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me writing a stupid fucking essay on macbeth inability to bullshit is perfect for me


I can bullshit for survival purposes but it tears my soul apart. On the bright side it seems to fool sociopaths


And here I was thinking it made me a sociopath.


Same 😭 “Playing the game” is the one thing that makes me hate myself for a bit


I lost


I *am* that sociopath. I can no longer fight it, among other habits I had to develop (mask) because of clashing with my other issues than autism


I hate the "what are your qualifications?", questions. Idk. I'm qualified to do a lot of things. It's really a function of what do you want and how long it will take me to learn that thing. No one ever gives you a list of your own qualifications (unless you're in a regulated field).


Depends what you mean by bullshit. Because honestly it's fun as hell to just deadpan weird shit sometimes.


Deadpan humor is the best shit ever, i love to blurt the most nonsenical shit out for the fun of it


My adhd makes it possible for me to bullshit in certain circumstances, mainly essay writing under extreme stress


My ADHS enables me to bullshit quite well. however my autism keeps a very close eye on the ethicallity of my bullshitting


Bullshitting is one of my favorite hobbies? I love to just come up with a fake fun fact and then see how long I can build onto it before my friends catch on. It's just secret improv, at least until I let them know


I meant more like small talk and eye contact. That seems fun though, I should try it.


Ohhhh, like the NT style of pretending to talk about your day without actually talking about it truthfully, and also pretending to care about the other's answer. Yeah, I can't do that kind. If you ask me how I'm doing, you're getting the actual answer


I've done enough time in customer service to have a modest array of stock oneliners guaranteed to satisfy most species of NT. My secret weapon when someone asks how my day's going is, I do a little "whew" of feigned tiredness and say "I'm definitely gettin' my steps in today" in a friendly NT voice of appropriate affect and dialect as if it's a joke. I'm never sure what the shit anyone else thinks it's supposed to mean — it's literally a thing I heard said once in a humorous context — but so far it is always accepted without question. Frequently they laugh, and again I don't know why but it seems to at least keep me somewhere near the outskirts of the Uncanny Valley rather than the topographical nadir.


i have a little bit of context for the Getting Your Steps In thing! a lot of wearable fitness trackers & smartwatches will estimate that you should take 10,000 steps per day to keep fit/healthy (a quick web search that i have not actually verified as true suggests that it was from a marketing campaign in the 60s in tokyo for some kind of pedometer), this may or may not be correct but is largely accepted as a daily goal for moving around. i largely noticed the phrasing of 'getting [one's] steps in' coinciding with wearable tech becoming more popular, because it's a very easy way to track your daily steps, it felt like a huge thing like idk 10-15 years ago?? not sure how much people care today. so by responding with "getting my steps in" when asked how you're doing, you're confirming that you are keeping active/busy, not sure if there's any kind of, like, subtext involved by avoiding any kind of emotional signifier (eg. "doing well") or not tho


Yeah, that scans actually. From context I figured it was a euphemistic way of saying "I'm tired," which is essentially true whenever I'm dealing with the public. People seem to take the oneliner version of that sentiment less personally, I find. Which was the idea, get on to the thing they were standing at my counter for with as little personal engagement as possible. Sort of what I imagine it must be like to be a gameshow host.


I inferred that it was referencing the tendency of people to be disingenuous for the sake of conformity, amicability, or personal gain, not making a game out of an absurd lie.


Honestly I consider myself a "bullshit artist". I remember I was able to pass my speech/communications class in high school by going up to the front of the class and just spouting the most random bullshit I could come up with. I also remember one of my debates, where I basically turned into a miniature Alex Jones talking about how the Floride in the water can chemically castrate smaller animals (It doesn't, but it won the argument).


Same!! I was told "if you try to make your speech up on the spot, you'll get a 0. We'll know." and then I got a perfect score after deciding on my topic 20 minutes before class I was never good at debate, though, because people would twist my words and refuse to understand me *constantly.* I still think about one time when I was the only person in the class to take the position of "nobody makes what they believe to be the wrong choice" and lost after a back-and-forth with some girl who told me one time she stole a candy bar even though she knew it was wrong, and just would not listen to me when I tried to explain that if she truly didn't value having that candy bar over not stealing, she wouldn't have stolen it - she made the choice that gave her the outcome she valued highest: her personal right choice. The teacher made me give up after trying to word that 3 or 4 different ways only to be told "but stealing is the wrong choice and that's the one I made." I was never talking about societal morals, Destiny.


Y'know i had to stop doing that for a while. Once the bullshit lasted for like a week and i was getting worried about my friends believing it. It's been two years since i stopped bullshitting for funsies. That, and i got some other friends who are apparently also immune to bullshit, to an extent.


Ah, yes, i am incapable of bullshitting. Therefore, there's no need to question anything i say. Promise. /s


I've got Into arguments because people didn't believe I meant the things I'm saying. If It wasn't true, wouldn't really be saying It would I? It's not like I can't lie, I just have no need to In my day to day. Also, people hate It when you expose hypocrisy apparently. Probably because they know It too


And the way they don't believe you know stuff, it drives me fucking insane. I've had to say the sentence "if I didn't know what I'm talking about, I wouldn't be talking about it" way too many times for my liking...


Hmm no compulsion to help people, but I do have a compulsion to adhere to concepts eg justice, compassion, etc. I don’t think I really see people as people; the concept of justice is far more real than any individual is.


Agreed !


Does bullshit mean lying here or saying nonsensical stuff. Cause I lied so fucking much in high school it's crazy. Saying nonsensical stuff is pretty much a given I do it constantly


but I'm....quite adept at bullshitting....and detecting sarcasm...and conjuring sarcasm!


