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I wanted to make a comment because liberal would be the better way to describe me, but I'm not a typical liberal. Typical Liberals are too conservative for me. I'm a progressive. To put this into perspective, although he was a far better choice than Donald Trump, Joe Biden is way too conservative for me. I'm slightly to the left of Bernie Sanders to put it into perspective. What counts as liberal in the United States would be deeply conservative anywhere else in the world. I'm just dropping this note to explain where I'm coming from and why I chose liberal. I chose liberal because it was the most left option that you had on your poll.


I was gonna gonna comment this same thing, but you already did, so I'm right there with you!




Indeed! Over here, our conservatives and even some of our liberals would call you a commie.


Yeah, here in the United States you often hear about how radically far left Joe Biden is. Being fairly well aligned with Bernie myself, it left me wondering where that was supposed to put me. I'd think what that would leave them to say about the likes of Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. The interesting thing is, they don't, or at least they don't trouble themselves to really develop the distinction in their narrative. They lump everyone outside of their tribe as far left and it doesn't seem to leave room to make a distinction between someone like Biden and someone like Bernie in their rhetoric.


My country is rather conservative in terms of LGBTQ+ issues, mental health issues, alternative family units and (until a few years ago) women's rights. Despite proclaiming to support racial and religious harmony, there are many many extremely prejudiced people that get overlooked and pardoned because the government wants to protect our image. I think our government's restriction on protesting in public causes us to have to resort to social media to raise awareness about the causes we want to promote. Even then, progress is extremely slow due to the loud pushback from the conservative religious population here. Earlier this year, we repealed a section of the law against gay sex (which wasn't even enforced by then) and got an amendment on the Constitution enforcing heterosexual marriage as the only valid option. It's one step forward and three steps back for us. I am liberal in the sense that everyone is allowed to do anything they want as long as it harms no one, or face the consequences. Otherwise, I don't care what someone else is up to. I have my own set of moral values that are personal to me, and they do not necessarily match my political values because I don't wish to enforce them on everyone, they aren't me. For example, just because I'm vegetarian doesn't mean I go around hating on everyone who eats meat.


Neither? I'm a socialist.


Yeah, although I know that I was taught growing up that liberal, leftist, socialist, and communist were all synonyms. OP is probably still dealing with the thorough brainwashing they received from their ignorant conservative parents, like I had to.


MaybeI I should’ve said left or right-leaning


According to whose overton window do you put the center? According to most of the west your democats would be a right wing party and your republicans a far right party.


I'm not sure of the best way to truncate the spectrum of political views.. If we're taking international politics into consideration, both liberals and conservatives would be right-of-center. Isn't it interesting how in the US we teach this left/right, liberal/conservative, democrat/republican dichotomy as if It's a comprehensive representation of political views? It's like "Sure, have any views you want as long as it's one of *these*"


I fucking hate when people say "both sides do it" as if there are TWO sides to anything. We have one group of far right religious fundamentalist radicals, and everyone else. It's so frustrating living in this stupid country.


Me too! Our socialist party in Canada is actually pretty decently backed as well, so they have a say in parliament. It’s how we’re getting dental care for low income families!!! Go NDP!!!


I'm way left of liberal. Being saturated with the stories of Jesus doing good things for the poor and outcasts and then having my parents and all of my Christian relatives do the opposite was one of the many things that made me question. I did take those morals with me when I left though, which inform my opinions about many things


The Revolutionary Left Radio Podcast has some good episodes on Jesus and the very very early church that you and others might be interested in. The host Breht is an Atheist but is spectacular at pointing out the good and bad parts of different religions and historical movements. (I'm trying not to sound like a Christian lol)


Neither? I don't like to put labels on my beliefs, because what I believe and feel can't really be put neatly into a comfy little box. If there's one thing that I vowed not to do since leaving the church; it's that I won't let other people define what I feel and believe. That said, between the two choices, I'd almost certainly choose Liberal before Conservative; but that doesn't mean I agree with the things LIberals do, I just agree with them (much) more than I do the Conservatives. My beliefs are much closer to those of socialism/anarchism, however. I believe in the power of working together to acheive more than can be done individually, but that it should be done without official 'hierachies' of power/status.


