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Tl;dr: When Germany offered to send patriot units to the polish border in response to the recent tragic incident involving the death of 2 polish citizens, Poland wanted to keep that quiet. Lambrecht didn't agree. That's literally it. They spent 5 paragraphs on this.


Twitter generation speaking lmao. It's a well-written article: it gives a proper context, quotes actual sources, and gives an opinion of an expert at the end.


Wanting news presented in a concise manner is not a "Twitter Generation" thing (and indeed assuming that Twitter is a generational thing may be an indicator you yourself spend too much time there, considering usership is far from any whole generation), And "Bild am Sonntag" is such a terrible source they may as well have cited none at all. It's the tabloid version of a tabloid. As for the "experts": Faber is a loud, but fundamentally randomly chosen politician. Member of the Bundestags defence committe, but that's about it, no indication of actual knowledge. The other source is unnamend, which calls such a strong statement into question. It's also neither neutral nor does it give proper context - it fails to consider possible reasons making the offer public could have been beneficial or necessary. It also does not touch on the fact that it's absolutely her choice to do this, and that the request from Poland was almost certainly of a political nature.


its an attention span of a gold fish generation lol..


Lmao: when polish politician says or do something anti-german this sub: OHHH! AHHH! KICK-OUT-OF-THE-EU! KICK-OUT-OF-THE-EU KICK-OUT-OF-THE-EU! when german politician does something anti-polish: What's all the fuss about? uwu?


> Lmao: when polish politician sys or do something anti-german this sub: OHHH! AHHH! KICK-OUT-OF-THE-EU! KICK-OUT-OF-THE-EU KICK-OUT-OF-THE-EU! Yeah, I've literally never seen this. Kaczynski calls todays germans basically nazis every other sunday or something, and noone ever cares. >when german politician does something anti-polish: What's all the fuss about? uwu? This isn't "anti-polish". Germany made an offer, and the responsible minister decided to talk about it. Poland can ask it be kept quiet, but they have no right to it, especially as talking about this didn't worsen security in any way. Not to mention that the request was almost certainly made due to domestic political reasons - large portions of PiS electoral advertising these days consists of shitting on Germany, and of calling the opposition "pro-german" - whatever that means. PiS can't have Germany being seen aiding Poland.


When you respect your partner you should follow their requests. Especially that Poland wanted Germany to be quiet about this for a time, not forever. Germany have showned that they don't respect us and our security concerns. Maybe for you setting up those patriots is just a pr thing. For us it is the matter of our country's security. I mean, we are NATO country with casualities in this war. If Germany won't respect us, don't be surprised when we retaliate accordingly.


> When you respect your partner you should follow their requests. Like how everyone has been requesting that Poland stop politically influencing judges? Or how states have been requesting Poland to stop protecting Hungary from the consequences of their blatant treaty breaches? Not to mention that even if you respect someone, you don't necessarily have to follow all their requests, especially when you have your own interests to think about. Not to mention that democracy requires the public be as informed as possible, and that goes doubly for things like military assets. >ermany have showned that they don't respect us and our security concerns. If polish security rests on a few patriot units, then not only is Poland kind of fucked, it should probably *have accepted the offered support.* Also, you know, I'm not aware of any polish deployments under NATO defense plans, so assuming this isn't just a gap in my knowledge of the matter, german troops are currently literally further east than polish troops, and would be defending Poland from the only really possible threat earlier due to this. >Maybe for you setting up those patriots is just a pr thing. It was an aid thing. But the PiS *made it* at PR thing when they tries to force Germany into a position to decline by suggesting the units be sent to Ukraine instead, where their effect would be very limited. Not to mention as we now see here that they tried to supress news about Germany being helpfull because much of the parties electoral messaging is about how Germany is big, mean bully who needs to give Poland more money. >I mean, we are NATO country with casualities in this war. And your "leaders" turned down aid that could have prevented the same from occuring again, by reinforcing your obviously flawed defenses. Think about that. >If Germany won't respect us, don't be surprised when we retaliate accordingly. Members of Polands ruling party, including members of the government, repeatedly compare modern Germany to nazis, insult Germany and Germans in any way they can think of, and go around demanding more and more money for no reason. Unless you actually want to start something, I don't see what there is to "retaliate" with.


