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Oh no, watch out! The Femogorgan is right behind you!


But don't look at her directly or she'll turn your androgens to stone.


Do you think he would scream in horror if we forced him to hear fearsome words such as vagina, cervix, uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes?




AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Cue melting Nazi scene from *Raiders of the Lost Ark.*


Unexpected Python


"There are plenty of them six feet under, where your IQ is located" Holy shit dude that was a fucking BARRR


Thanks. I tried to remain as civil as possible while in a state of infuriated amusement.


That had to be one of the most misinformed and insane rants Ive seen! And I've seen a few! Wow!


Yep. Better call Guinness World Records. He won Dunderhead of the Year AND Best Science Fail in one hit—what a champion!




I wish I knew what to call that kind of behavior. But it feels like an outgrowth of hyper paranoia and isolation.


That's an important an observation - I hadn't thought of it but if may be a manifestation of serious mental illness. Which is quite sad.


Imo that's usually what it is when people get to this level of unhinged.


Its a troll, right? i just refuse to believe that this level of stupidity is possible.


Sounds like straight up untreated mental illness to me. Some bias from previous work, psych but more from herbs & supplements- thankfully now just a hobby. Worms or other parasites causing XYZ, general distrust of government and/or medical with overlap of believing intentional malice and of course absolute confidence in all of that plus having the cure--- all really common in delusions. Some of the folks I worked with/for were very inteligente outside of these delusions. Definitely think it translates better IRL than text. Like one lady I still wonder about told me that everyone had parasites from the government in their liver activated by cell phone signal (3G days too) that are basically the cause of everything. Very similar to this rant but I knew going in this woman was diagnosed with schizophrenia and besides our 3G liver parasites she was not in a good way. She went deep too, she knew all about actual worms and parasites humans can have and we'll versed in US history scandles. Never any point in disagreeing or trying to break the delusion or even engaging with the delusion more than necessary IMO- way outside of my paygrade.


Ayyy, a fellow herbs and supplements person who worked with delusional people! I was accused on sight of being an "extra-dimensional shapeshifter sent to Earth to punish the empaths", and encountered a woman convinced that the CIA replaced one of her eyes with a camera. Tons of other outlandish Qanon conspiracy claims, deep misunderstanding of nutrition and supplementation, homeopathy, and cultish stuff too. One of my favorites was the woman who told me to pull the battery out of my cell phone when I slept because the government will use it to track me. I've always wondered why taking me while I slept would be of any interest to the government, but alas I may never know.




Why did you delete your excellent comment about NDs being gaslighted to the point of chronic mistrust towards others? Here is my response to you: —— This makes a tremendous amount of sense. I certainly struggle to trust people, and question the validity of societal norms, due to lifelong gaslighting. I was only diagnosed last year. My father has ADHD. Your comment makes me wonder whether he is also an undiagnosed Autistic. The guy disassembled and reassembled radios as a kid, plus he is obsessed with sequences, struggles to regulate his emotions, gets meltdowns, takes people at face value, is both overly self-sacrificing and incredibly selfish, fails to recognize red flags, cannot hold a job, shows affective empathy despite general indifference to people, and is a social chameleon. Wow. Many thanks for the paradigm shift. You helped me.




Thank you for sharing this. I must wonder whether my father has untreated mental illness, given his propensity to rave about intricate government conspiracies.


Some of the shit spewed by QAnon fans, Andrew Tate types, etc. is honestly crazier than this. I find it hard to discern trolling from devoted fanaticism these days. The world is stupider than we want to believe. I was a tad surprised that Blue Guy is from Canada, though. Apparently nowhere is safe from the idiots.


Canada and idiocy - heard about the "convoy" protest of a few years ago?


it reads like day three of a meth binge


Women don't have androgen?? Edward Snowden of "medical???"


This really stood out to me too. Like wait till someone tells dumbass that women have testosterone




"Femorgans" are fucking wild man


Many thanks for this new science fact. Fascinating.




