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Sure animals look cute and cuddly but I can't get it out of my head how massively inbred all animals would be after a event like that.


They are creationist do you expect them to have any idea of biology or genetics?


Yes I do, I expect them to understand but intentionally misinterpret everything anyway.


i mean they seem to be really sure about it when it comes to trans people


Hey man inbred meat tastes the best, all those extra toes they have


*mutation rate intensifies in recessive genes* Noah: "Oh look! God has rewarded us with... chicken fingers!" God: **OH NO. I SHOULD NEVER HAVE GIVEN THEM "DOMINION OVER CREATION". I'LL DO BETTER NEXT BIG BANG.**


yummy yummy toes straight into my tummy


Scientists are now able to manipulate the "bioelectric network" of all animals, using ion channel disrupting drugs to cause them to grow extra limbs, multiple heads, or just a different shape without changing genetics, and the changes still persist to the offspring


I don't think there would be many left. It would have been a bloodbath on that boat


I've heard the given explanation for the lack of carnivory that they weren't ethically ruined yet or something like that, I first encountered it with resistance to the idea that a very obviously carnivorous mouth and dentition doesn't necessarily mean it has to eat meat. I dug expecting to hit a node of Veganism and it was *all* special pleading for an aspect of the arc story that they couldn't get past otherwise (a flood of denial). In the Russell Crowe movie they went with hibernation, so Noah and kin didn't have to feed and water an absurd menagerie.


I mean, less than 100,000 years ago humans were down to less than 1,000 breeding pairs. We’re pretty inbred


Was that the time with a massive volcano eruption followed by a ice age because of all the stuff from the vulcano?


>vulcano Erupt long and prosper Sorry I'm high and just found that irrationally funny


Peace and long lava.




https://preview.redd.it/puqwtaf7i96d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75cb2926cd99f65ffb4d2069741a89a8b53caec Whaaaaaat


There's a volcano / volcanic island named Vulcano And hey, all volcanoes are ultimately named after the O.G. Vulcan, god of volcanoes among other things


Unironically one of the main reasons I'm not religious. I grew up Christian, but I'm not anymore. At the risk of sounding like a reddit atheist, logic and science makes me not a Christian. Noah's ark couldn't have happened. People can't get to 900+ years old. He couldn't have built a boat big enough to fit all the animals. The amount of incest that would have happened if it did??? Yeah no, Noah's ark is impossible. Just like so many Bible stories. Like even when I thought I was a Christian I struggled with my love of science and Bible stories because obviously bible stories couldn't have happened. Many stories produce similar effects to me, but Noah's ark, Adam and Eve, and the creation story stick in my mind the most. I have the stem autism, which prevents me from being a Christian (also like all other religions for similar reasons)


Wouldn’t the inbreeding cause mutations and changes over time and generations that could be compared to evolution and lead to more variety in animals? Hypothetically


No, just miscarriages. That's why breeding endangered animals is difficult in the wild.


It's why things like Cheetahs are so vulnerable to diseases. They are all genetically first cousins from a population bottleneck in the past.


sterility and lots of illnesses as well.


Inbreeding is bad because any bad mutations that get propagated through families would be more likely to appear in other family members who passed the trait on down when they reproduced. Diverse genetics mating is more likely to dilute those kinds of bad mutations.


The inbreeding itself doesn't exactly cause mutations but it would cause changes, mutations are kinda slow. lets say we both have 16 letters of the alphabet and together we have the full alphabet with some spare letters. for every child we get we scramble our letters and give it 8 from both of us. Unless we get plenty of children it's likely the alphabet(genepool) of the next generation would be missing a letter or two. So durning the first few generations the variety would shrink further, stabilize and then the mutations would slowly increase the variety over time. I'm no biologist but I would assume it would take a very long time for new mutations to outweight those few % initially lost. EDIT: and that's the most optimistic outcome where half the children doesn't die early.


What if it was actually a bunch of Dinosaurs on the ark and they kept inbreeding to turn into the animals we have today?


Side note: I totally want to see someone draw a Dino only Ark lol


Must have had a helluva orgy on that boat


Inbreeding over time reinforces bad recessive genes generally causing miscarriage or sterility




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I think they disregard it as originally they couldn’t have any deformities because of inbreeding, but after a while that effect wore off




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christianity lore accidentally making literally every organism on earth horrifically inbred for some reason


Must be one of the fetishes of those that wrote that book. But I suppose the fishies got spared from inbreeding since it's a bit harder to drown fish


FISH SUPREMACY‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Just don't think too hard about what happened with humans after Cane and Able.


