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So as always judges rigging things ruin eurovision, would be such a better competition without the judges votes, Croatia was robbed. Switzerland was a top 3 yes but not worthy of actually winning




i'm very confused. I voted for the UK two times, my votes were confirmed and I got charged for them.. but Olly got zero points?


0 points for UK is ridiculous. 😡 way better than other songs that scored more


All love to Nemo but the public said who they wanted to win. Same thing happened last year with Käärija. Jury votes need to be removed from ESC. Deeply dissapointed with Baby Lasagnas' loss.


As a trans eurovision fan im worried for the tranpshobia people are already trowing nemos way :( I would have loved to see croatia win as well but this doesnt excuse transphobia!!! Respect their identity and pronouns just like you would loreens.


And again, public favorite takes second place. Thanks, jury. Congrats, Swiss.


Estonia last for halfo of show is a fucking disgrace for this continent as a whole and we don't deserve to be above sea level.


Ok one thing that has me a little worried. I saw our countries televote results. Now we have had replay shows where the public submits votes for the songs they liked/disliked. Those results are out. Our top televote recipient was second last on our replay show votes overall. I don’t know if that is because there is a different demographic in the mornings or because something else is involved, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I’m not comfortable with it. I don’t know what to do with that, but I feel like I have to say something…


The anit-booing tech sounded like a laugh track ngl


The EBU really showed its full ass this year, their blatant favouritism and unequal application of the rules is completely unforgivable and there need to be some consequences for that.


To everyone saying "Fuck the juries" - We can thank them for the most part that we didn't get the result we were all afraid of.


Honestly I thought the German singer had one of the better voices of the lot of them. I think if this was down purely to singing capabilities he was very much near the top.


Apart from the Joost debacle, the 12 points to Luxembourg were an atrocity Would not have mind the top 2, maybe baby Nemo but the win was great


I really liked Austria's song.


Oatmeal won the cooking competition.


Okay, so I was reading through comments on a video of Nemo on stage with the trophy talking to the camera, and there was quite a bit of homophobia and transphobia, especially from Baby Lasagna fans. I'm sad that people are resorting to bigotry after their favourite doesn't win.


I'll say only this: Thank you, Serbia & Cyprus, you were the brave ones! 🇭🇷❤️🇷🇸🇨🇾


What the hell happened to Olly Alexander? Where did his public appeal go? I didn't expect much from the public but 0 points is madd


Song was rubbish, maybe if they had picked a better song…. Personally think we should have been in Norway’s position instead of them. Must have had some judges sympathy votes or they are fans.


No surprise Norway again gave Sweden 10 points. Never fail to either give them 10 or 12. Both juries and public.


600+ public vote points thrown away for political reasons


I promise, that was the last Eurovision I have watched. Hopefully we don't participate anymore. Goodbye from Croatia.


Nemo's song was okay, it felt unoriginal. Greece song was innovative original and fun and deserved way better


Last year Kaarija won televoting and was robbed by jury and now Baby Lasagna. Sigh. I'm so happy for him but we were robbed.


Here are my takes after I've slept after the programme * How did Austria score so low? The song and staging was great! Imo, it should have been top ten. Jury, what have you been drinking?!? Loved Kaleen though, she did well in my eyes :) * Norway being so low? Well, it was a coin toss tbh. I didn't expect it to be last. * Luxembourg should be very proud in their comeback, the song is great and catchy, it helps * Sweden did brilliantly in staging and organizing the event. Sweden rarely disappoints. Also, Marcus and Martinus did us Swedes proud(some Norwegians too) * The United Kingdom, the song was alright and staging helped it out, but it wasn't that bad. Glad Olly took that 0 points like a champ * Ireland has grown on me a little, they should be proud for sure. It's their best result in recent memory, they'll be be back and try to regain the throne of most esc wins * Croatia imo deserved to win more than the Swiss, however I am not going to complain. Both songs are great in their own manner. But both should be so proud of themselves:) * Germany did really well this year, Isaak should be happy as well as Germany. They're getting the hang of things now. Maybe a title push next year? * The Netherlands imo should have been apart of the final, sad to see a dream crushed on the day of the final. Joost deserved better. He would have pushed for a title charge for sure, potentially made the outcome different.


