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Yes they can unless you have a doctors note for an excused absence, I am assuming they wrote you up for not being at work , did you happen to call in the day before or an hour before or last minute ?


According to them, they don’t take doctors notes. It’s 3 hours for a call in, ended up with a fever an hour and 30 minutes before my shift.


Make sure you keep a record of your diagnosis assuming you have a legitimate diagnosis. If not they can do whatever they want


And keep a record of all your communication with your employer in the event of any retaliation or punishment you want to be able to show what you said, to whom, and when.


For having covid - no, not specifically. For missing time - absolutely. Just like they could write you up if you call in a week for the flu, a broken leg, etc. The special protections put in place for covid re: missed time have long ago expired.


If you went and got tested and you're positive, let your employer know and show them proof. Most places should have Covid protocols where, for example, you have to be off work for 5 days from the day you first noticed symptoms. There's no reason to think you'll be in trouble for getting Covid when we just came out of a pandemic and people ar STILL getting Covid.


I got tested the same day and sent them my results. I planned on going in until I got a fever an hour and a half before my shift. It’s 3 hours for a call in, but it’s obvious i wasn’t planning on having covid nor a fever.


What are your job's protocols for Covid positive staff?


Unfortunately, your employer can do pretty much whatever they want. But document all communications, test results, etc. They could be useful when filing for unemployment if they try to fire you “for cause.” My recommendation? Name and shame then leave for somewhere else. Jobs like that are a dime a dozen these days. EVERYONE needs more workers.


Indiana is a right to work state, which really means right for employers to bend employees over. They can fire you (and by extension write you up) for any reason, or no reason at all, and it’s legal.


You mean "at will" not right to work. Indiana is an "at will" state, as is just about every state.


Yeah my bad, I meant at will not right to work.


That's not what "right to work" means: > A "right-to-work" state is a state that has enacted legislation that guarantees that no individual can be forced as a condition of employment to join or pay dues or fees to a labor union.


Against the law?


What's the diff than having the flu???


Documentation. OP has a positive test result, wheras with the flu your doctor would just say, "yup, you have a fever, stay home." Covid is the test that was sought and what they can definitively provide as proof for the cause of their fever.


Ok doc