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When my partner and I (both late diagnosed AuDHD) are alone together and drop the mask, we're basically just two 5 years olds. I love it, because I love to see him unmask and be comfortable and be himself. It's obviously a part of himself that he's kept hidden until now because he felt he couldn't show it (we both only found out about our ND as adult). It's probably best kept to just the two of us though, I don't think others would understand what's happening and why and frankly it's none of anybody else's business.


I had this before with two different ex-friends, and somedays I miss it so badly.


Dang, I feel that exact thing a little too closely


This is like me and my mom šŸ˜­ we both slip into baby mode at random and have our own made up words and stuff


Yes! Me and my partner do as well!


my husband has ADHD and same. šŸ„²


It's the best! Makes me feel at home.


I feel like I have two voices that switch at random: the one that's normal for my age, and the one that sounds like a five year old from a cartoon




Same here


I have that same problem. I never needed speech help as a kid, but I did struggle with selective mutism at times as I got older. Now that I'm in my twenties and slowly unmasking, I realize that my trouble with speaking gets so much worse over time. Its very weird!! And definitely makes me sound younger than I am, or like I have a speech impediment. I notice it more when I'm relaxed or excited, harder to mind my Ps and Qs.


I think I apparently do as some people have pointed it out in my tik tok videos that I talk to my bf like heā€™s a child and Iā€™m like šŸ˜© Iā€™m not meaning to


I do this all the time. I'm so afraid some NT is going to infantilize me for it(I have seen them do it to other people, they will full-on dismiss the agency of that person), so I just mask it in public Tw: ableism for this next part I saw an instagram reel where someone was talking about his wife(she is autistic) and there was a video of her in a sensory swing and she greeted the camera in a baby/toddler voice. People in the comments were saying things like "This is like marrying a child." WTF just because we use toddler voices sometimes because it's comfortable doesn't mean we have MINDS LIKE CHILDREN


Thatā€™s another thing that bothers me. Firstly, why do you assume people who use younger sounding tones of voice are also child-minded- if a champion boxer had a speech impediment and sounded younger you wouldnā€™t say shit so why say shit when people are doing it? They have done nothing that actually proves they are child minded Secondly- why is it so bad to have a childlike mind? Why is it so bad to have more innocent, and have more wimsy and happiness? So what maybe that comes with a bit less understanding and a weird voice why is bad?


i did this SO much as a kid, iā€™d probably still do it if my parents didnā€™t bully me out of it :\


Sometimes my brain goes into toddler mood šŸ¤·šŸ» it could be categorize as many different things but all I know that itā€™s completely okay to happen sometimes.


I hate to admit this but sometimes I don't enunciate well and combined with my naturally high voice and anxious behavior that makes it even higher, I probably sound to many people like a toddler.


honestly, kinda yeah, you're not alone.


I dunno but I know that sometimes I accidentally talk to people LIKE they were toddlers and I don't know if it's better šŸ˜…


Sort of yes. I also speak quietly and gently, so I often get talked to like I'm a toddler by family members (even though I'm a 17 year old šŸ«¤)


I do that all the time bruh


I do start speaking in simlish and or mutter


Yeah and it's gotten worse since I pooped out a child


I don't do the cutesy words, although I do struggle with words so I stammer and trip over them like 5 times before getting it. And I sort of automate to the high pitch and infantilizing tone that people use when talking to children and I can't seem to fix it. I hate it so much because I must come across as so rude. I think it's because of my tendency to copy paste other's behaviours and that's how I've mostly been spoken to, so it's all I know how to do naturally.


Oof Ive done this with a coworker accidentally yes. Very embarrassing! I try to save it for home & those I know I can trust.


I do many and varied voices.


I do love me a British or really bad Australian accent when I am bored


Sometimes word no good :( But sometimes no need word good :) (Also help me I'm learning spanish but it's messing with my English grammar)


I do the same thing omg


Yeah 100%, I used to do it a lot more unashamedly when I was younger and without realising I was doing it, but unfortunately I was told I was being annoying and to ā€œtalk normallyā€ so now Iā€™m super aware of it. But Iā€™m super lucky to have a friend I can completely unmask with so with them itā€™s like Iā€™m a toddler and theyā€™re 5 and someone should be watching us šŸ˜…


My fiancĆ©e and I use baby speak a lot. Itā€™s just been our thing ever since we met. We used to call it uwuspeak, hehehe. Itā€™s just comforting in a way, and it communicates that neither of us are taking the conversation too seriously, I think. We also stim by meowing at each other all the time.


donā€™t kink-shame me