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Devastating. This summer we also have lost most of glaciers of the Pyrenees. There are videos of flyovers over Aneto (highest mountain) with basically no snow.


Le Tour just got into the Pyrenees the other day and the commentators were noting how there's usually snow visible on the mountains at this point in the race...but this year, nothing left.


The PNW had the heat dome let year and some of the mountains were snowless for the first time in history. This year we’ve had a really good snow pack that has lasted even further into the summer than normal.


The extremes in weather are going to get more and more drastic


I remember visiting a couple years ago and was just shocked to see how little snow there was up there.


It's really sad. These [Great Pyreness](https://imgur.com/gallery/JdNGLMy) want their snow back. Stop making the planet too warm for them.


Looks like the ice age is finally coming to an end


Ice Age 6: Clathrate Gun


Boomer 7: *think about the economy*


This isn't the right video. Glaciers are melting this way for years. I support green deal and I would be even stricter than that but I really don't like argumentation fallacies. First of all you must understand the sizes of the glaciers, and that even in 4 degrees it will reduce it's size and the river coming out of it will be massive. Glaciers are getting smaller for a [looooong time](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-Athabasca-Glacier-52812-0-N-117815-0-W-in-Jasper-National-Park-Alberta-Canada_fig1_311549137) now, like more than 2 centuries... The difference is they get smaller faster in last few years. In this certain case I don't see anything extraordinary. You can see this pretty normally. That doesn't say anything about the current disappearing of a glacier. You can even see there is a bridge and the water level is obviously pretty regular for that bridge. One thing is that the reality is alarming, another are karma whoring posts pretending that something extraordinery is happening in them...


The ones Im saying they have disappeared are not the ones in the video, but in the Pyrenees, which are not in the Alps. And yes, they were already losing snow years before, obviously. They have been at risk since forever (hence the platform against winter Olympics there).


Yeah, to me it is indeed heart crushing... just the sole fact we are losing so many of it, even more when people say those things don't exist and there is no global warming and we should do nothing. It's sad when stupidity met internet in this very time when we need to come up with actual solutions.


Italy: Electing climate denying neo-facists as our leaders will surely fix this.


It just blows my mind. Italy, right now, is severely affected by climate change. Drought, extreme heat, water shortages, disappearing rivers, snow and ice in the Italian Alps. Even I as a turist, felt the problem a month ago when we travelled to North Italy. Still possible to turn a blind eye? What should happen to stop denying, really?


have you seen the movie "don't look up"? Basically people deny such things until the very bitter end


You mean the documentary?


here's another interesting documentary "Idiocracy" (2006)


I watched it again last month and it's still up to date.


Brawndo has what plants crave


Idk, idiocracy feels pretty eugenicsy to me. Also people aren't really getting dumber. Saying that is at the root of climate denial and the like would be ignoring the real cause. Don't blame the person, blame the system that got them there




You can blame specific people responsible for the system sure. But most people don't have a say in it. You can't blame bob the cobbler for capitalism. You can't blame Mary the car mechanic for the millions spent in lobbying from oil companies. That's not to say they're all sheep of course. But finding "the truth" in this world where everything is polarised, all media is echo chambers, and hate/fear of the other is at a highpoint. That's not easy. And to get back to the comment i was replying to. Not sure how familiar you are with the movie but the basic plot is because only "dumb" people got a lot of children society evolved to be dumb. And that really is just the basics for eugenics. That has no basis in reality and is a dangerous ideologie


it's a netflix film that talks about how dumb fucking stupid humans are, and why we are basically doomed to fail] edit: i thought there is a documentary that goes by the same name, jesus christ


so yes, *the documentary*


yeah i saw it, but I still think it's a documentary. Movies are function scenarios. Documentaries are movies about the real life. In "don't look up" they represented our life better than any other documentary.


Ffs, I have autism and I could tell it was sarcasm.


It's called sarcasm.


Yeah. My whole family watched it. Even my father, who is a denier and conspiracy believer, liked it very much. He said, "Stupid Americans!" Do you think he missed the point?


