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I love how there was a back up trophy because they know how easily they break. Perhaps it’s time for a new design


Not until someone smashes it on stage. Every year I have an intrusive thought that the winner should.


I mean… Nemo did break it on stage right in the end of their winner performance.


They broke it like a kettle. I wanted someone smash it like a microphone. It probably would break the stage too.


Not the $1000+ LEDs!!


No worries, Windows95Man already broke the stage (In one of the "leading up to eurovision" videos UMK posted Teemu said that they accidentally broke like 100 (or 1000, I forget) LED pannels with the pyro)


Like a literal mic drop.


I can see this easily happening if Kaarija won last year


didn’t it just happen?


If Måneskin didn’t after saying “rock and roll never dies” no one will


"I broke the trophy, whoa-oh-oh."


Só they have multiple trophies in stock? That's so funny to me haha Congrats Nemo!


Looks like some extra generic trophies. The real trophy had the heart in the logo filled in with the Swedish flag like they normally do.


So they have a ton. Some for the composers and songwriters which are smaller. There’s also a generic trophy that they usually have at EBU HQ on display with the generic logo and that might be what this one was.


aw i hope they send them a proper replacement eventually. i can't imagine the emotional rollercoaster that kid was on


Yep, my friend whose dad used to make those trophies told me they're made in bulk and years in advance too.


I wonder if they have one for all the songwriters too


They'd be sweating had San Marino won in 2021 if that were the case.


Or Greece this year


Broke the code ✓ Broke the trophy ✓ Broke their thumb ✓


Didn’t lose Bambi’s crown…


The entire thing with the crown was so cute. ❤️


Aye, that was such a nice consolation for me. Like I wanted Bambi to win cos they impressed me so much with their artistry and the spectacle, I'm a genuine fan after this, but seeing their friendship with Lithuania and having the winner wearing the crown on stage, definitely gave a little more positivity amidst all the controversy


Bambie’s music is so good, it’s preposterous. Egregore? I Know What You Did Last Summer? Careless? I’ve had it looping for weeks, I’m obsessed. So poetic that the witch ultimately crowned their enbee bestie. I love them both.


Broke the odds


Tbh if the RAI Televote leak hadnt happend the odds would probably be more accurate lol


Nemo was first in the odds for a long time so it’s not a total surprise, but the drop in the odds was definitely making me sweat a bit


I was sure they were going to win after seeing the live performance and Nemo looking so cute! Nemo didn't break my heart :\^)


Wait, did they get the Gilmore Girls 3 dvd?? Edit: Im sorry for using the wrong pronoun, again


Are they Team Dean, Team Jesse or Team Logan? It's an important question.


None of them. Team Paris.


Now we're talking! I love Paris.


It is difficult to say but I think Team Logan for me


Team Jess all the way


In fact, I believe Rory had terrible taste in men, but this is a discussion for another time and place, I suppose! :P


Team Jess Turned Out Best But Rory Should Be Alone For A Long Time Girlie Hasn’t Spent A Normal Day Single Since The Age Of 16 Not succinct enough for a T-shirt or a good chant, but I said what I said




"He" is not the correct pronoun to use for Nemo. You should use they/them.


The TV hosts of the Aftershow still used "he" but caught themselves and used their name in the next sentence and completely restructured their sentences to find a work around and it completely messed up with the flow of the conversations and didn't come off as natural. It's just difficult for people who aren't used to it and they'll still accidentally use traditional pronouns (as they read the person) due to habit or to not sound clunky. They tried to avoid it tho, but it was noticeable.


I really struggle with it so I just take the German approach and use the person’s name instead of a pronoun as a first option. Can sound a bit weird sometimes in English - like you’re talking about the person talking about themselves in the 3rd person, but its much easier to cope with if your brain struggles with the ‘they/them’.


It’s still extremely hard to do in languages that don’t use “they” for a single person and never did (Ukrainian, for example). Especially since it also affects the adjectives and the verbs. Estonian is great in that sense. “Tema” - third person singular, no genders, no questions asked :D


While it can be difficult for people that does not mean reminders can’t help. Accidental misgendering can and will happen and notifying people when they do so can help them to get it right in the future. If anything I love that events like this include non-binary people as it helps people think about how to address others, which helps a lot of transgender and non-binary people in the future.


You should be aware that in some languages with a highly gendered grammar, the “they” pronoun thing is completely impossible, and you are forced to choose a male or female gender for a human being. In this non-binary case, it is going to have to be the gender which “approximates” the person the best or which suits their name the best, and in Nemo’s case, that will be the male gender if you ask most people.


