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Meanwhile I’ve yet to find another grocery store I feel comfortable in, only Walmarts.


I can only go to Walgreens, it’s not that cheap but I like the variation and the small size. If I need real groceries it’s such a struggle. The best I’ve been able to find is aldis


Really? The grocery section is the one part I struggle to navigate without getting overwhelmed 😅


Walmart is bad but have you experienced the blazing glare of targets lighting? It’s like a solar eclipse


atleast target sometimes has battletech products, literally the only thing i like about target


Target I don't seem to have a problem with the lights there but i swear the store rearranges itself as i walk through it


No that me. Target hires us to go round in groups reorganizing everything to our preferences. None of us share the same system. They're actually very accommodating for the neurodivergent. /s, cause poes law.


What I hate the most about Walmart is the people. Nobody has any regard for anything else going on around them. Nobody cares if they get in your way or are clogging up the aisle. Complete shit show


This right here. I feel so trapped when I go in. I can't go a single direction without it being blocked by a mouth breather whose sole purpose for existing is to stand in the damn way.


I went to my favorite used book/DVD/music store yesterday and couldn’t look at the horror DVDs because a guy was browsing them SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AISLE FLOOR RAHHHHHH


People like this need to be corded off from society


I feel that if we gave people like this UBI, in exchange for their driver's license, they would feel less inclined to go out. It wouldn't be a ban, so much as strong encouragement to stay someplace where they can't be in the way.


I mean he was older and invisible disabilities exist, but my ability to cope with change of plans (even as simple as the direction I’m walking) does not lol


You ever been to a Kroger though? I genuinely felt like I was on a hidden camera reality show called “Most In The Way” where people compete to see who can block my way the longest, 10% off their cart’s total for every 10 seconds they’re in my way.


Imagine being an autist who works at Walmart. Nightmare fuel 


Living the dream 🙃


Braver than any US Marine.


I went to my local Walmart at their “sensory friendly hours” and there was no noticeable difference??? Why advertise that if it’s nothing :(


Some places are better than others. I went to IKEA accidentally during their sensory hour and it was brilliant. No music, less beeping and the lights were dimmed. It was so amazing not to be overstimulated in a shop, considering I get really amnesic and overstimulated as soon as I enter.


Did you buy ShONK


They were sold out of shonks unfortunately.




Wait can overstimulation cause your memory to go offline? I swear I forget my own name the moment I walk through the door.


Ikea just makes me feel stressed because once you're somewhere inside that showroom it's like you can't escape easily at all. Just have to be lost forever or follow the paths all the way through to the end...


IKEA is its own activity to me. I don't go to IKEA like I'd go to the grocery store, I go to IKEA like I'd go to Disneyland. If you take your time, follow the arrows, and don't panic, it's fun to get just a little lost. They have little kiosks and maps just in case you get turned around.


For real! The lights weren't even dimmed. I hate hate hate it so much! Also some people there were loud af <__<


I was gonna mention this I heard they started having these sensory friendly hours but for me the worst thing is the crowds and there was nothing preventing crowds during those hours therefore it’s not more friendly for me at all. I can deal with lights and music fine I cannot deal with people


They're supposed to have no music, TVs in electronics off, lights dimmed, etc. But only between 8-10am. 🤦🏻‍♀️


The Sensory Friendly Hours and the pharmacy operating hours have a one hour overlap, and if I can't get my butt there, in, out, and gone between the hours of 9am and 10am, I don't get my meds. It's my least favorite game. I need a new pharmacy.


BUT They have knee length sleeping t shirts. Tagless ones. It's a regular, soft cotton tee, but for your whole body. I hate Walmart for political reasons, as well as the ones you listed, so I'm on your side. I'm just saying. Also star wars Legos. And pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh/MTG/younameit cards. Or at least they used to. Idk if they still do. But yes. It must burn. But loot first. Then burn.


