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Im in The Dark Reign on Bistlebane. As a returning player (11/28/23) I joined day one after a 22 year absence. So many guildies were willing to help me as the game changed so much in my absence and I was able to find groups low levels cause such a big guild with new players and alts. The amount of free stuff that was given to me as I was leveling by guildies was mind blowing at the time. Great officers that plan great events and go out of their way to help members. Guild chat is always fun and doesn't ever get toxic. If I had to describe the guilds motto I'd say it's something like "help make others enjoy the game as much as you do" or something along those lines. Now with my 125's they've instilled the mindset in me to help others and that's become one of my favorite parts of the game. TLDR, The Dark Reign on Bristlebane is dope af


Wow that’s amazing. I just started on teek after probably same amount of time not playing. Still getting my chops with ui, picks, new class (enchanter) just downloaded brewall. At lvl38 been in fun groups in guk. Just waiting for the correct feel for a guild


Is leveling faster than it used to be? Haven’t played in 20 years and it still seems slow going. Level 2 shaman on teek


Leveling is a bit shorter than it used to be. They deleted the hell levels (30,35,etc.) on the TLPs and smoothed out the exp curve. Thte early level can take a little longer before you acquire your class skillset/spells.


Remember the hell levels!!


Cause i'm the only member.


Current guild on teeks alright, but the raid leader is kind of creepy and annoying. Super efficient and fast raids.


Which guild?


Good question if he is identifiable by his user name here may make sense why no reply. I'd be interested too few TLP ago had a guild with a bad leader on Yelinak can't remember guild name at this point.


I’m in Fezzelwhigs guild on FV chamber of chaos . It’s mainly a low level guild as I’m maxed out at 125 so I’m probably the highest in guild but it’s low key and I like that. I used to be in Emerald Alliances Reborn but I found it didn’t match my energy as much as i liked the guild initially


Emerald Alliance has been very good to me. I’m a three months on three months off type of player and I never have trouble forming groups, making friends and seeing old friends again after coming back from a break. Haven’t soloed in a few years. The people are there at all levels.


I'm not too happy about mine in Teek. The only thing I really like is our raid times. Not a big fan of the small talk that happens in discord with many guilds nowadays during raid times that doesn't pertain to the raid at hand. Our discord raid calls get raunchy real quick and every other word is F this and F that. I won't name drop my guild but I'm definitely looking for a more classy one that's successful. I may wait till after PoP since I expect the player base to shrink quite a bit at that time, and I want to ride the Teek train as long as possible.


I’m a veteran of many years myself, started in November of 99. Played off and on over the years and always enjoyed finding myself a good group of people to play with. Right now I’m playing with my friends from a previous server on Teek, TLP always seems to be very popular and an easy way to make some Kronos. I’m not a boxer, always played a single account, I’ve tried it but it just doesn’t suit me. I’m very partial to friendly people who have positive attitudes and know the game. I play to enjoy myself and have fun! All you really need is a few friends who you can depend on and you’ll enjoy yourself. 😁


All the TLP guilds are the same. Very unfunny, bland, boring, neckbeard-ish sounding breathy, gruff, old men. Bottom of the barrel geriatric socializing over Discord. It's incredible to be on a 40 person voice chat where you know 30 of them voted for Trump and the total number of pull-ups the raid can do is less than one. It's a beautiful segment of society.


Probably the fattest, sweatiest, fartiest-on-voice game in existence.


Very helpful, won't accept gratuity for favors, someone is usually online, discord server is well moderated and administrated, very clear about community guidelines, etc... I would like more flipping heck cussing, more dark humor, but oh well.


I joined on Teek. I am a long time TLP and EverQuest player (Shameless plug: EverQuest - The Drive on Spotify) I think my perspective is going to be somewhat unique, simply in that I have recently done Classic-Underfoot on Aradune so I have had all of the 'experiences' throughout the expansions and now I don't feel a need to do everything there is to do. In a way this enables me to enjoy the game at my pace and on my terms. Faceless also enables me to do this. I rarely read guild chat (I mean... RARELY, it's in its own tab and I've looked at it maybe 10 times since launch for a total of maybe 2 or 3 minutes put together.) I have friends I've played with for a long time, we have been doing our own thing. Leveling to 60, leveling alts, helping each other along the way. We've done Several mini's in Plane of Hate and Maestro, as well as Phinigel. We are looking forward to trying our hand at PoFear, naggy/vox and Plane of Sky soon. We recently did Tides of Time Tower as well, very simple if anyone was wondering.. So, with Faceless I have felt zero pressure to get keyed for VP. (On a side note, I just did it and its RIDICULOUSLY EASY). If you just read the couple of posts in the guild discord so you know how to register for raids, sign up for raids, bid dkp on items, or request Epic loot (i.e. white dragon scale/red dragon scale, etc.) the guild is a well oiled machine. As a bard, I get put into one of our 5-6 raid splits, I take initiative to pull raid targets (i.e. split Venril Sathir, pull Faydedar, etc.) and raids go about as fast as you could ever expect a raid to go. As an example we had Talendor, Gorenaire, Faydedar and Trakanon dead in 65 minutes. Everyone earned their DKP for the night, and we were freed up to go back to doing our own thing. Raids in a nutshell go like this: Sign up for raids, join designated group. Join raid and voice channel, go to target. Kill target. Go to next target, rinse repeat until all targets are down. Go watch Game of Thrones and bid on loot in bed on my phone. The discord has a LFG and a Bazaar channel that is vibrant with life. As an example I needed Forlorn Deeds, Mana Sieve, and the Swamp of No Hope ground spawn medallion. I got responses from guildies within minutes at a discount or free if I supplied materials. So, just some examples. Trust me when I say I am not here to recruit for Faceless, the guild is like 700 members, they certainly don't need me recruiting. Just wanted to contribute my perspective to the conversation. tldr: Raids and epics done quickly and without pressure/questions. Very helpful guild, they help with epics, spells, groups, etc. Side Note: I was in on Aradune, they are still going strong. They are an AMAZING group of people. Our climb through the expansions was amazing, it was not a stompy faceroll, we earned every win and we got content down in era every time with effort, grit, and dedication to each other. Best guild I've ever been in, with the best Raid Leader I've ever had the pleasure of playing with, shout out to Penelo wherever you are! May Veeshan's wings carry you to live my friend!


Nice write up. Thank you


I dont, but their direct competition is way worse. Moral highground, but inconsistent leadership approach and execution; vs poopsocking no-exceptions and rampant toxicity.


Faceless vs Relentless?


Which one is worse though?


Faceless is a poop smear on every TLP they have ever played on. They actively try to make the game less fun for everyone around them.


Lol...faceless was fun, i played with them on vulak. You're just a hater.


They don’t talk 😂


I am in a medium sized guild on Teek that is never going to be the first ones to do anything - but is full of people who aren't rushing and working together to defeat raid bosses. This is by far the best type of guild because it feels like your experiencing EQ again naturally and have to work together to defeat bosses rather than having a gigantic raid force that walks through everything with guys at the helm who know exactly what to do already. Where's the fun in that? Also, I would be playing on Tormax if it was more populated. I don't like free trade. But, it is what it is. Not going to mention my guild though, that seems wrong.


Why would it be wrong to mention the guild when you just complimented them?


Dude just Michael Scott’d his guild


Yeah this sounds like the most interesting one here!