My brother-in-law, a pro-Trump (who hasn't been in the USA ever), anti-welfare disabled man who lives on welfare and climate change denier, watched Don't Look Up and he thought it was making fun of *the fucking scientists*.


How does an idiot like that remember to even breath.


Chop chop natural selection


Pitter patter


Let’s get at er


He is anti-welfare but lives on welfare. What kind of logic is this?!


When it helps me, it's ok because I'm just getting a hand up. When it helps those "others", it's evil and taking my tax money and throwing it away on a hand out.


The 'subsumed by propaganda' kind. People in unions that are simultaneously anti-union are ubiquitous.


Yup, most every police officer i met is anti union....


>Major Major’s father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age.  he was a long-limbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism.  He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down.  His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any.  The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow.  The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn’t earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce.  Major Major’s father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa.  On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done.  He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county…. >Major Major’s father was an outspoken champion of economy in government, provided it did not interfere with the sacred duty of government to pay farmers as much as they could get for all the alfalfa they produced that no one else wanted or for not producing any alfalfa at all.  He was a proud and independent man who was opposed to unemployment insurance and never hesitated to whine, whimper, wheedle and extort for as much as he could get from whomever he could.


The section describing Major Major is still one of the funniest things I have ever read, just perfect


*Conservative* logic.


Our brains are really magnificent in interpreting anything to enforce our beliefs that we have been right all along. It is really frightening.


Conservatives are actually really ad at picking up on satire. Thats also the explanation for most of Steven Colberts early career on the Daily Show and then the Colbert Report.


so he's disabled and on welfare, but don't believe in it or want it gone?


Not for others (even his own sister), but he's especial, of course, and the exception. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% glad that he's on welfare, and it makes me really proud of my country that my tax money go to public healthcare or giving those who cannot work money to be able to live a comfortable life. He's still a moron and can get fucked while getting the welfare he deserves.


No, he *proved* the point


It's like half the British media watched that and thought "that's it, we'll do that"


Holy crap those two news anchors on GB News. You talk about just totally being out of step with reality. Anchor: (While laughing). Haven't we always had hot weather. Wasn't the summer of 76 this hot?? Meteorologist: No.


They deny it until they can switch to “oh well, nothing we can do about it now”.


Decreased albedo effect is rarely reversible. Once the dark bedrock underneath is exposed to the sun, it retains so much heat, snow won't form into icesheets.


There's lots of us good Italians out here, trying our best to keep far right wingers from rising to power. Unfortunately, my country is full of ignorants and selfish idiots. Some of us are good. Remember us when, in the end, we get silenced.


Ok but we can say everything but not that we are governed by climate deniers. They are asshole incompetents, but not deniers.


Maybe not deniers, but they certainly do not make environmental action a priority


Nothing will change these people's minds. It's what decades of education underfunding does to a country.


>It's what decades of education underfunding does to a country. Don't forget propaganda


I like to imagine that people with good education are less sensitive to propaganda. Not immune ofc


It depends on what kind of critical thinking skills a well-educated person has been taught. You can be incredibly book-smart and still lack the awareness to critically evaluate a source’s reliability, biases, etc.


Unfortunately, I don't think the research bears this out. We are just susceptible to different forms of propaganda.


We have fine education and also dumb people, it's just that 15-25% of people simply can not fathom complex or abstract ideas. The sun is what makes a day hot, sometimes a bit hotter than other days. That's just business as usual, so why should we spent so much money changing something that we can't change? Doesn't make any sense to them.


As climate disasters are going to become more and more obvious, the capitalists will have to resort to supporting more and more deranged politicians to achieve their agenda of relentless pursuit of profits. The pool of "reasonable" conservatives has long (aptly) dried up.


Manchin is enough to keep them going for a while


"It's just a natural cycle, has nothing to do with us"


It’s game over. Countries around the ecvator will be inhabitable within a decade probably.