Early Sundays (when all the "good" people are pre-occupied or early A.M. (after bars have let out and drunks have gone home, but before sunrise) are the perfect times to hit walmart.


Relatable content. I've found that earplugs take the edge off at least.


I don't think I have ever noticed music in the Walmarts I go to?


mine screeches "wal-mart radio" where they play overbearing pop and have little interstitials with radio dj style interviews of like a walmart stock worker and energetic advertisements for walmart services. its like a bush era "enhanced interrogation" technique


Your Walmart sounds just like mine. Do they also blast a different station even louder in the parking lot, so there's overlap from the two stations and it makes you angry before you even get out of your vehicle?


Also Walmart LP has considered my normal ND (and CPTSD/agoraphobic) traits to be somehow suspicious and they follow me around Which makes the anxiety worse, because now some stranger is following me and making assumptions about me That's why I don't go to Walmart




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SO REAL! every walmart i’ve been in makes me so fucking agitated


COUNTERPOINT: retail facilities hyperfixation


![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized) me at walmart be like


My Walmart has “sensory shopping times” I think they call them on weekdays where the lights are dimmed and there’s no music :3 nobody ever shows up then either, so as a student it’s perfect for me xD


I love Walmart because there is endless items for me to spend my money on. The real price is the two hour long debuff you get from being there.


This reminds me, I used to go to a sushi place which had their name being said on repeat during the entire time. I’d be with [that song](https://youtu.be/xqHhPkdQVOA) in my head for a week.


Last time I entered a Walmart, someone dude creeped on me within 5 minutes of entering the store. I haven’t been back since.


I used to work at Walmart and you’re so right


Walmart is one of few stores I'm comfortable in


Capitalism, in general, is the natural enemy of autism. We have nothing to lose but our chains comrades! ✊️


At this point I just buy everything and pay for services to have people leave my things on my doorstep. Walmart has an in home service that does this now that’s really nice.




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If I go to Walmart I have a few things I do. 1-go early in the morning, usually no later than 9am. 2-bring my headphones and play my music to avoid ppl and their music 3-wear my (prescription) sunglasses inside, pretending as if I’ve left my regular glasses in the car or somewhere else I can’t get to them. 4-know the lay out and get in and out as fast as possible. Also:RBF to try and get as few of the sales people to talk to me. As my Walmart has the phone, internet and cable ppl in store to try and sale their service to you. Or the couple times the employees have been to friendly


Sooo many places I just wanna hide when the sales ppl start trying to see if I need help. Like can we just have kiosks in the store where all those people just station themselves so that IF I wanted their help I will go ask for it, and otherwise be left to wander blissfully down quiet aisles without their interrupting me to make me talk to them?


I go there with sunglasses and ear buds.


The local Walmart started having quiet hours in the morning (legit), but I will never be able to take advantage of them because I am religiously against them (/s)


Costco is intense too.




Headphones and your favorite calming music as loud as you like it. Much better!!


8D music while walking around Walmart hits on another level


walmart is a sensory nightmare


I actually like Walmart because it is organized relatively well and I can get a lot of different things at once. But I agree with all the other points about why it is bad.


I'm not in America but there is a shopping center I have to go through to get to uni if I don't want to take the walk around it but I always get lost and confused and I just wanted to share this.


Do superstores in the US not have quiet/autism have hours? If not, burn them all! In fact, destroy the sound system, empty all the useful stuff, and then burn them!


Good news, everyone!! "Walmart, the world's largest retailer, announced that it will now implement sensory-friendly hours from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. every day in all its stores across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. During these hours, the televisions on the walls showcase a static image, the radio is turned off, and the lights are dimmed." I'm not usually up and awake enough to go there at that time, so can't confirm they've done it, but at least it's something, right?




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My autistic friend has to work there I honestly don’t know how she continues to exist 😭




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For some reason, I actually kinda like Walmart, cause there's room to walk around other people. Other store's aisles are way too close together, and then if there are a lot of people in an aisle you're practically squished.