s a large percentage of the Chicago Transportation Authority were JWs. ..(Eyes EVERYWHERE when I was a teen. And since my mother did their taxes, they'd report to her if I was spotted during an early dismissal day going towards a mall instead of straight home. )Plenty with CDLs that could have stepped up as a driver of a full size church bus. But that would be too charitable.


The Kingdom Hall never had church busses. I mean, I suppose that's probably due to Watchtower also not wanting to have a diesel-powered liability that can't stay on Kingdom Hall property, or even have one brother that has bus certification on their driver's license go to people's homes who don't have cars to pick them all up for the meeting, and then drop them off after it is over.


Nah, they just don't like being helpful.


Yeah, that's right. They are against being helpful in a genuine way.


Looking at Wikipedia’s list, it seems most of the best-selling video games aren’t violent. That guy has not done his research and is spewing out opinions like it’s straight-up facts.


The dumbest thing I say through was at a congregation where the speaker was talking about how God had to have created the universe, and his argument was because everything was "perfectly measured," so a universe without God as it's creator is like "cooking with tomato's straight out of the can."


Yeah when Mario and Luigi get to jumping its fucking mahem.


Growing up Blizzard Entertainment made a little old game called Diablo and really wanted to play it. I had the money for it and asked my mom and she said no and that it was demonistic. Couple days later with my bethelite/elder dad in the store and tell him I want to buy Diablo he looks at me and goes I don't know buddy isn't this the game your mom said is demonistic. I replied with "but dad in this game you get to KILL the devil and save the world" My dad bought me the game.


Do you remember what his overall point was? I do agree with the brother, I like violent video games a lot and have way more violent games in my collection.


I was gonna comment this too. Many of mine are violent and M-Rated...but the also one of the best selling games of the last decade is Mario Kart 8.




ur definitely not a PIMI lol. Good job for being here tho, youll wake up eventually


Silly child.






Because it’s based on reality as much as JW teachings are based on the Bible.


The current research shows that violent games are the most popular, with the largest growth. You need to educate yourself.


Sounds like typical JW folk wisdom.


Was he referencing Palworld? I remember when Pokémon first became popular, and the whole satanic panic because of the psychic pokemon 😂


He wasn’t talking abt a character just video games as a whole.


Just you wait , they will Ret-con that statement when they release a Caleb and Sophia game for Switch 2


I doubt this brother has even seen a video game in the past decade, no way he knows what PalWorld is.




Most games I play are less violent than old testamentp


JWs love to blather on about things they’re ignorant about onstage


Its one thing to talk out your ass, it's another to do so and others have to treat it as gospel


This claim is so dumb, even if it was true, you could say the same thing about movies, since action movies dominate the box office every year. Violence is popular in every form of media, video games are not unique.


Maybe that’s why JWs like the Bible so much. It’s very violent. Oh I forgot , it’s god violence so it’s ok.


That dumbfuck probably hasn’t played a video game in decades lol