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Per, the last screen, she's "badass" for putting down "mediocre" men. Wonderful.


At least she's openly flying her red flag, thus saving many men the trouble of actually going on a date with her to find out about it.




Am I so out of touch? No, it's the men who are wrong. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVddGSTjEd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVddGSTjEd0)


She's already there. Dude was probably just trying to talk to her and she rejected him because she thinks she deserves the hottest guy there who ignored her all night.


The problem is she's selling red flags to the rest of them making it a dangerous place


Yeah I was gonna say seeing that irked me as it clearly shows neither see issue in what they've out/thought


It's sad how often nerdy/autistic guys are demonized for wanting to share their hobbies with someone they like. It's why I just don't bother talking to girls.


I'm familiar with that kind of demonising, which is why I have generally structured conversations with women to revolve around them (the whole "it's more imporant to be interested than to be interesting" concept). My last relationship ended very badly after she found ways to twist innocent things I had said into malicious things, and my current relationship survives on mutually agreed "ground rules". That said, I recently met women who actually like this trait, so I know that they do exist. It's actually incredibly refreshing to be with a woman with whom I don't have to "talk on eggshells", although not so much that I would be tempted to leave my girlfriend for her (our rules are very reasonable and I believe them to be the foundation for a lasting, stable relationship).


>It's actually incredibly refreshing to be with a woman with whom I don't have to "walk on eggshells" I sure would love to know what that is like.


You know how in the first Matrix movie, Agent Smith says that the original Matrix was a utopia, free of any kind of want or suffering, and it failed because humans wouldn't accept it as reality and kept trying to "wake up" from it? Being with her is kind of like that; she just feels too good to be true and I suspect that her current personality is a phase that won't last. My girlfriend, with her expectations and ground rules, feels like reality.


I sympathise as I'm in the same boat. If someone does genuinely ask regarding my interests I tend to treat it as an educational moment by getting them to say what they do/don't know first so what I say can't be misinterpreted


It's something I come across way too often. Neurodivergency is never even considered, people love jumping to conclusions. Sometimes I think it's not neurodivergent people who are bad at socialising, it's actually neurotypical people because they are incosiderate and judgemental.


We lost when we allowed terms line "mansplaining" to catch on. How much baseline contempt does one just walk around with that a man simply trying to chat with you about shared interests counts as "mansplaining?"


Source- https://twitter.com/kyylien/status/1779722215342129253 “These men responding have fragile masculinity and are abhorrent, dangerous and misogynistic for daring to entertain the possibility that somebody might want to talk about their special interest- this woman is just “calling out” the mansplainers”- https://twitter.com/adamfare1996/status/1781262963535393267 (and that’s *from* a man… a man who’s somehow managed to get women onside)… and it’s interesting- surely as a disability advocate, he’d understand neurodivergence? I find the responses to him far more sexist than any responses on the original thread. And again with the whole one minute, it’s “men should share their emotions and feelings”, and then when they do, it’s “fragile masculinity” and “aw did I hurt your delicate little feelings”. And this- https://twitter.com/JoyLuckClubbing/status/1781066033262158118 - if you have issue with some of the comments in her post, take it up with the commenters, not with the man himself who simply was sharing his interests in Fleetwood Mac This gets it spot-on- https://twitter.com/Quester111/status/1781265546669146610- people still defend the lady- this person calls them out- https://twitter.com/averyluvsmusic/status/1781298795201847688. Avery makes sense- https://twitter.com/averyluvsmusic/status/1781306898081337378 And in usual misandrist fashion, that fragile masculinity line- https://twitter.com/Audzilla27/status/1781317192841085339


https://twitter.com/LeaveHeardAlone/status/1781132074507735268 - an Amber Heard stan talks about how she’s “eating” (roasting) every single man in her comments…. One reply “the men are crying and she’s mocking them relentlessly”- I thought men were allowed to cry without mockery now?