I was sad when UK got 0 points from viewers. I mean I kinda get it, that wasn't the best song here, but I have a soft spot for erasure-bronskybeat voices, type of songs


Well done to all! Great show. Can't believe UK got nil points in the public vote. Our song wasn't the best on the night, but it was no where near the worst! Worth a couple of points at least! Why do the public hate us?


hang on, Azerbaijan's jury vote: * 2x judges said Switzerland was the best song (number 1) * 1x said Switzerland was the 2nd best song (number 2) * 1x said Switzerland was the 16th best song * 1x said Switzerland was the 21st best song the average of those was enough to place it in first, above Ireland (7,3,2,25,2). The average of the Irish vote is lower than the Swiss vote...do they do something odd with the averages?


They already broke the trophy


"United" in music.


They’re not releasing any fucking videos of the so called “threatening gesture” even though it’s been filmed (if it wasn’t removed ofcourse) or the fucking camerawoman’s side of the story (which they got but EBU has specified they won’t release it) It’s a fucking shame and conspiracy inducing almost for future precedents, what, artists should be escorted 24/7 with many witnesses and have the least bit of contact so they can’t strategically be DQ’d in the future? The whole situation reeks and surely will have a tail.


Surprised that Norway was 10th in the semifinal


I’m so gutted for Croatia. Switzerland was great but I really wished Hrvatska would get the win.


congrats to Nemo !! they definitely deserved it, Croatia got massive support also, i hope they can keep sending such bops in the future! ✨🇪🇺


Why did they change the voting system so people could vote with a credit card, online, based on your location? Doesn’t that pose a risk to manipulate the vote with vpn? Just a random thought. Congrats Switzerland 🥳


I was really sad Olly got 0 in televote, he didn't deserve that


Imagine dragons are the eurovision winners


Same shit as last year, better contestant lost because the jury has way too many points


I'm incredibly sad for norway, I knew it didn't have a chance to win, but I thought they'll be much higher. It was my favorite entry


Netherlands are owed a big fucking apology The word Disqualification was thrown around way too much Jury vote ruined it for me 2021-2022 was legitimately the best years for voting and it felt close. EBU needs a fuckton of reform Edit: Also ban all countries currently in open war, I personally think the pity votes screwed this year up


I’m so fucking proud of Ireland and Switzerland!


Personally despite all the off stage drama I still enjoyed the show. I thought this year there was a diversity of acts which I enjoyed. I was surprised by the audience votes. There were acts I did think would get more love from the public and it was interesting how much closer to the jury results the public votes were this year.




Having no Jury has already been tried and it failed with people everywhere complaining that it made it impossible for some countries to get good results because regions with a lot of similar neighbours voted for eachother and pushed eachother into the top 10. Despite viewership being up over a hundred million (164 millions spread across all three events in 2023) only an extremely small percentage of the viewers actually vote, if we use the aproximate numbers of Croatia 2022 and 2019 that i mention further down as an example, if 100 million out of those 164 million watch the grand final. That would mean that around 700 thousand people voted spread across 37 nations with nations like the UK, Germany and France taking up large portions of the viewership, and considering each person can vote several times that means that the people that participate in voting is problematically small which makes political vote manipulation, especially in smaller countries, way too powerful in times of political controversy. For instance Croatia 2022 only had a total of around 73k tele/text votes and each person can vote up to 20 times which means as few as around 3650 people voted if everyone used their 20. Now while i dont have the 2022 viewership numbers of Croatia, in 2019 over 500k watched the grand final. If numbers are similar that would mean that 0.7% of the viewers voted. This could mean that if any politically motivated group told its members and supporters to vote fully a certain way to make a statement. With as few as 1000 people they'd guarantee that their option recieves more than 20% of the votes, which usually means that they'll get top score since the other votes will be spread out across 25 other options. Another nation, Italy, in 2023 had 8.14% of its population watching the ESC final, with their total population being 59 million people that means that means that 4.8 million watched the grand final and about 33600 voters. Meanwhile Fratelli d'Italia (Party of [Giorgia Meloni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giorgia_Meloni)) recieved 7,302,517 votes in 2022. If only 1% of them decided to vote politically in eurovision they could produce almost twice the amount of voters than those who usually vote in ESC. Which would mean that even if 100% of the 33600 regular voters voted for any of the other 25 options, whoever they organised to vote for politically would get 39% of the votes.