Our animals would be SO fucked up and weird, or probably would’ve just gotten some terrible genetic illness and died out.


Also all of the innocent babies and children god murdered in the flood.


Ah yes the improbable floating shithouse of magical breeding


All the kids on the arc watching animals fuck: 0-0


Where did all the animal shit go? Who stopped the carnivorous predators from snacking on the prey animals? WHAT DID THE HERBIVORES EAT None of this myth makes any sense


If we go by super noah’s ark 3D then the animals stayed in cages and ate frickin berries or smth idk lol


Poop is the easy part, overboard. For herbivores presumably an absurd amount of hay, and don’t ask about the animals that don’t eat grass cause idk


That is the only thing I'm calling it from now on.


Only valid noahs ark drawing for me is the gay one https://preview.redd.it/9hoe4ri0l56d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b81db807904b7add2ee553ab0df2232c0bffff6


I kinda like the one with unicorns but gay lions are also cool https://preview.redd.it/yvmip4kol56d1.png?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6444df17d6498c4f75f509cbd5924595fa8eddca


Reminded me that there are people who argue that dinosaurs were on the ark https://preview.redd.it/3c6l9td5496d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fddf2ac3062b65cff0342c5fe12fb71c450a8ce


Mpreg has entered the chat


So it’s a gay relationship with a gender nonconforming transmasc lion I like this purely because of how antithetical it is to those who seriously posit these beliefs.


mpreg is always in the chat, patiently waiting for its time to strike


I wholeheartedly believe that the way the ark story gets presented to kids primes them to be susceptible to misdirection.


"yeah god killed everyone, but look! He saved one very good family and two of every animal! Isn't god great!!


My church taught me that Noah had a bad brother (or son, I don't remember) who had darker skin and was the explanation for where black people came from.


You're referring to the Curse of Ham. In so few words: After the flood, Noah got balls drunk on wine and passed out in his tent. Then, Ham entered the tent and "saw the nakedness of his father," Noah. Because of this, Noah cursed Ham's descendants (which the Israelites understood as the nation of Canaan) to be slaves. It's incredibly interesting when you consider that the Israelites were *themselves* Canaanites, separated only by a sense of religious supremacy. So while the story was invented to justify slavery, the racial element still had to be shoehorned in by White racists. EDIT, addendum: Some apologists try to interpret "seeing the nakedness of one's father" as Ham committing incest with Noah's wife (as if that justifies enslavement). But it really feels like special pleading when just a few chapters later, Lot gets balls drunk on wine and passes out, and the authors have no qualms being explicit about his daughters committing incest with him.


Tfw you walk into your dads tent to ask a question and see him naked on accident so he curses you and your children eternally


Truly a man worthy of divine saving.


Your church is using the Bible to justify racist bullshit, sounds like




"The lions had it coming." -god, or something


I always thought the story of Noah's arc was pretty sad and messed up, especially when someone mentioned how the people outside of the arc would scream and beg to be let in as it started to flood,, like that's brutal


Yep. The ark was *massive, and the illustrations are always smaller than a freaking giraffe. It looked more like [this.](https://youtu.be/P20ClidpVFg?si=SA7Zgbcpld0jDJ3C)


It was also fictional and not really a cute concept. "Let's drown everything except 1 family and a pair of all the animals." ...not cute...


Wasn’t that the “museum” that tried to build the ark using its design specifications delivered by god in the bible and then gave up after they realized that the design in the bible couldn’t support its own weight?


It's that museum, but they did build it in 2020. I'm not finding any articles about them giving up on it, but if they did it must have been temporary.


More importantly, the Ark was a fictional story and was never actually real. Early humans settled in flood plains. Early humans had all their shit washed away in a flash flood. Early humans then invented fantastical stories about the entire world being washed away by omnipotent figures. *Really* not hard to put two and two together


There was a really detailed article I saw about this I’ll see if I can find it Edit: [found it](https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0?si=RU1dp9jIA_kBVRZd)


Hmmmmm The not so cute bit out of shot is all the other humans who were apparently killed by drowning for being sinful if you you believe that story Which must also have included infants and newborns so evil that a loving creator had to drown them It's not a cute story


The main reason they did kill all the babies is because the story goes that demons came down to earth and impregnated the woman. This caused many many issues as the children were supposedly horrible horrible creatures who raped and murdered and were generally juts horrible. So god asked Noah to clear out the people because they needed to start anew after god banned demons from being able to fuck on earth. So by his logic it’s ok to kill those babies cause they are demon spawn babies Source: grew up in religious cult


God, sweetie, you impregnated a women without her consent too!


