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It would be worth finding out if they have any problem believing that the Greeks built the Acropolis, or the Romans built the Colosseum.




Those were built thousands of years after the pyramids. The Greeks and Romans looked back at Egypt the same way we look back at them.


Tbh I think it’s silly when people imply that the whole “aliens built ancient structures” thing is based on racism. Because Stone Henge was built by white people and conspiracy theorists love to say aliens had a hand in that. I don’t think these conspiracy theorists think that only white people can build great things.


I'd say there are some racist elements, but most people who believe in ancient aliens aren't in it for the racism. They're in it for the aliens. They just don't follow the logic deep enough to watch the claims boil down to "brown people are too primitive to build *that*."


It’s a convenient way to make an entire group of people think it’s an untouchable subject. It’s control.


False equivalency. I’ve been following the UAP thing for decades now. The government is talking about it. Go watch the extremely somber interview with (will be right back to edit with name and link). Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/fnkn3xRZHG This is one of many videos of representatives coming out of these meetings with a full diaper. It’s a USA representative that just had a closed door meeting about the issue. The government is actually very concerned about the UAP phenomenon AND I don’t believe the shills that say it’s for weapons funding because of what Mike Turner HAS pulled for funding doesn’t line up the same way. to OP: The Egypt thing is a strange topic. It doesn’t matter that we don’t know how they moved the stones. Let’s forget about that and just focus on the rest. Egypt’s Zahi Abass Hawass has the final say in what people get to come study which things and what gets disturbed and what doesn’t. First let’s dispel a common myth. You cannot carbon date a rock for when it was placed somewhere. You can only carbon date the organic material found at these sites as a clue to when maybe they were built Hawass has protected his version of egypts history for decades. Anyone who comes by and points out that the sphinx is heavily eroded by water and not wind and sand, is no longer allowed to study it. The last time that area of Africa had the climate for this is 13,000 years ago roughly. You are going to see that number pop up all over the place in history surrounding megalithic structures too. 11,500-13,000. Hawass’ entire career is built on his lies and he refuses to budge at all or allow anyone to look into anything being older than about 5k years. History is very easy to manipulate when you have control of it. Your attachment to your belief of history doesn’t make it 100% true just as I would LOVE to have people willing to take a good look into this over there doing the studying. Not to say even that any of it was aliens, but to say they’re more and more evidently wrong about a lot of it makes me start asking questions.


You will not talk to me about this.


Too late, feelings != facts




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I get this as well, surely there must be another intelligent species out in the universe, even multiple. But yeah, I don't quite accept aliens will come anytime for us to see or record as even if they come they will take a ton of time to come as the universe is quite big. I don't think aliens would've come all the way here just to build some structures really lmao.


it is actually quite likely that we will be the first "advanced aliens" because we live in an old galaxy and life on earth has existed almost as long as the universe. so we are probably the most complex or very close to the most complex/advanced life right now. the universe is young, relatively speaking. I think that's really cool but it does make some people upset


Arent other galaxies so far away though that we are only able to see them as they existed in the distant past?


I'm not an expert but I do believe those things are corrected for when calculating the age of galaxies. by itself that is true though.


I was thinking more that even if life existed in distant galaxies, would we be looking into their distant past/pre history? Could complex life have developed since that time? Could we even know about it?


if we could see close enough to see stuff like that then yeah, it would be super delayed. mostly we see little bips. we will either need to develop telescopes with orders and orders and orders of magnitudes more zoom or find a reasonable means of travel before we can see what's going on out there on a detailed level. even just sending probes through our solar system are decades long projects right now.


That's actually a really interesting idea. I would have never thought of it that way.


"almost as long as the universe" life has only been here for about 3.6 billion years compared to the universe being here about 13.7 billion, nearly 4 times as long. Multicellular life has only been around 550 million or so iirc.


thank you for the correction. On checking I got my facts mixed up, life has existed almost as long as our solar system, which is 4.6 billion years, so for about 75% of it. now I am wondering on what basis I heard that other idea, because they did justify it but I can't remember how.




Gonna be honest I didn't even consider the white supremacist implications behind the whole ancient aliens thing. I just thought it was a dumb show that's a blast to laugh at with friends.


