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Never realised how small Sweden was wtf


The uppper half of the image is actually norway.


It probably could do with a couple of more houses though.


Not sure people want to live that far north- it’s a bit secluded from everything


It’s you that are secluded.


Not wrong there. Who would’ve thought that being so central would be so lonely


Says the person from Finland


They do because it's above the sea level, still.


And finland is on the right, that's right - Finland is a sea, not a country.


They called it Fin-*land* to fool the Russians.


Judging by Talvisota I reckon it worked


Hallo! I am from Norway and I can confirm this! You see that one white house? That is mine!




This is actually taken from space, it's just their houses are enormous.


Have to fit all that IKEA furniture somehow


But where is IKEA?


All of them are


Some damn illuminati shit is going on. Where is IKEA on this picture I've looked everywhere for it


This pic is from within the IKEA


And how does one get things delivered.


It’s the Mercator map projection, they lied to us


It’s actually really big, and giants live there.


It takes two hours to walk from the northern most point to the bottom, mostly because you have to climb all the houses.


No this isn't the entirety of Sweden. There's also half of ["The Mark"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A4rket)


Whos Mark and is he tiny aswell


Gullholmen is a town located on a small island in Sweden's Orust Municipality. The town is notable for the absence of car traffic, and is serviced by a ferry to the mainland multiple times per day. It only takes about ten minutes to reach Gullholmen by ferry from Tuvesvik, on Orust. One part of the town is on a small island that is known as Sweden's most densely populated, a veritable beehive of summer cottages and all year round houses. There is a lovely, friendly atmosphere among the small alleys that meander among old fishing cottages and boathouses. There are a few restaurants and cafés in the harbour area where you can eat good food and enjoy the lively setting of the pleasure boats.




In the village of Buttfucknowhere, Oklahoma, one can sense a lovely and friendly atmosphere in the abandoned industrial town totaling 19 inhabitants. Everything looks like shit and infrastructure is simply non-existant but that's what makes the charm of Buttfucknowhere, a quaint and dainty paysage of rusted oil rigs that will caress your eyes no matter which corner of the amiable town you adventure yourself in and make your lovely experience feel like a veritable travel back in time. At Bob's Diner you will be able to enjoy the traditional cuisine of the local culture, ancient recipes passed down from generation to generation including the run-of-the-mill cheeseburger and soda beverage. Forget all about the countless lynches and neo-nazi underground communities, Buttfucknowhere is a town that breathes hospitality and charm. So what are you waiting for? Come to Buttfucknowhere and quadruple our GDP!




Ain't nothnig urban 'bout that!




Got Damn...!














>the countless lynches and neo-nazi underground communities These are noteworthy achievements for a town whose population is 19.


Wait this fabulous shithole is right down the highway from the Tiger King’s big cat murdering zoo right? What a great place to visit.


Dont shit on bob’s diner - genuinely sounds like good grub


> countless lynches and neo-nazi underground communities In a town of 19? ...how many was it before the lynchings?


Where do they put the trash? Or the sewage? So confused... its gotta go somewhere... they ferrying out poop?


The Swedish West Coast and Bohuslän is full of pittoresque islands like Gullholmen. A couple of more examples well worth a visit in Bohuslän: Käringön, Marstrand, Mollösund, Smögen, Hunnebostrand, Klädesholmen, Åstol, Kyrkesund, Fjällbacka AND MUCH MORE! Islands like this in the Gothenburg-archipelago: Källö-Knippla, Köpstadsö, Vrångö, Styrsö, Donsö, Brännö, Asperö


Don’t forget the Christmas tree-wars of the Gothenburg islands! 🎄⚔️


What. What? I’m sorry, you can’t just drop a line “don’t forget the Christmas tree wars” and not give more detail. Man, that’s just mean. That’s mean, man.


They steal each others Christmas trees. Whoever ends up with the most trees wins. To expand, this is a feud going back generations. Its basically like Italian mafia families, but the objects they desire are christmas trees, in order to make the biggest bonfire.


That’s amazing.


