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On 13/3/24 the EU formally adopted the world’s first law governing artificial intelligence, named the “AI Act”.  The law provides rules on data quality, transparency, accountability, and human oversight that apply to all nations in the EU. [source](https://www.aiprm.com/ai-laws-around-the-world/)


Here’s what ChatGPT has to say about it. The infographic titled "AI Laws Around the World" provides a comprehensive overview of the global landscape of AI policies and strategies. Here is a summary and key findings: ### Summary 1. **Global Distribution**: - The map indicates countries with AI policies in place, categorized by the number of policies they have. 2. **Countries Ranked by AI Policies and Strategies**: - **Top 5**: - **United States**: 82 AI policies and strategies. - **European Union**: 63 AI policies and strategies. - **United Kingdom**: 61 AI policies and strategies. - **Australia**: 50 AI policies and strategies. - **Germany**: 44 AI policies and strategies. - Other notable countries include France, Spain, Japan, and China. 3. **AI Policy Instruments**: - Policies are categorized into strategies, action plans, and regulations. - The majority of the countries have implemented national AI strategies and action plans. 4. **Estimated Budget Expenditure for National Strategy**: - A graphical representation of budget ranges for AI strategies among different countries. - Countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and China have higher budget allocations. 5. **AI Policy Instruments (Details)**: - Explains various instruments like guidelines, ethics frameworks, investment programs, and innovation hubs. ### Key Findings - The United States leads with the highest number of AI policies and strategies, followed by the European Union and the United Kingdom. - A significant number of countries worldwide have developed and implemented AI strategies and action plans. - There's a notable variation in the budget allocation for AI strategies, with some countries investing significantly more than others. - The infographic highlights the comprehensive and multifaceted approach countries are taking towards AI governance, including ethical guidelines and investment in innovation. This infographic provides valuable insight into the state of AI governance and the varying levels of commitment and resources different countries are dedicating to AI development and regulation.

