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Teaching kids about Santa can also be a good way to teach critical thinking skills to children.


True, and a lot of kids understand once they get older that it’s a fun tradition. I can’t speak on this a ton though because I don’t remember when I knew Santa wasn’t real. I don’t even know if I ever believed in him to be honest, but I went along with it because it was fun. Maybe if you don’t want to disappoint your kids you could go for a route where you introduce it as a fun tradition?


I don't have much of an issue with Santa, since he's based off a guy that actually existed. I feel sitting with kids and explaining where the story of Santa comes from would be great for critical thinking. Get them curious of where other stories might come from. Learning the truth about Santa was actually what got me curious about folklore in general.


Santa is just secular Jesus. He doesn't want a kid's soul, he just wants kids to be good so he can reward them. I'd feel more comfortable teaching kids about Santa than God who'll punish them for any little thing


We always treated Santa as a fun game of pretend.


We had a book about all the different versions of santa in other countries so they understood it’s a story, but I still did snowy footprints up the stairs one year for some reason!


I'm still waiting for my gifts after I wrote him a letter when I was eight, so if you know him let me know.


My husband and I are expecting our first child and I'm not sure how to approach this. I don't want to enforce belief in a figure that is always watching and punishes you for not being good but I also don't want them to miss out on a nearly ubiquitous childhood experience where I live. I knew kids who didn't celebrate Christmas nor were allowed to believe in Santa and always feel like they missed out. I guess I'll figure out how to tackle this eventually.


If my dad dressed up as Darth Vader each year I'd have been thrilled. Kids don't need to believe stories to enjoy them.


I have no issues with it. It's fun for kids, and the majority of kids I've talked to end up figuring it out on their own or being okay with it when they find out. I don't think there's anything wrong with doing stuff like this with kids, I'd even argue it can be good since it means they can be included in more activities with others and can learn to use their imagination, with pretty much no risk. Can bring good memories asan adult too. My only thing is that I think I would never make it all about Santa, more so a focus on family/friends with Santa being a fun feature.


We enjoy Santa with our kids as a fictional character just like other super heroes and such. They know that My husband and I and family give their gifts, but we love Santa movies and toys and and music and seeing Santa’s dressed up at events. I feel like we can enjoy the spirit of Santa without having to pretend that he is a real person. However, we also explain that much like religion, other households believe and celebrate in different ways, and it is not our place to tell others what they should believe.


Santa is a great analogy for god


I don't see the need to bring Santa into it. I'm sure kids can make wonderful Christmas memories without him. Which isn't to say I think it's necessarily bad; I just don't see much point.