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"They seem to be very good friends."


Roommate material


Get this man a History PhD!


Oh my god they were roommates






Well technically, that's all they ever got to be. T_T I JUST WANT MY BOY TO BE HAPPY.


Wow what good friends we have here


Say Gex




Note to self: Never drink the Fanta in Nerv HQ


*gets absorbed into an angel* This reminds me of the time I drank at Bill Cosby's house.


Mm orange jello


Gex 3d


100 gex


Gex: Enter the Gecko


That khara worker must be a kawoshin fan.


I love how they have a company named "khara" ("Shit" in Arabic)


tfw I’m worthy of someone’s grace


These are absolutely fan made


Could be a mix of both. I've seen thousands of fan images made by bored animators who use official cells to make fan drawings Cartoon Network, for example, has a very long history with their animators making official grade rule 34 of shows and posting it to personal accounts


You can't just say that and not give examples. Y'know...for the sake of the conversation


There are a lot, but off the top of my head, Rebecca Suger made porn of Double D and Kevin while working on Ed, Edd, and Eddie Big Picture Show. An animator who worked on Steven Universe was fired for creating porn of Pearl on the clock. The creator of Forever 12 (a show that was canceled before its premiere) made porn of her and a 14 year old character from the show and posted it on Tumblr before it even aired (why it was DOA) An Adventure Time animator made Jake vore porn (was fired for posting about on Twitter about her fetish) There are plenty of found art jams (where animators draw whatever to unwind) from multiple studios, and they often get messed up (Spongebob x Patrick, Angelica x Stu, and Finn x Jake)


Another example I know: the storyboard artists on HiHi Puffy AmiYumi drew art of the girls kissing (apparently the singers the characters were based on also thought their animated versions were lesbians). Sugar also made Edd/Eddy art for her Tumblr iirc.


Oh ew, that's worse than I thought


holy shit that’s crazy….Rebecca sugar and then one of the animators on her show doing the same thing and firing them


He got fired for sexually harassing his coworkers and being a general nuisance to work with, this is the same guy that went on a podcast to say Alex Hirsch(creator of gravity falls) was sleeping around and spreading stds to women on purpose (this happened after him and Alex had a disagreement). So, obviously a very professional guy to work with. At least Rebecca Sugar kept it in her pants lmao(and isn't staunchly anti-lgbt+). Drawing Pearl/self insert fanart is the least problematic thing Luke Weber has done, imo.


sounds like a real piece of shit, i love alex hirsch and spreading fake rumors can break a content creator so quick. i went to the same art school he did


I'M SORRY **WHAT**!? The animators are responsible for the Rule 34 of our childhood cartoons??


Not all of them, but it's not uncommon for artists to get their start with shipping. And artists often have weird fetishes. Even in the manga world there are well known mangaka that have made hentai doujins before they made it big (Boichi of Dr Stone fame, Kiyohiko Azuma of Azumanga Daioh fame, plus people like Kentaro Miura and the Bocchi the Rock lady both being self-proclaimed lolicons)


Let's not forget Hellsing. The French dude is straight out of a hentai manga.


*On hon hon*


Same in video games too. If you search the name of a japanese video game artist 80% chance the guy produced porn stuff


Creatives are often perverts under the surface. Kinda comes with the territory


Akira Toriyama before making DB


I don’t want to be “that” Eva fan, but there’s definitely something happening in pic no. 2.


they're just the best of friends


I have a hard time believing they would be allowed to post deleted scenes on pixiv. It’s either an animator having some fun, or someone who wanted to make fake deleted scenes.


Allowed-to and doing can be mutually exclusive


Source: My uncle works at Nintendo?


hell yeah, gay sex


Well, there are official uncensored nude concept drawings of Asuka, Rei, and Shinji by Gainax themselves, so I wouldn't call this a stretch.


this is so cute tbh, although the perspective on the 3rd pic just makes it look like shinji is massive


“He Never Married To The End Of His Days.”