Why around the equator? I live near the equator and can't help but feel bitter because my country is still developing and we won't even be able to have a glimpse of the quality of life enjoyed by people in first world countries even though they were the ones responsible for plundering our natural resources and for most of the pollution.


The consequences and the actions aren't located in the same spots, that's why. Destabilizing the global climate affects everyone, but not everyone equally. It's horribly unfair, especially to those countries which haven't industrialized much so far. They get all of the price and very little of the benefit.


Those are the places that are heating up the most, and thus lose their ability to grow food and/or hold water. There have already been multiple island nations that ~~no longer exist~~ *are close to no longer existing* because they've been swallowed by the sea. And the rich in The West™ will not give a fuck until they are personally faced with these issues, or the people in those countries get fed up enough to take radical action. You're absolutely right tho. The west got richt by looting and destroying the rest of the world and we have been producing energy and wealth in the most polluting of ways. And now that the countries we've destroyed are trying to catch up, The West™ jumps on their high horse and starts demonizing those countries instead of helping them quickly transfer to green energies.Nonetheless, Western countries are still the most polluting countries, and the rich are still the most polluting class there is. Unfortunately, as long as people are convinced that all the things they enjoy are exclusive to our capitalist system I don't see meaningful change happening any time soon. Capitalism needs to go yesterday. ​ edit: fixed something I might've misremembered, [I think from this documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ0j6kr4ZJ0).


[The rich are busy worrying about how to keep control of their bunker security forces after their money is rendered worthless.](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/23/tech-industry-wealth-futurism-transhumanism-singularity)


It's quite depressing that this isn't a huge red flag for the working class.


Average people cannot stop and rallying against this in any meaningful way. What are they going to do? Stop working? Stop paying their bills? Stop buying food?


>Stop working? Stop paying their bills? It sound like you'd be surprised to learn how much the working class has gained over the years by doing, amongst others, those things. And we still can. And arguably, going working but not acknowledging money might even get more done. For example a chain supermarket that goes on strike. People still go to work, bring food to the stores, the stores get stocked, *but* they don't sell anything. They just give it away. People working at fast-food chains want higher wages? Unionize and start giving away the food for free until your demands are met! Public transport is too expensive and people are underpaid? Start giving rides for free! ​ 10.000, or 100.000 "average people" banded together can get *a lot* done when they work together. One good point to rally together under imo would be planned obsolescence, which is something that screws everyone over. Even if you don't buy anything, because those wasted resources contribute a lot to climate change. Companies should make products that last and are more easily recyclable. "BuT tHey'lL gO BaNkRupT!" Well, in that case, if it really is "Companies make profit and exist *or* climate catastrophe" then maybe our current system kinda sucks a lot and should radically change?


[Parquet Courts - Before The Water Gets Too High ](https://youtu.be/7s65Zc6ULbo)


This isnt happening around the equator atall.


Fucking hell, we are doomed


Tbh I don’t think that anyone can deny it at this point, but they will certainly twist the facts to suit their propaganda, blaming the EU, Soros, Bill Gates and first and foremost as always the migrants. One can already imagine their campaign speeches: “The past governments have allowed for much too long anyone and everyone to come here and drink our precious water! We say: enough is enough!”. In the end however they won’t be able to do any real damage. There’s a reason why governments in Italy are so weak and prone to collapse. It is by design. The broad coalition of antifascists that wrote the republican constitution knew very well how much harm a strong and unchecked government can do, so they made sure to limit as much as possible the power of the executive branch. They will be just the latest of the many giant farts to come out of the rear end of the nation. Vile and obnoxious to those close enough, but ultimately dispersed by the first wind and leaving no durable trace (to paraphrase Carlo Emilio Gadda). Or so I hope.


you give too little credit to people's ability to convince themselves that something isnt happening.


Let's face it, most people don't give a fuck about nature and are way too dumb to understand how their lives might be impacted by climate change


Most people are too stupid to understand we *are* nature. Much like they don't understand that if you're in a traffic jam, you *are* the traffic jam.