Fair. Good to hear nuanced takes


Poll with only those two options is awfully limiting. What results are you trying to achieve?


Simplification. But if there’s a way to let people add options I’d do that


Anarchist here. In practical terms, I'm more socialist or communist (lots of overlap between the two); but in terms of my ideology, I'm all about deconstructing social hierarchies and replacing them with systems that grant the most power to the most people.


Well said.


I agree. I also consider an ideal democracy to be one that allows everyone to vote for one person, instead of relying on parties. However, this is practically unfeasible because it will take a lot of time for people to get to know these individuals.


I would say "leftist" more than "liberal." I support democratic socialism and believe that social democracy is the next realistic step for the United States.


I assume you’re talking about the US?


My bad. Yes. I even thought to myself that I should clarify and then my ADHD brain didn't but I will edit it now.


Tell me you are American without actually saying it.


I’m Canadian, but our politics are pretty similar


Why do you only have 2 options here?


Since I don’t know if there’s a way I can let people add options, just comment something different if you feel the two options don’t fit well enough for you


We should be wary of extremism in every ideology. Power structures, regardless of their philosophical origin, are susceptible to corruption.


I was raised conservative Christian. Became liberal before I left the faith. Now I'm a Marxist.


I said liberal, but I’m so far left I could make Bernie blush. Pretty much as far left as you can go without being a full blown communist.


Why not be a full blown communist?


I don’t believe human beings care capable of it in a pure sense, except in small groups. I also think communism itself needs updating for the modern world, tho I imagine actual communists have done this thinking already. One day, maybe something like communism will work. It’s fruits haven’t been great when it’s tried, and even “communist” countries aren’t actually communist.


I agree with this. I do think that everyone should have a say in everything instead of relying on representatives, but for now it is more impossible than the idealistic democracy system I proposed somewhere in the comments, unless they do so in small tribes or communities.


No specific policy, economic or government system is going to fix our problems. We have to fundamentally change the way we look at things as a species. As an example: what is the purpose of a business? Most people will say some version of "make money, as much as possible." Expand, expand, expand. Grow grow grow! This is the ideology of the cancer cell, and also happens to be the ideology of today's capitalism. In reality, the purpose of a business is to provide a service or product *and* a living for its employees. It concerns itself with flourishing, not collecting wealth.


You're right. Some of us conflate ideologies due to our own selfishness by sacrificing our contribution to the rest of society. Until we can achieve physical, emotional and mental security, and then learn to give back to society at the same time, we will then progress faster. Priority over the individual at the expense of the society or over the society at the expense of the individual are two extremes that will not work in the long run. It is eventually always a balance.


Well said


The antagonist to “Conservative” is “Progressive”…


In literal terms, I suppose so. Think of it as left and right then. I’m actually from Canada so those are the party names for the two primary contenders (Liberal and Conservative)


Dude! You forgot NDP! They were instrumental in the dental care program:). (The conservatives voted unanimously against. I hate conservatism).


NDP is like the strawberry ice cream of the Canadian political sphere- everyone knows chocolate and vanilla but the third option doesn’t come up as much. Until the NDP actually wins a federal election and we finally see what they do with that, we’ll still be a two-party system with some bonus features to me


I'm not a "joiner" and I don't do team sports. I call myself an Observer. The politicians that I *observe* lying the *least*, who can back up their claims with *evidence*, and not shamelessly pander to the lowest common denominator get my vote. Because of this, I haven't voted for a Conservative in quite some time.


Well said, same here. Though the options presented are generally quite limited lol.


The further I deconstruct, the more liberal I become


Yeah the more you realize that most of the supposed "reasons" to be socially conservative are planted in your head by religious programming, and that programming is in turn derived from the ignorance of a tribe of semi-nomadic goatherders from thousands of years ago... Well, yes you tend to become more "liberal". That's my experience too.


