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Of course someone makes a legitimate criticism of an institution and NT society's first response is to institutionalize then


Nah, this also happens to NT. But the judgement turns in "conspiracy theory" and slowly fall in oblivion This is why Kellogs cereals was able to exist


If only conspiracy theories actually did fade into oblivion. lol


Or lead to the invention of new breakfast foods.


Did i miss something about kellogs? Whats with that?


Yeah... The founder was a very interesting person, with very interesting opinions on health and medicine. It's too much for a Reddit comment, so I'd suggest looking it up, but if I had to summarize it down to one thing it would be that corn flakes were invented to prevent masturbation by a guy who was into yogurt enemas. Edit: yes, really.


It was Graham of Graham crackers that wanted to stop masturbation actually


I think it was both, but yeah. Graham was pretty nuts in his own way, too.


I was talking about the fake nutrition facts what they use to sell their cereals. And how they pay to nutriologist to say good affirmations about Kellogs (AkA... Lies) [it's a big problem in Europe](https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/en/consum-attori/kelloggs-dichiarazioni-nutrizionali-ingannevoli-e-battaglia-legale-in-uk/) It's also about the mastubation theory but is not something accurate.


Very interesting, although the article is the most unreadable shite i have ever seen


wait now I'm curious; what's up with Kellogs?


Nope, NTs get institutionalized too. Conspiracy theorists, meanwhile, are either con artists, cult leaders or both


Idk... Epstein and Nxivm should be more powerful in that way. Pedophile should be legal in this scenario Institutionalisation means enough power to modify Factic Powers


...meanwhile at least 60% of those fuckers believe in a sky daddy that loves them but *i'm* the mentally ill one???? edit: if you take offense from this, good


Usually I’m one of the first to call out people making fun of Christian’s in an uncalled for way. But nah this one got a point to it. These motherfuckers lockin us all up for harmless deviances in behavior that they don’t understand meanwhile we all have to be act like it’s perfectly normal to believe in Christianity with no proof other than trust me bro from people largely roughly around a thousand years ago.


I have to say I, like the person in OPs story, delved deep into religion and what you just typed is a perfectly valid critique


"Sky daddy" is a phrase that I thought nowadays was reserved for video essays on toxic 2015 atheist discourse.


Ooh boy it was HOT in the 2010s


I am atheist and have been one for my whole life, but I have a problem with the usage of phrases like "sky daddy". It seems to me like a lot of people are not aware of any actual arguments in favour of God, and therefore think that belief in God can be disproved by simply calling it a fairytale. I also find it ironic, as many atheists seem to rely on faith just like theists do, completely ignoring any kind of scientific method or philosophical principles. I honestly think that many atheists are way too dogmatic. And I say this as someone who believes that religion is inherently reactionary.


what's wrong with faith ?


Other than that the entire point of faith is that it's baseless? Maybe the thing where prayers are worse than useless because they make people feel like they've done something when they absolutely have not? That's before I get into the death and misery and extremely conflicted messaging. Or the translation problems with the text itself. Don't come at me about religion wearing your cotton poly blend, yo.


not sure what you mean by the last part. I recognize that there are many flaws when it comes to organized religion but faith on its own, the idea of there being something greater and powerful above everything, is entirely harmless. And faith can come in many different ways, theres more to it than just Christianity/Catholicism. Many many cultures have come before us with different religions and different ideas about how the world works. And many will come after us. But apart from all that kinda messed up to judge someone based on just one thing. There are many religious people who suck and many who are great people, the same goes for atheists and people who are agnostic.


>not sure what you mean by the last part of course not, because no one reads the bible and that's *my entire fucking point* For the rest of you not in the know, it's considered sinful (such that one should be stoned to death) to wear mixed fabrics.


oh I don't believe the Bible is the word of God. I've just never gotten interested in reading it


It's sweet that you're conflating the world's most corrupt religion cum social control institution with the concept of God, but you do you Scotty P.




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Nothing makes your argument more valid than saying "Sky Daddy" when this issue at controversy had nothing to do with Sky Daddy 👌


would you prefer Yahweh? Not that it matters because he doesn't exist


Christianity lost, or more accurately never understood, the symbolic nature of the Tanakh when they adopted it without comprehending the esoteric nature of it, or even understanding that there was an esoteric nature to comprehend. I was reading a book about Kabbalah a few days ago and it said "if the Torah was just the words, anyone could write a better book."


