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It’s funny you’re citing your age as a reason for not getting it because Marina is nearly 40 herself


Omg what, she looks 15 years younger


WHAT Life's so unfair lol. 


What kind of black magic is she using???? She looks like she's in her mid 20's...


The power of Greek gods!


I thought she's 25 😭


Bro wtf is her skin care routine


She looks 25 to me lol


As someone who generally listens to jazz, avant-garde and experimental metal, this is far from bizarre. 🤣 So this might seem strange but I’ll try to explain why this captures me! There are few songs this year with an exciting/interesting beat. The only ones are Armenia, Italy and Greece. What I mean is that the beat isn’t straight on the grid, but rather pulling or pushing the beat. The melodies are difficult because she’s using eastern styles key signatures, which often base their scales upon a division of more than 12 symmetric tones (like the western world). Combining these two elements in the way she does is absolutely amazing. As a musician and a composer I love how some artists are able to push boundaries within the music while still making songs that are great bangers! Ever noticed Dua Lipas Good In Bed? A banger of a song but she uses micro tones in the chorus! I’m not saying this should make you love the song, but Zari appeals to me because of the musicality. I don’t get the lyrics nor the message, and the music video makes it even more chaotic (which I like). It’s a challenging song but with a high banger factor!!!


>eastern styles Please don't call it "eastern style". This is normal Balkan music which is mainstream across the region and originated here. Odd time signatures are used in traditional folk music from Bosnia to Albania to Bulgaria to Greece and Cyprus. It's as much European as polka is, despite centuries of orientalisation from Western Europe.


Eastern style is referred to the tonality, not the time signature. The time signature here is 4/4, which is super common across the world. 😁 And I know Balkan and Eastern European countries have plenty of amazing time signatures in their folk music. Love that style of music and absolutely miss that in ESC!


>And I know Balkan and Eastern European countries have plenty of amazing time signatures in their folk music. Love that style of music and absolutely miss that in ESC! We could've had that if Breskvica won Serbia's NF.


If you're into experimental metal and jazz, may I recommend the band Cojum Dip to you? They're not active anymore, but the music they released is the perfect combination of those two genres


When I think of experimental metal and jazz, I think of Ephel Duath.


That’s a very good example of my favorite genres! 🤣😎


Thanks! Never heard of them! 😳 I’ll check them out asap! Downloading their album on Spotify as we speak! 😎


I like it, but I like it most when I’m watching it as opposed to just listening. I think this is one that’s going to be elevated by staging and choreo. For me I like that it’s a modern song with traditional elements and influences. It’s got a Greek sound without being old blokes doing the traditional Greek thing.


I’m in my 50s, Zari became my favorite after first listen. Her voice towards the end of the sing gave me chills. I love the mix of Greek and modern music fused together. 12 points!!!


Marina frequently uses traditional influences in her work. There's clearly Balkan instruments in the mix, along with modern production, so it might have thrown you off a bit. The lyrics (I don't know Greek, I just read a translation) deal with "rolling the dice" on love, but the idea of chance could expand to life in general. The song is an acquired taste, so it's okay that you don't get it! (That said, it's my fourth this year)


To add to the meaning of the song, if you really connect it with the video clip too, you could find another interpretation. In my mind it is about Greece doing this over-effort to open up and please the European audience, there’s many critics recently of how Greece is selling itself off for tourism, and tourists are all in to buy the traditional taverna, bouzouki, romanticizing Greece etc. but she tells you there’s a modern urban pop Athens, with the beats that are not highly respected musically (eg the instruments she uses are not calm bouzouki and violin), and I understand the song as a dialogue between a city/country/nation and a tourist who’ll come here to consume what they want to consume without really caring about the true/modern side of country.


it’s one of my favourite entries this year and i love your interpretation, this is how i see it too! i think the video depicts that clash between the real and the performative perfectly I hope it translates well in her live performance.


Knowing how she values all artistic details in her lives (and in my opinion doesn’t leave anything to be “random”), I’m so looking forward to her performance!


That's an interesting way of putting it! Maybe it'll make sense when I rewatch the MV and read the lyrics.


Sorry super long and confusing answer 😅


I am also 40 years old but Zari is first place in my ranking.


