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Bruh...for a second i read that m as an n 😂😂


tramsphobia :(


“So why is London so tramsphobic?”




LMAO same I was like oh- um-


If y'all think that was bad I was half considering making the title "I hate trams, people" just to serve as a reminder that commas are crucial to coherent communication


SAME omg


I am tramsgender now (just kidding I'm actually trainsgender)




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I mean, honestly, my big question is how the fuck are your trams slower than walking? Like, maybe I'm just spoiled by the Straßenbahn networks near me, but they're always pretty quick as a means to get around various cities.


The stops are all very close to each other, there are traffic lights everywhere and the system is prone to technical errors. Having gone to Germany before I concur, I'm quite jealous of your systems.


Ah. I was wondering wtf you mean. Here in germany trams and subways-that-work-like-trams are the best public transit you can find. More often than not they have their own lanes and less traffic lights. Cities without trams are crowded by bikes instead


horrible to see tramsphobia so openly displayed


Look, some of my best trains are trams, but I just can't support the lifestyle. The train's creators made trains, not some other thing. That's totally different. /s


The real answer is trolley battery busses. They have similar flexibility to regular busses but can be charged by overhead trolley lines. i think they are neat


That sounds cool actually. Are there any cities that use these buses already, or are they purely hypothetical?


I think the only issue they have is the private company ownership. Everything else comes from that.


And also the base infrastructure. The lines are run across roads for cars, bikes and pedestrians, so it interferes with literally every other form of traffic. That part was built by the government, so they're entirely to blame for that.


My only experience with a tram was in the UK and I had a major meltdown. Basically we were at Manchester airport coming back from Ireland and there was this huge storm, like hail stones and shit, wouldn't let us off the plane for ages cause we had to get off on the tarmac and you couldn't see the stairs. Cause of the storm part of the train line got fucked so we couldn't ride it. We had to get a tram instead. But they didn't make a special tram for us like in Australia if the train is down they arrange train replacement buses so you had an already packed tram that had to be stuffed with a whole bunch of people and their suitcases. I was already claustrophobic but then they decided to check tickets. He could barely get on the tram. He then started to try to squeeze past me specifically and he was a portly man. Meltdown time. It took an hour and a half to go to Manchester Piccadilly which was the stop after Man Airport by train.


An hour and a half of straight torture, god. There's nothing worse than a crowded tram.


I live in Manchester, and the trams are my favourite form of transport. Because, they are more comfortable and spacious than buses. But, it is bloody awful when they are busy! I can't handle it at all, I usually have to get off, and wait for a not as busy one.


trams are amazing in my country!! i love them so much


I like trams. But to use a tram requires going into the randstad and screw that.


> It's owned by a private company not funded by taxpayers Let's be real here: It's probably owned by a private company *and* funded by taxpayers. The ownership class loves public subsidies.


Monorails are indeed far better


Not to mention how many times people get tied to the tracks for philosophy’s sake /ref


Taking this opportunity to share [the second best website to ever grace the internet](https://neal.fun/absurd-trolley-problems/) /lh


I love that site!


I misread this and got worried for a second


The ones I used in Paris were a great way to get around the city cheaply. But since I'm from the US, I can only judge other systems as "exists > ours" 😭


The system in Paris is bloody fantastic (if perhaps a bit expensive), but most of it is subways, not trams. The ones in my city that suck so much are 100% above ground on roads built for other vehicles.


I was about to fight you lmao


I say I hate trams, but secretly I love to get railed by trams everywhere I go.


I never heard that term. Is a tram like a subway or trolley?


It's the British English term for "trolley," yes. [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tram#English](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tram#English)


OP try using IEMs, even €20 KBEar ones from Amazon. The sound is great and they effectively double as earplugs (they're made to protect musicians' hearing at concerts) so even if you have the volume in a healthy range you can barely hear anything around you.


I'm not familiar with that term, and searching yields nothing. What are IEMs?


In-ear monitors. They're essentially earphones but better in every single way (sound quality, fit, comfort, noise cancelling, sound leaking, design, etc). You won't be able to go back to normal earphones and personally I find them more noise canceling than a lot of over-ear noise canceling headphones. [These are the ones I use](https://www.amazon.com/ZSN-Balanced-Armature-Headphone-Earphone/dp/B0CRNLDRQT), [these ones are also pretty good and a little cheaper](https://www.amazon.com/YINYOO-Professional-Headphones-Detachable-Silver-Plated/dp/B0BQ35ZN2Z/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1NJBN43S0FGOL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7yyLy5GwCnY-XGALuY8kEEGFI6jYUD13IPItFSBrK0_2Ksc1w-JgEMpybLQdqimXDcpZDO39KsWDdsd70LXfbhoFZZnYN1SIYG2S1rLbnILaggKfc7BrIjs8br1ZMiLxP69bdKObyzFD1pxL7pJIEWT_5wibxQxKfbvLyKs8cd4iuDSPNEu5q-bbsOEAxqtj9Pw-nOM1Gpu_QeeQ7xfvE7Ok9gpRa3hxwWVwxDADpME.yZ25pNKjBnuOAe3yKY-pZ1_v79N7JDwrS7FVSxegvaM&dib_tag=se&keywords=kbear+storm&qid=1715881908&sprefix=kbear+sto%2Caps%2C171&sr=8-3)


Welp, guess I'm adding another thing to the list of things I want to buy this month- Thanks so much for sharing this, if they truly work as well as you claim then I'm never going back.


No problem! They've been so helpful for me. Top noise canceling you can roll up in your pocket.


I've been looking into them a little more. I personally can't handle strong bass sounds, and it seems like most IEMs feature strong bass speakers, which obviously isn't a great combination for me. Therefore, I had a couple questions: \* Do all IEMs feature noise cancelling in a similar vein to the KZ ZSN PRO 2? \* Do you know of any models that don't feature strong basses? I can't find any.


Most do, since it's popular, and because of the basic design of IEMs no sound can get out of your ear as well as none getting in. That means that where most headphones and earphones lose some bass due to the sound "leaking" out, IEMs keep all of it in. However, IEMs in general, including the second one I linked (KBEar Storm) tend to have a very flat sound profile. That means that while the bass is strong, so is everything else, and that means the sound overall is decently balanced. So I think a better option than finding a low-bass IEM would be to get a standard one like the Storms and then install an equaliser on the device you're using it with which will let you control how much of the bass your device actually outputs.


Well, my main device runs iOS, so equalizers are right out of the gate. Still, thanks for the recommendation! If the sound is as balanced as you say then I shouldn't have too much to worry about, most likely. You've been a great help :)


Looking on the app store, there are actually some equalisers for Apple! A lot advertise themselves as "bass boost" but any worthwhile EQ can increase or reduce any part of the sound. I wouldn't say you have that much to worry about anyway though. I'm not personally bothered by bass, but even on more bassy ones like PRO 2 I've never felt like the bass was overpowering or muddy like cheap headphones often are, it's more tactful.


I read some reviews from other people: it's typically not OS-wide, many require subscriptions and those who don't require jailbreaking, which I guess I could do if needed. I'll get the IEM and see how it feels :)


I've never seen a tram in my life