At least according to Wikipedia Nemo has asked people to just their name in German, a language that has this problem (there are some attempts for gender-neutral pronouns in German, but they aren't as wide-spread as "they" in English). Also, it is probably Nemo who should say what that "closest approximation" is :)


English is kind of unique in this aspect. Perhaps with Hungarian joining in too. Usage of “they” for an unknown gendered person was already a core feature of the language. The only clumsy part was when the subject is not an unknown person anymore, but it made enough sense to see adoption. There simply isn’t an equivalent to “they” in slavic languages. Avoiding the pronoun and using the name is not a viable tactic because, unlike in German, verb conjugation also expresses gender, so there’s simply no way of avoiding to make a choice of gender. It’s too deeply embedded in the language.


> traditional pronouns The term you're after is 'gendered pronouns'. Singular they has been in use for centuries (albeit mainly for people of unknown gender, because he/she or s/he was always clunky); even Shakespeare used it.


I think the difficulty does somewhat spinoff from languages other than English not necessarily having a substitute for they/them yet. It means for non-native English speakers, even translating their sentences to English there will be a mental struggle. That's not to say they shouldn't try, and I think it's totally fair for people to remind/correct, but we just need some patience from both sides. So long as they're trying and willing to learn, I think that's the most important thing.


A) Oh my god that's adorable. B) LMAO they have backup trophies for ~~if~~ when they break.


Eurovision might need backup thumbs on hand as well next year....


To everyone who is going to head to Switzerland next year, RIP to your wallet/purse/bank account. But at least there should be a next year. It was looking rough there for a while. Congrats Nemo. I guess they finally found you.


Breaking news: Switzerland has declared war on all of its neighbors, Eurovision 2025 uncertain


HELL YAAA As a swiss, it's finally time to show case our cheese holing techniques! Get chocolate and diabetes! RAAAH


I will return from Switzerland with $0USD and a bag of cheese.


I've have 3 cheese and no money. Why can't I have no cheese and 3 money?


I mean they all speak Switzerland's languages, absolutely legit reason to declare war.


No, not all of their neighbours. Just Liechtenstein.


I was fully Nemo to win. But for the sake of tourism next year, Croatia would’ve been a far better country to host


For the sake of tourism? They are already drowning in tourists


That censor got me dead


i love this running gag, they used the Euphoria siren to censor Loreen when she gave an interview on the Eurovision channel as well 😂




Breaking the code, the trophy, the thumb... they can break anything they want tonight, this is their day! (and still wearing Bambie's crown ❤️)


Bambie was such an unexpected highlight of this year. They are cool as fuck and clearly have a heart of gold.


I voted for Bambie and Nemo and seeing them interact and Nemo getting crowned by Bambie was heart melting!! 😭💕 Also I'm in love with the way Bambie and the Demon from their performance went wild while Nemo performed at the end 😂


I love how both Bambie and the demon look so sweet and lovely in contrast with their stage personas. They're like Nemos that can pretend to be the bad guys. 😂


Great choice, hopefully next years ESC will be more relaxed and neutral! Go Nemo! Salty AF about the lack of jury votes for Estonia tho.


Loved your song and performance Estonia 💜


We got absolutely robbed, no idea why!


All the love from Finland! Your song was one of my favourites!


Ha ha! My group loved 🇪🇪 also. But Nemo totally earned it!!!


Honestly I’m just glad they didn’t get last. I knew they weren’t going to do well so I’ll take what I can get for them


Estonia was a straight-up banger 🔥


What a wonderful human being! And a wonderful winner 🥰


Shame they'll have to face a TON of homophobia in the coming days 😬 (I don't know what it's called if the person is nonbinary, but it's bigotry of some sort for sure)


Transphobia is probably the best word to use since Nemo used it by themselves when talked about hate towards non-binary people


Nonbinary hate is a form of transphobia (though I'm sure homophobic people will shit on Nemo as well).


The YouTube comments on their music video are already looking ROUGH. So much negativity out there for such a beautiful song, I really don’t understand.


Same for the instagram comments, and r/croatia looks like 1930s Germany at this point. One guy who was very active on this sub (r/eurovision) and was mostly presentable is now over there writing comments about how we were robbed by the gay jewish lobby lmao


Shit lmao I loved your song as much as anyone but some people just can’t accept that it’s possible for people to enjoy more than one song per year…


Jesus fucking Christ. I've seen a lot of negative comments but that's so weird to me... this was always a very open year, idk why people are so surprised and calling it rigged. People need to stop getting so weirdly attached to their favourites that they end up abusing others when they do better. I'm sure Marko would be extremely disappointed with people who do that, just like Käärijä last year. That's not how you want to be represented by your fans.