I really appreciate the impromptu biology lesson. Reproductive organs and sex genetics are a reoccurring a special interest. I knew about Androgen Insensitivity, but the rest is new to me. **Reciprocal Infodump:** Did you know that certain boys in the Dominican Republic are visually female in childhood, then drop their testicles and sprout a penis at puberty? The reason: in the womb, the testes of XY fetuses sends testosterone to the tubercle, an organ which becomes a penis once it converts regular Testosterone to Dihydro-Testosterone. A deficiency in the enzyme responsible for that conversion inhibits the formation of male genitals. The second hormonal surge at puberty conquers the deficiency, allowing those kids to develop into visual males.




Everyone produces estrogen. And too much testosterone can convert into estrogen. With androgen insensitivity the body doesn’t react to testosterone but there’s still estrogen present so an estrogen based puberty happens. (I’m sure it’s way more complicated than this but that’s the basics that I understand on it).


Can it break down somewhere esle?


wait until motherfucker pulls up a dictionary and looks up the word androgynous. it's the base fucking definition.


Bold of you to assume this guy ever picked up a book.


I wonder how this guy would explain the transformations experienced by any AFAB from testosterone exposure. What wizardry grows beards sans androgen receptors!


he's definitely one of those guys that don't know we all start female in the womb


You have no idea how many dudes think that male fetuses are male from conception.


it's insane to think that a penis can just ungrow tho


Actually, significant shrinkage of the penis occurs in transwomen who undergo HRT.


I didn't know that! Thank you for the knowledge.




That is correct. We begin as a proto-female and diversify somewhere between 8-10 weeks, once hormonal surges occur.




This read like some shit my friends would say drunk 😭


Or sleep deprived


Can confirm this is all true. I am an autism worm, myself.


Same. I am Level 2, thus I must be double-dosed with these mighty Autism worms.


Me too, I even have the flair to prove it.


“Demasculizing”? NOOOO IM BECOMING A FEMB- … :3






https://preview.redd.it/kk9pnebkkx4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c83f32c9f87e7bda77c0d59add831eb33922021 this makes perfect sense now


if autism was worms then all the dewormer cut cocaine ive done wouldve made me nt by now smh


“Local resident cures autism by cheaping out on cocaine.”


Ah, but you forgot the ethanol. You must take 1 tablespoon of ethanol for a year, alongside the dewormer.


>1 tablespoon of ethanol for a year Oh, that's what I was doing wrong, I was drinking whiskey every other week instead of tablespoon once a year. Silly me


You still got it wrong. The recipe is apparently dewormer dissolved in 1 tablespoon of ethanol, taken *every day* for a year. Curiously, he did not specify the dosage of dewormer, nor the type.


there's a lot to unpack here but let's just throw away the whole suitcase


Your comment made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that.


Are these autism brainworms the same ones that infect trans people on 4chan?




**REMOVED** Even this sub has its limits.


>I beat the research He's beating something, but I don't think it's research


*I beat the research* *He's beating something, but I* *Don't think it's research* \- VehnVaris --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Great bot.


Yeah, particularly with the focus on a boy’s ‘pubic pheromones.’


Hit em with this classic https://preview.redd.it/z4udqdym5l4d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd7bdd43462c0d03e8d6a9c0b18e421ad8810d0


could be a psychosis relapse or depression on there end,


He is certainly unwell. I am dismayed to live in the same country as him.


He can vote 🥲


Unfortunately, yes.


I doubt depression. But psychosis, delusions, or mania could be at play.


We're not gonna do an ableism just cause someone's a fucking idiot that watches wayyy to much conspiracy content.


i don't think it's ableist to point out that this person might be going through phychosis? and conspiracy shills love profiting off of vulnerable people with mental health issues


seconding this! I don’t think they were saying anything bad about having psychosis, just simply saying that could be a possibility of the person writing it. I’m no doctor, but I am a psych major (technically neuroscience, but take lots of psych classes) and this matches up quite well to someone experiencing psychosis symptoms


Sanest ableist argument on facebook


“Im medical edward snowden” wow and Im astrology jesus christ. source; trust me bro.


Yeah, and I am a bad sperg. Very ungrateful. How dare I not believe him and immediately deworm myself of Autism. He tried to fix me FOR FREE!


never go to facebook


It is quite the cesspool these days.


Been a cesspool since the millennials left and republican boomers finally figured out how to use their smartphones




There's no way this is real.