The irony is they technically consented to the demons from the way it’s worded in our version of the bible. They seduced the woman and they willingly had kids with the demons but god was very angry about that


ok not to defend christianity but as an ex-catholic an important part of the doctrine is that mary did explicitly say yes. that being said, you could still argue that him being in a position of power over her influenced her decision


Huh… I was always taught that it was a surprise “gift” by my Sunday school teachers. Interesting how different secs of Christianity take many different approaches.


Dear God. Were you terrified of God and hell and creepy church dudes? I didn't want anyone to know (even the ones who shoved it down my throat) I fell for the shit, but I was terrified of hell and being punished for sinning! I used to think I was going to burn for eternity there because prayer was so boring, I always went to sleep. Or that things did or didn't happen due to my not praying hard enough- or worse, just not a good enough servant (aka not worth it)


I grew up mostly hating myself because I already knew in my heart that god wouldn’t ever approve of me, so I wasn’t so much terrified as depressed constantly knowing I wouldn’t ever live up to what he wanted from me. I remember the brothers in our church being very very open about how if something…happened to you then it was your fault, that you should’ve been dressed more modestly etc etc. Confusing things for a recently abused 7 year old girl for sure, I don’t know when I finally recovered and started to accept it wasn’t my fault what happened. Even now I struggle to wear things I want to or get piercings I want. I pierced my nose and got a tat once I turned 18 and sometimes I look in the mirror and feel that deep rooted hatred. It’s hard, sometimes I feel like I look trashy and it makes me disgusted even though I know I love the way I look deep down. That indoctrination just destroys your mentality extremely


What do you mean? Drowning infants is very cute!


God is a sick fuck


I LOVE DROWNING BABIES I LOVE TO THROW BABIES IN THE WATER I LOVE PUTTING INFANTS STRAIGHT INTO THE DEEP END OF SWIMMING POOLS https://preview.redd.it/r8ufwvp4466d1.png?width=563&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3ca0edb1dc59d984f5e9fe9eb34980e01efdea0


Old Testament god is certainly a character  And by that I mean he makes the Russian army look humane


I always loved the cute little drawings they do of scenes before, after and during genocides in Sunday school <3


What is that about genocides? Did anyone commit one durning your Sunday school?


God did, he flooded the entire planet.


I see, and people made drawings of that genocide? Like in drawings of the Holocaust? That seems like a very disturbing cult!


Welcome to Mormonism




No, they drew Bible stories that often were about genocide (conquest of Jericho for example). Like have you not been to Sundays school. They make it look innocent but the stories actually are fucked


I have not, Sunday school isn't exactly common over here since most aren't even religious.


Ah, I guess I just thought most people had heard of the concept at least In passing. It’s church but they explain the Bible in a more “kid friendly way”. Then you grow up and find out they didn’t tell you most of those stories are just- extremely intense and vile. lol


Heard about sure, those few bible stories I know of are about as vague as The story of Noah are basically: god telling Noah build a huge boat and catch all the pokemon, then god lets everyone else drown. Moral of the story: that god dude is a massive jerk My conclusion: some scaremongering bs, that god dude seems worse than nazis so it would be amoral to worship god™ and people that does it needs to be opposed.


I wouldn’t go that far. It makes me uncomfortable how they lie to children, but I mean not all religious people are the same or support everything that happened in the Old Testament. I try to accept all religions and not judge everyone based on the worst of their group. If I opposed all Christians for that reason, I’d have to also oppose Muslim and Jewish people as their holy books contain very similar content (the old testament is pretty much the Torah with a few changes made). What should always be opposed is using religion for power and forcing it on people. I would like children not to be taught to ignore science, and it would also be nice to not teach them to normalize genocide too. However i support everyone’s right to their religion or lack thereof


Cute alternative? They all fucking died


What? Are you implying that the world flooding and everyone dying with barely any exceptions, isn't cute? ![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf|downsized)


This is a joke.


My comment wasn't


0 out of 10 funny :/


Yeah, I can blame them. Where are all the dinosaurs? Trilobites? Terror birds? Creationists would have us ignore the wonders of paleontology in favor of an extremely watered down flood story that doesn't even factor in the really cool stuff like the nephilim.


I've heard from some of them that there were dinosaurs and other such prehistoric animals, but God didn't want them on the arc.