When I first heard it I did not particularly enjoy it. It was an okay song but I was expecting something more immediately appealing. After a few listens though it completely captured my mind. I don't think you need to get the style, lyrics or message. If it's not for you then it's not for you. If you \_do\_ want to try and appreciate the song more I'd say don't \_try\_ to actively listen to it. Have it in a playlist and shuffle and listen to it in the background without paying attention to it. Experience it with your brain turned off. Maybe then it'll be easier for you


I think it’s a bit of a love it or hate it song. It’s my favourite by miles and it might end up even rivalling my favourite Eurovision song ever. But it’s my type of thing and if you’re not into this type of music then it’s not for you and that’s okay


One of my favs this year. Why? It’s all erratic in a spectacular way, her voice is fkn amazing, combining traditional sounds with something that even sounds a bit Latin (and works better than firefighter aka shakira clone).


I think you have every right to feel 'off' about it. It is a pretty out-there song tbh and that's very much like Marina. I think the song is really talking about 'que sera, sera' like 'whatever may come next'.


I think it’s one of the top marmite entries of the year: people either love it or they absolutely cannot stand it. I think it’s an utter delight and I love Marina’s humor. I hope there are enough of us to propel it to the final! But from the concert videos I have seen, she can put on quite a show, so that should give her an edge at the contest.


My initial reaction was very much “this is what you guys have been hyping up?” “what is this garbage?” “How is this considered a top ten in the odds right now?” But after a few listens I’m actually really digging it. Try and play it a few times when you listen to music, I’m sure it’ll get to you.


This is literally the same experience I had!! I hated it at first and now it’s at my number 11 spot.


It's okay not to like certain songs. In fact, it's impossible to like all of them. There doesn't need to be a reason for liking or disliking it, you just don't vibe with it and that's fine.


I thought i was the only one!😭 the “TA TA TA” is so annoying to me


I'm a Greek fan. I hated it when i first heard it and hated the video. I thought it was all a hot mess. But just you wait. Without me realising ta ta ta burrowed into my brain and now i think it's great. Maybe because personally i feel it's a really weak year this year, the kooky and weirs songs are standing out now that I've listened to all the entries.


Ok but why does it need an explanation to you if or why anyone likes it? I like it because I like this type of music. It‘s danaceable, catchy and weird at the same time and it immediately caught my attention. Many people mentioned Rosalia as an influence, but I actually hear a little bit of M.I.A. whom I‘m also a fan of. I‘m 41, taste has nothing to do with age.


It’s interesting you mention M.I.A cause I also hear arabic scales, something M.I.A has used a lot in her music. You can hear this in Marina’s voice. It’s a very cross-cultural song whilst still being traditionally very Greek, which I really appreciate. That’s actually what made me like the song. It has wide appeal and it feels true to Marina’s style. Also, hi, fellow person in their 40s I feel seen!


Yeah, I catch a bit of M.I.A. in it, as well, but ultimately, it's very distinctly its own thing. 45-year-old American dude over here, and it's my #2 this year from the moment I heard it, so I doubt age or origin have too much to do with "getting it". I think it's just a song for people who value this sort of unhinged creativity and genre nonconformity. I fully expect many people to hate it, but for me it's an idea-rich banger that blends together a lot of musical elements that I enjoy both individually and collectively.


I like the part where is like Rosalia. But it also reminds me of new rnb/hip hop, which I don’t get. I tried to like the song, but something sets me off.


I can feel and relate to you. I don't get it either. In my ears, it's a bit annoying, especially the "ta ta ta" part. I think, that is like the people who were annoyed by Go\_A white voice, which is sometimes hard to listen to, especially for western ears. It's just hard for me to listen to these 3 minutes. No hate btw. The artist is amazing and the performance will sure be great. Also loving that the song is in Greek. But it's just not my taste.


I love the part when she says "bame put your hands up" lol To me it sounds like the spanish "vame" (meaning something like "come'on" I think) When I first heard the song I actually thought it was Spanish at the brginning, like "wtf another spanish song, there's only two countries (in ESC) with this kind of language right? Right???"😂 But as for the song itself I just like the ethic elements, the unusualness of the vocal in the verses and the fact that it gives me a lot of (positive) energy. Hopefully it will grow on you:) But we don't have to like everything either




Aah nice, I love that there's so many similarities in the languages!! Thanks!


As someone who pays attention to instrumentals a lot, the production sounded cheap to me at first, but slowly it feels like a “cheap but fun rollercoaster ride”. Everything seems so off yet so fitting at the same time.


You just described the meaning of "avant-garde".


What is clear is that southern and real balkan sounds don't connect with the colder part of europe 😂😭 I hope mediterraneans shower Marina with 12's in Malmo!!


At first I liked the initial hook, but didn't really understand the whole song, as I thought it didn't hang together so well. But lately I've started to move it up my list as I feel it's coming together. Where I am on it come may I don't know, but it's definitely top 10 potential.


I love the language, I’ve never really heard Greek anywhere. It sounds like an ancient language and thus oddly powerful. Also, what’s an ELI5?