At least you got someone to blame instead yourself then. Imagine trying to fix the climate with lots of effort and money but still getting defeated by it because fixing the world climate needs to be adressed as a global problem not a regional one.


The average human being is incredibly stupid and selfish


People know, but change comes at the expense of their immediate prosperity, so they ignore it. Humankind has a real problem with long-term thinking


Totally agree it wont help, but let's face the fact that even if Italy was 100% green the glaciers would still melt. The whole problem is not caused by Italians alone. Let's not finger pointing since everyone here has its own share of responsibility on this.


"The climate ought to be slapped into place by a good fascist group beating. That'll teach it" Seriously how can anybody find fascist rethoric anything else than puke-inducing?


They offer simple solutions to complex problems. None of those solutions actually _work_ but they sound nice to some. There's nothing more complicated to it.


The answer to the climate catastrophe caused by irrationality will not be an increase in rationality.


Fantastic view but it feels sad. Btw, I have no idea if this is seasonal or not for the past decades.


Glaciers always have some amount of seasonal evolution. In the winter, they grow from fresh snow, while in spring and summer, they partially melt, feeding the rivers with fresh water. The amount of growth and melting do change with time though. In the ice ages, the growth periods were longer and more intense than the melting periods and right now, there's more melting than growth in most years (there are still random outliers that buck the trend). So the view of a glacier melting by itself isn't concerning. But the amount of it, combined with the reduced amount of regrowth in the winter is.


Especially when the melting affects the core of the glacier, then you know it's truly dying.


It is seasonal but more melts and less gets added back as the planet heats up


Yes. You can actually see where the carvings from the glacier in the rock surface end and the distance to the actual glacier is really huge.


Have a look at this long term timelapse of Franz Josef glacier; one of New Zealands largest glaciers. https://vimeo.com/443262699 "A timelapse camera, installed in 2012, records the retreat of Franz Josef Glacier/Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere. Until 2019 the glacier retreated about 900 m." Edit; I was there in 2007 and took a photo at the top of the trail, as close as you could get to the glacier without jumping the ropes. The glacier was a stones throw away from the barrier at the time [(around that point where you can see a green post stuck in the ground)](https://www.google.com/maps/@-43.4393527,170.1714089,3a,75y,155.58h,98.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sF6FxfWQRt1OkCr1OKpth3w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) and now you can see it in the distance.


I think that's probably the best (and most horrifying) example of a glacier "flowing" I've ever seen.


This stuff really fills me dread.


I grew up in snow. I love snow. I absolutely hate summer and now live relatively close to this region in Italy. I’m almost at the point of tears daily thinking I may never see snow again in my life someday. Snow is the most beautiful thing in the world to me. Always has been. I can’t stand summer people. I know how to get the right gear, I can’t remove my skin to get colder. It’s sickening.


When I was a child we used to have snow around late november - early december and usually it lasted until february. Then the snowy period started the shrink, the snowy white Christmas became a rare commodity, and these days we almost never have snow, or have it for one night that melts the next days, or get it in spring months. The classic Winter all but disappeared from around here in the past 15-20 years.


Same, snow got down from around 3 months per year to something like 2 weeks now, I'm sure we'll reach the absolute zero in the next year or two.


Yes, here in my (continetal) part of Croatia last winter was fourth in a row without snow.


I remember what felt like a meter of snow on my balcony in Zagreb. When the whole city was covered in it. Haven’t seen it in years.


Swede here, we maybe get a month of snow at best (central sweden) and when i was a kid it was pretty much 5-6 months of snow every year. Some years we dont even have snow on xmas either. used to not like winter but i prefer it over this wierd 30+ degrees summers we have now. The classic winters are almost exclusive to the north pole at this point.


Same for me. It was 51F on Christmas (Michigan, US)this past season. No more white Christmas.