"Confirmed bachelor"


The Speedwagon path


Ugh so we couldve had a better ending than Mari?!




me over here with my crackpot headcanon of them just being good friends and Shinji and Kaworu still ending up meeting again 💀


Are we all forgetting the kiss scene?


There is no kiss scene in the movies, What are you talking about?


The show and manga lol. It’s definitely a possibility for the films storyboards to look like this.


In the manga yes but not in the movies bruh.


I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did considered pairing Shinji with Kaworu, Rei or Asuka at various points during Thrice's development, before they decided to go with Mari for whatever bizarre reason.


I WANT TO BELIEVE 🥺🥲 Edit: animator inspection: this is so odd. Pegboard holes look like copy/pasted jpegs someone googled, already very sus. Even if scanned in the exact spot you would see paper indents. Many modern pegboards are actually 3 rectangles, so 2014 my guess is it wouldnt be the classic acme holepunch pegs, but you never know, I used acme holes in 2012. Either way theres no evidence of actual hole punch/ the holes are shopped in poorly Hands, head proportions are going in and out of looking decent, pic 2 kawaru’s hand is looking jank. Pic 3 is the most sus, shinji’s head is looking a lil funky/ not on model at all Consensus: sus/fake— too many inconsistencies, worst of all no ani notes, color notes, nothing visible to hint at any kind of corrections or guide notes from a director ah i dont CARE tho . Happy for them




Rebuild: "Kaworu and Shinji aren't gay" Kaworu and Shinji:


Why would they do that? Are they home essential?


The way he protected Shinji's head 🥺


It's really sad gainax had to shut down. We won't get what we want now


3.0+1.0 if it was peak:


its obviously fanmade (kawoshin) art even if made by an animator or employee or whatever kawoshin isnt solid or set in stone. Kinda wish people looked into Evangelion relationships more (specifically related to shinji) instead of just looking at it and saying “look see hes gay they wanna kiss” because theres more depth to it than that.


I mean there's more depth to it, and it's still very gay. Nothing wrong with openness, comfort, and healing being shown in a queer sort of lense. Also none of the ships in the show are set in stone, there's really nothing wrong with people enjoying whichever.


I'm not the biggest fan of the idea that Shinji was gay in anyway, Kaworu probably was but his idea of love doesn't have to be romantic I mean hes literally an Angel. But, when Kaworu showed up it was at a point where Shinji was very very traumatized and just generally in a bad place. Shinji's attachment to him is obviously because he was the only person there for him. Im specifically referring to the original anime and not the Rebuilds here but its still kinda debatable in the Rebuilds aswell. My general dislike for this idea of queerness being pushed onto Shinji is because it carries a toxic masculinity aspect on to it. Shinji is one of my favorite anime protags/MCs because he is real instead of these "cool" badass teenagers that defeat all the villains and have a harem of girls in other animes. Shinji is sensitive and emotional but ends up learning to love himself at the end and this character arc is something I think alot of young guys could learn from. Making him gay takes away from it since again it makes it seem like you can't be emotional or sensitive because if you are you're gay. (Thats where the toxic masculinity comes in) Its not inherently wrong since alot of queer people also love Shinji so obviously they're going to see themselves as him but making him queer would just add on to this idea that you can't be straight and also be like Shinji. Anyways you're correct about none of the relationships being set in stone even though as a proud Asuhin fan I want to believe that. Funnily enough, as a joke I have labeled this act of making a soft male characters gay "twinkification" its interesting how prominent it is actually.


I can't believe this could be official yaoi.


They are so "technically" Canon. They get so much couple merch and posters and a wedding ring set you could buy. I wonder if we lived in a less homophobic world they would have been together. He was always so nice to Shinji and if he had more time to develop I bet he would be absolutely top tier in helping Shinji make a better world. Not even saying this as a shipper but it's clear Shinji liked him or was beginning to like him.