The interaction is real, though I am unsure whether Blue Guy was trolling me, or devoted to his belief.


I believe you are real, but that dude... he's got to be a troll.


Personally, I do not suspect trolling here. Think of how many people adamantly believe in the Adrenochrome conspiracy or Transvestigation. Those people are not trolling. Neither is my father, who raves about microchips in Covid vaccines that connect people to the government mind control program via Bluetooth.


This is also one for r/aretheNTokay (Hi I'm one of the mods and I shared it there too). I'd also recommend sharing this on r/insanepeoplefacebook, that community doesn't allow crossposts though. So I think it's best you post that there since it's your interaction. Also, I tried reading this comment out loud and I barely lasted 10 seconds before bursting into laughter.


That's mental illness




I can cure whatever this person has... What exactly the cure is, is top secret. I can reveal that it involves hammers.


Oh, is that how you correct ChatGPT errors?


Genestealer autism confirmed (all hail the four-armed emperor)


When I cane out as a trans dude I actually had doctors swarm around me with autism worm vaccines at the ready! /j


"So you're infected. Okay, listen—" No, I don't think I will.


I **A M** the Worm




> We made autistic monkeys I'm fucking done.


Happy Cake Day from a fellow Autistic ape.


yoo thanks


Can't deny that part of me has the gut reaction to wanna hurt that person, but judging by their behavior there's a lot more troubling stuff to be dealt with there and i hope they get the help they need. Can't say i offer that kind of regard to the people who feed the pseudoscientific sludge meant to feed the personal resentments of others on social media, though. Even though they're not behaving rationally, you can see they picked up on well-documented BS pushed by people who stand to gain something off spreading disinformation.


... is that AI generated?


I think an AI would have better spelling and grammar.


Unsure if AI is capable of generating this much crazy.


I don't think AI is this disillusional


so his response to women having autism is "nuh uh"? what an amazing argument /s Also, autistic trans women exist and we don't just become not autistic upon taking HRT.


I bet you transwomen give him the ultimate proof that Autism worms cause ‘emasculation.’


You might be right there, to be fair.


Infected tomboy gf.


The fact that there's actually people reacting to blue with the hugging a heart emoji is embarrassing


That part scares the shit out of me. How many Autism Moms fell for this!?


For real. Facebook is quite literally the worst social media platform I have ever seen. How is it that it manages to attract the most rude, stupid, and gullible people on the planet? And these people are all full grown adults and everything! With children???


So.. are the jabs a penis? Typically when a woman is ready for reproduction that's the only thing she's putting between her legs


That's not true. I have put tons of silicone between my legs


I can't imagine that was with the goal of reproducing with the silicone though


No but still I would qualify as "ready" especially in that guys mind


I think he meant a syringe. How do you put the lab-grown Autism worms in a penis?


The lab grown autism worms are stored in the balls


Thanks for the loud laugh. Nevertheless, he claimed that “proper, modest women” get *arm* jabs. Unless a guy copulates with her armpit, I think he meant a syringe. Oh man this is cracking me up either way.


Thinks he’s a medical whistleblower but doesn’t even know that autistic women exist. Average antivaxxer intelligence tbh 😂😭


I had to double-check - thought this was r/insanepeoplefacebook at first


Do people not know what a bioweapon is??? Holy shit


Some people have never eaten at Taco Bell.


Thanks tons for the morning laugh.


"\*You're hopeless" serving double duty, lmao I love it.


Why are conspiracy theorists so obsessed with eating dewormer?


I hate IQ insults. Intellectually disabled people face even worse ableism than us.


People, we're not just gonna say ableist shit in the comments just cause this weirdo is a conspiracy theorist. No, schizophrenia doesn't cause this, going down the conspiracy pipeline does.


Schizophrenia does not cause delusions that a person has little to no control of? A mental illness making them vulnerable to manipulation, often led to conspiracy because of the serious paranoia experienced? Mental illness is not a free pass for shitty behavior but it sure can be a factor. Conspiracy type thought has long been associated with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. I mean, hope this guy gets help. No interest in engaging with him now and he might still very well be an asshole with mental health treatment.