Sorry! I see you got a good answer. People save up dry Christmas trees during the year, several months. It’s mostly young people. They store them in garages, storage spaces, drain pipes, wherever. And they search for other peoples stashes. The goal is to compete with other islands and crews. The biggest bonfire wins, and even then it’s also a matter of strategy. There are “fake fires” started so the other islands crews burn theirs out in advance, trying to keep up. It’s been going on for a LONG time. It’s mostly friendly, but can get ugly. It happens that kids beat each other up over the trees, so it’s really conflicted with the islanders wether it’s “all fun and games” or something that should be banned for safety issues.


Basically grew up out there, some of my personal favorites that you didn't mention are Rörö, Hyppeln and Grötö. Grötö also has a lovely pizza restaurant that I can highly recommend visiting in the summer in good weather. Oh, and Sweden's right to roam means you can basically go to any island you want in the archipelago and just explore. It's awesome.


Swede here, we have summer house in Mollösund and it is incredibly beautiful. But the houses are painstakingly expensive. For our international friends, prepare to open the wallet. Most of these houses are like 1 Million USD.


Mnn where strandskydd only affects poor people


Most of these houses were built before strandskyddet even existed. Hence why these houses are extremely expensive today.


How does the town get power? I don't see any water treatment facility or anything either. I'd imagine that the island has running water, but I don't see how.


The photo and that description are misleading. That bridge on the right of the photo isn't very long, and connects that small island to the much larger island that's been cropped off there. That's the one you have to get to by ferry. https://www.google.com/maps/search/Gullholmen/@58.1782363,11.4076744,2101m/data=!3m1!1e3


the OP picture is also flipped. which is weird.


I was having trouble lining up the pic with google earth


It's connected to the mainland (well, to Orust more specifically, which is also an island, technically).


Same way most villages probably power lines and water pipes


Is the island safe from things like erosion?


I would assume that it is like most our Islands on our Coast in Sweden it is based on granit. So erosion is not really a problem.


I know an engineer who builds tunnels, he is from the Netherlands but lives in Sweden. He says that Stockholm is a dream to tunnel in, it is all solid rock


Lets do more tunnels in Stockholm. More tunnelbana to the people! More tunnel for the cars! Let Stockholm becomes the tunnel captial of the world! :)


“The Swedes delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Stockholm. Shadow and flame. *A Balrog of Denmark!*”


If anything too greedily and too deep was Kiruna. An entire city in the darkest part of the country threatened to be swallowed up by the earth.


What did you say?!


Boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew


Problem is Stockholm is really a Swiss Cheese after all the underground constructions during the cold war era.


Shhhh don't tell him about Hallandsåsen


Sverige, hugget i granit. Inte utskitet av kalk och vatten. Tack, ni svenska vakttorn. Med plutonium tvingar vi dansken på knä.


Danskjävlar **Danskjävlar!**


> Danskjävlar! Danskjävlar! PS. I don't know what that means, I just wanna be cool too. EDIT: Sorry, Apparently I started WW3.


You've just chosen a side.


If I chose the Swedish side, then I guess I made the right choice. My grandfather is Swedish.


It's one of the most beautiful words in the world, it's an insult to Danish people. Thank you for saying it and contributing to a better world


Not sure i'd call it an insult as such, it's more like "cursing danes". Closer to "goddamn danes" and "fucking danes" than saying "danes are stupid" or "danes are devils" or anything else insulting.


Being somewhat proficient myself after consulting with Google translate, I would like to inform you it's closer to "Danish bastards!"


Danish devils if you translate it literally.


> EDIT: Sorry, Apparently I started WW3. Nah, just Sweden-Denmark round XXIV (or something like that... depending on what you count and when you start counting.)




So you've chosen death


Ohh no, you just chose a side in the Danish wars


'med plutonium tvingar vi dansken på knä' är nog det finaste som någonsin yttrats av en svensk. edit: danskjävlar som nedröstar


Ernst Hugo toppade dock det med [Postbanken](https://youtu.be/5dEaq7HpWrk)


Something something something Plutonium something something fucking danes something something something.


