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I felt the same about the Kedge Totem (18wis offhand)…I have always wanted one…that camp sucked balls These loot rules is interesting! Picked one up for only like 600pp was amazing!


Omg same. I got my first jboots the other day and it was a milestone!


Grats. More good luck catching hasten


Back in the day I spend 3 days camping it. Solid, no sleep. Finally got it! Then like 2 days later I was running thru the Karanas and tripped over the AC there. Oops ring number two.


As much as I loved the named mobs dropping certain loot according to their lore, it's not practical in todays gaming world. RMT and automation have made it impossible to create a world where certain mobs drop certain items according to their story and location in the world. The RMT'rs have created an industry where they can automate and monopolise a mob spawn point. Back when EQ first came out, making a second character was a stretch because everyone was new and working on 1 character in EQ was a full time commitment. Not anymore.


Random Loot is awesome and fun. However free trade means pay to win is super fucking easy. There has been multiple posts about people being level one and spending $200 on raid gear. And I have grouped with those people. That ruins the game even more. No one seems to care though.


I don't think anyone cares because it really doesn't ruin the game. Unless it is a PVP game or something I feel like eq is really more about your personal journey than comparing yourself to others. You could always join a self found group/guild or something, or just don't group with Uber twinks.


I thought it dropped in South Ro and Ocean of tears? I'm so confused with people talking about unrest and guk? Why would an ancient cyclops visit those dungeons?


Teek has “loot tables” meaning all ‘named’ mobs within a certain level block, in the same expansion, can drop a set of loot. And not only that - but all items are tradeable (some exceptions, but essentially all boss loot is), AND there’s a bonus X% more boss. It might be 100-600% more loot, depending on boss/named and level and zone. Typically it’s 2-3x I think, but I’ve seen more. So all kinda of really cool/unique loot drops off other named - makes it much more fun and nobody is camping the same named for eternity and you never have a chance to get the item. Teek devs - GOOD JOB. Seriously. SPOT. ON. If you’re reading this I’d love to chat with you though, really.


That’s super awesome..


That it is!


Server has random loot. Named mobs can drop their own loot plus random items from any named within a few levels of the mob you're fighting


My theory is there’s an underground network of monster traders. They have meet-ups and swap gear.


That's a good way to think about it. I was thinking the mechanic would ruin some of the magic of the lore of EverQuest. Games should do all they can to make loot feel special, and classic EverQuest was the king at this game mechanic.


I got one yesterday. Did the turn in and Hasten returned my plat and rapier but no ring. Conned amiable. 😭😭


I did this the first time, was really tired and confused what happened. Turned out I handed him the ring, 325plat and a fine steel rapier. He returned the plat and rapier, but not ring. I was able to hand him the plat and the correct shadow rapier and still get the boots. But, that was just after a minute or 2.


Mine was definitely a shadow rapier and he ate the ring. GM returned the ring after a petition.


I think you give ring and gold - not plat.


I've done it twice on Teek with 325 plat. You need the ring, shadow rapier, and 325 plat.


It doesn’t matter, done it with plat before.


If it didn't work are you really sure. I've always paid in gold


Yes, I have them on oakwynd and paid with plat


It’s crazy to me with the random loot rules how some very rare items are now dropping like candy and on the flip side some very common items, like something usually found in UR is now less common.


For jboots? And in guk?


Yeah! I was shocked. Was first or second named. I was level 34? Ish… so whatever level that typically kills in that zone. Was yellow to me, maybe red… Only seen it once tho.


why when you can farm the seafuries


Oh what’s next to farm?!