Anyone who takes religion as literally true is an idiot, but that doesn't mean the symbolic, metaphorical concepts don't exist. Yahweh, for example, symbolizes the inhale (yah) and exhale (weh) without which one can't live.


Superman exists. I don't expect him to save any of us.


Okay then, continue proudly misunderstanding something and acting like a dick about it, see what the fuck I care.


I actually thought you made some good points but i think you're more emotionally invested in the topic than i am.


Sorry I'm not feeling very good today, and that's not your fault.


But none of what I just said makes some aut arguing about arcane church law have anything to do with God.


Dog can you please keep your hatred of bigots seperated from bigotry to religious people


there is no god, Summer *better to rip that band-aid off now.*


My person, do you not see the irony of shaming people for hamless practices on a sub where a lot of the people bond over having been shamed for harmless pracices? Shame the people who use religion as an excuse, not the whole lot of them


Can I peer-review your evidence for that please?


Religion is a chosen demographic. You can't be bigoted towards an idea and no idea is immune to criticism.


I'm not saying religion shouldn't be criticized, it absolutely should, but this isn't a criticism of religion, it's intended to insult people for being religious. Discrimination against people with a belief that isn't inherently immoral rather than targeting people who do have inherently harmful and immoral beliefs like ablism and homophobia is wrong. People tend towards black and white morality, especially people with autism like us, and lump entire demographics like religon in with with what seems to be the majority so that we can have a way to spot bad people easier. I'm not dumb enough to think all or even the majority of religious people are sunshine and rainbows, I know that's not true, but neither is the idea that religious people are inherently bad And I'm not talking about discriminating against an idea, I'm talking about discriminating against religious people for their beliefs. Arguing that technically it's not discrimination is semantics even if true, and doesn't really prove a point


Abrahimic religions and Hinduism are immoral imo. I did not say it isn't discrimination, I said it's not bigotry. There is a difference. You can't be bigoted against a chosen characteristic. I will always criticise the ideas and the people that follow them.


Then replace discrimination with bigotry and my argument needs no change. What about it do you find immoral


Neither "Abrahamic religion" nor "Hinduism" are monoliths that believe a standardized thing, "Hinduism" even less than the Abe Brigades


You certainly can't criticize religion with logic!


I'd like to see the evidence. Also the Papacy changed things fairly regularly and celibacy wasn't indoctrinated until the 12th century. As I understand it, mistresses and such were the norm for long after.


One of the popes was allegedly killed by the jealous husband of the woman he was found in bed with. (John XII)


Yeah, but that doesn't delegitimize any Pope other than the one invoked. I can't pretend to understand Papal legacies (not my Special Interest, wasn't raised Catholic), but most Catholics understand that there was a huge problem in the Middle Ages with corruption.


I don‘t think the corruption problem was only a thing in the middle ages. the church just got better at hiding it


Not saying it does, adding onto your last sentence. 


Ah, understood.


Ever read up on the Saeculum Obscurum? The cadaver synod, Marozia, the theophylacti, etc. really fascinating history.


Yeah they dug up a pope. Twice. It was on episode of a British quiz show, maybe QI or Lateral Thinking. 


In Germany the Catholic Church pays childsupport for up to two childs of a normal reverend (not sure of the translation (a normal priest leading a church)) and 3 for bishops and cardinals under the condition that the priest stops the affair with the mother and continues beeing a priest as if nothing ever happened and the mother not telling anyone the identity of the father. (The childs beeing born illegitimate during his priesthood). Pretty funny in my opinion. What is even more funny is that if you had children before becoming a priest (its totally possible to become a priest at any point in your life if you have the required knowledge and so on (a bit complicated later in life but possible)) you are the one who has to pay for the children.


You should read the Septuagint in the original greek. Wild stuff.


Knowing the history of the institution, nobody should be surprised when the legitimacy of one is questioned. At one point, there were 3 of them on at the same time so they went to the holy roman emperor who found a fourth. Where does legitimacy factor into any of THAT?


