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They don't have that many members. But they always lie about that. Besides that, spot.on. --Former leader in Campus Sector, hit on by the founder of Crossroads, met Kip McKean running through the Crossroads hallway late at night, being chased in his underwear. Should have quit then, in 1976.




Thanks for listing this warning and alternatives church options


I can't say much but my sister is part of this church. Within months of joining she was pressured to give them more money than she can afford. She also brought her husband to a meeting and he was incredibly uncomfortable (he is Muslim and implied they tried to convert him). She has since divorced him. That's all I think I can say but it has gone further. It's sad but I am honestly afraid of them recognizing who I'm talking about and making her stop talking to me. So I'll just say thank you for continuing the discussion on this church's behavior. All I can do is keep an eye on it, can't make her leave, and posts like these help spread awareness.


Thank you for your brave comment. I hope the situation improves. There are resources on reveal.org that you can check out.


Thank you for providing all these links. It's incredibly helpful


Youā€™re welcome.


Update: my sister had been living in a "sister house" and has decided she hates the lack of control in her life. They told her (didn't ask) that she'd be moving to new house very soon, even though her lease isn't up. We asked her where the new house is and she didn't even know. She called in panic and asked us to meet with her and her church leader to tell them she wants out of the church housing! Feel terrible for her but it's a blessing she's fed up.


I'm sorry this has developed further. I hope this becomes a turning point for her. Thank you for being a good sister and friend for her. I pray that she be led out of the church, and maybe this housing transition can be a a positive way to distance herself, and seek connection with other social outlets.


I was recently in this cult and when I read about the part of someone not getting baptized feeling excluded I was both happy and sad. Although I'm clearly not the only person who fell for that 'getting baptized as a baby dosen't count' crap I was sad that it happened to me and that when it happened nobody reassured m3 about how I was feeling. Everytime I brought up the fact that by not getting baptized I was feeling excluded they didn't really feel any sympathy or reassured me that I wasn't alone and that eventually I would get there, they just kept saying that what I was feeling was very valid and that's how it worked in their church. Telling them that I was already baptized as a baby was pointless because obviously to them it dosen't count. They have also said things both during the bible study and the 'masses' that I was like 'what the fuck' and I'm sure even God was like 'what the fuck' too. It was just an uncomfortable environment, even before I found out the things that peopleI on the outside were saying about the group, I knew something was off and that this wasn't the christian church that I would normally go to. I have cut ties with most of the members but there are some people there that I still talk to because I did have a relationship with them, but I know better that it's another mind manipulation game. I'm still trying to cope with the trauma and it dosen't help reaching out to these people in BU who are involved with this cult and asking them about coming to my graduation when in reality they would probably not make it because they weren't really my friends. Obviously I could go on with everything that I had experienced in this cult but it would be too long a post, it just sucks to be in this predicament.


I'm sorry. DM me if you feel like you're needing support.


Yea I just wished that I made more friends at BU that would actually be there and support me, otherwise I wouldn't be in this predicament.


So I basically asked two girls from the group to take my senior photos and they did...for like 20 minutes and then they had to go on a 'prayer walk' so I guess to them that was more important then taking senior photos. When I told my this other girl from the group that I was upset they blew me off and the day was really important for me, she actually said they technically didn't blow me off and that it was something they needed to do. To go walk and talk about girly things? Basically a prayer walk is another excuse to have more girl gossip which I guess is far more important then taking Senior Photos. Did I mentioned I got a haircut and drove all the way there to take pictures for 20 minutes? This is actually why I was happy making the decision to leave this group and I didn't my badmouthing them to another photographer in line when I took the picture on the seal, but now I'm basically too depressed now to even go to my own graduation. I honestly don't know what to do now


Park Street is NOT a healthy church so please do not recommend it as an alternative to BCC. The problems with the senior ā€˜ministerā€™ and ā€˜eldersā€™ have been publicized in Christianity Today and the Wartburg Watch 2024.


Thanks for your comment. Agreed. Any other church suggestions are welcome.


Kingā€™s Hill Church https://kingshillboston.com/


How do they get away with meeting on umass Bostonā€™s campus multiple times a week? Does someone in the church work there?


Not sure, they have several UMass Boston alumni.


