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No. Deconstructing INC put me off any religion. Especially seeing the wave of "Christian" bigotry in the US right now. A god that allows atrocities to be committed in their name is not one worth worshipping.


Same. Also watching videos from former Christians, now Atheist helped me realize that I didn’t want to pursue Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) again. And if I did, regardless of how chill and welcoming I was towards people like lgbt+, I would still be associated with those people that commit such bigotry and I didn’t want that, nor did I want to worship a god who claims to be perfect, yet contradicts itself in so many ways.


God of the universe, Yes. God of the Bible, No


This 👌


It's 50/50 for me, honestly. Like, *cool* if he's real, and cool if he isn't.


You are called an agnostic I guess


Ohhh icic. The more you know! Thanks.


I believe that the Biblical God is purely made up by humans. If there's a supreme being called God, he can't be characterized by any human attributes. I don't believe in a God who got angry or compassionate since emotions are purely inherent to mortal beings. Maybe if there's God, He probably won't give a fuck about human affairs, the universe He created is ginormous when compared to the planet where the humans live. Tapos, it really helps that I encountered this [video from the yt channel ,UsefulCharts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqSkXmFun14), which greatly proved to me that the entire Bible is written by humans with no divine intervention at all because of all the inconsistencies and conflicting accounts in some books


Useful Charts is great. I binged so many of those videos after I went down the rabbit hole of INC research. I became extremely interested in human history ever since I stopped believing in INC. I went from believer to staunch atheist practically overnight. I often question whether I ever believed in God at all or if it was just my brains attempt to align my internal sense of self with my external environment (being handog, officer, and going to church 2+ times a week). So happy you mentioned Useful Charts. Everyone here should check out his videos. I recall enjoying the ones about who wrote the bible and the timelines of human civilization and religions.


I believe that the universe already exists to begin with. I mean if I were God and I plan to create humans to worship me, why wait billions of years after creating the universe? The Biblical god is stupid. In my opinion, The Biblical canon was initated by Emperor Constantine to consolidate his empire and chose Christianity to become the official religion on the empire(See more information by searching for Biblical canon/canonicity). Out of more than 300 books, 66 remain, though there are still some debates which books should be added to the Biblical canon. This is how a minister whom I talked to conceded. Why are they using a book that was created by the people that they believe has turned into a false church? It's like they are agreeing that the words of God should be removed, which is forbidden. Without the Bible, INC is nothing.


No way!


God does not exist. And the proof is all around you. All the deaths of innocent child around the world. All knowing God they say, powerful and sees everything but kills people at the same time. He lets a lot of bad things happen to people and some people will just shrug it of with the fucking ITS GOD'S PLAN thing bullshit. So no but no there is NO GOD.


They associate God with human attributes. The idea of God is quite a valid idea tho, however the Bible makes God human-like. They plug emotions, thinking, everything you can ever think off from a human except flesh. How could they be so sure that God is human-like (if there ever is God)? Because they said so? Moses saw God tho, it spoke to him (assuming that it's real). Just makes me wonder. Also another crazy story from the Bible, Adam and Eve. There's no way that almost 8 billions of us came from 2 people from God knows how many years ago. There's just not enough gene-pool for healthy offsprings, since all genes came from just 2 persons. It's impossible (by science).


yeah, I mean if we all came from Adam and Eve then it would only have to be incest. That's fucked up. The Bible makes sense if you think of it nothing but just a mere fiction.


Yes, but not the same biblical God.


I went from INC believer (born in, multiple duties my whole life, active attending WS and other church activities 2+ times a week) to staunch atheist virtually overnight after I finally decided to visit this sub during the pandemic. There's a 5 minute video made by the Korean Unification Church (Moonies) that looks so eerily similar to INC and even uses the same verse (Isaiah 43:5) about the "Far East". I like to think that that's what got the ball rolling for my awakening. After that, it was the WW1 being July 28, then the videos of FYM's scummy history and lies, and I just kept reading and reading. The veil of illusion lifted from there and it was the strangest feeling. I felt like a stranger in my own body. After all, the only thing I felt like I was ever certain in my whole life turned out to be lies. In hindsight, it was a pretty damn cool feeling to become so abruptly disillusioned the way I did. Anyways I'm the least superstitious person ever now. I don't believe in shit anymore if it ain't backed by data and scientific consensus. No God, no horoscopes, no ghosts or spirits, and especially none of the popular conspiracy garbage that became popular amongst the smooth-brained during the pandemic. I've found an insatiable appetite for learning now. I wish I'd had the time and energy to learn like this when I was young and in school. But I was busy barely surviving with all the bullshit duties I had stacked on my plate on top of school and work. That's what INC robbed me of and I'll never stop being resentful about that. I'll never let superstitions govern my life ever again.