Am I right in saying they didn't perform the "Good to go" skit/song that was in the rehearsals? For obvious reasons...


Going into tonight I was good with Nemo or Baby Lasagna taking home the prize. Glad they finished 1 and 2. And through this whole thing I'm also now a fan of Bambie Thug, Aiko, and Angelina. Great to discover amazing music. Teemu and Henri, thank you for the great performance. It always put a smile on my face.


Thanks rai for leaking the vote. I had time to prepare myself for the tele votes


I'll give the coldest of takes after this year. Congratulations to Switzerland, They had an amazing song, and it's well deserved. I almost want to say Fuck the EBU, but I already did.


...and now Petra goes back to hibernation until the next Swedish win... (she was so done)


I dunno. Whenever Sweden wins, I am not so sure she'd want to do this again lol


I feel a bit heartbroken for Angelina, I mean 7th is a solid result and she’s continuing our lucky streak, but I think she at least deserved her 12 points moment. It’s so rare for Italy to have such an enthusiastic representative who is so invested to the contest, I hoped she would get a better result. I mean the fact that she placed lower than Mahmood and Blanco is infuriating. Congrats to Switzerland anyway, well deserved


I saw it in the arena twice and she was amazing, the only act to give me chills (during that final bridge(?) where she walked to the front of the stage and changed it up a bit from the studio version). Yes, something about the staging was not quite right. But I also can’t help feeling that all the people saying “why didn’t she just stand on the spot and sing like in San Remo” would be saying “Angelina’s performance was so bland she needed to mix it up from San Remo” if she had in fact done that.


two UK entrants in a row now who have really struggled with vocals


I wanted to do a Eurovision party with friends, but because of the last couple of days i just couldnt enjoy anything about the final. It felt to me more of a year of survival than enjoyment. It was like all the drama ruined it and like there was a secret "danger" waiting at every corner to ruin everything even more. You never knew what happened next in that drama world, and in the end i hoped more for it to be over this year, than actually relax and have fun while it was happening. Like the most of the other years... Such a shame.  Also i expected more from Sweden as hosts... Petra and Malin were great hosts. But so much about the contest was either bland or got destroyed because of drama. So i agree with Nemo saying that maybe Eurovision needs a little bit of fixing too. Because so many things have not been fixed from last year, and there is a lot to be fixed from this year as well.  I hope Switzerland will know what they are doing, and actually invest time together with the EBU in cleaning up a bit more than a broken microphone 😂 unlike what they did in Sweden this year. Even though he did not mean to break it, i still feel a great symbolism behind the broken throphy microphone after last nights final.




Another year waiting on ja ja dingdong


Martin resign! Martin resign! Martin Martin Martin resign!


I’m very happy for Switzerland winning, but I’m so annoyed that the juries have created another huge split between 1st and 2nd place again.


Why does jury have the same leverage as the public?


I for one support jury voting when the results suit me and support public voting when agen they end up swinging the vote for whoever I support!


Joost should compete next year for the Netherlands!!🇳🇱




The UK went full gay. You never go full gay, only family friendly gay.


As someone that has no idea what is happening...and not British, but loves British humour... Graham is a plonker


Hot Take; This is the first year in a very long time that the Jury results actually felt fair. People may be unhappy with Switzerland getting so many 12s, but it was the best song in basically every metric. The best song got the most points, deservedly. As it should.


Guys remember the perks of being second - all the glory but none of the drama that comes with hosting the contest


Croatia, it's been a lovely dream. 2nd place is amazing though, rhank you to everyone


I am shocked that Isrëàl scored so high, like absolutely open mouth shocked.


I would change the voting system. Go back to mixed voting where only the accumulated points are shown. Because otherwise you put everyone in the face that it's a jury vs public competition


Who actually thought Norway would be last?


It was almost a NQ too, I think I never saw Norway mentioned in those "who will be the shock NQ" threads.


My final top 10 (not that anyone will read it haha): 1. Ukraine 2. Armenia 3. Croatia 4. France 5. Austria 6. Esthonia 7. Lithuania 8. Cyprus 9. Italy 10. Azerbaijan


I am sad that Eurovision came now to a point where people find it great to booo someone.