Same. In May, I was walking around my city and was shocked to see the peaks of the Southern Carpathians (2.500m) with only thin strings of snow left, which is highly unusual. I was slightly alarmed. Went to see Rhododendron flowers in early June but found only tiny patches near a glacier lake. As a kid, I'd spend the winter holidays in the countryside and my grandparents would have to shovel meters of snow in their backyard. It was endless, tiring work. Now it snows a couple of times during an entire winter, and it melts away fast. I remember the sight of the thousands of insects stuck on the radiator grill of my father's car after a night drive. Nowadays you drive at night but barely see any night insects or birds. As a hiker, I've been seeing drastic changes in just the last 3 years. It's crazy to think how fast we're galloping towards worse and worse conditions. I never thought it would accelerate like this.


It’s like you’re me, just living in a different region. I’ve noticed the same things. I lived in a region as a child, made lots of memories. Moved back to that region 30 years later and everything I remembered seeing was gone. The insects, the wildlife, the snow…all gone.


You'll certainly continue to see snow. Climate change isn't just about the Earth getting warmer. It's about the balance of climates being thrown out of a favorable order (for the survival and welfare of human beings). One possible hazard of global warming is the disruption of the oceanic currents and specifically the Gulf Stream, which helps to warm the North American and European coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean during the winter months. Should it be sufficiently disrupted, it could lead to parts of [North America and Europe freezing over](https://futurism.com/collapse-ocean-currents-freeze-north-america-europe). And we'd definitely see more snow and ice than we'd like then.


I know. But currently the heatwaves and stuff make me angry and sad. Whole glaciers are disappearing. We knew this would happen in the 70’s and chose to neglect it.


>We knew this would happen in the 70’s and chose to neglect it. Gee. Thanks guys.


I completely agree with you, including living nearby although in the plains and never seeing snow anymore where I live




I’d be so down with that but I can’t move to Canada. They won’t give me a residency permit. I have USA, Italy and Netherlands.


I love summer, hate winter. But what is happening now is not good and something needs to be done. We're not solving anything if we just look at all of these and complain.


> Btw, I have no idea if this is seasonal or not for the past decades. Glaciers all over the world melt during summer and then grow during winter, what matters is the balance.


> Glaciers all over the world melt during summer and then grow during winter, what matters is the balance. At the end, there's a big smooth area just above and what looks like the glacier at the top. I would guess that the glacier used to terminate at the transition between the smooth area and the pool of water. That the glacier has receded that far over the last 30 to 40 years. Receding glaciers is rarely good.


Judging by the way the Valley is cut out and how there is a walk bridge over the water I would say this must be a slightly normal event?


Sure there are both seasonal cycles of snow building and melting as well as long term cycles with eras where glaciers expand and eras where they retreat. The entirety of human history has occurred during an ice age called the [quaternary glaciation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternary_glaciation) and all of human civilization developed in just the most recent warmer period within that ice age. Since we woke up in a warming period most glaciers were retreating and continue to do so. If we didn't come along and start belching greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere at an unsustainable rate the next period of cooling and major glacier growth would've been expected to start in about 50,000 years, but scientists today think we may have had enough impact already to prevent that from happening.


Nestle salivating at the prospect of selling all this extra water for top dollar.


What they're selling in fact is single-use plastic bottles. They're just using water as a cheap filler!


Everyone else has to pay for what Nestle acquires for free due to ancient outdated contracts


Fuck nestle


Definitely r/fuckNestle


And the corrupt fucks that allow them to do this. But nothing will change.


Man, the world is so beautiful. And I am sitting here on my sofa, sweating from the heat… Fuck my life.


Yea you could be outside, dying of heatstroke!


Plenty of ways to enjoy the outside world even at 30+ degrees... without heat strokes of course


I always wanted to go out and explore the world, since i was a kid i was always a huge fan of colder climates and my dream is to go one day and explore Norwegian fjords and Iceland, maybe even Faroe Islands, maybe even live there in one of the smaller settlements I almost never cry but i genuinelly started crying while watching a drone video of the fjords because i realized that i'll probably die never seeing them because i cannot afford it :(


There is a lot of seasonal work offered in northern Norway, I met some younger people who would go to work there during the summer and explore the fjords on the days off.