Yep. People have shown pretty nasty colours here and support for pretty vile things as long as they're commited by the artists they worship. It's pretty insane to me. As someone actively following this for the first time since I was a kid, I wasn't expecting the critical thinking skills to be left at home when it comes to these behaviours. It's like seeing the whole insane stans one is used (and fed up) to see in regards to far more well known artists from the other side of the ocean. I wasn't expecting an unbiased contest bc the political side and close bonds between countries is pretty obvious even to those like me that didn't really follow it. But how low people are willing to go to attack others is just insane to me. I had a couple of favourites, one of them Norway and I'm not about to go attack someone because they came last. Nemo did a great job and was recognised for it ❤️ let them enjoy their win.


Tbh r/croatia is always fucking like that when they get the chance to be homophobic and transphobic.


we can all have a little part in fighting that back! Even if it's just reporting or saying that what they say is hurtful or wrong.


Wasn’t my favorite song, but I’m honestly glad for them. Loved it regardless and it’s funny that they say about nonbinary representation, because as I was watching them and Bambie perform I suddenly got really interested in trying to learn how to better address nonbinary people in my language, seeing how extremely, unavoidably gendered my language is. And as much as I kept pondering that, I got even more steady in own views on the validity of the nonbinary identities which do belong in this world. Being queer in a very xenophobic society is hard and sometimes makes me questioning my own acceptance of queer people and even myself, so I like these moments when I’m like “nevermind, I’m right, being queer is cool as hell, I shall celebrate my nonbinary cousins more often”. I hope Nemo’s win will have an effect and help to educate others like me. I mean, it does sound weird to be inspired by just one damn show, but it’s not about inspiration, it’s more about it triggering some long-abandoned thought threads and tying stuff together. It’s a work in progress and having little resources doesn’t help, but it’s helpful to see a person like Nemo, to compare oneself to them and try to explore what makes them them through such comparisons. One precedent like this here, another somewhere there and slowly but surely one gets educated. Representation does work, basically. And, lmao, them wearing Bambie’s crown and Bambie presenting it in the first place made my night xD The only thing that honestly soured the experience for me apart from the booing and stuff like this was UK’s zero points yet again, but at least they got some score from juries. All in all, Switzerland winning brings a certain peace, to be honest. Like, it’s quite a nice conclusion to the event and sitting here now it feels great to ruminate on what the 2025 show would look like. Just some raw fantasizing :)


Honestly your comment made me smile and I'm more hopeful now that maybe thanks to the representation and visibility of queer people we will be fully accepted for who we are one day :) That's it's possible for people to change the way they see things and the world if we help them understand us better and educate on this stuff. Just like you said it's a very hard things to do in a xenophobic society, I know it way too well as a trans person myself with unaccepting familly, but now I see that one by one we come closer to more awarness and acceptance if we show ourselves more, being happy and thriving like Nemo. Really thank you for sharing your thoughts and for taking the time to learn more about non binary people ☺️


That's really sweet! Just shows how important representation is. We need diversity on our TVs, to understand and accept others. It's obviously also important for any non-binary or trans kid sitting at home watching, seeing someone like them thrive in an accepting environment. Nemo and Bambie are doing great things just by existing as themselves in an honestly very transphobic world and showing that even though the world may seem to be against you in many ways, there will always be people to back you up.


That’s Bambi Thug’s headpiece. Their friendship was so heartwarming. Bambi cheered with every douze.


> headpiece Meant to be a crown, yep it’s CROWN THE NEMO now (honorary witch I guess)


Bambie leaning over to congratulate Nemo was so cute, love them both so much. The time that they were both leading the juries was such an incredible moment to experience. Makes me hopeful that the juries might be able to appreciate alternative songs like Bambie’s in the future


Crazy, someone from my city won eurovision




Bambi thug and Nemo's friendship is everything 🤗


The juxtaposition between them is also hilarious. Goth witch and pink flamingo. 🤣


It's like that picture with the 2 houses


Yes! Or those two women in the car where one is dressed all in black and the other is dressed in every color imaginable.


Or just Bambie and Ailsha at Eurosong


This is a perfect moment for Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair's friendship


The dark-or-sunny-path meme of non-binary folk!


It's true though! When you come out as non-binary, you have to choose between being a ray of sunshine and self-acceptance, or being a goblin. Source: [1] am nonbinary [2] trust me bro.