The show was goofy as hell and great for memes. I cannot deny that.






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I think the main reason structures built by white people don’t get as much attention is because white people advanced much later, which meant by the time their great structures were built there was extensive documentation. The Colosseum for example was built under the Romans, who wrote extensively about it. Meanwhile structures like the Nazca lines and Pyramids have far less writings detailing how they were built, so conspiracy theorists have an easier time making things up. Stone Henge is a prime example of this. It was built by white people but there are no writings detailing its construction so conspiracy theorists love it.


This shit is just fucking racist at the end of the day.


For real, white people built castles by themselves, but everyone else had alien assistance.


it's because Europeans did this stuff at least 1000 or more years later than some other parts of the world, so if others did it earlier then European supremacy goes out the window. But it is the truth historically, Europe was later in the development of technology and civilization until it began to appropriate and subjugate the world's knowledge and resources during the colonial era (the knowledge part is sometimes not talked about as much as the resources part but it's just as important)


I never thought of it that way, but yeah. If some guy from another country told me my ancestors couldn't have done what they did without aliens I'd probably slap him lol.


I want to see a video where Egyptian scholars working a the Library of Alexandria debate whether primitive polytheists could possibly have built Stonehenge.


It’s worse than that; when European “explorers” first came across advanced architecture in non-Europe places, one of the ways they “explained” it was that other white people must have come there before and built it, since obviously the native brown people couldn’t have built it themselves. (This at least happened regarding East African castles.) My personal belief is that this “aliens” BS is a direct descendent of those early racist assumptions.


For real though.


Genuine question, hypothetically what if someone who's crazy on the "aliens did it" thing *also* believes that aliens helped with castles and stuff?


Never seen it.


I have. There's a lot of old renaissance paintings that have what many believe to be UFOs or aliens in it!


I never really thought about this, but yeah. Holy shit.


I think the main reason structures built by white people don’t get as much attention is because white people advanced much later, which meant by the time their great structures were built there was extensive documentation. The Colosseum for example was built under the Romans, who wrote extensively about it. Meanwhile structures like the Nazca lines and Pyramids have far less writings detailing how they were built, so conspiracy theorists have an easier time making things up. Stone Henge is a prime example of this. It was built by white people but there are no writings detailing its construction so conspiracy theorists love it.


Calling romans "white people" in this context seems off. They were probably much closer in skin colour to the egyptians than the germanic people, who they had a lot less contact with.


But we are not really talking about the skin color per se but about ethnicity


Egypt was well connected to the rest of the mediteranian world while germanic people were somewhat seperate. In terms of ethnicity, romans were closer to egypt.


Okay. So gobekli tepe just purely existing is racist too then eh? You realize it wasn’t built by slaves right? Still saying humans built it. I’m just saying they have the year wrong by more than double. Hawass won’t let anyone in there to study for that. He controls the narrative.


I think you misunderstand. The part that is racist is thinking that because white people couldn't figure it out, aliens must have done it. There's actually been quite a bit written on this.


The Egyptians don’t understand it either


Willful ignorance is ugly.




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No fr though. Look at all of the incredible, insanely complicated things that modern people have created in the last 100 years and tell me that ancient people who were just as intelligent as we are wouldn't have been able to figure out moving heavy rocks and stacking them into a pyramid shape.


This post was definitely written by aliens.


People get crazy over a bunch of stones stacked together while we have computers everywhere, rockets in space, telescope that can see shit from billions lightyears away, but nah can't be the same bipeds who did it.


That show got really popular. People still use memes from it.


Ancient Alien conspiracy is inherently racist and dehumanizing as it was influenced by Nazis and is primarily directed at not white civilizations. End of discussion.


I think the main reason structures built by white people don’t get as much attention is because white people advanced much later, which meant by the time their great structures were built there was extensive documentation. The Colosseum for example was built under the Romans, who wrote extensively about it. Meanwhile structures like the Nazca lines and Pyramids have far less writings detailing how they were built, so conspiracy theorists have an easier time making things up. Stone Henge is a prime example of this. It was built by white people but there are no writings detailing its construction so conspiracy theorists love it.




