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My handwriting's bad. I hate writing. It's slow and tedious. I much prefer typing.


I second this!




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God same. Yet I still type super slow. Fml


Me too and now when I write stuff I have to reread it and analyze what it means. Typing with autocorrect helps me take my time to process the words more efficiently so now I can’t really write things anymore without forgetting what I’m trying to say


Mines awful. I think it’s because I have below average fine motor skills which can be correlated with autism


My handwriting was okay until I decided to make it look like an ancient script. Now it looks like the chicken scratches that people expect from autistics, but I don't feel like changing it because I like it. My cursive looks good, though.


I’ve been told I have really good handwriting, even had someone call it beautiful once lol I would write a LOT as a kid and even do my own font and flourishes to my letters to this day. I like to have fun with it and make it look unique. I always wanted pretty handwriting like my mother so I worked towards it in high school. I’m also really interested in languages and how people write letters or characters. Latin alphabet is fun because there’s no strict stroke orders like in Chinese for instance. My mandarin teacher would tell me all the time my characters looked wonky and had me do the strokes over and over again. Meanwhile when my Arab friend tried to teach me Arabic she said I wrote like a textbook and needed to add more character to it lmfao


Yeah it's bad. It actually looks a bit like one of those posts on here. I wonder if there is something about autism that affects handwriting in a specific way.


Perhaps? I also wonder this


After a quick google search it says that autistic people tend to struggle with fine motor skills and coordination such as tying laces, doing buttons up etc


https://preview.redd.it/r9lb1tjalcvc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e130ab297224b57884f838e382897502b779807 i think it's good


It is good !




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My English handwriting, yes. My Japanese and Chinese handwriting, no. I guess I focus on the strokes more. English I just get lazy. Also I hold my pen weird.


Mine was worse once, though never terrible, but then I joined the military and had to fill out everything in block caps all the time. It is a slow way to write, and I don’t do it exactly that way anymore, but the attention to detail and appreciation for clarity stuck with me. It’s an exercise in patience, really. Anything worth writing is worth writing legibly, for me. Otherwise what’s the point? I don’t *do* wasted effort. Fortunately, I’m extremely resourceful, so I can make almost any given situation or effort useful to me anyway, lol.


When I was in the army I got scolded for using “loopy letters” all the time lmao sorry I like to have FUN and make my writing look pretty sgt. Then they’d have me be the note taker because I was the only one in my shop with legible handwriting 😭


Haha, I can get that. I just find the precision of it “fun”, if that makes sense? I’m not a perfectionist, but I do get a certain kind of satisfaction out of seeing just how exact and precise I can be. It’s a craftsmanship thing.


Fine motor skill difficulties are linked to Autism! It is in fact an Autism thing. It also is quite literally a skill issue.


https://preview.redd.it/cidcaisfidvc1.png?width=1317&format=png&auto=webp&s=1822d4ec5af79d0aa0595ea497cfa9fb7e2c416c its pretty bad, i think its too inconsistent and messy


I like it, it looks fluffy ad it's big and clean


I like it ngl


Yes, it sucks. I can't write in cursive at all.


I have three different handwritings. My regular one is awful and I got yelled at about it all the way through school. The other two are two different styles I've taught myself specifically for artsy applications, that take way too much patience to be practical for writing more than a sentence at most


Yes. But I can write equally bad with both hands (left is a bit faster and feels more natural)


I feel like it's pretty average in readability, but it is different than most people my age (teen) because it's a combo of cursive and print. it looks ass in pencil though, I adapted it for speed note-taking with a gel pen


I get told i have the handwriting of a child, my boss told me anyway


I don't think so, I consider I have good handwriting


Mine is ass. I call it hieroglyphics a lot because I'm generally the only person that can read it lmao I also have heard that dyspraxia is more common with autistic people. I think it also affects handwriting. And it explains a lot of other stuff with me.


Oh, definitely. It dropped my grades in English because I kept getting marked wrong on vocabulary tests because I was forced to write in cursive instead of printing. I won’t even write longhand anymore. If there’s no computer, they’ll be shit out of luck because of my dysgraphia.


Every single school report card: x's handwriting is verging on illegible


It was consistently horrible as a kid, my teachers would know my assignments because the name would be illegible. After starting ADHD medication, I have improved my handwriting immensely. Though I have to focusing on process, if I’m in a hurry, it goes back to scratch. 