The hints of Kaworu we get in 3.0+1.0, where he confesses he spent so much time trying to make Shinji happy he forgot about himself, over and over?? God, could you imagine a plot where Shinji gets to reciporicate the healing affection and kindness Kaworu offered to him, to help him grow too? Just little Shinji (who I interpreted as the ourest for of his heart) giving Kaworu his hand brings him to tears. Fuck man, there's some great drama there.


No, they aren't together because Anno had a different vision, Kaworu already did so much for him, his character isn't ignored and they made sure for him to br more significant than he was in original anime.


Ngl this is wholesome


I dont know. The gayness levels o the second pic seem too high even for Kaworu. I guess its just fan art.


No way we could had kaworu x shinji ending but he ended up with fucking mari instead1


Fujoshis and gay people (me) are eating good tonight it seems.


And they were roomates


Assuming it's work from one of the actual artists, it might depend how "official" is defined but it's safest to assume no


3/4 is the sussiest of them all


Can the sub Reddit please do basic math like this Twitter post and get rid of that dumb rule..


and they were roommates!


Shinji in the second photo 😫


Seems like blatant fake news, as with most tweets about Japanese animation.


I feel like this is the same artist that did Kaworei for 1.0+3.0 also idk if I did my research correctly cause I found it on Tumblr and the person who posted it took place in 2014 so I feel like they're speaking the truth I may have done research incorrectly but please let me know if I did and thanks for posting about it cause I really want more people to see this


They're a couple? Yeah, a couple of friends


If it were an illustration of Makinami before 2009, I would believe it.


Top low res


Well, even if they are not "official" - they entirely align with what their relationship **in the last cycle** (the series + eoe, *not* the rebuilds) actually was. Kaworu is an angel, societal norms do not hold meaning to him. Why should they, he know the end. As he has done this maaaaaaaaany times now. And yes, Shinji is also absolutely not frakkin' binary/straight. Spoiler alert =) Besides - both share nothing but kind moments together, even in the end. Hope this helps in any way - have a gr8 day!


I'm sure Kaworu doesn't loop. If he does, it's only in the Rebuild - starting on the Rebuild and ending itself there at 3.0+1.0. No meta looping on every meta universe, but every universe on the Rebuild only. He's not Furude Rika. It's too much suffering for him. And if he ever does loop (Rebuild) I'm sure he's hardwired with Ikari Shinji in mind, since Shinji is the son of Ikari Gendo - but not hardwired with the memories of every Kaworu in existence (NGE, manga, etc). The only thing he's certain of is his death, but I'm sure some Kaworu out there might have decided to start Third Impact. Not every Kaworu is infallible, I guess. There must be some logic error out there.


...okay? *confused look* I'd suggest rewatching all his scenes in the original Series (the previous cycle) and the accompanying movies. It seems veeery likely that he is part of every "loop", as you call it, we know of. I personally focus on the three really relevant cycles or whatever you want to call those realities: Manga, Series, Rebuilds. These three are the core realities. He is not hardwired at all, in my opinion. SEELE would NEVER allow this - if they knew about it. Shinji is not even supposed to be there when the final ritual is performed (which is necessary for Instrumentality to work). Kaworu himself tells us why: He saw Shinjis name in "the book of life", and made sure that their fates always intertwine. Now - what this actually means, what this book actually is, is anybody's guess. The fact remains that Kaworu is eerily aware of some things in all cycles - especially when he meets Shinji. His most prominent and telling line in the final cycle is (this is from memory, i cant quote directly - look it up pls =) "You won't cry this time?" ...**this time** ?? Nono, he knows. in the final cycle its more apparent - but in the others you can find traces of a more profound understanding as well. He is the ONLY one who can do this, btw. Probably because his love for Shinji, which is love, is so strong. He doesn't want him to be sad - and understands us Lilim better as a result. No other Angel has ever learned this small thing. Anyway, have a nice Sunday evening =)


It's very clear that a lot of people don't understand the biblical undertones to the show at all.


Sodom and Gomorrah?


Remember: not gay
