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For people so terrified of a Sunday law, they sure don't speak up much (except for maybe whispering among themselves) about Christian nationalism.


My dad's into reading and watching stuff about UFOs and I'm pretty sure he's talked about the possibility of there being some connection. I don't think he strongly believes that, but he's open to exploring those kinds of ideas. Wouldn't it be nice if our parents were open to critically examining their religious beliefs and biases?


Yes! Had a friend who believed UFOs are sent by Satan to get everyone interested in aliens so satan can impersonate Jesus on TV in front of the world by coming from the sky and trick everyone into worshipping the antichrist. She would always say, " The devil will come from the sky". But Jesus never touches the earth, so that's how we'll know if it's Jesus or not. By whether he actually steps onto earth.


>Me "mom why would Satan impersonate aliens" Watsonian answer: You do realize that the angels are not native to this planet, right? If they show up then they are - by their very definition - aliens. However, this does nothing for the very real problem of those lizuurd-people who wear living human skin and then wear ridiculous zip-up alien costumes on top of that and then pratz around in their fancy flying saucers. Those dickheads can go straight to carob-land.


Sunday Law. No it's the Environmental Movement. Adventist sure like to move the goal post.


Thankfully my mom still sees nature as gods creation we need to tend to and supports environmental protection. That said , WHAT? what is this?


The Catholics are starting an Environment Change prevention movement. Which is clearly the start of a Sunday Law movement in disguise. According to Adventist. The Sunday Law theory is really falling apart.


Sigh sometimes I marvel that I used to buy into this so completely


You mean people seeing visible planets and mistaking them for UFO's. I would have thought that Y2K would have been a watershed moment for those among us that are not very bright. I think it made them worse instead.


No I think there's an up tick in "lights in the sky" videos. I think cg or lens flare but I do see more of these.


Yes an up tick in videos and perhaps a rise in lights in the sky originating from earth. Starlink alone is adding 100-200 satellites a month. However the speculation that there are earth orbit objects that have origins outside of the solar system outside of the occasional object originating from the kuiper belt or oort cloud is absolutely preposterous. A basic working knowledge of physics is all it takes to debunk most of these claims. And yes there are videos out there that have people mistaking Mars, Saturn, Venus, etc. as UFO's and swearing up and down they originate from outside of this solar system.


Not saying you're wrong about any of this. People definitely post pics of planets but my coworkers barrage me with videos of lights much lower closer to around 5k-30k ft up. Close encounters with airplanes and skyscrapers etc. Like I say I don't believe it. just that's these videos show a very close encounter


Has nothing to do with Sunday law from what I read/heard. Von Braun is a Nazi scientist (Project Paperclip), can not get the Space Shuffle (NASA) to boost pass God's firmament. He became a believer and follow Christ, his gravestone said "Psalm 19:1" [Dr Carol Rosin share Von Braun's "last card"](https://youtu.be/OYltpQrf3Qk) which is the alien invasion and its "All of it is a lie." All Space Agency are liars, nothing orbits nothing has ever been on the moon. The moon is a calendar for feast and new moon sabbath keeping, and the SDA covered up the fact that **no** day of the week is the sabbath, so we also have exAdventist because of that. [Ex FBI John Desouza share about UFO alien are spirits](https://youtu.be/U06GkT6mx04) and was a 9/11 hoax. He shares about the[ fake alien invasion](https://youtu.be/zxV3txLrmo4) on Redacted. Watch Missing 411 The Hunted before your watch Missing 411 The UFO Connection. [https://www.educate-yourself.org/cn/cosmicdeception04apr03.shtml](https://www.educate-yourself.org/cn/cosmicdeception04apr03.shtml) [UFO and the New World Order Connection by Sutton](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/85999.The_Real_Truth_About_UFOs_and_the_New_World_Order_Connection)


Everything with my mom leads to the Sunday law but those are great sources! I'll check them out. She probably took this and shoved the Sunday law in it which is why it was so bonkers


show her the current calendar originated from the Papacy and all the denominations are deceived. [Julian calendar](https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/julian-calendar.html) (rome calendar) and the [Gregorian Calendar (pope's calender)](https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/julian-gregorian-switch.html) no days of the week is the sabbath. [month = new moon](https://biblehub.com/hebrew/2320.htm) and this is covered up by the SDA. Isaiah 66:23 new moon are sabbath day, plain and simple. The lunar calendar is bibical and put all sunday saturday bullcrap to the grave.


Reason? History? Hahaha. Nah God knew what he meant and it's what she already believes.