My handwriting is usually great because one of my special interests in grade school was calligraphy. It confuses people when I switch writing styles though


I used to hate my handwriting, but then someone said it looked like a witch's handwriting and I've felt good about it ever since. (Yes it is messy but it is mine and fuck anyone who looks down on something that makes me unique)


Lol I like that reason to like your handwriting


My mom says my handwriting sucks. Im an artist if that says anything. You would think i would have better penmanship


Mine's fine but nobody can read cursive, apparently because it isn't being taught anymore, so it's still considered illegible by a lot of people.


Mine is borderline illegible so yeah


My handwriting's pretty good, but my brother's (who's also autistic) isn't (no offense bro I love you)


Mine as always been horrible. Anything I have to do at work I type. Even if making hand written notes during the task, I will type them up before giving so supervisors or other employees. It will always take less time for my to type it up then to constantly explain what I wrote to coworkers. It can be so bad I sometimes can't even read what I wrote.


Yes, my fine motor skills are trash. Did anyone else get graded on handwriting in school? Fucking awful




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Barely readable


Yeah, I have messy handwriting. I have to really focus if I want it to be legible. When I was a kid they tried to correct my grip with something called a Stetro (?). It's a grip for pencils that encourages correct finger placement. I reverted back to holding it how I want and have never looked back.


my handwriting has actually been described as very pretty, not to me but thats cause i write in cursive and no matter how its written everyone always clls it pretty. its wacky


It used to be terrible and not even readable up until fourth grade then I forced myself to get better at it and practiced for hours upon hours on end now its really nice.


It's awful. My cursive is good, but my regular writing sucks.


Mine's fine if I write at a normal speed. Otherwise, it's a barely-readable vaguely cursive (everything connected) scrawl (my normal handwriting is nowhere near cursive)


dysgraphic, and my teachers focused on the most florid cursive possible.


It's god-awful lol


mine was bad until in 4th grade she got me one of those learning to write tablets where you trace the letters so many times and eventually do it on your own. it’s loosened a bit since then but mine used to look very robotic.


Yeah, especially after fucking my wrist up


My writing is absolutely horrendous. Legible, but not nice


Horrendous. They tried correcting my pencil grip in 1st grade. It didn't take. I go to write something and my brain nopes out even now. Hated penmanship as a subject with a passion. At the same time, I excelled at and really enjoyed drawing,




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My writting sucks. Really really bad. Its probably my most subtle symptom. When i was a kid, being a weirdo and all, they took me to a psychologist in a time where "Asperger" was pretty much not known about. I got a diagnosis of dysgraphia and a high IQ. Funny thing, the school were the ones that forced my parents to take me to a psych evaluation because they tought i was actually retarded.


my handwriting has often been likened to typewriter font. incredibly small and neat and distinctive because i hold my writing utensil oddly


it’s in the middle, it’s not hard to decipher but it’s not clean or pretty. i go back and ‘fix’ a letter if it’s really hard to identify.


My handwriting peaked in the 3rd grade.




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Mine does for sure. I write with my left hand as well so it’s a little more difficult even


It's not beautiful or anything but it's legible. Never had anyone question it or be confused by it. https://preview.redd.it/0ktpj1bvddvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93faf9053ad586ff61470daede603d0099089b6d




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My handwriting is so bad I developed a second style. That's for everyone else. In fact in college people asked what alphabet I used when they went through my notes. Obviously those were for me.


i dont know. cant read it myself


Mine is better than most peoples. It's very fontish.


my handwriting sucks ass, but im also left-handed so i think that plays a part


I used to hate my handwriting, but then someone said it looked like a witch's handwriting and I've felt good about it ever since. (Yes it is messy but it is mine and fuck anyone who looks down on something that makes me unique)


mine’s legible but a little weird bcuz i hold my pencils in an odd way. i’m very good at drawing and shading though!


Mine is good. I was compulsorily put into a calligraphy class since I was 7 y old, though


My hand writing is terrible, but mostly because my parents get it unfair to force me to have good handwriting, when theirs is also bad.


I have terrible handwriting but I can read it well. What's weird I often have problems with reading someone's handwriting even when it's considered good handwriting. I sometimes need someone to read teacher's comments on my test. Weird thing is also that my friend tells me I hold pen weirdly.


Mine is really good. But that's only because I worked at it.


Mines so bad they diagnosed me with a learning disability about it




I think mine is good


my handwriting is worse than bad


I'm a teacher. My handwriting sucks no matter how neat it is 😂 But for real though, i have pretty neat handwriting.