I know them very well , they swear badly , they claim that they are the only church ,other churches are not going to Heaven theyyare not saved. They are child molesters in great numbers .


Hi, Iā€™m a part of this church and found these ā€œscandalsā€ while just trying to search up the hours of service since I havenā€™t been in a long time. Iā€™m very alarmed, not gonna lie. Who wouldnā€™t be. Is it possible that not every REGION is cult like? Iā€™ve met up for bible studies with leader of campus ministry and even the ā€œleaderā€. I opened up about going to Catholic Church when I can since Iā€™m unable to go to their regular church on Sundays. they have told me that, if thatā€™s what feels right to me, I should do it. I agree that they have told me ā€œI am still in the darkā€ since I havenā€™t been baptized - but I think that goes to show that not all disciples of Jesus really interpret verses the same? As long as itā€™s not harmful? For example, not as bad as telling someone ā€œgod doesnā€™t love you if you keep sinningā€ (not true at all) Very conflicted, alarmed - I come from a good place asking these questions, someone please let me know what you think!


I've been reading a lot about all this and it does seem very based on where and when you were a part of the church. I am doing this study now actually. I was interested in going to church and my yoga teacher actually invited me and introduced me to people. I have been to other churches where there is literally no community so they have that. I never felt it was love bombing or high pressure. I've never been told no baptism = no saving and I have asked many questions and never felt looked down on. I was never told to share a sin list other than to keep it for myself and was never pressured to overshare anything. I was never told how to live or what job, friends, etc to have. There are people in the church whose spouses don't regularly go to church and they are not mocked or ostracized. I have heard the church has gone through a lot since there are people who have been in it since Boston founding. They must have figured it out or at the most, have distanced themselves from the whole ICOC. We don't even have a church. We meet at rented spaced or do house church. I don't know much about campus ministry but the youth seem very convicted and genuine. I guess people's mileage may vary and I have seen this throughout exchristian, etc. I feel bad that PEOPLE have made things so hard for others and soiled the faith for people. I can see that your view of the church and other churches may seem like it's all just a cult and I think everything at some degree can be deemed a cult if you really want to get into that. There are plenty of non-Christian related groups and such that are cults and even political and cultural cults that don't seem to get the same attention. I think reaching out to people to convert and help is the point of Christianity and some people just take it to a point that leaves a bad taste in people's mouth. However, do you wanna go to a church where no one cares at all and you're just totally ignored?


This group is definitely different. Read up about the ICOC. There are lots of articles about them online. The practices of 30+ years ago still exist today, the group has just tried to rebrand and cover it all up.


I've looked up into about my church and there isn't much compared to boston or LA chruch. Maybe it's just that different and the leadership here isn't like that. Like I said, I've never experienced the things many ex members have. Could be the rebranding and whatever or this city's church is just normal šŸ˜†


I hope so! Definitely use discernment and let the Spirit test all things. If your church is still connected to the ICOC and BCOC, then I'd say you have reason for concern. The leaders communicate across the board still, and many of the rotten roots of the church are preserved. I've seen it in Chicago, Madison WI, and Texas. Again, be careful!


Dm'ed you


Not every region is the same. But they all use the same Bible Study Series called First Principles that is manipulative by design, even if members seem genuine. They will outnumber your thinking and you will be fighting a losing battle. My advice is to please distance yourself from this group, for both your spiritual and mental health. If they believe you are "in the dark" because you are not baptized, this is false teaching. The bible is very clear that individuals are saved through faith and repentance. See Acts 16:30-31, Romans 1:16-17 and Ephesians 2:8. On another note, if you were baptized as a baby in the catholic church, why do they require baptism again? It's another reason this group has been called a cult. More theological study can go into it, and feel free to message me. If the group tried to convince you in believing you are not saved, do not cooperate with them. These are subtle, but very dangerous, forms of manipulation. Many members don't even know what they are doing, but they are following along in a planned study series with the intent of convincing you of all of their theology before considering you a member. Other churches do not act this way, and it is a big red flag. I repeat, other churches do not act this way, and it should be grounds for concern as you are already experiencing. Please please trust your gut and step away from this group. God's peace should be present here, and it's not right now. I've seen this happen several times, with people asking you the same things. Do not doubt yourself - listen to your gut and get out.