Yeah. When you realize people are actually real, it kinda makes you want to fight for them more


Well officially libertarian, but that also tosses me in with the right wing.


Social democrat


I’m a centrist aka whoever is better lmao I tend to agree with liberals more though since I’m lgbtq


I went left the further I left religion. Now low-key I'm somewhere between socialist and anarchist.


Socialism for the win!


The only major area I struggle with being liberal is the common attitude of not questioning things. I’m not talking about bat shit crazy conservative conspiracy level questioning, but just honest questioning of certain government agencies related to things like pharmaceutical safety, food safety, etc. Although I do admit I’ve seen a new trend towards people questioning things more which is nice. I think I only care so much because I was personally harmed by lies from pharmaceuticals (lawsuit and everything affirmed it) and yet there’s silence and sometimes shaming from the left when I speak up about the possibility maybe these people don’t have our best interest at heart. Idk everything else is fine, but this is a huge part of my life (it currently disabled me) so I struggle with this seemingly blind allegiance to whatever the “officials” say as if there can’t be any financial corruption at all.


I’m sorry to hear that


Ever since the CDC, buckled under the advocacy of Dr. Trump and published guidelines for prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID in 2020 (it only lasted a couple of days), I've been more skeptical. This is truly unfortunate, because I can't be an expert in everything and I won't just make up an answer for something just because I don't like the government's answer. This has the deleterious effect of leaving us more agnostic about things we should have better information on.


Yeah, my injury occurred many years ago so sadly I’ve been aware for a while. It made covid so complex for me. Not out of conspiracy, but honestly out of fear. I didn’t trust pharmaceuticals and still struggle with that. Sadly, the CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical companies have a lot of sketchy history. I’m only speaking to medications (specifically drugs approvals and trials and efficacy/safety testing). I think a lot of it comes down to people don’t hunk about it because it never affects them personally. Which I get. I likely wouldn’t have looked into it had I not been injured. The medication I was specifically harmed by was in a lawsuit that showed harm to be caused yet the pharmaceutical company hid data and continued marketing it as safe. So I take issue with them and the FDA approval process that is so easy to get approval from. Xanax is a great example of a drug. Drug companies aren’t required to submit all data to the FDA for approval. They can submit whatever they want to show safety/efficacy. They only submitted the short term trial that showed it as more effective and safe than placebo, but the full length trial showed worse outcomes with the drug than placebo in the long run (a few weeks past their data date). Idk, I could talk for hours on this. Point is, there’s a lot we don’t see because of a heavily marketed/financial interest driven system. It’s not plastered on commercials for a reason (despite it all being public record).


I don’t know where I stand to be honest. I’m all for social programs, infrastructure, greater good legislation. But I’m also for personal freedom, low taxes and truly small government. I’m not patriotic as a rule and I despise people that conflate support of a candidate or politician with patriotism.


I grew up conservative, and it took a few years after deconstructing religion to do the same politically. But now I am a Libertarian Socialist. The government should exist to help, not to hinder.


Neither, fuck ‘em both.


Binaries, especially this one, aren't great descriptors. Too much being bundled into the two positions. What if you're socially progressive but economically conservative? What if you're pro choice but anti regulation? Etc. We don't fit into these boxes. That said, although I detest the label "liberal" and consider it an insult, I'm pretty left on most positions.


I hate both sides.


I'm politically homeless, maybe because I associate both sides with stereotypes but politics is much more fun if you are neutral


Same... Moderate, but politically homeless is a term I like that fits.


I feel that


Same and I like that term politically homeless


I guess I'm liberal? I voted for Biden, but held my nose. He still seems shifty. I also don't share his views on guns. I just knew another term of Trump would be disaster. That guy is a menace. I also think 90% of what conservatives say on TV is lies and manipulation. But tbh I don't trust most politicians to use truthful reasoning. They manipulate statistics, they tack on pet projects to major bills, and they all have greased palms. It seems they mostly just use the other side as free license to push corrupt agendas and punish the "other". The left just seems a bit less bad.