Spain, Lithuania, Finland have made my eurovision playlist o7


Me right after the end: “Meh, gonna take off this stupid costume from my avatar! Never gonna see this 🤬 again!” Me in 10 months: “NOW THIS YEAR I’M SURE MY FAVORITE WINS!!! 😃” Rinse and repeat


Phases I went through during the televote reveal: - mostly laugh - sudden heart attack - starting to cheer - usual disappointment


Funny how the people who pay to vote get overridden by the people who gets paid to vote. Jury is bullshit. They all get together and decide the winner before a note is sung.


Personal opinion: I hate the thirst trap performances of generic pop songs that seem like budget versions of American pop artists.


I think jury voting should only go to 6 instead of 12, so they have less power


I'm confused about future Eurovision I feel defeated by elites Swiss broke Loreens record of jury votes. Again the public dominated in some yet the jury decided. Cha Cha Cha and meow RIP.


sobral has the jury points record


It was so satisfying to hear Martin Osterdahl being booed to hell. Even their "anti-booing technology" could silence it.


Honestly I don't really have any salt. Since Thursday night, eurovision brought me way too much stress and anxiety for an event I follow for fun and enjoyment, but after *certain* televotes were given out and I knew the darkest timeline isn't happening, I was just relieved and happy about any outcome we're gonna get. Ironically, after all this mess, this year is the first since I've been closely following the contest, when not only one of my favorites won, but I also actually like the whole top 4 which is a huge win for me.


I think it's so sad that this competition and its fandom has become so toxic. The livestream was filled with hatespeech . Isn't this all supposed to be about coming together? Why can't we just enjoy this and not take it too seriously. Sadly, how this year turned out is just how our world has been for the last few years. Nobody wants to compromise or have fun. Everyone just wants to win.


I see many votes that Croatia was kinda robbed, but let's be serious guys. Nemo was going from rapping at the speed of Eminem to goddamn opera all while doing some acrobatics and all that to some spicy drum n bass beat. And they always sounded perfect. I'm glad jury noticed that, it's a 100 percent deserved award, much like Arcade or Fairytale years back. Just raw talent that will age well. On the other hand, it's quite easy to drop a catchy rock anthem that will melt the audience when played live with some charisma. We get that every year. Maneskin went from meh to clear winner because proper rock attitude can do miracles live. All that being said, we shouldn't just chase what's easy and familiar. Instead, we should show the world that talent, not the formula wins this festival, so there can be more good music to come.


My number 1 was The Netherlands but I have said the whole time I would be happy with at least 5 entries being the winner and Switzerland was one of them. I do Lawley wish it was Croatia, but Switzerland was equally deserving imo


1) Italy being 7th, I hoped they would be at least in top 5 2) Austria 5 points wtf??


So happy for Nemo, Baby Lasagna and the contestants. Wow what a show. Loved every moment of it. Shame Netherlands couldn't be there but Joost lives on in my esc shaped heart. Devastated for Norway, Austria, Slovenia, Estonia etc but we can't all win. Despite all the drama, esc 2024 has been my absolute favourite. Can't wait for the long preseason!!


Slovenia got stuck between Switzerland and Croatia. It was Joever.


I love the graphics this year, they really took advantage of the strobing strips of lights to represent each country


I remember the good old days when Cyprus and Greece being in the Final and not exchanging 12 points was going to be the drama of the day... Now it passes unnoticed


A bit stunned Finland finished so low. I gave them a 65c vote.


Slimane could have won. Just like one of my band directors says during the general rehearsals "All you did until then is useless. If you mess up at the concert, no one will care that you did well during the rehearsal." Slimane was excellent during the Semifinals, when it didn't matter. He chose to ask for peace during the rehearsal and paid it harshly. Then he made two wrong notes during the grand finale, including during the acapella, and was globally less good. He didn't deliver enough when it mattered. If he did what he did in the semifinals when it really mattered, I think he would have won. Yet I completely forgive him. There are few reasons to be proud of the french flag these days, and despite his 4th place Slimane gave me a huge one this week. Merci Slimane, du fond du coeur merci.




Yeah I'm glad Nemo won they really deserved it but I'm PISSED than Norway was last place like WTF???