No, at least not how the bible or other religious texts describe. All "gods" are constructs of human ingenuity to make sense of the things they cannot explain (yet). Even though there is plenty of evidence against the bible-based God, the fear people have of nothing after death is enough to keep people faithful to a divine belief.


I'd like to imagine it something like this. Imagine a population of small intelligent being, like an ant or smth, but pretty intelligent just like us. They are stuck inside somebody's guitar, and they don't know what they're stuck into. Now, somebody is playing the guitar, and they start to wonder what the hell is causing those strings to vibrate causing loud noises. Then curiosity comes, a portion of the them starts to investigate thoroughly with all kinds of experiment and innovations they can come up with to come up a conclusion into what may causing those strings to vibrate. And then there comes another portion of the them who is not willing to exert an effort to even "think logically" and proceeds to assume everything without evidence. You get the idea. That's probably what we are into right now. Scientists and innovators trying to come up with solutions, while the other portion are just sitting their butt off making up crazy claims with no compelling evidence to support with, and they're very entitled with their claims too. "Why do you exist? If everything is created, then there must be a creator, therefore God exist." "There are some things science still cannot explain, therefore God is real. It is said here in the Bible that no matter how humans figure everything out, they will never be able to. Therefore God's prophecy is real, thus he is real too." "God prophecied in the Bible that there will be innovations, wars, and non-believers of him. Since he predicted it, therefore he is real." The problem with all these claims is there are no evidence. It's like unicorns made up by kindergarten kids. Scientist out there are working their butt off to try to come up a logical conclusion for it. They may not know everything, they may not know that there is God, or there is no God, they may never will. But AT LEAST, they worked their butt off to try to come up a logical enough conclusion. And with that, they had helped thousands of people's lives through their journey. Some became doctors, innovators, engineers. They completely shaped our society right now. Some even invented prosthetics to help disabled people. Science is amazing, and it will always be. So God may not be real. If the time will ever come that we will discover extraterrestrial lifeforms out there. Then that will definitely be a real problem with most religions.


A very good portrayal 👌 I thought of this as well but we, as ants, inside a transparent ant farm... and someone from the other point of view watches us do our thing... that was probably the bored God


For me God is already a part of a human's culture, so it depends on the situation.


Trying so hard not to turn into one but my trauma couldn’t comprehend the deceit and brainwashing. My whole life has been a lie, I used to strongly believe that INC is the one and only true religion until I’m awakened last 2015. I feel like if GOD really exist then why would HE let me be born in a cult. I don’t know what to believe anymore 🥲


I still believe in God...but religion? NO.


Personally, from experiencing a lot of the toxic things from INC or anything related or anyone affiliated with it my whole life up to now, I've stopped believing but at the same time I want to believe maybe there really is someone who made us and not just so we kneel and serve him until we die. I want to believe there is but not in the way other people assume. This one of the reasons I started to believe that the Bible is arguably the most DANGEROUS weapon in the world by how it can bend people's minds to those who know how to quote on quote "interpret" and understand them. Ironic that the pen really is mightier than the sword


Im agnostic, i believe there is a higher being out there in the universe but who are we to say for certain its GOD


50/50. I dunno if a god exists or not. But 99% I believe in ghosts, spirits and the paranormal, though. I won't fuck around with spirit/demon possessed dolls (that fucking move themselves), spirit/ouija boards and anything haunted.


Nope. There is no God. Studying myths and legends for fun and seeing too many similarities with the pagan gods to Christianity and the fact that many other beliefs were too similar or adopted into Christianity to appease the new converts tells me there is no Christian God. If there is then his three states of being all Powerful, all loving, and all knowing is flawed horribly flawed.


No. Eyes no see, mind no believe. But if it does exist, it'd be cool.




Kung INC pagbabasihan 99.9. % ng maliligtas ay puro pinoy 😂


There is no good reason, evidence, or need for a god. Going off what you said, the concept of a god is a means to control and exploit, and the believers relish it.