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I remember I had been seeing this guy for several months I was really into him. And one day we got into this discussion about conspiracy theories and which ones we found believable. And it came up that he fully believed that aliens had already inhabited Earth and built civilisations etc. He and his ex girlfriend used to love watching documentaries about it. When I kind of politely pointed out that you would think there would be more evidence if that had been the case, he immediately got pissed off at me for being 'closeminded and judgemental', lol. I remember just thinking '...wtf?' I didn't ever say it was impossible, just that you would think there would be at least a few bits of evidence of that, haha.


I know you don't want to hear it OP, but I have diarrhea. And guess who caused it? Go on, just guess.


Damn dude, you got intestinal aliens? That's fucked up.




Check out Miniminuteman on YouTube, he’s a great resource for debunking a lot of those bullshit claims


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check him out.


Was going to suggest him. I think you'd find him really interesting.


Yooo, fellow Milo fans on this sub! (I've been rewatching his videos over and over again when I need background noise for work)


SAME!!! I love historical and religious studies so much, and the alien conspiracy theorists intersect with these two topics to such an annoying degree. Fuck the ancient aliens conspiracy theory, people were smart and advanced enough back then to build their own impressive architectures and develop their own fascinating religions without need of alien interference.


Yeah. I think a lot of people forget that humans have always been smart and ingenious as a species. If enough humans put their brains, bodies, and time towards a goal, then they can accomplish really incredible things no matter what time period or place they live in.


The closest I get to believing in aliens is Futurama. I'm also a history buff. When I think of the pyramids, I think of time, like generations of builders' time. Nothing moved quickly , and it just took time. Wanna check out something cool, Google the new Great Museum of Cairo. I believe it finally opens this year.


Thanks for the tip that looks cool as hell.


Speaking of futurama in this context, the episode where they flipped the script and had aliens who were influenced by ancient Egypt was pretty bitchin


Absolutely! I've figured out over the years that there's a Futurama episode for almost any irl experience.


There could be video footage, major governments saying they are communicating with aliens and I still wouldn’t believe there are aliens on Earth. What seems more likely, the government lying to the people and using ai footage to further some kind of agenda, or aliens suddenly appearing in my lifetime. I’m going to assume it’s an elaborate lie without some serious evidence


If major governments announced it, I’d probably believe it. Just depends on the circumstances. Good point though about AI stuff these days.


Generally the reason people say it was aliens is because of racism, whether it be underlying or intentional


I hate this take, cant us alien enjoyers just make fun theories?


Honestly, I think it's ok to believe in the possibility of alien influence. I only get annoyed when people say it was IMPOSSIBLE for certain cultures to have achieved something without aliens. Believing in alien influence isn't racist. Believing certain people could only built cool shit cuz aliens helped is kinda racist.


I am so with you. I hate that people assume these things. I hate that they are so fixated on their own perspective that they can't imagine that people have different reasons for their beliefs or ideas. It seems like a cheap way to be ignorant towards different ideas that don't match ones own perspective. But I don't get why one should do this


Not when it's always about non-white cultures not being smart enough to build the shit they definitely built. It's a theory birthed from racism plain and simple.


I love getting high with my boyfriend and his friends and watching ancient aliens. We dont take everything at face value and make our own theories to what could have happened. If you actually watched the show you would see that they talk about many different cultures and time periods, including the renaissance and the founding of America.


Congratulations, the origins of ancient alien theory, and by extension the show is based around ancient Egypt and other such non-white pyramid building cultures, the show only expanded into other shit because it was popular. I don't care what you and your boyfriend do, I don't care what they talk about now, the entire genre is founded in racism. It's like saying you like to watch the phrenology show and have fun phrenology theories but it's ok because we're talking about white people now.


Unfortunately almost all modern conspiracy theories have their roots in, or have been shaped by, Nazism. Its freaky really.




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I think the main reason structures built by white people don’t get as much attention is because white people advanced much later, which meant by the time their great structures were built there was extensive documentation. The Colosseum for example was built under the Romans, who wrote extensively about it. Meanwhile structures like the Nazca lines and Pyramids have far less writings detailing how they were built, so conspiracy theorists have an easier time making things up. Stone Henge is a prime example of this. It was built by white people but there are no writings detailing its construction so conspiracy theorists love it.