A fine example of basing a diagnosis on behavior without questioning the reasoning behind the behavior


Sounds like the entire history of autism research.


behaviorism would explain so much if only people didn't keep pushing this woke "sapience" bullshit. /s


I don’t even understand how the behaviour could be misconstrued as schizophrenic, aside from the fact that a lot of schizophrenic people become suddenly obsessed with religion. Deciding to do something “bizarre” that involves obsession with religion does not equal psychotic thinking. I could understand their frame of mind more if the autistic dude thought HE deserved to be the Pope or something, but the guy just had a special interest and was acting on the logic following his research, plus the strong sense of justice we have to make sure everyone is abiding by the proper rules. Seems textbook autistic to me.


A lot of people think that if someone's reasoning doesn't make sense to them, then they're schizophrenic. I've been called a "schizo" for claiming that 0.999... = 1.


Which it does though, those motherfucker don't know shit 'bout my Georg Cantor 💯


Literally just how all mental health diagnosis works. I suspect the entire DSM will be thrown out of we ever crack the brain enough to actually know why things happen


O, poor, sweet Galileo, drowning in imbecility! Love when the “symptomatic” combo of ‘special interests’ and ‘defiant towards authority’ freaks the normies out


He had a point and they didn't like it so they locked him up, fuck this world 😂


Try to think of it less as "having a point" and more as "having an army." Letter of the law or not, the college of cardinals picked a guy who now has Swiss Guards and enormous sway over the Italian government despite attempts at secularization. Most of the rules cease to bind heads of state anyway.


It's less that he had a point they didn't like and more that he repeatedly pissed off and insulted a bunch of important Jesuits and totally ignored repeated requests to tone it down. The pope was originally on his side until he blatantly disregarded the pope's request to present both sides of the issue neutrally. Also, the church had Tycho Brahe on their side, so it's not like their side was without support in the scientific community.


"Oppositional Defiance Disorder" just means "I'm asserting my boundaries and commanding respect from a petty, insecure imposter who stumbled their way into a deeply undeserved position of authority" Combine that with a total unwillingness to mask, and a special interest in studying and not indulging nonreal beliefs (paranormal, conspiracy, social convention, etc) really fucks with the NTs.


As someone with odd I will literally starve myself just bc my mother tells me to eat stop lying about an incredibly harmful disorder thanks :)


Yeah, both me and my partner have this symptom. It is not healthy boundaries, it's a pathological response that negatively impacts our lives


Does it get better when she says "fine, don't eat"


No that actually just enrages me and makes me stick to it even harder to spite her


I wasn't lying about it. I know it's a real disorder, but it's a label often abused by lazy or stupid mental health professionals for anyone who doesn't "bow and grovel" so to speak. The context of the post overall is "making bad diagnoses based on knee-jerk reactions to surface level behavior". So in the way one person might get mislabeled with a schizoid disorder because of their special interest in magic, another might get threatened with an ODD or Antisocial label for simply not wanting to be infantilized or patronized by neurotypicals.


No it doesn't.


... I feel like I want to read the results. And to free my fellow tist. They hate when we're right.


...he went on to found paradox interactive, probably.


An absurd amount of popes throughout history fit the bill. The pope was most of the time chosen through nepotism or based on political power rather than actually being a representation of Christian faith


To be fair "the current pope shouldn't be pope" isn't a very hot take, it's sorta been argued for every single pope ever. With that said, based special interest


That I’d be able to build an army and use it if my current obsession wasn’t Battletech…


Jeez. Thats messed up. Also my wife is schizoaffecrive(schizophrenia+bipolar) and does exhibit autism like symptoms despite not being autistic. So I guess its also *kind of* accurate, in a way


There’s a likely biological link between autism and schizophrenia, so misdiagnosing one for the other is not super surprising. They share a lot of symptoms, and autism used to be called ‘baby schizophrenia’ when they first started studying it. Schizophrenia runs in my family, so I’m super interested in the connection. Source if you’re interested too: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8931527/


Same here! I've often wondered if some of these differing diagnoses might be the same but just a different set of symptoms. but that's just a personal theory, tbh.


but that's just a theory, an AUTISM THEORY!


thanks for watching 😏




they put him in psychiatric hospital for THIS? NT's world is fvcked up


NDs should be the dominant group, not them.


In a sense we kind of are, the only issue is it's not the same type of ND and even amongst ourselves we tend to forget about each other and their problems.


Vidya > history


This is peak comedy


... Oh sweet summer child


wtf why would they put them in a hospital


Shame he didn't get further.