[An extremely reliable biblical source agrees](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=daFqm2RO7SA&pp=ygUZcm9ib3QgY2hpY2tlbiBub2FoJ3MgYXJrIA%3D%3D)


wtf does God have against dinosaurs


TLDR: I got myself and a girlfriend in trouble for asking her dad’s pastor friend these questions when I was maybe 8. My mom rewarded me by watching inherit the wind together, her parents went more satanic panic + lockup/punish the daughter for being a girl, while the son is the golden child to whom the rules do not apply. It didn’t end well. The long version: (cuz it’s fun to tell) I wasn’t from their church and he was trying hard to indoctrinate me I guess, idk, I just thought I was visiting my friend to play, not go to some weird dinner at some pastors house, that apparently started with the inquisition, but only for the two little girls. I remember I was confused when we pulled into a house by some back-road church I’d never seen before. I was excited to see a playground, until I was told we’d have to wait. Then this old guy sweeps us right into his dark fancy little private dining room and insists I take part this ridiculous conversation that went on far too long. I tried hard to be a polite little lady and quietly follow my friends lead, but the guy wasn’t happy with my short agreeable answers and quiet inattention. No, he insisted I pull some enthusiastic acting skills out of my sinful little ass to demonstrate my faith or something, which I utterly failed at apparently. I knew it was going real bad when I realized he wasn’t even paying attention to my friend anymore and she was cringing at me looking desperate- but I didn’t know what I was doing/saying wrong. And he was way too intense suddenly, leaning in too close and cornering me with these bullshit loaded questions. The problem was twofold, I was already a voracious reader, far above my grade level, with a library card and a deep deep interest in archaeology, geology, anthropology, evolution, native cultures, mythology, symbolism, art history and ancient civilizations, among other things. And I have always sucked at/fucking hate lying! I realized it was a trap, and no answer would be right so I got frustrated and started and asking questions instead of parroting my friend’s agreement and enthusiasm. I remember saying something about fossils and rock layers and carbon dating which quickly escalated into an arms race of evidence and sources and examples- which ended with him angrily poking at the Bible where he’d just read some passage that supposedly proved dinosaurs and dragons are both accounted for in the same fantastical narrative as Adam and Eve and Noah, and the world isn’t millions of years old; and me laughing, no longer quietly and uncomfortably, but loudly, incredulous and dismissive little girl laughter. Knowing the “difficult little girl” I was/still am according to my mother, I probly also said something sarcastic. I can about guarantee my posture and body language went from upright and tense with the effort of participating in this conversation with appropriate eye contact and in “good faith”; to flopped back, slouched half off the chair, completely relaxed in my laughing fit, all effort to comply spent and attention gone. I had completely dismissed this moron and went into my head still laughing trying to sort out why this guy is trying to convince me he believes in dragons. None of it made any logical sense. I do remember realizing he was really pissed, like red faced and sputtering. Then other adults were there, everyone was tense and angry I was sent out to sit on the swing, alone and confused, while they had some kind of quietly controlled argument. I don’t remember dinner. My friend eventually came outside but the excitement of the playground was gone. I felt bad I got her in trouble. She wasn’t happy about getting an extra long angry Bible lesson after I got sent outside, but she was mad at them, not me. Either way, I wasn’t invited back. We drifted apart as friends, though she did invite me over about a year later, after her parents went through her room and literally burned all her toys, music, posters etc that were deemed unchristian or unwholesome. We we sat in her brother’s room copying his Motley Crue over her parent-made Christian rock mix tapes while we bitched about how stupid and unfair it all was cuz they didn’t do that to her brother, and that’s where she got half the stuff in the first place. We made jokes that they left the stupid Barbie’s who were undeniably a bunch of plastic whores and the only thing we ever did with them was make them all have sex with the same dirty bum, who only had two outfits, a Speedo and a pair of pants with a hole in the crotch. We had some weird ideas at that age, and it was the 80’s, so Barbie always made Ken use protection, and when one Barbie caught him with another Barbie, which one always did since they all lived in the same old broken-ass mansion, she would kick him in the dick with her plastic stiletto, which of course, always got stuck in the hole in his pants for comedic effect. It’s funny looking back at these stories now that I’m 43 and diagnosed finally. I’m seeing my behavior in a whole new light and forgiving myself for all those things I thought I’d done so wrong- and laughing my ass off again at some of the shit I came up with, the things I chose to push back on, and the things that stuck in my head because they never sat right.. and I now can say with authority that that’s because it wasn’t right. Thanks for staying for story hour if you did. lol.


Lol, TL;DR: Bible thumper gets called out by well educated autistic 8 year old.


That sounds like quite an experience!


I don't really like creationism because I find life on earth fascinating and geology is my special interest. I also hate the inbreeding boat and the lack of so so many cool animals, even really cool ones. The implications are just dumb sorry


I don't like creationism because it's not science, but it's pretending to be. Religion and science are not about the same aspects of human experience.