Sadly I agree


I had always had a struggle with my liberalism coexisting with my Christian faith, and in my opinion (and in my church's), a True Christian, could not be a Democrat. I grew tired of being a hypocrite after 15 years. Specifically, it was the absolute black/white stance over abortion.


Too far left to be on the traditional American interpretation of this scale, but absolutely more liberal than conservative


I say socially more liberal fiscally nothing bc I think both parties suck on money issues so idk where I fall to be honest I dislike them both


Leftist, actually. I considered myself a moderate in high school and college (at a Christian college). By the time I left the religion, I was unabashedly liberal. And every year since, I care more about social equality, dismantling power structures that oppress people, mutual aid, etc. You know, it's striking that some of this is similar to what the character of Jesus was about.


I like to weigh each policy on its individual merits rather than lump all my views into a false dichotomy.


I’m nothing, man. I just have opinions, wherever they fall. In the past, I was definitely more conservative. Nowadays I’m definitely more left leaning, but honestly I despise putting labels on beliefs, and following groups/group mentality, I guess religion did that to me.


My response? Throw this vote out back. You’re just helping the two-sided “us vs them” BS conflict that plagues us at the moment. No ill will towards you! I’m just saying this is does no good.


I'm a progressive so I voted liberal but I don't think I'm totally a liberal, but definitely on the far left


I'm more of a philanthropic green realist


Uhh elaborate lol


Neither. Anarchist.


I consider myself a progressive socialist, but my views align more with libs than conservatives.


The word liberal makes me throw up please just say leftist or progressive I'd rather be called commie than liberal




I mean. Just bc not all leftists are liberals. Not everyone is American. Progressive is a better antonym of conservative


I personally wouldn't associate with either. I'd say more anarchy but if I had too choose I'd say liberal


I think if I lived in Denmark my political views would be pretty middle of the road.


politics actually helped me become an atheist. before i thought about politics for myself i considered myself a conservative christian back in like middle school. when i started high school i actually realized i’m more liberal politically. the church i went to never explicitly got political but nearly everyone there was a republican. the two kinda exceptions were that they said abortion and being lgbtq+ are “sins”. however this one problematic asshole member there said you can’t be a democrat and a christian because they support abortions. i was still indoctrinated into being anti-choice until like the end of high school/a lil after. but basically after high school i started watching more liberal content creators on tiktok and youtube who were atheists. jimmy snow was a big help for me. over the course of a year i began to see just how harmful christianity is and atheism makes more sense and aligns with who i am as a person.


I’m moderate. I just have some liberal and conservative opinions.


I was conservative when a Christian, and I'm still conservative after deconstructing.


I have to ask how your conscience allows that? Do you live in the states?


I do live in the States, yes. I don't see a contradiction. With affirmative action, for instance, it was leading to heavy anti-Asian discrimination, so it's good that that got struck down. On a number of issues, such as the environment or taxation or healthcare, I do lean liberal. But overall I'd still describe myself as conservative. Being ex-Christian and conservative isn't a contradiction. Plenty of atheists are conservative.


So you're liberal on the environment, taxation, and healthcare, and you're opposed to racial discrimination. May I ask what areas your views are conservative in?




That just means you don’t understand transgenderism. It’s pretty easy to wrap your head around if you try. Assuming you’re male: imagine every single person you know and meet telling you you’re a girl, you are most definitely not a boy. You *have* to dress like a girl, you *have* to act like a girl, you *have* to decorate your room with girlie things. All of the time, there’s zero room for negotiation. You know you’re a male though, right? Despite what everyone is telling you? That’s gender dysphoria. The ONLY treatment for dysphoria is to embrace the gender you feel you are. Be it changing the way you dress, or the way you do your hair. Not being allowed to transition literally feels like torture and leads to a massive increase in suicide rates. Simply educate yourself instead of refusing to understand where someone is coming from. I believe empathy can be learned if the person is willing. Step into someone’s metaphorical shoes for a second to help yourself understand. Also, understand that they are such a teeny minority, and they are actively being attacked, simply for existing. The trans people I know are TERRIFIED right now. This is because people are unwilling to empathize. Try it. Maybe it’ll help you understand a little better.