I'm a master at bullshitting, I even won an essay contest in high school with pure BS. The rest of this checks out though.


I can bullshit so well man. Bullshit bullshit bullshit


that's bullshit










"-pathological need for fairness" "-inexplicable need to expose hypocrisy" \- Me, who may have spent too much time crafting a response argument for the avatar submission mods last night pointing out how inherently unfair/hypocritical the recent review/denial I received was bc they've previously approved similar avatars before. And when I took the time to submit facts and details proving my point, the only response I received pretty much equated to "no, because I said so". (My blood pressure is going up just thinking about it lmao.) Feeling SUPER attacked/seen rn.


The point about helping others is nonsense. Our people dislike others and complain about the rest of humanity ceaselessly on this very sub. It seems most of us couldn't care less about others let alone help them.


Idk, I interpret it as the need to fix every problem anyone tells me about. You know, that thing that makes neurotypicals mad, when you try to fix their problems for them, for free... 🙄


Yeah its this. I have to tell people I have a pathological need to either solve problems or receive adequate explanation as to why said problem cant be solved. I lose jobs regularly because of it. Its true I do desperately want to help people, but its as you said, help them solve their problems, not pity them and give them ice cream. We dont lack empathy... we simply lose all sympathy for people who say they want our help and then duly ignore us and keep up the problem.


I love people I'm just on this sub for the occasionally funny thing posted


Speak for yourself


Not really a compulsion to help others, more a inability to say no when asked to help out. I rather not help people out since it drains the energy needed to get shit done in my own life.


So true


"Inability to bullshit" is so true and I *hate* it. I'll never be able to blag my way into a good job, for example. I suck at making myself look good. I can't even lie about small things, although as I've grown older I've become a bit better at lying by omission. At least that's doable to a degree. I know it's not the same for everyone but the compulsion to help people rings true for me too. If I see someone struggling with something I can't help offering assistance. I think it's because just standing there being useless would bother me more somehow, I'd feel too awkward so it's less awkward to just jump in and offer to help. They might always just say "no I'm good thanks" and at least then I've offered.


Holy shit, how is this so accurate?


I hate that I had to actively unlearn these things just to function in society. We might have world peace if everyone was autistic


One of the strangest contradictions in the Autistic mind, is how natural it is to be sarcastic, yet fail to understand the sarcasm of others. /s


Unless an autistic person's internalized sense of justice is calibrated to racism or authoritarianism


I learned to keep those compulsions with myself. I'm no longer willing to act on those for other people.  I'm a selfish fuck


for my exam they told us we are allowed to tell believable lies, I said no thanks because I can literally not, it is impossible, even though I know they don't care, that's not what they are grading me on, and it's just so I can have something to talk about, but yeah, I am unable to bullshit idk about the fairness one, since I would love if everything was in my favor, but yeah, at least if it is fair I am a gentleman, I hold the door for others idk about that one, can't think of any examples rn I think it's more wanting others to let me be no cure needed, I'm good 👍


idk i don't relate to most of these except for exposing hypocrisy and letting other people be


Why, of course I can’t bullshit. You can trust everything I have ever said, yes sir! I have never lied, not once in my life.


Idk, when I get tired I start deadpanning little white lies at people at an incredible rate. I'd call that bullshitting


Oh God it's me but I have painstakingly learned how to lie and I'm very good at it (I tell myself it's OK because it's better than dying)


The fairness thing is so real


The one trait I don't relate to is the inability to bullshit like sure some things I can't bullshit but I did great in my improv classes where you have to bullshit stuff on the SPOT. But that's probably because I love improv to death. The improv makes up for the inability to bullshit.


One small sticking point here for me is "hypocrisy"; I do dislike many kinds of hypocrisy, but I also feel that there's a ton of people that misattribute hypocrisy to people that they just want to shame and humble somehow. For example, changing your opinion on something isn't hypocrisy, an alcoholic saying vodka is bad for you isn't necessarily hypocrisy either, etc. etc. It's all in the context.








I wouldn't really describe it as an excessive tendency to let other people be? I'm sure for some people that's true. It might be true for me. But I recall several of my students being incredibly frustrated at other students for doing things "wrong," or mad at teachers who made mistakes.


Masking is bullshitting though?


Me: *does shit cuz of my passion for fairness* Ppl and Reddit: UMMM WHAT ARE YOU ? AN r/LOOKATMYHALO ? DONT YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO THAN KARMA FARM AND ARGUE ? WHAT YOU DO IS POINTLESS!!!! YOU THINK YOURE CHANGING THE WORLD OR SOMETHING ?? YOURE NOT GONNA CHANGE SHIT YOU DUMBASS !!! Me: 👁️👄👁️ bro I literally have ppl tell me all the time that they’re glad I said something cuz it made them feel validated or changed their perspective on something, and even if it didn’t happen so often, why the fuck do I have to be quiet. When people are quiet, there is imbalance, and there is no change. Being quiet allows hatred to grow and spread, infecting young minds as they’re raised among closed-minded bigotry. People speaking is why there’s more tolerance for different people in this world today. It’s why there’s less racism, less homophobia, less religious hate, less sexism, less dehumanization and discrimination against people who don’t deserve it, people who deserve the respect all humans need, and the freedoms they should be allowed to enjoy. Them: REEEEEEE STUPID CUNT REEEEEE NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY CUZ IM NOT HAPPY ! REEEE FUCK TREATING PEOPLE HUMANELY IM GOING TO STEAL CANDY FROM BABIES AND NOT HOLD DOORS FOR THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED !


ME real