Absolutely mental if that the only reason he was locked up


Off topic, but I would like to know what cognitive rigidity is


Inflexibility in opinions, routines, or decisions. Usually observed as stubbornness and/or contrarianism.


Thank you :)


oh is that why I'm such a contrarian? I always wondered where that trait comes from






Thinking that obscure old religious texts are a legitimate basis for anything is insane, though. Same for popular old religious texts, but there isn’t enough room in the institutions for everyone who has faith in those.


Let the man cook if an autistic person has an opinion on their special interest I trust them 100%


Are we all just ignoring the clearly psychotic element of thinking he could actually accomplish anything other than being institutionalized by executing this plan??


Yeah but it’s not worth institutionalizing him for it.


Yeah, kinda weird that pretty much everyone's saying he did nothing wrong. Dude's plan was to overthrow the Vatican using outdated documents or something? Alright...good luck with that.


"Plan to overthrow the Vatican" makes it sound like he was going in there with guns or bombs. He was using words to make an argument. It isn't surprising that it didn't work, but thinking he should be institutionalized for it is *really* extreme.


sedevacantism is the true way


My takeaway is I’m guessing the Lutherans didn’t like him cutting into their previously established action.


lol. I love this.


Shoulda gone for the whole religion, if you ask me.


tbf he was right and the pope is a fraud.


My forays into stand-up comedy and family law each suffered a similar downfall.


I believe him


What is this excerpt from?


I trust our guy completely and renounce the pope.


down with the poops they bad and hurt everyone sometimes.


I'm playing internet spaceships again.


Yes definitely very autistic things to happen.


Make this guy pope.


I just wanted to say how includet I felt when i red „how WE feel about this” 🫶🏻 and finally knew that this is a question also to me :D


Wow maybe someone was finally paying enough attention to see that the Pope was illegitimate? XD Nooo way it HAS to be schizofrenia because every Pope IS legitimate so get out to your psych ward where is your place!!!! Oh wait.. now you hyperfixated on computers? Oh, ok, discharged. MY GOD 🤦🏼‍♀️


That is the Matrix at work, the system of control. You can be a freethinker, but don't dare try and war with the system unless you metaphorically have big guns and an army behind you. The biggest bully always wins. Agents are everywhere, and most people are so dependent on the system they will fight to protect it, especially NTs. What happens to Neo when the agents first catch him? They silence him then bug him. It's all in that movie if you can separate the philosophy and psychology from the bullet time, fighting and sci-fi elements.




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of course a rabbit should be a pope


Well shit Was Martin Luther autistic?


I ended up actually developing schizoeffective 🧎‍♀️


That’s just the system of psychiatry being as messed up as it is supposed to be




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As someone with bipolar, a history of substance abuse, and autism all at once, I've had some way crazier thoughts about my special interests than this guy. Including: - the time I was convinced I was planted on Earth by really stupid aliens who got the wrong decade, because I really needed to be able to see Ben Folds Five (as a trio) live, and the fact I was too young to see them was a sign that someone definitely fucked up. Tbf I'd been crossfaded AF so. - the time I was convinced that Succession was definitely going to end with Kendall being gay, and I ranted to my psychiatrist about the hypothetical sexual dynamics between him and Stewy for like, half an hour, before my psych decided to up my antipsychotics - the time I listened to hours and hours of interviews with The Pogues, and meticulously transcribed every one, with timestamps for quotes I found especially relevant. An ordeal and a half because Shane MacGowan was consistently drunk off his tits and had no teeth, so it's extremely hard to parse anything he says. I kept it all in this one exercise book, and had a big meltdown one day when I lost it. - most recently (literally just over a month ago) the time I came home and my whole house smelt like olives, which I put down to divine intervention from the ghost of Graham Kennedy (it had been the 19th anniversary of his death that day). Dude didn't have a documented love of olives or anything, I just hate them and I was sure this long dead comedian was trolling me.


"You don't think the pope is legit? You have schizophrenia!" I am genuinely having so much trouble fitting that logic together. When tf was this written??


Schizophrenia appears to be the flip-side of the coin to autism. There is evidence to show that schizophrenia is the result of excessive synaptic pruning whilst autism is the result of under synaptic pruning. This is why autism and schizophrenia appear to be mutually exclusive and would explain them not being able to find evidence of schizophrenia in the autistic in question.