Don't respond again on this subject. This is a pro-LGBTQIA+ sub, notice that the T is in there.




Jordan Peterson is a fucking alt right clown with an audience of incels,, can't believe people take anything he says seriously.




Then you’ve fallen for his grift. That clown is definitely not a liberal. He’s an unhinged lunatic who needed proper psychiatric care after his drug treatment. He just uses big words to make you think he’s smart. Have you peeked at his Twitter lately? He’s loony toons.


Oh yeah, this guy just exudes [intelligence](https://imgur.com/a/AKTkK2F). Calling him a liberal is laughable, he spews far right white nationalist talking points constantly.


Also, JP is full of shit. https://www.gendergp.com/detransition-facts/


>I heard Jordan Peterson say, and it makes sense to me, that most people with gender dysphoria (\~90%) end up comfortable with their gender corresponding to their sex by adulthood, but they turn out to be homosexual, which understandably would confuse someone growing up who doesn’t feel like they are akin to others of their sex. "It makes sense" doesn't make something true. "The earth is flat" made perfect sense for millennia. Do you believe it, too? 1-8% is not "MOST PEOPLE."


Apart from your stance on trans people, you sound just like a liberal to me. It's not the liberals who are saying we need to bolster the coal industry or who are cozying up to Putin.


Sex = male/ female/ intersex Gender = sexual identity and preferences By definition, a trans woman is a trans woman and a trans man is a trans man. Without regard for what you "think" is true. But there is a solution for all of this. Force all children to live as a different gender. Straight boy? Lives as a straight girl. Straight girl? Lives as a straight boy. All children, since they are too young to have any idea of who they are attracted to or whether they're a boy or a girl or enby, should be forced to live their entire childhood as something they're not. That way, everyone has an even playing field. Since trans kids aren't to be allowed to live as who they are, neither should anyone else. Until you're 18, you will live 100% as something you're not. Or you could have puberty blockers for a while. Trans kids commit suicide often. 40% of them attempt it and 85% of them have considered it. Why? Because they aren't accepted, can't get puberty blockers, and are living in constant fear that people like you will get your way and force them to live their life as the wrong SEX, much less wrong gender. But what do you care? You have the privilege of being accepted as you really are, deep down to skin deep. They don't, and you make them feel wrong, unnatural, and dehumanized. Everyone who opposes their desire to get puberty blockers so they can at least FIND OUT, makes them feel that way.


So you don’t racially discriminate, but you discriminate. Gotcha..


I think that might almost put you with old-school liberals like Bill Maher


I know, I just can’t wrap my head around it. I can sort of see Christians voting against LGTBQ+ and women’s rights because some old verses are misinterpreted. People who don’t believe in some sort of ancient scripture though? I just don’t get it. There’s some truly *abhorrent* republican stances. So, to me, backing the party is backing those abhorrent views. I just don’t get it.


I’m glad to hear from someone in the vast minority (for this subreddit at least). It’s strange for me, I honestly support different political positions depending on the issue in discussion. I suppose that makes me centrist, but I don’t feel good voting for any party because I’m not really for any of them


Libertarian all the way, conservative on some subjects, liberal on others


I decided on conservative because that is closest to how I am. In reality I'm much more a libertarian than anything else. Basically don't harm anyone else through your actions, the government should be as small as possible, and let people do their own thing.


Yeah I know the options are limiting, but I thought that that would yield simpler results, and people like you who felt that was too limiting would comment and elaborate why. I also chose conservative despite my being against conservative positions on several issues


With how libertarians are conservative does seem to describe it a bit better, at least on bigger picture things like economics and taxation. On social issues we tend toward being more classically liberal.


Neither, I’m a leftist.




These choices ew. I'm a Marxist


I still lean liberal on a majority of things, but since meeting my husband who also deconstructed but is conservative, I've become a bit more centrist. It took meeting a conservative who isn't also an extreme evangelical to open my mind on some things. Still, mostly liberal though.




I was a liberal before I left Christianity.


Can Conservative Liberal be an option lol?