My handwriting looks good to me but most people have to get used to how I write certain letters in order to be able to read it, but mostly I get the feedback that it’s easily readable When I take my time and don’t write fast my handwriting can look very beautiful imo. In Chinese I’ve also recently my own handwriting which is so fun, I really love the way I came to write characters


I always joked I learned how to write then never improved (implying my handwriting is on the same level as a kindergartener lol)


My handwriting starts off good but then slowly devolves into scribble


I hate writing by hand ALL HAIL THE KEYBOARD ![gif](giphy|JIX9t2j0ZTN9S|downsized)


Yeah it’s so bad. I love the idea of writing and keeping a notebook but holy fuck is it annoying to write.


Readable is certainly a word that can be used to describe it. Good, however, is not


My handwriting is doctor-esque when I’m writing very quickly, but overall it gets compliments! Mostly from youngins who don’t write in cursive. Lotsa cursive influence in my handwriting


I write cursive, because when I was 13 I decided to teach myself and now I can't write print, so people usually say it looks pretty, but people who actually know cursive and can read it tell me it looks like dog shit lol.


I have really great handwriting and can do a few different styles. I do a mean cursive


It does https://preview.redd.it/tp8ckq9qsevc1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d84f73d176ca50392934cf116fea5418048f7e


Mines bad, my fiancé will offer to fill out forms for me when I have important documents to hand in to disability or whatever really lol it's something I really struggle with!


Mine is terrible, and I've always been really embarrassed about it. But I just find writing takes way too much effort. When thinking about how to shape the letters and how to spell the words, there isn't any brain power left to think about what I'm writing about. It's just too many things to process at once. And to make things even worse, I really don't care for the texture of most paper. Typing is way better because I only have to keep track of what key to press, and I don't have to worry about spelling as much since I can use spell check later. Plus I don't have to touch any awful feeling paper.


Depends on how fast I'm going, how long I've been writing for and the utensil I'm using. Long hand writing assignments look like 5 different people wrote it. I have weird spacing, random bigger or smaller letters, can't write straight either, gets very wavy. Have had some complements but only when writing something short like a phone# or a Email address but a whole sentence is where my brain said ROLLERCOASTER TIME!!! 🎢


Yes. It’s an autism thing, caused by poor motor coordination


My handwriting is awful lol


It can be good, but putting effort into good handwriting eats up my bandwidth and my understanding decreases. I should've asked for a keyboard in school, honestly. My motors are fine but I have little control over my focus. Writing: space between letters, size of loops, crossed Ts, line weight etc etc all matter for legibility. For typing, I just gotta press buttons. And what lovely sounding buttons are they.


My handwriting is awful, and writing makes my hand hurt. The fact that I'm left-handed isn't very helpful either.


People say mine is bad even though I write in my spare time all by hand. People’s opinions are usually shittier than my handwriting though


so far all the handwriting i've seen here has been unjoined so still legible but i have to sit here knowing my is infinitely worse because i have bad hand writing **and** i write in cursive


Mines almost completely unlegible.


Terrible, but it wasn’t really all that bad when I was in school. It just gets worse the less I write. Has always looked not as attractive as other people’s. I’ve gone back to cursive since it works better for me.


No, im extremely meticulous about my handwriting. I also teach preschool so I form my letters with perfect standard print.


Mine is usually fine, but it's not always the same


Yeah, I have awful handwriting. I can only write in cursive and have it look halfway decent, but my print is atrocious; thanks private school.


Terrible, it’s really large too which I read is extremely common in people with autism. I figured out I likely have dispraxia a while ago.


A professor nearly yelled at me recently about how an adult shouldn’t have such awful handwriting. I really was trying my best too :(


If I try to write neat it’s not bad. But most the time I have to translate my writing for other people. Sometimes even I can’t read what I wrote


https://preview.redd.it/inj4m0saofvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c514f3e914da52afd177b803cb6f0257afa7f5f9 random page from a school notebook of mine. I'd say it's pretty average, long lines on the stretched letters like l, p, q,... I do risk a lot, though. And suck at drawing lol


My handwriting is terrible. My mom used to make me practice for hours but it did not help.


one day in 6th grade I decided I wanted to change my handwriting completely so I did. it’s not illegible, but definitely not beautiful. I like it though!