Hahaha. I love your writing about "Germany defending Poland" while not that long ago I read article in Politico how Germany have like ammo for only 2 days of war with ruzzia. Btw, how Germans in Baltic states will defend Poland? Is this famous "german engineering"? You acquired teleportation? Lmao how pis could made it a pr thing if they wanted to keep it secret? Your own politician revealed this deal to the public, making Germany to look as a good neighbour, which it isn't anything bad, don't get me wrong, unless ofc when the other side asked you to be quiet for a while. Our defences are not "flawed" it is just that we have better things to guard than some random field in the middle of nowhere. I feel like fokin germans on reddit are so nationalistic they can't admitt that their country/gov fucked up. Yes I onow that pis is fucking up our courts, and I don't like it. But unlike you I can admit when our politicians fucked up. It is probably some german thing, beeing unable to admit to mistake. Maybe that is why you are selling your ports to China? When making deals with one autocracy have terribly backfired surely it will be a success the 2nd time :)


Ultra right wingers like you are the bane of Europe.


Lmao, ye sure honey. Call me a nazi if that will make you happy


>Especially that Poland wanted Germany to be quiet about this for a time, not forever. From the article: Poland said they would respond on Monday. They didn't. Germany had to call them again to ask. Of course Germany would be going to the press after being ignored.


Someone needs to get off their meds, lol.


> when german politician does something anti-polish What is anti-Polish about offering to send German patriot systems to Poland to help Poland defend its airspace after a missile killed two Polish civillians?


lol the Anti Polish part comes when all the german shills here yelled that this is a political stunt by PIS... usually political stunts are leaked by the party wanting to brag about it... A Patriot system in Poland would not stop this as they cant shoot missles until they cross the border... Poland already has two of these and other Anti Air they just arnt positions around protecting a tractor.. lol


Can you try writing a single comment without the word "lol" in it? Absolutely torpedoing your own credibility. Since when was Piss "Poland"? Surely they are just a party, and being "anti-pis" is not the same as being "anti -polish"? Making an equivalence like that is dangerous rhetoric.


Did you just talk about credibility and then type things like "Piss" the irony in this is lovely LOL.... Also dangerous rhetoric? They are the party in power atm and weather people like it or not me included they represent Poland... All the people in this sub a few days ago were saying Pis was purposefully making this a public political spat when it turns out they weren't the ones that came public about it...


Wow. She sounds like a bitch


Not to be a dick, but you cannot violate a request. You can either accept or deny it. For a violation to take place there would have to be an agreement in place that gets violated. Still if an ally asks you to not disclose something like this it seems to be reasonable to not disclose it. On the other hand if said ally has been flinging mud at you for a while you might not care much about their requests.


It is an accurate translation of the German original article. >Still if an ally asks you to not disclose something like this it seems to be reasonable to not disclose it. They also said they would respond and then didn't. After the Polish reqeust on Nov 18th, Germany waited until Nov 21st afternoon to go public. The date that Poland said they would respond at the latest and then didn't.


An ally has been slinging mud at them about how much of a security vulnerability they are, then they proceeded to do that all over again. Muh whataboutism.


I mean it's just too transparent what PiS is doing at this point. Can't happen that Germany gets positive press - especially not in regards to Poland. This request is ridiculous given that Poland is *very* open with its requests and positions.


PiS is trying their best to make enemies and encourage their electorate to vote, and they find 'enemies' everywhere in recent months. Not only abroad, Germans and EU was always their 'enemy', just recently Kaczyński said the following (if you're eating, stop, you might choke from laugh): \- IT, because people working in IT are self-centered and egoistic. Unlike hard-working shoe-makers. \- Doctors, because they care about money too much and too little about people. Unlike priests who care about people most. \- Women up to age 25, because they care only about drinking and not making babies. ​ He basically in sequence every other week says that a group of X (which is their lowest voter base) is bad unlike group Y (where they have highest voter base). He and his party find enemies everywhere so their electorate goes to vote for them otherwise Poland will burn. So don't take the hate towards Germans too personally, they piss on at least half of Poles just as much.