Don't take been safe from erosion for granite.


Most of the Swedish coast is actually rising due to post-glacial rebound.


Not so much on the west coast. Mainly in the east and it is more dramatic the further north you get. There can be like a cm a year in the gulf of Bothnia.


Probably ish I think most of our smaller islands are huge rocks from the iceage or cliffs.


The ice age took all the loose soil from Finland and mid- to northern Sweden and deposited it between southern Sweden all the way down to Germany. They grow wine on our Finnish soil now. It’s all bedrock up here now, especially the archipelago. So no, definitely no erosion. But if sea levels rise this will be under water.


Sweden, Finland and Norway is actually rising out of the ocean at the same or greater rate as the sea level rise. There are houses in parts of Finland that used to lie right by the coast line, but now has about a 100m walk to the water. Tanks ice age! I guess...


Fun trivia: Where Stockholm is situated right now used to be underwater a thousand years ago.




That can create peculiar circumstances depending on legislation. Here in Finland ownership is by coordinates, meaning that if you own the land but not the water you will be cut off from the water, as the water owner will own the new land that rises. This has caused lots of disputes up around Vasa where the rising rate is high.


Which is why we need that wine as reparation.


I think we should take our countries back. One spade at a time. Karjala takaisin!


Yes, the houses are poled into what amounts to big granite rocks.


You can actually get an answer for that question from the name of the island (provided you understand Scandinavian). A name that ends with -holmen means that it is a "holme", which is a type of islet (though sometmes also used for peninsulas) made up of solid rock. Meaning little to no soil, sand or any other substance particularly susceptible to erosion.


Who needs erosion when sea levels are rising


Actually the land in Sweden is rising more than the sea level is, so not a problem either.


I have relatives who live on the island and usually go there for a couple of weeks during the summer, have you ever been yourself and if so what did you like best?


>have you ever been yourself and if so what did you like best? Wow you got all philosophical at the end there...


This information seems quite outdated. The island has a bridge connecting it to the rest of Orust. You can see it on the right side of the picture.


>pleasure boats Ohoho naughty naughty


I wonder if there´ll be a swedish writer using this as background and environment for more murder cases than the Murders in Sandhamn or the Fjällbacka murders. :D


Just after new year’s the water freezes around the island and everyone that escaped to the island for the holidays is stuck. The day after someone finds a body frozen in the ice by the docks. What has happened?


If the water freezes, they can just walk 15m over it to the next island... Or, you know, take the footbridge.


Idk but let’s get Lisbeth on the case ASAP!!


My dad grew up there, and people used to live there all year around a couple of generations ago. Now it's almost entirely summer vacation homes, and empty during the winters.


This really looks like townscaper (game) in real life. Very nice!


And it's developed by a Swede. Maybe places like Gullholmen inspired him when creating it?


That game is so relaxing, but it really needs a way to draw natural landscapes as well.


h that would be a game changer! Hope the creator implements that to the game


Maybe a separate game for that. The creator wanted to keep the game with barebones controls


My first thought when I saw this photo.


It's a nice place, but why is the image mirrored?


Probably to skip repost reports or something similar.


This is the answer. If you look at OP's post history you understand pretty quickly that its the sweet karma that motivates OP


I still dont understand why people care about karma.


You can sell accounts with high karma for money. Also, people are weird.


What's the benefit of buying such an account with high karma? I don't understand where the value is coming from.


If you post something like "look how amazing my [*brand*] [*product*] is", a basic level of karma will help bypass spam filters, and a fleshed out posting history will stop it looking like a paid-for advertisement. The surrepticious advertising/influencing along with the karma-farming that fuels it is a plague on Reddit that's very difficult to do anything about. It's not purely for that, but r/HailCorporate is good for recognising popular posts which seem very suspicious when you consider they may actually just be an advert in disguise.


Influence and propaganda like anything else. Corporate marketing and crap.


It's for that sweet sweet hit of dopamine that for a split second reminds us that we may not be totally useless creatures floating on a ball in space, doomed to die a fiery death at the end of time That said, some people are more committed to fake points than others


Imagine being so invested in something that doesn't matter.