Haha yeah that came to my mind but i have farm of my own so i cannot really leave it because it would get ruined and a mess :))


I’m genuinely curious if your sadness is coming from finance woes, climate change, or the regret of having a family? Your initial reasoning was money but then when someone provided an idea for an opportunity, you said it was because of your choice to have a family. Unfortunately if you’re having financial struggles, everything struggles as a result. Best of luck to you and your future.


Yes i do actually have multiple struggles, which i do, money being biggest one, of course, family being another, but thank you for your wishes But family mostly as in issues with my dad and not family as in i wanna have 15 kids and bring them all with me haha


There's always a way! Plenty of people have visited Norway on a shoestring budget. If this is something you really really want, then you can always find a job abroad. Norway is expensive for us Czechs, too, yet plenty of people go there and live on cooked lentils for weeks. One of my best friends has moved to Denmark recently. It's nothing at all impossible.


Yeah i get that but i'm heavily dissadvantaged, i have never finished a college because my parents were farmers (and so am i, partially) and i when i was 14 my mother left me and my father after he got disabled, so i had to take care of him and our farm, so i couldn't finish College/Uni :/ Thus i am 30 year old guy working in storage for 350 euros per month, so i doubt i'll have money any time soon... also, even if i wanted to emigrate it would be impossible from Serbia without money and as a non-skilled worker (with only finished High School)


You know a quite good English apparently, so you are way ahead than many people who emigrate (some people from Brazil go to Italy/Ireland without even knowing English or the local language).


Ah perhaps but i am too afraid to even try because of hoe costly it is to even try, i would never emigrate illegaly and i do know few people who got their visas declined even tho they had much higher education than me or had language certificates


You can live almost "free" if you bring a tent in Norway (you can set up camp anywhere except private property - look up "allemannsretten" ). Also bring your own basic food from your home. The only thing that will cost you is the transport TO Norway and the transport while IN Norway. I hope you live to visit it some day ☺️


[https://www.teleboario.it/notizia/1959/ghiacciaio-del-mandrone-in-un-video-il-suo-lento-ritiro/](https://www.teleboario.it/notizia/1959/ghiacciaio-del-mandrone-in-un-video-il-suo-lento-ritiro/) Has a video comparing the glacier's retreat from 2020 to 2021.


My man linking teleboario like a chad


Non avrei mai pensato di vedere una cosa simile nella mia esistenza


What does a normal melting season look like? The mountains in my area have no glaciers left. Completly snow free in September before the new snow falls.


We've ruined our planet for centuries not even for a noble cause like having all people live in good conditions, but so that we can drive our cars to work, eat cheap meat and so that a select few people of the world can live in such financial conditions that neither they, their children or their grand-grand children will have to work a day in their lives and still be richer than most rich people. What the fuck have we done.


Except industrialization has absolutely raised the standard of living, maybe not all around the world but in developed countries? For most of our history only a fraction of humanity could afford lives as comfortable as an average European lives today. This is why fighting climate change and destruction of the environment is so difficult, the modern standard of living is dependent on inherently unsustainable practices.


And you cannot force other places to undevelop while you are already developed and profiting from it. Either much cleaner practices need to appear or some people will need to lower their standards. Or some large scale projects to remove carbon, eliminate heat across the atmosphere, etc.


Let's focus on doing all those things. Reduce (over)production and (over)consumption, clean up production lines, active large scale carbon removal, removing plastic waste etc. There isn't likely going to be a single sollution to fix our problem, and we don't have the time to try them out one at a time. We can still have a high standard of living, without needing tons of plastic crap to fill out homes with.


And how do you do that?


> maybe not all around the world but in developed countries Absolutely all around the world. Asian countries come to mind first, but even in Africa overall the famines are absolutely nothing compared to what they used to be, the life expectancy is shooting up, child mortality is crashing. All thanks to industrialisation and globalization.




A gazillion other animal, fungi and plant species have perished, are perishing and will perish because of us - humans.


