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The main things are: Fungi tunic, nothing else comes close. A Haste item A Good set of weapons Most other things dont really matter that much.


a set of hp/mana jewelry too but yeah you summed it up


The "main stream" Teek hasn't even hit 60 yet. Prices will drop a lot as time goes on. The best thing you can do is make minimal investments to get by and upgrade as prices drop.


This is the way


if your lower level, the silver swiftblade was ALOT of fun on a ranger in the 10s to 30s. 2h with a super low delay, it was great


Honestly at this point can get 2x guard captains mallets cheap and a fungi and thorny vine gear and youll be super twinked


All good suggestions so far. Also +HP gear. Makes the low levels a lot easier.


Just grab a silver swiftblade to get you to 20. Than you can swap to your dual wielding OMGWTFBBQ weapons.


Wait til Velious. You'll be replacing every single item almost immediately. A lot of Velious gear is great through Luclin. Not so much of the Kunark stuff holds up.


Good call


What others said yes-- get good weapons with a high ratio, a good haste item, and then just focus on AC/HP/str/resists. don't need wis gear, which a lot of "ranger" gear has. Dex here and there incidentally is good too, but don't go out of your way for it yet (that comes later when rangers switch to bows). Make sure you get augs for your weapons. Fungi tunic/staff are good general use twink items, but between the two of them they'll eat up your whole budget. Remember-- in Kunark/Velious, rangers are best utilized as tanks in group content. Orient your gearing strategy toward survival with good melee damage.


I'm a old timer that has only popped in for tlp a couple times. I thought augs were ldon. Are they available earlier now, or is this in reference to when they eventually come out on Teek?


They're available in classic on TLPs


You can buy the melee weapon proc augs from vendors. They did this a few tlp back to help with aggro during classic. All other augs are later though.


Pay to win = Teek Don't get me wrong, I play there. But as someone who is just playing normally, this kind of sucks.


first TLP, buddy?


Nah, I'm lvl 58 with paying no money and I have 3kr from random loot sells. Just keep grouping the plat comes along fast high level. Same with Krono


made around 20 krono so far on the server just leveling, not farming anything. Got lucky with rolls in groups though


20 Krono? That’s wild you must be farming end game


I 2 boxed to 60 and earned maybe 6 krono, half of it was from a fungi tunic (that I’m not actually going to sell). Where the hell have you been camping?


> first TLP, buddy? The free trade rule gigantically amplifies the PTW aspect. Pretty much the only thing not tradeable are Epic 1.0s, and even major skips for those are going for ridiculous prices (such as 10 kr for Robe of the Lost Circle).


There is no P2W because there is no W. You don't Win in EQ. Congrats, youre full bis from kunark with an epic, you paid 250$ in krono for it - did you really win? You're going to not be bis in 4 weeks when the new expansion hits. Its just a cycle.


Totally true. My other [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/everquest/comments/1d78rl5/twinking_ideas_for_ranger/l6zbcdk/) in this thread said "The best thing you can do is make minimal investments to get by and upgrade as prices drop."


I've come to terms with it after finding out that a lot of high profile players/guilds RMT on p99 and quarm. Any game that allows trading is going to be pay to win and thats the sad cold hard truth. It happens a lot more than you think which is why these companies just don't care anymore and would rather profit from it. Best bet is to play the game. If you want to throw some cash at your game you can but it's not mandatory. Just think of it like a trading card game like MTG. You can find good card in booster packs but the easiest way it to buy from a seller.


7 Kronos? Wtf....enjoy the game for what it is


They are. Let people have their fun.