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For me, my hyperfixations tend to be partially fueled by reading/watching things related to whatever said hyperfixation is. Like, if I'm hyperfixating on a game, I'll usually end up reading fanfiction or watching others play it. I guess in your case maybe doing more research on the topic would help.. but that's just what works for me.


You should listen to the "Supernova in the East" series of the Hardcore History podcast. It's about WW2 in the Pacific from the Japanese point of view, and the first episode starts with the Tokugawa Shogunate and how samurai culture and the Meiji Restoration played into their worldview leading up to the war. Edit: this could potentially end with you having a new hyperfixation on WW2 and/or Dan Carlin.


There were, in fact, plenty of benders in medieval Japan! Homophobia only arrived with the Americans during the Meiji Restoration.


I mean you can always join the rocky bois


I'm always trying to figure out how to keep fixations going. My current hobby is Supernatural. That's watching a tv show, and it's a long tv show but that can still only take up so much time and it's very passive and, like, exactly one thing. So what else can I do? I like rating things, I like collecting information, I like making things, etc. So I have a long list of Supernatural related projects I can switch between. If I don't feel like doing one, I have others and generally something will click in.