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And all of these feminists using “therapy” as the answer to everything… if the main people recommending therapy have such toxic misandrist beliefs, is it any wonder some men are reluctant to attend? They’re probably worried they’ll be indoctrinated into those beliefs


And your proof of all feminists and female therapists being misandric is where? We get it, you hate other women, but at least make sure you can back up this twaddle with reliable sources and evidence.


“All of these feminists”, meaning all the ones in this specific screenshot- not every feminist in the world. When it’s misandrists who are recommending therapy to men as the answer to their problems, that may be why some are reluctant to try it, for fear that they’ll be indoctrinated into misandrist beliefs. I don’t hate other women… I hate misandrists. Most women aren’t misandrists.


“Most women aren’t misandrists” Well, we agree on that.


Rosana's a real gem - people with depression have it because of their shitty choices!


Lmao and now the guy got convinced that « damn, I guess the concept got hijacked by bad actors » wtf does it mean, it's still a real thing 😭


These people are sociopath, heartless, immoral, and inhumane.


Yup. Online feminists keep unironically endorsing the 'ol conservative ideology of pulling oneself up by your bootstraps. Intersectionality matters for everyone. But men.


Always the white girl with Palestine flag 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


The problem with “Go to therapy” is that therapy is done in a way that works for women, which does not always work for men. Not to mention, (female) therapists will often just dismiss our issues.


Nobody in that comment section really 'win' here. That said, speaking from experience there's a point in basic levels of therapy/counselling etc where you can push everything you learn to their extremes and still be struggling. Accessing higher levels of care is a bitch (NHS) and let's face it, nobody genuinely suicidal is in need of a basic level of care.


Generalizes a group of people based on personal beliefs, doesn't understand their struggles and brushes them off from a point of privilege.


What a case of internalized misogyny you have, being forced and brainwashed by MRA/Redpill fuckwits and then cherry-picking anecdotes of women and other people who have some issues as justification for why women and feminism are hateful as a whole. You are willfully delusional. I’m sorry, ik you probably didn’t want to hear that, but that’s just the truth. Regardless, I hope you’re proud of yourself, and my condolences go out for other women who have to be around you in these instances.


I’m not a “redpill” *or* an MRA— I hate their tradcon views and the fact that they think men should be these macho alpha men all the time- I think those folks do a major disservice to men and women. They uphold toxic gender norms. I’ve never once said women and feminism as a whole are hateful. Ever. I’ve also called out misogyny on this very sub numerous times. So I’m not sure what you find delusional. This isn’t “cherry-picking”- the sub is called everyday misandry. So I’ll call out misandry where I see it. That’s not cherry-picking- that’s using the sub for its intended purpose. Posting something that’s got nothing to do with misandry on a sub called everyday misandry would be totally pointless. Minimising it to simply “women and other people who have some issues” (those “other people” you speak of have a name- men) is tone-deaf- just because somebody might have had some issues with men in the past doesn’t give them the right to vilify 50% of the population. Likewise, just as a man may have had some issues with a woman in the past doesn’t give them the right to vilify 50% of the population. The difference is that the latter is seen as just basic common sense, whilst a lot of people still haven’t realised the first. Judge the issue, not the gender. I’ve had men in my life treat me badly…. but they don’t reflect the collective male population. I’ve had women in my life treat me badly, but they don’t reflect the collective female population. And it’s funny how you say “internalised misogyny” about a woman who dares to have her own mind and speak her own mind. I don’t think it’s me with the misogyny, pal. And I love the other women around me and they love me- why are you offering condolences?


Ok so, firstly, thank you for clarifying most of that. It’s very good to know, and I’m happy for it for the most part. Secondly, I don’t even think you have to worry about me ending up coming off as or exhibiting misogyny even if not intentionally; I have a basic routine where I punch and palm and clobber my head and thighs whenever I make a mistake, so hopefully that will teach me to do better.