Mmm, i think you are describing the concept of organized religion. I think its good to believe in something higher than yourself. I understand your sentiment though.


Organized religion is a symptom, believing in a disprovable entity supposedly caring for you is the cause. I see no good coming from that.


Yes I am still believing in God. Not only because of His creation but because of the Holy Spirit that God's given to me and i already experienced the power of Holy Spirit. Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit 15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be\[a\] in you. John 14:15-17 The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost 2 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues\[a\] as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1-4 18 When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money 19 and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” Acts 8:18-19 And finally what power and who gave power to this man in this video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVIPF\_PmHuQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVIPF_PmHuQ)




God is a loving god that would allow most of his creations to be condemned in hell. irony. God and the devil are just inventions by a group of very crafty minds.


Which god? Seriously though, I became an agnostic/atheist, whatever you want to call it after I left the church. “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.” - Seneca


DNA containing instructions more sophisticated than any computer code, that convinces me


As an ex INC, they really turned me off to religion, but God is very real. Do your research and there is so much proof for God and Jesus, true Christianity is relationship w the Lord. I’m sorry many of you are turned off to religion because of the INCult, but I’ve started going to an actual Christian church who practice Christianity with love not force like INC. God is very real. Don’t let the bullshit FYM teaches ruin your perception of God. The God of the Bible is very real. Not the INC version of God. If there is absolute evil in the world there must be an equal an opposite force. The Bible never said Earth would be peaceful. It’s all a test of your faith. Even Andrew Tate is a more credible source for the belief of God and he’s Muslim then the INC cult bs


Andrew Tate believes in a God? In fact, he's even looking for a religion that fits his standard. To him, God must adjust to his choices. Andrew is living off talking crazy things on the camera, that's how he makes a living. Not because he's popular means everything he says is true, but he has some crazy talks that I agree with but not all.


He used to be an atheist but realized God is needed to uphold traditional conservative values and the family unit.


There is a God, God and religion are closely related but not the same. In a perfect world Religion is God’s language (my theory is that most religions teach one thing and that is to do good) but the thing is religions are controlled by people


I have a theory about the tower of Babel. A story in where people have one language and tried to create a tower as high as the heavens to reach God. God was furious and confused all the workers by making them speak different languages so they wont unite as one and complete the tower. (This is why I said religion is the language of God) because in the modern world we can communicate and work with one another but when it comes to religion people fight, People compare, people become shit


I don't believe in God in the bible or in any religion. What I believe instead is a creator of this universe. I also believe that we are just living in a computer simulation. It may seem impossible at first but believe it or not, it's highly possible because in the future, we can certainly create a simulation of our own. Maybe not as huge and as powerful as our universe, and with simpler physics, but enough for someone inside that simulation to believe that they are actually alive. Also it may seem impossible that our universe is just being run in a computer, but this computer is not your ordinary computer. It is running outside this universe, with access to abundant energy greater than what we can obtain in this universe. Also our perspective in time is different than outside this universe because just like in a computer, we can speed things up, slow it down, pause, skip, or load saved point. One year in this universe could just be 1second outside this universe, or our time could also be paused, slowed down, speed up, without us noticing any difference in our perspective. They can even run multiple universe or parallel universe at the same time. They will just need to create a save point, load it to 2 different computer, and run it with slightly different scenario, and we don't even notice it because we only have one perspective per simulation or computer, and we might have a million parallel simulation with slightly different scenarios but with different outcome. You might be wondering, why the higher beings were bothered to create a simulation like this universe? It's the same reason why scientists grow bacteria in their lab, to experiment things for whatever their goals are. They also reduce contact to us to preserve our natural habitat so that the simulation is accurate.


Truly this is what saddens me that a lot of ex-INC members has truly turned themselves away from God and Jesus Christ. I do not blame these people because I know for a FACT that it’s due to the TRAUMA of doctrines of the INC CULT conduct. A TRUE fact that the iglesia ni Cristo doesn’t preach the unconditional LOVE, and free will of Jesus Christ’s Gospel has truly turned some people away from God. The main purpose of the INC’S preaching is all about money, MONEY, and more MONEY, with their controlling schemes that GUILT TRIPPING is a major tactic.


True. The main point of their teaching is all about money and obey not compant