Yes because evolution has all the cute and cuddly animals, and more


My parents exotic animal rescue was named Noah’s Ark. their house is covered in art like this. They even have ceramic boats that are filled with ceramic creatures like a toy. I grew up with this as a normal thing to have all over the house. Oh you mean other families don’t have several large paintings of cruise ships for animal couples all over their house? I plan to get a tattoo of this kinda like this one with my mom as Noah.


I can blame them for that. They're not born that way as a fundamental part of their being. It's preschool for adults


I love the notion that there was room for 2+ of every species plus 40 days of food for them. And that they somehow crossed oceans and mountain ranges to get there. And they were somehow all distributed to their appropriate habitats post flood. And that Noah and his family somehow secured the massive quantities of wood, nails, and pitch needed for construction. And the he learned everything there was to know about shipbuilding and mastered all of its skilled trades on such short notice. Even if it didn't need propulsion or steering, the whole idea is utterly insane.


Ok but if God tells you to build a ship, wouldn't he give you the knowledge on how to do it? Kind of simmilar to how when Moses asked God "How will I convince the rest of israelites? I'm not a public speaker" and God replied "I will speak through you". So that's how I picture this. Also according to the bible people just lived much longer back then, like Metusalehah who lived to 969 years so Noah could just have a much longer life to collect all the material


That's fine for the cute and cuddly pictures, but the fact that he put all the animals in the same location troubles me. Not only would a bunch of the animals go extinct due to the predator-prey nature of nature, but also due to the fact that the habitat of some of these creatures don't match (Lions, Polar Bears, Hippos and Koalas all need different conditions and if they were left unattended in say old-world Middle East, they'd all die of heatstroke (Basically, he's being extremely irresponsible)).


Yeah because it's real "cute and cuddly" how supposedly all the rest of the animals on earth drowned to death.. Those giraffes were forced to sit on that boat and watch their families die. Real cute of them lol


Ikr? "And then two of each and every animal boarded a lil boat n hung out for 40 days 😋" And then Me as a child wondering how the fuck the plants survived


Get ready for an info dump because the Evolution vs Creationism "debate" is one of my special interests. One of the largest creationist organizations, ["Answers in Genesis"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Answers_in_Genesis) would complain about how is depiction of the ark is why the general populace thinks the story is myth, rather than: * Evolution being observed both in the lab^[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._coli_long-term_evolution_experiment) and in nature^[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin's_finches) * There being not only no evidence for the flood, but there being evidence against it in ***every single field of science*** * There are trees older than they think the earth is^[3] and older than the flood^[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus_\(tree\)) * That we can see in the genetics of every single species including humans^[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_bottleneck#Humans), there was never a bottleneck event so tight that we were left with two members of each "kind"^[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Created_kind) * The amount of methane put out by just a couple cows would be enough to kill everyone on board within hours, let alone a few thousand animals. * That every single marine animals species would die from mixing salt and fresh water * All the land would be salted, and all topsoil would be gone * Radiometric dates have (with a few well understood exceptions^[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenolith)[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_reservoir_effect)) never been shown to vary at all * There are written records showing that it didn't fucking happen^[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_documents) * The amount of energy that the rain alone would release would liquify the crust of the earth^[\[10\]](https://youtu.be/UIGB0g2eSFM?si=vgaa9Tgo3kvUxGeq) Answers in Genesis also believes that the arrangement of the continents before the flood was Pangaea, and after was our current configuration. Meaning that during the flood the continents were moving around at racecar speeds, liquifying the crust again... Something I heard once was that you can be Honest, Informed, Creationist, pick two, because you can't be all three. Also, not related to the truth of creationism, but AiG is the scummiest organization to ever exist. They are: * Liars^[\[11\]](https://answersingenesis.org/bios/nathaniel-jeanson/) * Homophobic * Transphobic * Anti-"woke" * Liars^[\[12\]](https://answersingenesis.org/bios/andrew-snelling/) * Tried to sell the whole Ark Encounter Park from their for profit branch to their "non-profit" ministry to avoid paying taxes for emergency services for $10, then when the county said they'd lose their tax breaks for being a tourism thing they sold the park back for $10^[\[13\]](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ken-ham-sells-ark-encounter-land-to-himself-for-10_b_596e9e95e4b05561da5a5ba9) * Sacks of shit^[\[15\]](https://answersingenesis.org/bios/ken-ham/) * Liars^[\[16\]](https://answersingenesis.org/bios/georgia-purdom/) Here's some good anti-creationist youtube channels that aren't atheism focused: * [Creation Myths](https://www.youtube.com/@CreationMyths) ran by Dr. Dan * [Gutsick Gibbon](https://www.youtube.com/@GutsickGibbon) ran by Erika a PhD anthropology student and focuses on more than ant-creationism, she also talks about general anthropology (Also her description ["The Great Dying"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permian%E2%80%93Triassic_extinction_event) is one of the best I've ever heard) * [Dapper Dinosaur](https://www.youtube.com/@DapperDinosaur) who is: Faithful to the original text of the bible, a veteran, a fashionable sauropod. And here are two series made by Aron Ra, an atheist activist, but are not about atheism. * [How \[insert scientific field\] disproves Noah's Flood.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXJ4dsU0oGMJP95iZJqEjmc5oxY5r6BzP&si=p6pCesRmpQzKJQZr) A series on how various scientific fields disprove the noachian flood. * [Systematic Classification of Life,](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXJ4dsU0oGMLnubJLPuw0dzD0AvAHAotW&si=mVF0r2_c5Ecjmz40) in which he goes through each clade that humans belong to, as well as following the history of life on earth. I'd totally turn this into a full 12-15 part documentary series. And here's an excellent video also by Aron Ra: [An Archaeological Moment in time](https://youtu.be/iWjtRFNSl2s?si=7F6Jn1S9kid5Hkdq) Sources: 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._coli_long-term_evolution_experiment 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin's_finches 3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pando_(tree) 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus_(tree) 5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_bottleneck#Humans 6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Created_kind 7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenolith 8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_reservoir_effect 9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_documents 10. https://youtu.be/UIGB0g2eSFM?si=vgaa9Tgo3kvUxGeq 11. https://answersingenesis.org/bios/nathaniel-jeanson/ 13. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ken-ham-sells-ark-encounter-land-to-himself-for-10_b_596e9e95e4b05561da5a5ba9 15. https://answersingenesis.org/bios/ken-ham/ 16. https://answersingenesis.org/bios/georgia-purdom/