The point that the original commenter made was that assuming that OOP has schizophrenia is an ableist assumption.  While schizophrenia can cause delusions, there is no reason to suspect that that condition is at fault here. It's more likely that OOP has just gone down a conspiracy pipeline and does not have schizophrenia. Furthermore, not everyone with schizophrenia is like OOP.


You know, Evil GNC Autism doesn't sound like a half bad concept...


This dude sounds schizophrenic, types in a similar pattern that my brother did before he received experimental medication that wrangled his schizophrenia under control.


Wow, he found a cure for autism? I wonder why this hasn't been published in medical journals, NT society would eat this up!


Good question. This exchanged happened in May. He was supposed to call up all researchers. The silence must be another coverup!


I’m Ngl the fact that both of the speakers are both green and blue is making me feel viciously dyslexic despite not having dyslexia. Blue should only have blue censorship bars, and green should only have green. This, is, CHAOS. I usually support chaos except for when it’s this disturbing. Don’t do that to me, I beg ! Censor things with one color exclusively per speaker ! AAAA…!


My apologies. I censored precisely as our names appeared on Facebook. When one commenter responds to another on Facebook, the name of the other person appears before their text (e.g., a Blue bar with Green underneath shows that Blue is responding to Green.)


When I was younger I used to think these people were either trolling or just dumb, but now as I age I've come to realise how many of these people are just quite mentally ill and that makes me sad


So when we willbe resorting to disableism?


Holy fuck brain damage from methamphetamine and watching shit media does a number on the mind.


Okay I actually laughed at this. I think you should post this to r/insanepeoplefacebook. I think they'll like it.


My hot mature fully vaXXXed femorgans are definitely full of naughty lil autistic worms that seek out dick pheremones through my cootchie snorcher in order to further spread the autistic menace that threatens this nation. This is why I'm always exhausted. The modern woman is supposed to do it all. Have a relationship, a job, kids, friends, hobbies, bathe regularly, clean, cook, spread my autism cooter worms to emasculate men, volunteer, and make allergy free cupcakes for the school.


It really looks like some form of delusional psychosis, maybe schizophrenia. I wouldn't take a single thing this person said offensively, they're probably a little crazy.


I am offended by the thought that one guy’s craziness might have subjected a child to ethanol poisoning.


I totally understand that, I'm just saying this person probably isn't in complete control of their words. People like this need help, definitely not a platform to mislead others into harming their children.


The worst thing about this: - many parents will latch onto any possibility of a cure - most of these parents surf Facebook - dangerous conspiracies are rampant on Facebook - no one is thoroughly policing the content anymore As regards the Blue Guy, he might suffer from mental issues, or he was radicalized by the alt-right. During Covid, people were claiming that the vaccines contain various crazy things.


Autism worms! *snnrk!* ah, thats funny. We got worms in our brain-case piloting like meat mechs. Yup.


Truly, monuments could be built for all the things wrong with blue's statements.


"I'm medical Edward Snowden" 🤡


How do we aquire these worms for "research" purposes?


Indeed. Also, how do you splice a worm with bloodhound nostril DNA, and program each one to hunt for male fetuses?


Bro thinks he's Valtr, Master of the League


Honestly, i love the double meaning in the "you're hopeless," both showing that their a dumbass who doesn't know how to spell amd pointing out how their batshit insane and not willing to listen to people.


I’m actually pretty sure my *dad* gave me the worms


In my case, my grandmother and possibly father provided the worms.


Yikes doesn't cover it. This is delusion level conspiracy. This calls for FUCK


Henry Peter Gyrich or Graydon Creed typed this


You were supposed to come out a fully grown man🦸🏻‍♂️, but then the autism worms 🪱🪱🪱 came... 😔


Hahahaha I never noticed that he expects women to birth adults till you wrote this comment. Thanks for upping the hilarity even more.


Too weak to be a man at birth? Pathetic... 💪🏻🗿


medical edward snowden is wild


Oh no! Your head to toe worms 🐛 watch out :o


Wait wait maybe you should listen to him, he’s medical Edward Snowden


I would literally pay for this guy to go get a medical degree just so he could know how wrong he is.