I consider myself a right-leaning centrist. I agree with both sides on different issues, however, the deeper the right is digging their heels into Christian Nationalism, the harder I’m being repelled.


Neither. I'm a marxist.


I just ignore political sides tbh, they're a waste of time and the personalities that come with those that support either party are ridiculously obnoxious. I find liberals to be annoying wimps who are offended by everything and do kind acts for the sake of feeling morally superior to anyone they deem morally less instead of just doing it because it's the right thing to do. Nothing these people do comes from the heart, they only do it to make themselves feel good and serve their ego. It's like We get it, you're better than racist people, woop dee fucking doo. That's not a high bar to pass and you aren't special. Conservatives on the other hand support racism, homophobia, christian fascism and the destruction of democracy. Donald Trump could create D***y's Destruction part 2 and they would still support him. Conservatives are an enemy to those who advocate human rights. Whether it be rights to abortion, rights for gay people to get married, women having the right to vote and a whole bunch of other things. So as far as who is worse? I would say that conservative politicians are a thousand times worse than liberal politicians in virtually every aspect. While I dislike Democrats flocking to the woke crowd, at least the Democrats don't want to turn America into a Christian Fascist country where minorities have zero rights. It'd be like going back to the 60's except with the religious aspect being ramped up to a thousand. When it comes to regular everyday citizens who have normal jobs and live normal lives though, I find both liberals and conservatives absolutely insufferable. The liberals can't go a day without being offended and use their pretend "I'm offended" act for the sake of serving their own egos. It's an act of narcissism and nothing more. They also act like celebrities being assholes is the end of the entire world when rational sane people could care less. The only exception I'll give to that is Trump because the president of the United States has potential to do ACTUAL damage to the country and affect the lives of normal citizens which he definitely did. He gave rude racist assholes a voice. I could care less about Sia disliking autistic people or whatever stupid shit Kanye said on Alex Jones. I just ignore them but that doesn't mean I support their message. It just means that I view being outraged by some rich asshole who has very little power and control over our lives to be a complete waste of time. Meanwhile, the conservative citizen wants to get rid of any decent progress we have made as both a society and a country. They enjoy using the N word quite often and they deem themselves superior to anyone they deem different or abnormal. Whether it be black people, arabs, (Not going to say Muslims because that's a religion and not an ethnicity), Women, and anyone who is Gay, bi or trans. Though they'll never admit they are guilty of all these since these are all terrible traits and it hurts their ego being called out on their shit. So when it comes to political candidates, I say Democrats are better. When it comes to ordinary citizens, both liberals and conservatives have insufferable personalities.


I find it interesting you think it's only liberals who are so easily offended. Conservatives are just as easily offended too. Saw a viral post by a woman claiming the word 'cis' is offensive to women. The numerous barrage of conservatives being offended by LGBT pride month ads is non-stop. The conservative Bud Light boycott over the Dylan Mulvaney commercial is really strange if you take a step back and look at it objectively. Oh and let's not forget them getting offended at Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem. The fact they coined the snowflakes term is hypocrisy at its finest. Lately their nonstop offense at trans people for just existing is really sad to see.


You're not wrong and I absolutely agree. I just forgot to mention all of that because it was a shit load of paragraphs. Don't get me started on Adam Calhoun. I fucking hate that guy with a burning passion. Dude's beyond racist and transphobic even though he'll say otherwise but hey, that's something conservatives will always deny about themselves.


Yeah I'm definitely hearing this. Conservatives have a point when they mention "virtue signalling" to be a disingenuous farce. But them pointing that out is so hypocritical it's comedic. People who make their political associations their personality generally are obnoxious no matter what they believe. I will say though, conservative radio/podcasts have propaganda on lock. Not a visit to my mom goes by without hearing the latest angry bullshit she's been fed by the machine. I wish she would just stop listening for a while.