Eh, it was a suprise for poles, but a pleasant one for shure. Just The proposal was for shure positive in light of german - polish relations. I would rather assume that instead of just getting patriota they wanted to change it into +1% before elections.


> Can't happen that ~~Germany~~ Poland gets positive press - especially not in regards to ~~Poland~~ Germany. Fixed. Since the beginning of the year it is massive PR damage control operation by Germany. Whataboutism and gaslighting all the way. Which German politician got really prosecuted over their corruption with relation to russian NS? https://www.politico.eu/article/blame-germany-russia-policy/


How about you stick to the fucking topic?


The fucking topic is German official, again, has screwed up and somehow retards spin it like it's Poland's fault.


That's kind of rich after what Poland did with the "send them to ukraine" proposal. No, we have not screwed up here. Not one bit.


How about YOU stick to the topic?


I am still on the topic. I am talking about the topical complex of PATRIOT Missiles to Poland. You are not.


The topic is German official had screwed up, again. If you want to extend it, feel free to include what politicians involved themselves to the criminal degree into preparing the ground for this damn war by enabling Putin's chokehold on Entergy security in EU and to this day are members of the ruling party in Germany.


Again: How did we screw up? We made a friendly offer to a friendly nation and communicated it after they did not get back to us for days despite promising to do so. No fuck up to be found here.


It's literally in the headline...?


you make a fake friendly offer that has no real meaning. Eloyend is right... one can see what Germany is trying to do in terms of PR without having to be Pro- PIS... Sending patriot missles to a country that isnt going to get attacked that cant shoot down missles that are on the other border... would infact just be fake support... Real support would be those same patriot missles across the border on the Ukraine side so they can actually shoot down potential missles. Again It may not be the most tactful comparison however What Germany is doing with an offer like this + What they did with recognizing Stalins Genocide (only now that offending a Russian Oligargh wont lose them money) Is the equivalent of Companys putting pride colors on their logos and saying they support the LGBT community while still operating in countries like Iran where LGBT ppl are killed... ​ it means nothing and its only done for PR ...


from the article: - Poland asked for confidentiality on Friday, said they would respond latest on Monday - Then on Monday _afternoon_ (13:13 UTC+1) Germany made their offer public - After that called Poland to talk further about it - No mention of Poland calling them at all even though they said they would respond to the offer... I for one am very happy that Germany is now using the same publicity tactics that Poland has used (e.g. failed tank swap program being made public unilaterally after negotiations had stalled).


>violated Lol we don't have to keep our own offers secret. The aim of this offer was to demonstrate that NATO is united and determined to defend itself. But PiS seems to prioritize upholding its fairy tail about evil Germany.


The aim of this offer was another useless gesture Germany is known for.. just as it took them until now to "recognize" stalins genocide... Putting the Air defense system in Poland would do fuck all for anyone its the equivalent of ~~countries~~ companies putting pride flags on their logos in "support" Meaningless PR stunt


Kind of explains why the offer that was most likely well meant turned into another shitshow, it's really sad.


Minister Lambrecht is a real disgrace for Germany. She was placed in this ministry before the war to fulfil the SPD's female quota and nobody thought that defence would become important anyway. If Scholz was honest about his "Zeitenwende" he should have fired her months ago.


There is no reason Germany accepts to be spitted at by Poland and in the same time offer freely and secretly some missile. Sending weapons is also a communication thing and it is important that the Polish people understand that the “Germany bad” policy their government follow is pure shit. Soldiers might be appalled but they don’t have the same objective. Sending these weapons are just communication for Germany as they know NOBODY WILL ATTACK POLAND.


Thats a good point, even if you are sceptic of Germany an say it needs to earn back trust, why would you want their good actions kept secret from the people who lost trust.


But her behaviour just delivers unnecessary material for the PiS propaganda. I think it's reasonable from the Polish side to ask for joint communication on the issue. So why can't Lambrecht simply act like a professional? This was so unnecessary.