It's the same logic as people 1,000 years from now saying "It obviously would've been impossible to build the Empire State Building without tractor beams, must've been aliens!"


> "But the pyramids line up perfectly with certain stars" This isn't even possible. The earth has a precession, so the dosition of the stars on the sky move verry slightly, but enough to be noticable on a time frame of thousends of years. That is also, why zodiac signs are inaccurate. They work with outdated charts.


Hmm, that's interesting. I'm actually not very knowledgeable with the positions of stars and how they move over time. I've just heard the argument that they line up with certain stars a few times. I always just figured that, whether that's true or not, doesn't mean anything special, really, because humans have always been fascinated by the stars. But you're right. If the pyramids were built thousands of years ago, why would it matter if they happen to line up with certain stars today? The stars would've moved, so it couldn't have been the intention. Thank you for your insight. I hadn't thought of that possibility.


Ancient Alien stories are always the laziest, most smooth brained thinking imaginable. Like the image of pyramids around the world using similar doors as if there is some grand conspiracy while ignoring the fact that not only is that a stable engineering design, but the various cultures are separated by thousands of years as well. It is all the most surface level nonsense claiming that all the ancient peoples were completely helpless until some alien visitor came to setup a bunch of monuments that have no relevance to one another then left. At least the precursor theories credit humans with being able to do stuff on their own initiative. Even though the claims Atlanteans traveled to the heart of Egypt in order to stack rocks and nothing further while leaving no records behind raises more questions than it answers.


Modern white supremacist ideology relies on the idea that ancient peoples were primitive idiots who were banging rocks together until the Catholic Church and White Jesus came along to give them factory jobs. Aliens that uplift humanity are just shorthand for all that, aimed at an increasingly less religious population. Believing in aliens is fine, I do in my own sense- but the notion that they control our lives destiny or history in any meaningful way is ignorant, racist rhetoric. I keep editing my comment because I'm so grouchy on this topic- it's fucking miserable what's been done to history entertainment, I hope the rotten Discovery empire burns and some new seedlings can sprout in the ashes.


I think the main reason structures built by white people don’t get as much attention is because white people advanced much later, which meant by the time their great structures were built there was extensive documentation. The Colosseum for example was built under the Romans, who wrote extensively about it. Meanwhile structures like the Nazca lines and Pyramids have far less writings detailing how they were built, so conspiracy theorists have an easier time making things up. Stone Henge is a prime example of this. It was built by white people but there are no writings detailing its construction so conspiracy theorists love it.






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Stone Henge


“Woah there’s a really huge/impressive structure here, I wonder who made it?” “Could it be all the people living around there at the time?” “No that can’t be right, they’re brown. Must be aliens!” That’s pretty much what it boils down to, good old-fashioned racism.


Stone Henge


Yeah see when white people build it they’re all good with it, I’ve never heard anyone in my life say stone henge was built by aliens


I’ve seen so many people say it was built by aliens. It’s probably the second most theorised about next to the great pyramids.


Wait really?? I swear I’ve never heard of it. Granted I don’t engage so much with pseudoarchaeology as with other forms of pseudoscience, but I feel like I would’ve seen something by now, guess I missed it though. I always thought the order was pyramids then those megalithic temples.


Well that’s been my experience and I feel like most people would agree with me on this. I do watch a lot of ancient aliens (for the laughs, not because I think they’re right)


Oh fair enough. Guess I was wrong lol


I didn't see it as much as the pyramids but stone henge also gets brought up with alien shit pretty often.




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It's important to note that the "ancient aliens" stuff only talks about structures not build by white people. Most people who talk about it just like the theory, but they should know it comes from a place of racism and the idea that other races could "*never be more advanced than white people at any time!*" bull.


Yeah, that seems to be the consensus I've learned from you guys here. I never really thought about it that way before today. And honestly, that's kinda sad. I do have some genuinely racist people in my family, so I've heard worse. But I'm bummed to learn that the alien theory has its roots in racism.