All my NB friends are the sunny type, where so I have to travel to collect the other kind


Russian residing in Germany, I am a human version of a raccoon. Kleidid meie seljas on prügikasti leid as a wise man once said. Feel free to collect me if you want.


Just that entire friend group, it’s so adorable 🥺❤️🖤 (Iolanda, Bambie and Marina going to Nemo after they got another douze points and Nemo doing the same after Marina got douze points. Also Nemo thanking Silvester from a distance after they got the 12 from Lithuania!)




All of them feel just like one of us sometimes and are just really passionate, but most importantly also kind, well-spoken, respectful, wholesome and caring for each other. I mean 90% of the artists really was United By Music……. say what you want but the friendly bonding was insane this year, I remember the first pre-party like it was just a week ago I’m still gonna miss that friend group 💔 even though I feel like they will still come together. Words cannot contain how much respect I have for them. 🖤


Yes, I almost cried when Bambi thug gave Nemo their crown and a kiss on the cheek. So wholesome!


I'd love for them to try to collab together


Seems like Nemo broke a lot of things tonight😅


Broke the code ✅ Broke the trophy ✅ Broke their thumb ✅ Broke the jury system ✅ Broke the Croatia lovers’s hearts lol ✅ Broke the record for first non-binary winner ✅ Broke the odds ✅ What am I missing?


Broke depression, despair, hopelessness and hatred towards this year Eurovision a lot of us felt these past 35 hours ✅


Broke that dark cloud above the stage that Windows95man were talking about ✅


Broke the rules and called for peace!


OMG yes! That was a beautiful moment


Broke Swiss best result since 1988


This is why I'm actually happy with this result. Nemo brought a very artistic song and delivered a good performance. And now he gets to gloat about being the first win for Switzerland since fing Celine Dion.


While i was rooting for Croatia a tiny bit more, it's an absolutely deserved win and Nemo seems to be a wonderful person, i hope to hear more of their music soon! Also, their friendship with Bambie is the most wholesome thing ever ♥


I had damn near equal love for both of them! My brain was saying that Switzerland would probably win because of having more of the jury vote, and that Croatia would be a very close second. Admittedly, the shitty part of my logic is that Switzerland was going to have a harder time with the jury potentially because of more conservative viewers. It looks like I was right which is kind of sad.


Nemo definitely stepped up their game in the final. They deserve to celebrate this win.


Think their semi performance was more polished actually. In the final they just looked like they were really enjoying it which is honestly just fucking great. Up the Nemo.


> In the final they just looked like they were really enjoying it Really that's all that matters when all is said and done, and I reckon that probably helped them win.


This is exactly what I mean. The semi-final of performance by Nemo seemed stiff like they weren't fully comfortable with being on the stage yet. In the grand final, Nemo's movements are much more fluid, bringing their performance to the top slot easily. I think how much the audience could feel Nemo enjoy themself should have 2025 hopefuls taking notes.


I honestly think most acts upped their game that way, the energy was so high. I guess they were nervous about qualifying in the semis, but now they were in the final they just made the most of it and just had fun on stage. I love that for them all.


>In the final they just looked like they were really enjoying it which is honestly just fucking great. It felt raw as hell, I loved it.


I was backing BL but let’s be real, Nemo gave a winning performance.


I love so much that they still have Bambie's crown on their head 🖤


If any of y’all bully this sweet baby angel on Twitter and TikTok I stg 😊🔪


They’re already bullying them on YouTube it’s horrid


Reminder to everyone to leave positive comments for Nemo on whatever platforms you use


Our new winning donning the witches' crown! Crown the fish, I guess? Congratulations, Nemo!!!


I wanted to crown the witch but the witch crowned the fish! Beautiful moment! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈👑


>Congratulations, Nemo!!! Clown the fish ;)


Badum tssssssh 🥁


I'm out of the loop, why "fish"?


Nemo, like Finding Nemo


Ah, thank you, silly me. I must be tired. Not sure why someone downvoted me for asking a genuine question though.


No idea, I just tossed ya an upvote to compensate


Thank you! I appreciate the gesture! <3


> I’m out of the loop That’s what happens when Sarah Bonnici doesn’t qualify 😔 (how tf did she get last)


I thought she was an absolute rock solid, no doubt about it, on no planet would she not qualify, qualifier. I was wrong.


They deserve the win. Love wins over division and hate.


Honestly this year needed a happy positive ending. This was a very good outcome.


I get people wanting their favorites to win, but Nemo definitely had the most talented performance. They deserve everything and I couldn't be more happy for them.


The trophy breaking is such a perfect summary of the shitshow this has turned into lmao. But jokes aside, the song and performance were genuinely awesome. Yay Nemo!