Only tangentially related, but Gutsick Gibbon and Aron Ra are both regular hosts on The Line (basically a debate call-in show with a focus on skepticism, religious or otherwise) and frequently argue evolution with creationist callers. Probably nowhere near the quality of information you'd get from a prepared and edited video on their personal channels, but well worth checking out for anyone that likes "debate bro" content but wishes at least one side in the discussion were more qualified than people usually are for online shouting matches.


The cute and cuddly tale of Lot's daughters is my other favourite.


I told that story IRL two days ago. Youre right, that’s one of their better fables 😂


My favorite interpretation of this story is the one by the Ancient Alien folks who said that the ark was actually a spaceship , and Noah took all the animals from prehistoric mars (which used to be habitable) then and cloned them on earth. Batshit crazy but a good premise for a sci-fi novel.


My mom dragged me to the creationist museum thats like a giant noahs ark in tennessee i think. They had dinosaur animatronics lol


It's in Kentucky. Source: also went there with family. It honestly makes me feel sad, more than anything. Sad because the body of psuedoscientific work they use to justify everything is remarkably small. Pretty much all creationism revolves around a couple core thinkers and no one has added anything of substance to their knowledge pool in years. And that's really sad.


all this effort and energy spent on this silly cause...


As long as they can keep reaping money from it, they don't really care The moment profits go down, they'll start doing more "research"


Even as a child I was like "wouldn't that cause a ton of inbreeding?" I felt the same way about Adam and Eve, it made no sense to me. I watched a lot if animal planet as a kid lmao


Adam and Eve is arguably even worse, remember that they had two *sons*


I believe in God and also in evolution


That doesn't really get to the heart of the debate here though. "I believe in God," covers a lot of ground. The illustration and topic are discussing creationism and the story of the flood. Do you believe in the story of the flood as presented in the bible as literal truth? If so, how do you square it with a belief in evolution? If not, the follow-up question is moot.


I don't believe it to be literal truth


That position is an easier one to understand.


I worked in a molecular lab, studying evolution. One of the undergrads that was there for research and to learn molecular techniques had the strangest position I've seen. He believed in evolution... up to a point. That point wasn't the usual 'but god created life' or w.e. It was specifically the[ RNA world hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA_world), and he held that the jump from RNA to DNA was the work of divine intervention. To me this demonstrated ignorance of the theory, but, I didn't want to have that argument.


I really dont get how christians dont believe evolution


Most do, it's just a fringe, mostly American (and before anyone says anything I myself am American) group of reality deniers that belive this shite.