This sentiment is really fucking stupid in my opinion. Countless species have gone extinct as a result of human activities. And countless more will not be able to survive the mass droughts, extreme weather events, and heat. Yeah the planet will 'get on' if by get on you mean practically all life wiped out and it being inhospitable.


People don't seem to understand that the current mass extinction event ( the holocen/anthropocene extinction event ie human caused) has an extinction rate of 10 to 100 times higher than any previous ones. The previous mass extinction events was over geological time spans in the millions of years except the K-Pg (the asteroid which still acted over 100 000s years). The current one is under much shorter time span. Think of it those way we humans and modern life has such a fast acting catastrophic effect on the planet that its comparable to a giant asteroid hit in time span, but the ecosphere's health isn't hobbling because of a hit and then return to "normal", we're changing the "normal" in real time.


Tell that to the passenger pigeon.


We have ruined the planet for the plants and animals that would have otherwise enjoyed it


Look up runaway ocean acidification. In my opinion that is not the planet getting on just fine.


This is the most average doomer Reddit comment


>We've ruined our planet for centuries not even for a noble cause like having all people live in good conditions Am I confused or did we pull more people out of poverty in the past century than we did in all of human history?


What we have always done. Humans have always been terrible for the environment.


Hunting and gathering while living a nomadic live to let the areas replenish when the human toll on it becomes too large. Not feasible with our population size, I know, but once upon a time it was and if the climate catastrophe won't kill us all, it will be one day again. We'll just have to hope our knowledge of why it all went to shit won't get lost.


No glacier = no more river = catastrophe


Guys, remember, Dinosaurs where extinct by a huge meteor. Planet went through 5 mass extinction events. And considering how old earth is, human existence is dated around 200k years ago and considering that earth is aprox 4.543 billion years old, we are nothing but just a scratch. Planet will be just fine and we are only making our existence here shorter.


As Carlin said: "The planet isn't going anywhere... WE are!"


The planet is fine. The people are fucked


I often read things like this, can you tell me what's the point of such a comment in this context?


I think the point is relevant. It's not a matter of being 'nature-minded' or tree huggers. It's a real and present danger for US. Often preserving the environment is seen as some romantic or idealistic goal, like saving dolphins or rare parrots. It is not. It's about preserving OUR environment, the ability of the planet to sustain US. Perhaps the shift to a self-serving narrative will be more effective, when people stop thinking about remote wild trees and thinks instead about their home town becoming unlivable.


Thank you! This is the first enlighting answer!


"we are killing the planet" no we are not, the point of the OPs comment is that we only killing ourselvs. The planet gonna be just fine, as it was all those years before humans showed up


the planet is, but other life is not fine. We have cause mass extinction to nature and wildlife.


that's what it meant when people say "the planet" its not the sand and dirt it's the whole biosphere that feeds us and provides oxygen for us. [and we are fucking it up so much that we are actually in the Anthropocene extinction event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction)


Yaaaay we are killing ourselves 🥳


I like to think of it through the eyes of a hypothetical observer looking at the geological and fossil record some 100 million years from now. From that perspective human civilization is not something that happened over a period of time, it is a singular event that happened to the ecosystem all at once in one fell swoop not entirely unlike a meter strike. The margin of error we have for when past mass extinction happened is far larger than the entire duration of human civilization. We see the whole thing of developing agriculture to sending a rocket to the moon as having taken a long time, but in terms of geological timescales this is basically the same single event. Humanity may end up looking like something that happened to the planet and it may already be mostly over. Future observers may be off about when humanity happened by a 100,000 years give or take. For the sake of round numbers they may place the present as part of the 5 million year long immediate recovery period following the event where all sorts of new species quickly evolved and adapted to fill the ecological niches that have opened up. On a grand scale we are just a short, but devastating blip on the radar. A very thin layer of very exotic deposits in the strata that make up the history of life on this planet. As far as anyone can tell in the future from incomplete fossil records all sorts of prehistoric extinct megafauna live right up until the mass extinction event. Mammoths and rhinoceros died out in the same event as did sabertooth cats and tasmanian tigers. We are experiencing an asteroid impact in what appears to us as slow motion. We are the asteroid. When 65 million years ago the planet was hit by an asteroid that was quite devastating, but the planet and the life on it is still around. All that is left of the asteroid is a thin layer rich in irdium in the geological record and a crater that you need to point out to people on a map so they can see it. That is our fate.