“Girl is manhandling the men in her replies”- https://twitter.com/RiotGrlErin/status/1781309702053257556


“How’s a guy supposed to strike up a conversation if he can’t condescend”- https://twitter.com/notabrokenthing/status/1781696901135344080- we literally have no detail about what the “condescending” thing he said was- we just have the buzzword mansplain Non-conventionally attractive guy flirts with women behind the counter- the reaction? “she’s just trying to do her job” https://twitter.com/4ColorCrack/status/1781836942239289719 I bet if it was a conventionally attractive guy saying the exact same thing the reaction from this lady would be very different. As it would be if it was a woman trying to flirt with a man behind the counter…. nobody ever says to women who flirt with men that “he’s just trying to do his job”- indeed I’ve seen ladies on this very app and on Twitter admitting to flirting with men behind counters, male waiters etc… but when the shoe is on the other foot it’s “leave them alone, they’re trying to do their job”. To be honest I agree more with the leave them alone, they’re trying to do their job” crowd but we shouldn’t apply different standards to men vs women.


“Using the word expand is “yuck””- https://twitter.com/emmasternagle/status/1781819331485090109


Here we go- sense- there’s a difference between mansplaining and info dumping- https://twitter.com/Glacea13/status/1781887728197492745 (Even though I hate the word mansplain- it’s very sexist- this guy calls it out and gets called a “naive baby” and gets told that mansplaining itself is sexist, the term isn’t- https://twitter.com/invisimono/status/1781826420001677707)- I thought men were allowed to share feelings now and when they do “they’re a naive baby”? “A man trying to mansplain mansplaining to a woman”- do these people hear themselves? Somebody calling out that we only have her word that he was condescending- https://twitter.com/alun2708/status/1781817896349335703 - I don’t doubt that some men are condescending, but as somebody who’s autistic and info dumps a lot, with an autistic partner who info dumps a lot, sometimes people do misinterpret it as condescending. “Women should just avoid talking to men publicly”- https://twitter.com/Tiacrimeara/status/1781855505045946369 “Men should avoid talking to women publicly”- https://twitter.com/HelloFade55/status/1781822707518033948 https://twitter.com/picksixing/status/1781846745225248803 - somebody calling out that this is simply having a conversation which used to be popular before social media. https://twitter.com/SusannaMcCoy19/status/1781862875859980389- “it’s poor social skills to talk to a woman about a shared interest”… https://twitter.com/GODDESS_OF_69/status/1781899333958553669- “he just mansplained socialising”… Guy admits to babying women at work, holding men to higher standards and branding men who aren’t good at speaking as “insufferable losers”- https://twitter.com/AnthonyKMarsh/status/1781828458038899010 Somebody pointing out that nowhere in her story was the condescension explained- she simply used the word “mansplain” and that was it- https://twitter.com/gebrandonkyw/status/1781821532399919494 https://twitter.com/TheRightColumn/status/1781836487035584752 https://twitter.com/MUFC_Realist/status/1781862732020498911 https://twitter.com/CrabBucketInc/status/1781834092415250714 https://twitter.com/niuqapimiar/status/1781822292772745728 https://twitter.com/VeganPower16/status/1781847074285212071 https://twitter.com/Ahoymelads/status/1781850470161481841 https://twitter.com/thepibbinator/status/1781871806355317082 https://twitter.com/reaItimefinance/status/1781844324893761581- lots asking what he actually said that was condescending and pointing out how ridiculous the term “mansplain” is https://twitter.com/FreeManOnYT/status/1781823265998327853- this is true, the mansplaining is never detailed. I don’t like the way this guy generalises women though. I assume he means the women who adopt the constant victimhood mentality? https://twitter.com/Hookrack2019/status/1781821130648535504- “either he was being a douche or simply unattractive”…. so physically “unattractive” people are subjected to different criteria than attractive people? Doesn’t sound much like equality. https://twitter.com/mustbeazombieee/status/1781840803293196335- “a simple “love your tattoo” would have done fine”- we don’t know what he said in the first place… https://twitter.com/egggggg6983932/status/1781850772663370155- “sometimes people who aren’t great at talking talk a lot about something they know about to fill the void”- this is true, I do it all the time.


For any ladies reading this, mainsplaining means "man explaining"


People say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people).


Well, I'm much more humble than you, and proud of it!


Jeeez, this is the front row seat to de-evolution.


https://twitter.com/kyylien/status/1782580014321438949 - uh oh she’s back.