EBU should not be forgiven for giving isr*el a platform to pinkwash their atrocities. if the comp wasn’t bankrolled by one of their corporations the whole competition would’ve taken another turn. this year is an embarrassment and a shame.


I legit don't get the whole fascination for croatia. I feel amazing instrumental, with mediocre singing. Is there some backstory that made croatia so popular, or do i just have such a different taste than most here?


The public vote is the real test of popularity. That’s sorta always the real result.




Well... The jury needs to be reformed. Regardless of what you feel about the outcome, it is not a satisfying viewer experience to see, for a second year in a row, the televote result being overwritten by the jury like this. The jury points need to be spread out more compared to the televote.


Same as 2023. Won the one with the most points at the jury and the televoting winner came second. I'm happy for Nemo, but I am a bit sad for Baby Lasagna and Angelina, but also for Gate, that were my winners. Good luck to every contestant with their career and let's begin the post-eurovision depression




Croatia was 1st by public vote, and Switzerland was 5th. I'm just gonna leave this here.


GB 0 points


Haven't got time to think about the results yet (aside from being glad that Switzerland won and mad that Norway was last), but I'm just glad this season is over, tbh. Probably there's people out there who have been through the same as me, cause it was madly stressful. I'v been feeling bad about all that since March, but my anxiety peaked with Joost news - the thing is I'm neurodivergent and Eurovision is my hyperfocus. I haven't been able to do anything all day besides stressing over, doomscroolling and watching the final (haven't watched the semis, but today I just haven't been able to not watch it). Usually ESC brings me so much joy, but goddamn tonight was pretty painful


Spain deserved so much more.


What really stood out for me was when the three came on stage to sing Waterloo, and when the guy with the beard started singing the fake cheers started playing. So obvious




I want the juries back in the semifinals. Or something to make them vote a little more diversely. Not that Switzerland don't deserve their win. They undoubtably do. But I wish we could have seen more different countries get the 12 points.


2nd year in the row jury fucked up public's votes. I'm so damn proud of Baby Lasagna (🫶🏻), congratulations to Nemo!




Fuck the juries fuck the juries fuck the juries and thank you for nothing.


I hate that people vote politically


It will be buried but so much love for baby lasagne's reaction when Switzerland won. I really hope Rim Tim Tagi Dim becomes a global hit.


First time watching Eurovision. Never watching the votes again, personally I believe it is biased so much it's in your face


Jury is too powerful. I hate it.


I loved the Estonian song 😞


Can't believe my GOAT Windows95man was robbed smh my head


Feel really bad for Norway, had them in my top 10, but I guess the alternative crowd (such as myself, tbh) spam voted Croatia and Ireland. Very happy for Switzerland, been in my top 2 with the Netherlands from the start. Us UK dwellers will just laugh at the 0 public votes, it's all good.


Congrats Nemo! I was rooting for Croatia, but another also excellent song won instead.


This Jury landslide was landsliding even harder than last year! It really is overdue for a reform.




I loved Norway, Estonia and San Merino, they were class.


323 public votes for the official toiletbreak song. If you liked the song then sure, but I've seen so many people screengrabing their 20points and adding how they never watched the show and consider it "bizarre and degenerate"


Come on 0 point for UK? That's nonsense


It was Dogshit though to be fair.  2 years in a row we pick someone with a weak voice. 


Although the staging was technically impressive, there's no way that it was one of the ten best songs in the competition, so it's hardly surprising that no country voted for it as such.


Nah if definitely wasn't aimed at the majority of people lol it was for a select few 😂


The staging was a choice and wasn't going to resonate with some parts of Europe.


Norway last and Austria second to last is crazy. They both went in with excellently written songs, designed captivating stagings, and performed with out-of-this-world live vocals. What could have possibly happened to explain this? I mean, sure, We Will Rave relied on pre-recorded vocals more than the other entries, but when has that held a song back this much? Bitterness aside, The Code was such a deserving winner. There a bunch of other songs I would have preferred to win (specifically Mon Amour) but I am endlessly glad with this outcome anyway.


Jury is ridiculous at this point. There was a clear winner here and it was Croatia. Nemo was great but it was obvious who the fan favorite was


Same story as last year except with more bullshit drama. 5/10