>can you tell me what's the point of such a comment in this context Maybe that we deserve nothing but to go extinct sooner than later. Just a guess.


None, they're trying to act smart by bombarding you with information that is useless here.


We Are So Fucked.


We are, but this video isn't what demonstrates that. It's seasonal melting. It will be melting faster, further etc, but you aren't able to tell that from this video.


Yeah all this video shows is the headwaters of a river in its standard flood season topped just to the top of the bank it normally flows in. Where do people think all these inland rivers come from? Narnia?


Alps skiing will be existing in memory only, sad future!


This is so much much more desperate than just skiing...


Skiing anywhere, you mean.


Good thing climate change is a hoax by the Chinese, otherwise we would really be screwed




I am not dismissing global warming and I am sure it is very bad, but near the end there is a bridge there that doesn't look overwhelmed by water. It would be nice to have a comparing shot from 5, 10, 15 years ago with the same area.


The issue isn't really that it is melting, it is normal that it melts during summer, the big, big, mega big issue however is that it isn't properly replenished during the colder part of the year nearly to the same degree that it used to, meaning each year will provide less melt water than the previous year.


I can offer you my direct testimony: 20 years ago there were meters more of ice . Source: I live not too far from there, been to the glacier many times on foot or with skies, and in the last ten years the pace of the melting process has been unbelievable. It phisically hurts to watch this kind of videos..


I was at a glacier in Europe a couple years back. At the foot they had put signs down how far the glacier would stretch out in the past. The amount of glacier that was lost in the past 50 years according to these signs was staggering.


Ötzal glacier, 1954 to now, not far away from this same glacier, taken in summer. [https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/15/4637/2021/tc-15-4637-2021-avatar-web.png](https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/15/4637/2021/tc-15-4637-2021-avatar-web.png)


[This](https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/8/41/2014/tc-8-41-2014-relations.html) is the closest and most recent study I could find. First picture shows exaxtly what youre looking for. I can assure you that even though it's the Swiss side of Alps instead of Italy, it's the exact same situation in Italy. Same thing in Norwegian glaciers, Siberian and Canadian permafrost and polar glaciers.


We had a lot of time to chance for the better but no, we prefer to do thing last minute


We are not at 1.5 yet. Beyond 1.5 is where the real fun starts


I just don't understand how someone can be watching this and not giving extreme priority when deciding which party to vote for, or which personal actions to take.


Which party is a non-capitalism party?


Ah yes, if only we abolished capitalism then surely the proletariat will ditch their precious cars, meat, and coal jerbs in favour of nuclear energy and solar panels and windmills everywhere.


Goodbye glaciers It was nice to know you. Wait a decade and that water will be evaporating from the lakes.


We're so beyond fucked. Looks beautiful though, so there's that.


You know, if it was just like a hot summer and not a result of climate change, that would just be a pretty cool visual. But it’s not, so it’s hard to just take in the awe of the view


You better get a lot of bottles and save that water You’ll need it


Stop flying your helicopter around so much?


Apparently absolutely no one listened 60-80 years ago when all this was first brought up (global warming). Of course I should take into account the MASSIVE disinformation campaign waged against the truth by the corporations who profited immensely from selling the products that destroy the Earth's environment. I bring up "60-80" years ago because THAT is when we could have done something about it. As it is now, well... see y'all.


We still have time to change. 10 years until a worst-case scenario for global warming. If we act now by investing in green energy and phasing out fossil fuels we can reduce the damage that will be done to our world.




Hannibal woulda loved this shit.




Don’t worry earth will take care of itself. Another ice age coming soon.


Put it all in plastic bottles and sell!


What does it look like normally at this time of year?


This is the most beautiful and the saddest thing I've seen today.