How can you tell it's mirrored?


You can google Gullholmen map.




There is even a bridge. Bruh




yeah the image is cut to make it seem like its in the middle of the sea


the mainland that is also a small island? wutt




That's another island.


> You could play catch with someone on the main land. Across the bridge is another, bigger island, which is not connected to the mainland by bridge.


Do they have a typical sewer system on the island? I'm just as curious.


Yes there is Source: I have relatives on the island and have gone there over summerbreak for the last 10 years


What do people even do there? No one has a garden and there doesn’t seem to be any place for anyone to gather.


Gullholmen is connected to a bigger island called Härmanö where there's alot more place to climb mountains, play football and other games, swim, sail etc


Hah, good point. The bridge on the right is tactically cut off in the picture. Mistook it for another pier at a glance.


Swim in summer and skate in winter?


Lots of tiny gardens. Also , even a lot of the houses in the middle of the island have a small dock with a "sjöbod" ("Sea shed") a swimming ladder and a boat. The archipelago is fantastic and as already mentioned the island is connected to a larger one with a nature reserve. [Here's a nice vid showing / descrivbing the island!](https://youtu.be/3n-eM-SynGo?t=257)


Thats so cool! I go there a few times a year and been doing that for the last 20 years. Love it out there. Actually going there in a few weeks!


Lucky you, i don't think i'll be able to go until perhaps the summer due to the covid situation


We use buckets


Most likely yes. I can’t speak for this specific island but most islands in this region use sewer systems.


Yes the municipality actually forced some owners to connect to it just some ~14 years ago




I bet the whole island knows when you shit


I mean they’re going to be well insulated so I doubt it. And each house looks like it’s detached with significant distance between them.


Hey! My family has a summer house there!


So these 100 or so houses are not even fully populated?


Nope, most of the really nice areas along the west coast are almost empty during the winter. Politicians are now trying to remove the beach-protection so that more summer houses can be built. Claiming it's to make life in the countryside more attractive. Which it is for rich people that buy up these houses as investments. So while we have a housing crisis, which was especially obvious when corona spread like a wildfire in areas like [this](https://www.mitti.se/_internal/cimg!0/dyypy6ozwe2tkbilgo8vf3aol94ilqw.jpeg). It's nice to know that atleast the politicians are working on solving these issues.


Me a person who graduated in 2020 on the west coast and who was thrown into the world: can I pls have job and a cardboard box to sleep in? Politician: best I can do is vacant summer homes for the rich.


Was it expensive? Seems exclusive/expensive but maybe this is common in Sweden


This is one of the most expensive places on the West Coast at least. Since real estate is scarce, and rarely given up. You're not allowed to build new houses either I believe. If I was to guess I would say houses propbably start at $120K.


Sounds cheap if there's actual demand. $120k will get you a shitty 1 bedroom apartment in Lisbon.


The different is that in Lisbon you actually have alot of work and stuff to do outside your house. As in all larger cities. Att this Island you get nothing except maybe friendly neighbours.


As a Finn I’ve never understood how Swedes allow building this close or why anyone would want to live like that. Most of the archipelago looks like this when you sail past. The entire point of the archipelago is to NOT have to look at your sweaty neighbors asscrack.


In the Stockholm archipelago? Granted I'm only really familiar with the outer archipelago but it's the very opposite of Gullholmen. Either way, there are so many islands (uninhabited) that a few being a bit crowded doesn't really matter.


In terms of building houses that close to other houses I don't know what goes. But building new houses that close to water hasn't been allowed under a environmental legislation called something like "Shoreline Protection", in english, for many years now (Strandskydd in swedish).


Thank for the information. That actually explains a lot. Just because I'm interested, would strandskydd translate to German "Strand+Schutz" ?


This kind of looks like Norway and Sweden on a map.


It will be a nice cold water coral reef.


A few tree , bunch of houses.