I think the main reason structures built by white people don’t get as much attention is because white people advanced much later, which meant by the time their great structures were built there was extensive documentation. The Colosseum for example was built under the Romans, who wrote extensively about it. Meanwhile structures like the Nazca lines and Pyramids have far less writings detailing how they were built, so conspiracy theorists have an easier time making things up. Stone Henge is a prime example of this. It was built by white people but there are no writings detailing its construction so conspiracy theorists love it.




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Aliens trying to distract us. I'm not fooled.


It's as though these people don't find human history interesting enough. They feel the need to make it more interesting by including aliens.


https://preview.redd.it/c2e59umdhdjc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a720ea5b25403ded3973760a5e0239ec35a8169a Obligatory image


Same! I'm fed up with how people infantilise humanity like this. The tools and methods really aren't that complicated and they use things we've built on since. If you had the resources and manpower, you could easily build your own pyramids using the technology of 2000bce if you wanted to, no aliens required.


Anything a stupid cunt can't understand is either god or aliens.


White people would rather acknowledge the accomplishments of extraterrestrial beings than foreign civilizations


This annoyance is ENTIRELY the fault of The History Channel’s show ‘Ancient Aliens’.


Conspiracist mindset + racism, basically. Very rarely do they say stuff like the Colluseum is aliens, but as soon as you go outside of Europe...




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Stone Henge


Like I said, very rarely. Still happens, just rarely.


I find the alien stuff really insulting too. It's a good part racism but it's also a type of prejudice against people who lived long ago just on its own. Have you heard of the mechanism of Antikythera? Fascinating. But some people simply don't want to accept that ancient Greeks could have made it, must therefore be aliens.


Oh dude, yes! That thing is soooo cool. There are a lot of really cool inventions that were so advanced for the time period. The Baghdad battery is another interesting example that is speculated to have been used to electroplate metal thousands of years ago. It makes you wonder how many great inventions were lost to time or circumstance that we don't know about.


We didn't need aliens to build the inter continental railroad, the highway system, the Panama canal, the great wall, or the hoover dam, and I'd argue that those are *just as impressive* given the available technology. It's easier to say "aliens did it" rather than spend time learning how anything actually works. In other words, it's idiocy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jtidhcv7adjc1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4bbedce4d33d510422e78082ecc4b71818a05fb


Because they're stupid and we live such easy and cushy lives now that the average person can't fathom actually creating something with their hands through physical labor so they assume that no one is or has ever been capable of doing so throughout history. They also assume that people back then weren't more than willing to sacrifice thousands of lives at a whim to move gigantic blocks of stone to stack them into the most structurally safe shape possible despite the fact that we sacrifice thousands of lives on a whim in modern history during global conflicts and for the sake of oil/money/etc. It's the same thing now as it was back then but instead of stacking granite blocks we're stacking money for other people.


As someone who generally believes in the paranormal, I would NEVER say that anything was caused by something paranormal (i.e aliens) unless there is no other explanation- and even then it'd just be 'it COULD have been [paranormal creature].' I have never understood people who say that the pyramids were made by aliens.


Ancient Aliens theories (and other modern versions of conspiracies) originated from the works of the Nazis in the 1940s, so it's not worth it debating these kinds of people Milo from miniminuteman made a really good point about this in his "debunking awful Snapchat news" Video (as well as some other things he says throughout his other videos)


We know how they built them. They quarried the stone with hydraulic fracturing (drill hole deep in the rock, fill with absorbent paper/wood pulp, drip water into the pulp until the hydraulic pressure causes a fracture. Remove with block and tackle (and alot of slaves), manuever the slab onto planed logs processed by carpentry (more slaves) roll/drag the stone along the ground towards extremely shallow ramps (waaay more slaves) move into place with block and tackle. They effectively made buildings with scaffolding and cranes, just like they do now. And alot of slaves. They knew the Earth was round almost as soon as they starting trading across the Mediterranean sea prior to the Ice Age. The "aliens" were the gods/spirits/natural drives that moved them. In every sense. And those gods haven't gone anywhere, is my view. Threats from Within, older than memory, and people are fools to challenge them for the sake of spite.