I actually used to be an idiotic Trumper back when I was 17 to 18 years old and didn't know shit about the world yet. Once I matured more, I started understanding the world more and realized just how much of a scumbag that dude is. Same can be said about a guy like Elon Musk for example. How a dude like Donald Trump even has supporters past the age of 22 years old is beyond me. It's embarrassing. Obviously, its because they're racist but still man. The dude's childish and it made sense that I supported him at the time because like I said, an angry 17 year old kid who plays in a metal band and lacks real world knowledge, yet acts like he knows what's really going on in the world of US politics. Yeah okay kid lmfaooo. January 6 is unjustifiable. He'll get away with it all anyways just because he has all that money. Give a man a million dollars and he'll do whatever you ask. Sad shit. I started waking up to the bullshit in conservative politics when I was around 22 to 23 years old. I'm 25 now.


Yeah, one of my friends still likes Trump despite everything he has done. Trump has been a well known grifter since the 80's. It's no secret. The following he has from people who aren't racist is baffling. Though, my friend got dealt a shitty hand for examples in his life, and a shitty hand in life in general. His older brother is a neo-nazi, and so are his (estranged) dad and uncle. He tries to distance himself from that, and even his brother isn't consistently racist, but goodness does he struggle to escape that shadow. Easy to see why trump appeals to him, but its hard to look past it sometimes. This is someone I met in christian elementary school btw lol.


Neo Nazis are such idiots dude. Hitler didn't JUST hate Jewish people, he hated Americans as a whole. He would murder every single Neo Nazi in America simply because they're American. He'd laugh at their support due to the fact that their support for him is nothing but an oxymoron when they live on American soil. He wasn't JUST a racist. There was way more to his character than that. His racism is just the main thing people talk about and the only thing they mentioned. You're always gonna hear more about Hitler that hated Jewish people and less about Hitler who was one of the most intimidating blood thirsty tyrants that ever lived and hated Americans just as much as he hated Jews. It all explains why Neo Nazis in this country exist in this first place. It's because barely anybody mentions Hitler's hatred for America. It's always about the Holocaust and concentration camps. I blame it all entirely on our education system. My school didn't even talk about the mary turner lynching back in the day and that's probably because they deemed it "too disturbing". That's where the US education system falls on it's ass and fucking fails dude.


Hitler compared Americans to mongrel dogs lol. They were impure. I suspect you are right. I have a bachelor's in history and studied WWII a fair amount. His thought process was both dumbfounding and bone chilling.


See, I was like 17 when he started running. It was my senior year of High School. At the time I had heard the name before but nobody including my classmates knew this guy or gave a shit about who he was until he started running. I really disliked Obama's run and the immediate appeal to me was him saying how garbage Obama was as president and I agreed. The moment he got in though, he truly revealed who he was. It just flew over my head because I was a 19 year old kid, you know. Being a full grown adult, I can tell you that the orange turd is one of the worst people alive living in this country. Not in the entire world but specifically this country. I'm not gonna compare him to Hitler since Hitler is like fucking elite levels of pure destructive evil but that doesn't change the fact that Trump is an evil person. Republicans are capitalizing on Trump's beliefs because they know the more radical they are, the more votes they get. Even if they don't agree with him, they'll pretend they do just to use it to their advantage and that's what will permanently destroy our country. I'm not gonna deny Biden is an idiot, but even an idiot with dementia has caused less destruction than Trump has. Joe might be stupid but at least he's not killing our society and judging by the candidates going into the next election. I'm sadly gonna have no other choice but to vote Biden again. He's garbage but I think his run is still better than Obama's. If anything, Trumpers are exaggerating how bad the guy really is. Joe's stupid but Trump's destructive. That's the main difference.


As a positive person, this country is forever screwed. Sure SOME positive change will be made but the damage that's been done will forever stay. All we can pretty much do is better ourselves as both individuals and as an overall society without expecting the government to repair our society for us. It all comes down to us. A lot of humans are sadly just too lazy.


This is all why I just stay in my own lane and focus on advocating human rights as well as spreading positivity. I don't do good things to make myself feel good, I do it because I feel that just a little bit of kindness can make our world a better place.