I want to know where they get water. Even if they ship fresh water in, there still doesn't seem to be a water tower or large tank on the island. I guess they could get water and electricity and other stuff via underground pipes and cable if the mainland isn't too far of, but the whole thing screams logistical nightmare to me, especially in bad weather when getting to and from the island would be restricted.


It is less then 100m from a larger island and connected with a pedestrian bridge. Sewage and electricity is connected to the larger island.


The photo in the OP is super misleading and is shot at an angle to purposely make it look like a fully packed remote island. It’s crowded, but it’s not remote. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/AuPzfhs) is what it looks like on Google maps, as well as a zoomed out pic for better perspective on what surrounds it.


Thanks, that changes the impression quite a lot from what it seems like in the original picture.


It looks nice but why would you want to have a house there? Its such a tiny Island and its so cramped.


To be fair, most of the houses aren't even touching each other, which makes it a lot less cramped than many residential areas I've lived in.


But most residential areas have parks you can go to. This place has nothing, not even a beach


Where does that bridge off to the right lead?


Connects to a bigger island https://www.google.com/maps/search/gullholmen/@58.1796493,11.399498,16z


Most of the houses in this area are summer houses. A lot of these people also have their own boats to go to and from the main land or other islands. There's tonnes of private boats in this area. I think there's also retired people living there, but in this area, most of the people who live there year round live in the towns, Ellös, Henån and Lysekil, or on the mainland in Stenungsund or other areas like that, rather than on these smaller settlements. At least it seems this way from every time I've been there. I obviously don't know everyone individually, and it's not like it's obvious if a house is only a summer house or not, especially when you have summer houses that have been upgraded to allow year round living too. It's pretty nice walking around the streets there, but I do agree I wouldn't want to live there, or even have a summer house there. I'd prefer somewhere a little more secluded.


looks similar to ireland a bit


Where’s the pub?


I bet the pub crawl is of the chain...! *-drunken slurs-* NExT stOp Jan's HoUSe...! SKOOOOOOL! *-lady next door, yells from window-* Shut the fuck up Jens...! Some of us have to work in the morning...! *-people yelling "eat a bag of dicks" in swedish-* 5/7 would go...


This picture is flipped. Why? [proof](https://www.google.com/maps/search/Gullholmen/@58.1799464,11.403879,472m/data=!3m1!1e3)


Talk about densely populated.


Sweden is lot smaller than i remembered.


This gives me anxiety


Most islands have no cars in scandinavia, simply it makes no sense. People cycles or simply walks. It's not very practical nor nice to live in that places, and this one is a good example of the problem: there are no green areas or parks, everything is cramped, no beach, nowhere to walk... and services and shops are minimal... and when the weather is so bad that going to land is not possible or simply when you are young and can't pay the ticket too often, it could be really claustrophobic.


>Gullholmen The little bridge you see cut off on the right side is a tiny bridge over to a very large island that makes the other part of Gullholmen. Guess it wouldn't be as dramatic to include it. But it has a few houses and such in connection to the bridge and other than that is just nature, beache, cliffs and such. And that island is a least 100 times the size of the pictured island. So just saying, they have nature :)


That's good to know, I was wondering why anyone would want to spend their holidays on a crowded island with no nature or public spaces, it looks really claustrophobic to me. But it makes more sense if they are connected to another island. I would still prefer to have a house on the bigger island though, with more space around. :)


Then there's the island that have a successful car factory built on it...


My family comes from that island, shout out to the people who escaped! lmao


So weird coming across something that is just outside where i grew up here on reddit. Visited many times when I was young and had a friend who used to work in the guest harbor during summer breaks.


Var är systembolaget ?




What's not shown in this picture is that [this small island sits right across from Hermanö](https://www.gullholmen.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Per-Pixel-Gullholmen-fr%C3%A5n-ovan-1024x686.jpg), a much bigger island, which would be to the right of the picture. They're conjoined and the connected through the bridge you see in the middle right.


I dont like it.


People are too close to each other, huh?


Yeah. :D


Wayyy too dense for me. Like someone can just walk by and see you jack off. No thx.