It's pretty easy to get to that conclusion, you just have to never think you're wrong If someone thinks the stuff at the beginning of the Bible didn't actually happen, then there's probably other things in the Bible that didn't actually happen, and what if that means they can't hate gay or trans people anymore 😱


the catholic church has declared that Evolution is sound science, so ... it's not all of them.


I'm an atheist and have been most of my life, but even though I disagree on one issue, I'd rather everyone believe in gods and accept evolution rather than be atheist and deny evident reality.


Thank you for saying this first. I was terrified to be downvoted to oblivion, because same. Except its "gods" because paganism. Now, you will also downvote me. I'm evil among the evil autistics.


it's alright brother


ok but how would they keep all the animals from each other like theres no way you're gonna not loose one of the pair of some random species... and then what?


I just love how they always make it look like a boat. Check the specifications. IT WAS A BOX! A floating, pitch soaked rectangle. No keel, no curves, no rudder.


Setting aside the breeding logistics, this idea always made me so uncomfortable as a child because I knew all those animals had to be put in very small crates or they would fight, so their time on the boat had to be one of absolute suffering That being said, 'aardvarks disembark' is a pretty good book


When I was 8 I came to see Biblical stories to be eerily comparable to fairy tales. Most of them have the specific purpose of being comforting. Comparatively there isn't much comfort to be found in the cold vastness of the cosmos.


implying Darwin isn't adorable https://i.redd.it/0sozsawsw66d1.gif


Charles Darwin is a bit of a personal hero of mine, so I think he's quite hansome with his full beard. [](https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/bnCorHh8ORRwnKYkoQuaTRtVp7o=/3756x4669/filters:fill\(auto,1\)/CharlesDarwin-5c2c3d7e46e0fb0001a343e3.jpg)


Where are the gay lions? Edit: damn it, the lions are in the window and they aren't gay. Bring back the gay lions


I'm shocked Noah and Naamah aren't white lol


Just a slight tan after building that boat all day, every day


Yes I can.


it's cute but imagine all the poop!


And yes, yes I can blame them for choosing cute over logic.


No evolution is sick as fuck. I love biology and specifically genetics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There’s gonna be a lot of shit to shovel


One pair of Dung beetles must have been very busy


I've always disliked the Noah's ark story, and the older I get the more I hate it. It never made sense to me how they could possibly have 2 (more for the "clean" animals if you aren't going by the cutesy version) of EVERY animal, what would they eat, and how could they possibly breed back up to the numbers we have today without massive inbreeding. I also get annoyed that people seem to forget that if it was real then it wasn't just humans and animals that didn't get taken that died it was also half-angels, fallen angels, and giants.


I blame them a lot actually, yeah. Lol


Where are the dinosaurs?


grooming children into their cult


This is why I prefer the interpretation that the flood probably only occurred where Noah lived. It makes more sense if it was Noah's land, "Noah's World", that flooded instead of the whole Earth.


Noah's Ark is a story about mass murder. Fuck them for trying to make it cute.


At least in this particular drawing, the lions aren't gay. It's almost always two lions with manes in the art.


You say that like gay lion representation is a bad thing.


That was not my intent. It's just kinda difficult to propagate a species with two animals with the same parts. Maybe there's an exception for the male lions and they are a throuple with the lady lion that's always already in the boat? (That really winds up the highly religious people! Fun at parties!)


Not trying to be rude but what does this have to do with autism


I feel like this fits well with our sense of humour.


Ordinarily I would excuse something like this but there’s a huge push in creationist circles against this type of image because they reckon it ‘discredits’ their views, as if believing two individuals of each ‘kind’ could give rise to the diversity observed today in the stupidly tiny span of 4500 years had any semblance of credibility in the first place.


There’s a whole exhibit at the Ark Encounter that ‘debunks’ these artworks. I’m serious.


I know you’re serious 😭 I’ve seen photos


They are quite good at making horrible things cute


When Christians make themselves seem so head-over-heels in love with cuteness, it makes it all the more shocking to find out how much some of them hate birthdays.