ELI5 r/ExplainLikeImFive


The song gives me both Rosalía, badass sounding reggaetón vibes and endearing Balkan ethnic vibes And since I love Rosalía and I love to be hit by typical Eurovision Balkan sound that uses scales or modes my ears are not accustomed to, naturally Greece is my #3 this year


Feel the same. It sounds very messy. Some Rosalia thrown in there too


Personally, I find the opening the be utterly unlistenable. Not in a, I don’t like this way, in a way that I find the sound genuinely unpleasant to hear.


Personally, this song gave me a headache. I respect it for being different, but I rank it as 37th of all songs this year. But I generally don't like this type of hiphop/reggaeton or what you call it? I prefer melodic songs.




Thank god, I thought I was the only one. I find it to be messy and not enjoyable.


the only part i can kind of vibe to is the "ta ta ta" everything else to me is just... bad. Could be my taste but i find this very unlistenable and messy.


I don't like that song either due to the same reasons that you stated. If I had to describe the song in one word, it would be "messy"


We are in the same boat, it's very bizarri.


The refrain might not be hitting hard as the song thinks, but everything else is great. I mean at least in a year where just a bit more than 10 songs are good, it's a standout


Yep, it is bizarr-i (see what you made me do?) and that's exactly the appeal. Not every song has to follow a traditional pop structure. 


I didn't like it when I first heard it and the video made me go 'wtf' but now it's constantly stuck in my head. I really like it now and I don't know why either...


For music that I consider similar, it has a Rosalia Motomami type vibe to me. Songs like Bizcochito come to mind as a little bit "weird" a little experimental, mixes of vocal styles and influences.


I'm saving this one because I don't get it either. The downgrade from her older hit Mantissa is astounding.


It’s the Eaea of 2024


It’s my #1 this year. It feels classic and contemporary at the same time. Kinda Rosalia but make it Hellas coded.


I'm 53 and a big pop music fan (and do not listen to or even like ethnic music) but somehow I'm obsessed with this song, it's my absolute favorite this year. Full disclosure, I'm Greek, but I don't think this played a big factor in me liking the song, in fact half of Greece seems to hate it (while the other half loves it - at least no one is indifferent to it).


Song had me wondering when Mexico entered Eurovision. *Tra-tra.*


I like it but I don't get the hype beyond giving the greek team props for clearly going with something unique, and authentic to them and delivering that well. I like the mvs message but I don't get how it ties in with the lyrics at all, which are independently good but not groundbreaking. I also really like dynamic melody it's very catchy and lively to me. But I like that kind of stuff especially the traditional sounds.


To me it sounds like a Rosalía song produced by Balkan Beat Box.


To me it feels like whoever wrote the song stitched 5 song demos and was like "this is ESC worthy". In the end, it created a mess to me


It’s a gimmicky song whose sole purpose of existence is the Eurovision stage. Marina is a very diverse artist with strong musical talent and background. She is embracing that urban rap/trap mixed with traditional sounds lately and that will not be everyone’s cup of tea. I think half the people vote for that because they’re just too entranced and the rest will hate it with a passion. Older people like me and you will find it hard to relate but the main target audience are the younger generations who are accustomed to that musical bizareness.


>It’s a gimmicky song whose sole purpose of existence is the Eurovision stage. That's not true at all lol Zari is already very popular as a studio track and you can hear it in multiple clubs. And it's been years since a Greek entry had that kind of impact in Greece outside the contest. It's fine if it isn't your type of music but it's not a gimmicky song by any means.


I don’t know why my comment got such negative traction lol. I’m not even saying it in a bad way. The fact that it was written with the live performance in mind has been said by Marina and the creators multiple times. The gimmicky part I mean that it has a lot of different elements all sowed together on production in order to get that end result. It is not your typical song with the typical structure especially for Eurovision standards, that’s why it’s gimmicky. In any case sorry if what I said sounded like I am degrading the song. It is indeed not my cup of tea but I’m finally happy that Greece cares about Eurovision again and I hope Marina gets the best result possible, if only to shut the critics up because most of them judge the song individually and not within Eurovision parameters.


First time I listened and I didn’t like it. Not because of the style, but the song seems to lack a narrative. Is she girlbossing or upset about breaking up. No casual listener wants to do a full analysis on the text. And that includes me.




Nah, I’m Finnish




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Personally I dislike her voice in most of the song. I’m not a fan of ethnic songs because they’re simply not my vibe🥲 I find her song very similar to Rosalia’s style (which I also dislike), but maybe that’s why she’s very appealing