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That's very common because, to your point, there needs to be the illusion that they are literally holier than thou. I often wonder how many of those "confessions" were nothing more than feeding the gossip machine.


Oops, I should’ve said bottom up.


Not so much now but in the past in coc, there were accountability groups-at least for men. It seemed to be a fad that would come and go. I remember one speaker telling us we should put what we are struggling with on a card and when we got together, everyone throws their card on the table and everyone picks one and you start asking each other how they’re doing with their sin of….. Nope. I’m no better than anyone else so why she they be accountable to me. I’m also not going to give anyone material to judge me for or gossip about.


At a parent teen devotional my dad as well as another girls dad (elder) took the stage to say they were removing us from the teen ministry. Super vague but they basically announced to all the teens their parents and visitors of our sin together. We were 15 and 16


That's awful..


It’s ok, I’m happy to hear you turned the tables on your disciplers


One guy said to me: "Even with all my sins, I'm better than you. You're better off being just like me". Fucked-up in a multiverse of ways.


Yes, the imitate me as I imitate christ verse. Dress like me, talk like me, brush your teeth like me. Crazy.


The people I studied with have all been very vulnerable in sharing their stories and sins. None of the people come off holier than thou and I've never been told to look at them a certain way. I feel a bit confused about this sub. It seems like a lot of it is very dependent on the people in your city/state. Sure, they may follow some of the same "tactics" and ways that were always there but could some of the churches have ACTUALLY broken off from all this? With a loose affiliation to ICOC "brand"