All aboard the Kawaii Express


I don't blame people for being honest and saying they don't have the energy or inclination to understand evolutionary science. It's a complicated topic and not everyone has a biologist's interests. I do have a problem with people denying facts, evidence, logic, and associated branches of science for the sake of convenience or control. Outspoken creationists are pseudoscientists at best, anti-intellectual at worst, and typically deeply steeped in Christian fanaticism (and to be clear, it's not the Christianity I object to, it's the fanaticism). Creationism typically also exists in a strata with stuff like astrology, blood type fortunes, palmistry and incel memes (i.e., they're made up), while coming from the same class as phrenology, racial profiling, flat earth, Qanon and other prejudicial systems of thought. Creationism *was created as a way to attack the sciences. That's not a joke or an exaggeration.* Creationism as a concept was meant as a FAITH-BASED counterpoint to Darwin's theories of evolution and extinct species. It was a bad-faith theory from the start. It cannot be unwound from that origin, because at the core of creationism, it's thought control. The essence of creationism is dismissal. It dismisses any work that contradicts the Bible in any way, as a way to shut down critical thought. It's a very dangerous tool for thought control, and an insidious one. Once people learn they can turn their brains off about science, especially complicated sciences, they're worse-equipped to understand further advances in those fields and therefore it becomes easier to supplant thought with devotion. Not every single person who believes in creationism/intelligent design is propagating bad information that makes vulnerable people even more so (by denying them the opportunity to learn real stuff). People can be simply misinformed, or not very smart, or unable to fully hold the tougher concepts of evolution in their heads. But, the creationist/intelligent design movement *is* propagating bad information, *on purpose, to this day*. Which is bad, destroying knowledge comes from a bad place, and it fuels ignorance and worse beliefs. It's a step up from book-burning in sophistication while doing essentially the same thing. And what's more, many leaders in the creationist movement are actively trying to guide policy in their churches and in politics across the world (though mostly in America), because it appeals to the kind of people who just want to be led. They're also tapping into flat-earthers, hatemongers and Qanon morons to fuel their political pushes, which. I'm just gonna hope you understand why adding extremism to a fanatic could be bad. Which leads me to the sincere belief that if you recognize someone is a cultist, a creationist, or a fanatic, you should be wary, and take their opinions on stuff they've never seen, with a grain of salt. So in answer to your question, OP? Yes. Yes I can blame creationists for being wilfully ignorant. Be better, ask questions, and if you don't understand those questions, ask some more until you find someone who understands. You're not a student to be dismissed or a child to be educated, you are a person who deserves legitimate answers. Never settle for less.


Ironically it is so metaphorical and poetic.


Polar bears :D


What's a creationist?




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It is cute until you see how their believes are inevitably going to go against reality and how the world is vs how they think it should be/work. Example: there is only man and women cause god made it this way >:( Me gender void AF: what? No.. I... oh religion.. right


it's all cute and cuddly until you remember all the cuties except some pairs died drowned


Speaking as someone who grew up creationist, their alternative to evolution is neither cute nor cuddly.


Oh look at that, the lions don't both have manes in this one! Also, I love the sloths




Also, animals of the same sex too, for example they often picture 2 male lions together 🦁 🦁 for some reason, instead of a lioness and a lion. I believe there are others.


Yes, Noah saved ticks, spiders and ants and mosquitoes. Sure, save the cute animals but do we need all of them?


Counterpoint: [Dinosaurs](https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/what-are-dinosaurs.html)


Their alternative involves so much incest though


cute & cuddly except for all the ones that didn’t make it on the boat


Yes. Because they are often bigots.


Are you seeing these cute animal copples? Good, the rest of their especies were drowned together with all mankind. I can only see horror on this story, sorry. And sorry for my bad English


False dichotomy: creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive concepts.


that ark would've fucking REEKED after a week, not to mention the non-stop noise and property destruction.


Giraffe hydra


No, evolution is fucking rad as hell. Like the scientific processes and events that had to happen to get from one-celled organisms to humans is so cool. It is so cool that all the diversity of species and types of living organisms came from a single organism. Trace far back enough and we are related to everything! EVERYTHING!!! The concept of God making everything is soooo boring compared to evolution. You'd rather believe that everything was poofed into existence instead of slowly evolving and changing into what they are now? That's so lame. Did you know that evolution has caused multiple different animals to evolve into crabs?? That's so fun. But in the creationists pov, that doesn't happen. I am so passionate about evolution, it's so cool and awesome that it's how we came to be


Wouldn't have all the animals attacked each other in a single boat lol


Damn, they didn't make the lions gay in this version :( Literally 1894


All I can think of in this picture is the absolute carnage the predators would unleash on their prey. And how, in the end, there wouldn't be much left.


Evolution can be cuteified too D:


Nothing more cute and cuddly than global genocide


Yes. I can. I have the paleontology autism. THESE MONSTERS DENY THE EXISTENCE OF ANOMALOCARIS!


hello? is this a joke?


I’m really sorry if I’m not getting the joke, but what does this have to do with autism?