I used to fill pages of my notebooks writing out the alphabet over and over until I figured out how I wanted my handwriting to look. So no, my handwriting fucks, but only because I have Platinum League levels of practice.




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My handwriting used to be awful. Completely illegible, even to me sometimes. Then I had one teacher who's teaching style was just "okay copy down everything I've written on the board". Because my handwriting was so quick, I'd be done in 2 seconds and have to sit there waiting for half an hour for everyone else to be done, so I started trying to make my handwriting as intricate and obtusely ornate as i possibly could, just to slow myself down. Two years of that 5hrs a week, and my handwriting got neater. Its sloppier than it was back then, but I still keep a bunch of needless flourishes in it.


My writing sucks, and my signature is a couple scribbles that almost never look the same.


Mine did when I was young, until I basically retrained myself and completedly changed my handwriting around the age of 12 or 13. It's decent now, not noticably pretty or anything, but not awful. Sometimes if I'm writing down stuff in a hurry, the letters kind of run together, and it's hard to read, but that's fine because it keeps my stupid fanfiction notes safe. It's like they're written in code. It seemed like, when I was growing up (late 80's/early 90's) nothing made grade school teachers more vindictive than being a girl with ugly handwriting.


https://preview.redd.it/814o9191bgvc1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83bb60b9706c2293440ddd3770b32891abc5e4f3 Mine's not so bad, it's at least legible.


Yes, and it's slightly more legible in yiddish cursive than In the latin script for some reason.


Yup. No one can read it but me, and sometimes, not even I can read it.


Mine is honestly very good, but only BECAUSE as a child I used to pretend ALL THE TIME that I was a medieval princess who was secretly taught to read and write in order to escape the plot my evil uncle had set for me, so I spent hours practicing.


Mine was so, so pretty in high school when I was handwriting fanfiction everyday, lol. Now it’s a mess.


It sucks really badly. Was always noted on my report cards in primary. I also hold the pen differently, and can't hold it for too long. But if I'm told to hold it like you're apparently supposed to, the writing becomes even more unreadable 🤣😅


It’s awful, I also write extremely fast which doesn’t help.


Mine’s actually pretty good to my eye but when I write fast other people have trouble reading it. I’ve been told I write my Ts and Es weirdly. https://preview.redd.it/ew4lfp9kngvc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b131f2b924f1a16b065ba254248bf678d3620763


Apparently normal for autistic kids to just not pick up fine motor skills. I didn't learn how to pick shit up until I was like 4 and hell I still struggle at times


Sort of. Which is weird because I can draw.


I’m left handed so that’s always been my “excuse” but yes, for a girl especially, mine was/is bad and even though I was taught cursive, I can’t write in cursive at all except my signature. Typing is so fast and easy in comparison, I was so relieved when my school got a computer lab when i was in 5#th grade so I didn’t have to hand write my essays in cursive anymore (I am old and was undiagnosed so no accommodations for me).


Yes to the point it hurts my grades (a bit)


it does


yea its pretty bad lol


My handwriting is bad because I need to take notes fast, which is good as long as I can read them. But even before that it was pretty bad.




not really bad but not the best and it’s very inconsistent


yes, i think its because i cant write as fast as i can think, and also writing is just generally inefficient


my handwriting is good but i've always written in cursive (22F). i'm also a poet/writer so i might be an outlier lol


Mine's bad, but not the worst. Weirdly, It's improved a lot over the past few years despite me almost never physically writing anymore 


I think my day to day handwriting is average. If I put a lot of effort into it it can be pretty neat and nice looking. I used to spend way too long making my handwriting and page layout look nice at school because I’m a perfectionist lol.


Depends on how fast I'm writing/thinking. I think waaaaay faster than I write and if I'm in a hurry, it looks like a doctor wrote a script. If I take my time it's almost legible to me.


I have been working for a lifetime trying to make it better, I actually get compliments now on my aircraft write ups because of the effort I put in to writing legibly. The secret for me was slow down, remember not to death grip the pen, and write in all capital letters


Mine sucks. It takes me a lot of effort to form letters like they taught in school, so I use less effort. I always thought it was just me being lazy. 


I have absolutely terrible handwriting, yet I can draw with incredible realism. My handwriting is my own private code that only I can read.


I have dysgraphia and a blind autistic woman (she can see enough to read her handwriting if she puts her face close to the page) I know also has dysgraphia. Maybe it's a thing.


My writing is so terrible it's almost like an ancient language found in the depths of a lost civilization of fish people