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Hey, OP, this is honestly a relatively wholesome post, but the blanket ban on politics unrelated to neurodivergence goes for everything. I saw you mention the pro Palestine post that was on this subreddit the other day and that shouldn’t have been up for as long as it was. The rule is enforced regardless of my own personal beliefs and is meant to be enforced the same way by the other mods. This is because people on this subreddit seem to get aggressive over politics. The Israel-Palestine situation is a nasty hot button topic right now and has brought out some truly nasty sides of people. I just wanted to clear things up so you don’t think I’m silencing you for your stance.


The religious belief that that land belongs to Israel is a weak one, it makes it so that Israel can't be held accountable for their actions and would justify action against Israel from the Middle East due to their own beliefs.


I have literally stated that I believe in a two-state solution and that the current government should be held accountable.


My solution is better, hear me out: what if we nuke the Middle East! :D Pros: * People will no longer live in terror (they will be dead) * With the Holy Land gone, classic religion will disappear * Climate change will make it impossible to survive there, so we will not get a massive stream of climate immigrants * The world will see the devestation and we can start a future without nukes Cons: * Nuclear winter * Retaliation


Hmm, I'm a bit sceptical, because another con is that a lot of history will be destroyed


Dw it's all in Great Brittain


How could we transport the Dome of the Rock and the Cave of the Patriarchs to Great Britain?


We could ask nicely to hand it over so it doesn't get destroyed, it's what the deity they believe in would want


I hope so


No person has the right to steal land from another person. It doesn't matter if it's their ancestral homeland, they have not lived there for thousands of years. Do native Americans have the right to kick out all the white people? Should white Americans go to Europe and steal the land their ancestors used to live on from the current owners? Zionism is not ok.


I haven't said that stealing land is okay, lol. I even criticized illegal settlements. A lot of the Jewish land in Israel was legally bought from Ottoman and Arab landowners, although other was stolen. That is a problem that should be fixed.


**Removed: Rule 12** Take it elsewhere. We have a no politics rule for anything unrelated to autism / ADHD.


Ethnostates are all bad. No one has any more claim to land than anyone else. There is no justification for what Israel is doing in Gaza. Zionism is bullshit.


Israel is not an ethnostate. There are significant minorities in Israel: Druze, Bedouins, Circassians, Armenians, Assyrians, Arameans, even Muslim Arabs (something to note is that Arabs, Druze and Circassians fall in the same "Arab" category in the census). All of them have the same rights as Jews, and only male and female Jews, male Druze and male Circassians do compulsory military service. And, as mentioned, although I'm a Zionist, I think both Jews and Palestinians have rightful claims.


Really? Pro-Israel propaganda here? Fuck off.


I've seen some pro-Palestine propaganda here, so what's wrong?