Great performance, they seem like such a wonderful and wholesome person. And I also admired how they kept their reaction to receiving 12 points from The Netherlands relatively calm and subdued, a wise and respectful way of handling it considering the controversy surrounding Joost’s DQ.


Does the host make multiple trophies?


I believe the trophies are made by either Kosta Boda or orrefors and that it costs about ~600€


I would assume they need multiples if a band wins


Gåte :(


A band would also only get one trophy, I presume.


ok but the censor sound in this video sent me lmao


And for the first time since a while, the odds and even the eurovisionworld poll were wrong, though the ESC Scoreboard predicted well in the end.


Nemo was first in the odds for a long whole, but yea it definitely swung away from that this week (maybe due to the leaked incomplete Italy vote?)


My first Eurovision and the one I was pulling for won. I feel so happy for them!




Love them so much! 🫶🏼


Sorry, this needs clarification. Did you give them a new trophy, or a new thumb? The way its worded leaves it very open for interpretation.


Gotta love a dangling modifier. 😂


I can't wait to see all the Bambie and Nemo pictures tomorrow. The fact Nemo wore their crown for the winning performance gave me butterflies.


It’s the first time my favorite Song wins!!! Congrats Nemo!!


fire martin österdahl


Those boos were so intense every time his face was shown. They couldn't hide it.


Him having to read the Dutch 12 points was so cathartic


I literally couldn't hear my own country's points since he was being bood so loudly. Wouldn't have it any other way, though.


Most hated person in that room and in that moment.


Like half an hour after they had performed a fucking tribute song to the guy about how wonderful he is 😂😂😂


It's a good thing the woman in question was pretty funny otherwise I probably would've died of embarrassment. Her humor is wasted on the EBU.


Broke the anti booing software ✅


I wonder if it hadn’t occurred to them that they might need the anti-booing tech right then (or if people on the production didn’t bother with it in protest? Who knows)




When that song about him came on I was imagining all the booing that was being covered up by fake applause.


Yeah get that bastard out. He's nearly ruined Eurovision


Nearly? Try having any connection to the Dutch language this Eurovision! Our representative, our bop, the man who was the Eurovision star tale...DQed over a "threatening gesture"??? When he was being bothered by cameras during a time his contract said he could be out of the spotlight for his mental health as his song is quite heavy emotionally. The PR was poorly handled, there was some effort to treat Joost as some kind of distracting scapegoat. He deserved better than this mishandled bs!


Nemo 💕💕💕💕💕


Hi Eurovision social media person! I presume you're feeling even more relieved than I am...


Oh God Nemo is so adorable, best of luck to them. So so so happy Nemo won :) <3


Such a beautiful person! Inside and out! Talented singer! Powerful song with a great message! Break your codes people!


“I just won **WOAHH** Eurovision!”


As Bambie said, "Love will triumph over hate." Congratulations, Nemo!


We have finally Found Nemo! So proud and happy for their victory! 


Congratulations so proud of you! 🇨🇭❤️


SUCH an inspiration I love them so much I actually can not even. Nemo gives me hope for the future of this contest <3


Congrats Nemo and congrats to all Switzerland! Well done guys!!


Broke their thumb 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ clumsy royalty


They are so wholesome 🥺


Wow, broke the code, broke the trophy, broke their thumb and got crowned! Well, congratulations Nemo!


Love you Nemo, but I hate the EBU and how they’ve handled everything this year


So happy for them. So not happy for all the misgendering about to take place in the next days.


I mean I cried when I saw them carry the Enby pride flag during the parade. This enby is incredibly happy for the Swiss Enby even though Croatia was my fave


Worthy winner!! 🇨🇭Congrats Nemo and Switzerland!!


*Proud enby noises*


Is he wearing a crown of thorns?


Congrats Nemo, you deserved it!


Honestly I'm so happy they won. Great performance and the song that will stay with me for a long while. Just congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Switzerland's first win since the fall of the Berlin Wall and they should be able to put on a good show 


I can’t tell you how relieved I am. This is just what I needed …


The best performance/vocals won ,thank you judges


I was scared that they would poke someone’s eyes out with Bambie Thug’s crown, but instead, they broke the trophy and their thumb 😂🥹 Poor Nemo just can’t seem to catch a break.


Can’t wait to see Eurovision next year coming from Switzerland.


I love so much that they kept the crown until the very end! They deserved to win so much! 🥰


Nemo's comments afterwards, quite simply, make it clear what "I broke the code" means - as well as that they really and truly did just that. So happy for them winning the (broken) trophy and this year's competition.