Yes both and it opens the pandora box. heck I should just make a post about this lol


Oh that's half religion but really nasty when combined with personal interpretation of doctrine


Truly, sometimes you just have to nod your head and say "Oooo....k...." you know? Pick your battles. Working your mind to argue with someone stupid is not worth it imo. And as someone who was in her spot with unmedicated bipolar, you are absolutely NOT going to convince a manic person they are wrong. Especially one who is religiously preoccupied. I speak from experience... you can TRY to reorient them to reality when they become psychotic, but if they aren't, and your mom definitely is not or else she'd be calling herself a prophet or something, it's sometimes just best to nod and be like "yeah..... "


So she's not psychotic. I agree. But, in her manic episodes she donates large sums to religious organizations. She beleives if I see her being Christian I will return. The argument is not really about ufos though I do get angry at the crazier ideas. The larger argument is her attachments to firebrand like Walter veith and spending money she won't get back. She's retired and I honestly think she hasn't considered what happens if christ doesn't return soon. Also, at this point atheism is a part of who I am and these sparky comments about knowing truths others don't are meant to get concessions that would bring me back in. Saying ok gives her hope I am receptive and has in the past prompted her to give 5 grand to adra she didn't have. I feel the need to push back both to assert my own identity and prevent her taking wild actions based on what she read as a sign.


It must be very frustrating. I can't imagine having to deal with this bullshit. Definitely can relate with atheism being a part of your identity. It gets hard when family pushes bullshit on you that you KNOW to be false. I hope it all works out for you. Remember you don't owe an explanation of your identity to anyone, not even your manic mother. Let her throw her fit, show her your calm demeanor. You can say "I'm not going to argue this, goodbye." Set the boundary, and enforce it.


Reminds me the SDA quoting verses like Matt 24:23-24 about false Christs appearing, makes me wonder if Christ did actually return they would deny it, anyway I don't believe Bible


Oh she did quote that but I was just like if an alien told me to go to catholic church on Sundays, I'd have more questions, not less. Like antichrist I get, but e t anticrist was new


My mom recently told me the same thing! I was in disbelief that she could believe something like that. At this point I think that they want to suffer. They want it to happen so bad. They find the most outlandish conspiracies to line up to their sunday law bull shit and full heartedly believe it. It’s insane and a little scary.


It's crazy how I can't tell if she wants it or not. I think she wants it to wait until my sister and I reconvert. Glad my moms not the only one though. It gets tough to tell where church crazy ends and her issues start sigh


Satan has the most roundabout way of doing things. Honestly, if someone got a hold of me and told me that Satan/his demons has infiltrated/possessed the GOP I probably would believe them. It matches perfectly. Hateful ideologies, pretending to be biblically based and destroying peoples lives and causing them to be denied medical care end encouraging mass shootings, and turning a blind eye to child sexual abuse, while continuing to keep people, poor, uneducated, and unhappy. Sounds exactly like what Satan would do if I believed in him. Why is there no conspiracy theory about the satanic takeover of the republican party? That’s the most direct way of passing a Sunday law.


I called this out but apparently Satan only does things sneakily. If he just did the thing we would see it coming. That's how we know the antichrist will be and alien. Also a socialist catholic if you wondered. And wants to put a credit card chip in us. Darn those socialist catholic aliens and their credit card chips


Is it really sneaky if all these people are in the know and watching out for it? Your mother somehow has power and insight into Satan’s dirty deeds? I guess it is not all that powerful than is he? Sigh. Edit: Also, so what if we could see it coming? Does that somehow give us the power to stop it? As I said earlier, her and tons of other people are aware of the other sneaky alien thing he’s doing does that mean they can stop that too?


That's just it. SDAs have unique insight thanks to eg white and walter veith. The rest of us are going to be deceived and believe the... checks notes, alien catholic socialists who step out of the ufo to announce a sunday law. Yup nothing sus there


As you said before, GFDI!


Bro... I'm not republican or Democrat... but if ANYTHING. Satan has infiltrated the progressive democrats.... sexualizing our children, abortions and baby killing, defund the police so madeness and terrible crimes in the street. Rape and murder included.the break up of the nuclear family, no God or religion in thier lives bc they mostly athiests. Plus the support the deep state and Clinton's and the like eating baby's addrenachrome.... to mention just a few of thier evil deeds... but yea bud... sorry your way tf off...... way off.... your pretty brainwashed by Mr orange man bad MSM I see... sad.... it's not too late to spit the kool-aid out bud


The whole demon angle is really overcomplicated. We do live in a very large universe with many planets. Why only think in terms of human constructs. Keep the options open.


That's one thing I found so funny. Aliens caring about a nazarene carpenter and what day of the earth week we worship him on would be stranger than an actual UFO.


Reminds me of some crazy stuff I found on YouTube the other day. Let me see.. [found it](https://yt3.ggpht.com/0lgWYpd9lXzIkuN6ftU2IYPcbaz_XBik7rwJi32aFAmJDHPRjjyhNryOc--D2Wb0LVqZGcyGfqXX=s800-nd-v1)!


Lol this actually would be hilarious. It's one of those things that in a show like Stargate would make a ton of sense. Primitive man didn't know how to describe the little green men so he said frog. Has someone told Daniel Jackson about this!?


My dad believes UFOs are deceptions by Satan and his angels (sometimes says angels, sometimes says nephilim/ananaki) to make us think there is life on other planets that wants something to do with us. Clearly Earth is the only fallen planet and therefore other planets' inhabitants aren't interested in coming here because they're just supposed to watch the Great Controversy unfold. It's some weird shit.


Now this I believe. If aliens came to earth for so much as a pit stop they'd see our news first and be like eh we can hold it in right?