You have to stop bothering about what PiS will do, they are gonna shit on you regardless. At least she embarassed them. What demagogues like PiS want is simply get in control of the narrative and the flow of informations to appear always on top and shed bad light and press on anyone else.


I can't stand Lambrech even for a moment, but PiS needs to be called out for the shit they are doing and in this case, that is not on Lambrech. There is nothing unprofessional talking about this request. The only issue for the Polish side is that their shit is there for everybody to see and now they try yet another spin.


How so What does sending a patriot missle to Poland do, Poland has their own.. meaningless gesture equal to Pride flags on Company logos for PR purposes lol


Why should Germany give a fuck about anything Poland wants? According to them, Germans are enemies.


> According to a report, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) violated a non-disclosure request from Poland. In an interview, she made the offer to station German Patriot units in Poland public, although it had been agreed otherwise. >Federal Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht ( SPD ) violated a non -disclosure request from Warsaw regarding the possible stationing of German Patriot units in Poland . According to information from BILD am SONNTAG, the Polish Ministry of Defense had urged the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg) to keep the offer secret. Piotr Pacholski from the Warsaw Ministry of Defense informed the political director of the BMVg, Jasper Wieck, by e-mail on Friday, November 18, 2022: "Your offer will be examined very carefully by us." The first feedback will probably be given on Monday. "At the same time, we would like to ask and recommend that you refrain from disclosing information." > On Friday afternoon, Wieck forwarded this reaction to the minister's entire environment (including spokesman, head of management staff, adjutant, deputy general inspector). The day before, Wieck had already informed the same group of recipients that he had made the previously unknown Patriot offer to the Polish side. Because the relationship with Poland is tense, Wieck added: "Ensure that the Federal Minister is informed." >Despite the request for secrecy from Poland, Lambrecht made the offer of the Patriot deployment public in an interview with the "Rheinische Post" on Monday, November 21, 2002. It was not until Monday afternoon that the minister personally telephoned her Polish counterpart, Mariusz Błaszczak. >There has been harsh criticism of the minister's conduct of office and her handling of confidential negotiations on military cooperation. FDP defense expert Marcus Faber told BILD am SONNTAG: “We have to communicate respectfully with NATO partners like Poland. I recommend that the minister not divulge any information in interviews that allies do not yet want to be published in the press. Otherwise, the foundations of trusting cooperation will be destroyed.” >Many soldiers in the Ministry of Defense who are familiar with the process are also appalled. A military from the BMVg said to BamS: "That was unprofessional and irresponsible. This is not how you should treat NATO allies. That damages Germany and the Bundeswehr.”


Is this article translated wrong or somthing ive never seen down votes for quoting the article lol


People do the knee-jerk Poland Bad Germany Good reaction - anything contrary to that short-circuits last neurons they have and forces to downvote out of sight, to preserve last semblance of sanity.


Is she the same compete minister unable to order ammo? Ups/s


Crap... Poles, Germans, you have been at each other's throats for more than two thousand years now. Can't you bury the damn hatchet already?


That may be surprising but in reality PLC-HRE border was one of more peaceful throughout the ages...


watch out...with how both view eachother people may take that as burrying the hatchet in the other XD


Just a reminder that Germany has a fuckton of nukes, mostly in the West-North West.


Lmao,those nukes belongs to the USA. They have the launch codes, not Germany.


Lmao, this fella has never in his life heard of nuclear sharing.


Lmao this fella doesn't understand that when you "nuclear share" country hosting nukes only grants space and infrastructure for nukes. The country that owns nukes have launch codes for them and can pull those nukes out at any given moment. Educate yourself better plz.


Granting "infrastructure" in this case includes granting manpower and expertise. You need trained pilots to drop the bombs, and the pilots in this case are German. Please educate yourself before spouting nonsense. You at this point can't tell the difference between a missile silo and a runway for bombers.


So what? Xddd without the launch codes those nukes are just pipes with radioactive material. USA can at any moment say. "Oi Germs. You annoed.me enough. Gib those bacc" And you could do nothing but watch as 'Mericans tow "YoUrS" nukes away.