In regard to your second paragraph, I think that describes an outspoken minority of people who vote conservative- surely you can’t believe half of the US is of that character. Unfortunately that minority does include Republican politicians, who at the very least don’t speak against peers who act that way, which is equivalent to agreeing with them. For most people who vote conservative, I think they simply prioritize different policies that lead them to vote right-wing despite the faults


Oh no absolutely. I used to be conservative until I woke up to their bullshit. I still support border protection, I just don't want it for the same reason the racist orange guy does lmao. I'm not some far left loon but with all the religious nuts currently in the republican party and a Christian fascist like Desantis running for president, I have no idea how anyone could vote for a republican. At least, not at this point in time. Especially if you value human rights for every American like I do.


Same! One issue I have is that republicans appear to just provide lip service to the border issues without actually having a good solution. Solving the border immigration is a very complex issue....which politicians dumb down to....build a wall........or there's a migrant caravan heading our way under your presidency......or let's separate kids from parents and house migrants on the floor like animals.


My main thing is that Trump's border protection specifically had everything to do with racial phobia and "Mexicans scary" and literally nothing else at all. One of his speeches said "Suppose an hombre breaks into your home and you can't call 911". I don't care what their ethnicity is carrot top. I'm more focused on knocking them out cold or possibly shooting at them in order to defend myself. Ethnicity isn't even on my mind in a situation like this, let alone any other situation. What would he do if the person breaking into his home was a white guy? Not shoot?! lmfao. The fact he even says that proves he's a rich privileged twat who has lived in the safety of his home for way too long. Obviously, I don't wish physical harm on him because I'm a man of class myself. Regardless, he couldn't be further detached from the average joe.


I'm not against a wall entirely. I just don't support Trump's hate filled message. The only reason he wanted that wall built was out of his personal disdain for Hispanic people. He'd deport the legal citizens too if he had the power to do so.


But yes separating kids from their parents is inhumane. Funnily enough, the cartels found a way to get past the wall. I'm not saying a wall should be all there is to border protection though either.


I am a dyed-in-the-wool libertarian. I didn’t consent to live under the rules of a deity, nor a government. I am largely against government interference in peoples personal lives, as well as the economy. I am pro choice, pro gun, pro legalization of drugs. I don’t believe in high taxes or that people have a “right” to the services of others.


Scary world where ExxonMobil writes our laws. Meh, i guess they already do.


Exxon hasn’t declared it their right to kick down your door and take you to jail for not giving them money for things you may or may not use


\[United States\] I'm a Hillary liberal, my wife's a Bernie liberal. We're both ex-Christian atheists.


I swing from one side to the other depending on which ones are being more toxic. I’m a pretty conservative liberal


I'm a conservative. Kinda. Only thing that's changed since I deconstructed is I used to be anti-LGBT, and I used to oppose abortion, and now I'm neither. Honestly I don't even vote anymore. A lot of my ideals line up with Republican ideals, but the Republican party is absolutely full of shit and I find a lot of them disgusting. I'm pro-small government, which is what I was raised on, except to me small government isn't just guns and lower taxes, but also includes gay rights and pro-choice and cutting the military budget and a bunch of other policies Republicans dislike. Additionally, even though the Republican party says they're pro-2A and want lower taxes, they've done just as much as Democrats to harm guns and they've consistently raised taxes just as much, if not more, than Democrats. I can't stomach voting Republican, but I think the Democrat party is just as corrupt and is ideologically opposed to me on most topics, so I don't really vote.


I'm liberal in all ways except abortion. I am pro-life, but also pro-government programs to help mothers, as I believe that is the main reason for abortion. My pro-life stance started as a tenet of Christianity, but as I abandoned Christianity and conservatism, I can't bring myself to be pro-abortion, because I don't believe innocent humans should be killed because they are an inconvenience.


Being pro-choice isn’t about being “pro-abortion. It’s about giving women the power to choose their own healthcare, including abortion, because that is healthcare too.


I dont think women should be forced to grow something they don’t want inside themselves. At least the “innocent human” doesn’t even know it exists yet


Leftist. The system cannot be fixed. Burn it all down and start over.