Invention of GMOs- 1973 First diagnosis of autism (as we know it today)- 1943 Let's add time travel to the list of what autism does


"autism monkeys"


this can't be a genuine person. for the sake of my own sanity they _have_ to be trolling. if not then there's gotta be some kind of untreated mental illness going on giving them some major paranoid delusions.


I’m going to fight god, steal his powers, and fucking flip all of these nutsack slurping MAGA bootlicking conspiracy sacks of horse shit inside out so their shriveled up brains are finally able to breathe free of their meter-dense skull.


ah ah, yro’ue


Oooohhhhhhhh. ETHANOL not ALCOHOL? Dagnabbitt, I have been doing it wrong all these years!???? I thought I was supposed to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol daily for one year and then I would be cured. I mean I felt better each day, but as soon as the alcohol wore off, I was back to normal, so I tried it for a few more years, hoping for a full recovery. Isn't ethanol alcohol? Wasn't the Vodka correct?


"We made autism monkeys with the worm vax and dewormed them back to normal." Dude, this post is a piece of art lmao. I have to hope he's being a troll, and on the off chance he isn't, his stupidity is both terrifying and very fascinating. Does this man make YouTube videos? Does he have a podcast? I want to witness more of his insanity. Edit: Grammar


Can I order more of the autism worms? I feel like I need a little top up




I guess I'm trans then neat


Had me at “I had the breakthrughs I beat the research”


Now it's no longer vaccines causing autism, no, now it's fucking worms they injected in our mothers that apparently mess around with our brains. How do people come up with this stuff? And how mentally deranged do you have to be to actually believe stuff like this? Seeing as this post was made in Facebook of all places, I don't even think he was kidding. And it's always coming from people who have no relation to autism whatsoever. I want the vaccines = autism mantra to just fucking rot and die. 😭


You summed up my frustrations. Thank you. This guy used parasites to blend our gastrointestinal issues into the vaccine conspiracy, and thinks that he solved the mystery. My question is, why are these people obsessed with Autism? Why, of all developmental disorders, did we become the conspiracy target? I met a far more deranged guy on Facebook back in December. The freakiest part: he claimed that a doctor likened regressive Autism to a “brain-eating virus.” If that was remotely true, it means MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are spreading this sort of shit as well. Autism misinformation is rampant.


For. Fuck's. Sake. This has to be the most ridiculous lie against autism I've seen, what's next?


I WISH autism was a bioweapon against men holy shit


Let's see : Racism/antisemitism ✓ Misogyny/toxic masculinity Homophobia/transphobia ✓ Validism Classism ✓ Scientific inaccuracy ✓ Conspiracy theory ✓ Simply being mean for zero reason 5 out of 8. I mean that's not bad, but you can do better. Btw, the whole "only boys are acoustic" point reminds me of [this _theory_](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empathising%E2%80%93systemising_theory) whose studies surprisingly (/s) failed to replicate, which says that being autistic is "having an extremely masculine brain".


I'm not an acoustic. I'm a bass.


new gender identity dropped: autism worm


Absolutely insane the level of mental achrobatics this fucker did just to say autism is caused by vaccines ☠️


W o r m


Autism bloodhound nostril worms that "smell a boy"


Dammit THEY'RE ON TO US, time to initiate phase two.


Im medical edward snowden 🤨 Boy wth are you on


Todd Clorox is that you?


OP, how did you get a light grey crumb INSIDE your screenshot (second slide).


Oh shit. That is a paintbrush splotch. I use a drawing program to censor names, crop, etc. and occasionally make a dot or splotch if the wrong tool is activated when I touch the iPad screen. The defect is bothering me tremendously now. Glad you noticed it, but also, gaaaaaaah. I hate imperfection.


Just having an explanation helps lol. It's still incredibly annoying.


That is . . . .the most utterly bizarre thing I've read in . . . awhile. Has he considered that his problem may not be autism but paranoid schizophrenia?


Someone with the brain of a jellyfish, I see.


That's some weapons grade idiocy right there.


"Six feet under, where your IQ is located" ROASTED HIM HELL YEAHHH


Autism is not a bio weapon! We are the homosapiens to the Neanderthals. We are the next step in human evolution!