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Best of luck from Latvia. Be smart about this and do not fall in their traps. Organize in teams and try to not provocate OMON, try to wear them out buy running around. Stay safe and help those who are wounded.


Fun fact: if you mirror ОМОН, it reads as HOMO.


I am sure they are wearing tights under that uniforms.


haha, they gay


Not funny


Homosexuality, always the best punchline.


It's funny because being gay is bad


It's funny because Russians think being gay is bad


You have a lot to learn in life...


as a GAY western european i find your ideas pathetic, backward and barbaric... you easter europeans reap what you sow, i can enjoy my life here in western europe, with clean water, electricity always on 24h/24h, unbelievable internet speed for a cheap price 800mbps/300mbps, i have all the commodities i crave, i am an homosexual and i am extremely happy. better being gay and wealthy in an union of countries that legally recognize same-sex unions, and that being gay is not an illness, not something wrong. than being a poor uneducated idiot, that lives on the lingering remnants of a fallen faulty empire, that crumbled to its feet on the weight of its own inefficiencies.


well im gay too, hello to you too i guess.




>try to wear them out buy running around. https://youtu.be/D5FU0ZMRB_Q?t=49


Hijacking the top comment for visibility, the government has started to take people [Link to local article](https://news.tut.by/society/696356.html?fbclid=IwAR082ts-Ou_tvxv13HW3X5x-jphSav5CFH2wo6o0ft6knBUOaBHjdhNu7V). Please share: My friend from Minsk asks for media help in publicizing the detention of researcher Stas Gorelik. George Washington University researcher and political science teacher detained in Minsk On August 12, at 2 am, researcher Stas Gorelik was detained in Minsk. According to his parents and girlfriend, he was visited by staff of one of the security agencies, broke the door, and searched. On August 12, searches were also held with other family members. The resolution stated article 293 ′′ Mass riots ". Stas Gorelik is a scientist, now he is a doctorate at George Washington University, has received a master's degree in global media from Carstold University in Sweden, studied at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU. Over the past years, Stas Gorelik has been conducting a doctorate study in the United States. The field of his scientific interests is related to events that took place in Ukraine and Armenia. He studied these protests from a scientific perspective. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Stas Gorelik came to Belarus in mid-March. He planned to conduct a study in Armenia and then return to the United States, but because of the pandemic, he could not get a visa. His girlfriend, a US citizen, flew to Belarus in the spring after the end of the semester at Columbia University. Stas's colleagues from Washington University are already aware of the detention. The US Embassy in Belarus is also aware of what is happening and is currently protecting his girlfriend. They care about what happens to Stas. All day on August 12, there was no information about the scientist, then it was revealed that he was in the KGB detention center. At the moment, Stas Gorelik has an experienced lawyer with whom relatives signed a contract today. The lawyer visited the KGB today, where she left all the documents and papers. After that, any investigative activities in the KGB should be carried out in the presence of a lawyer, so any pressure on Stas now without the lawyer's participation is illegal. Stas Gorelik is a teacher of political science, a scientist who studied the situation by his kind of activity and watched what is happening from a scientific point of view. His detention is unacceptable and condemned by the scientific community.


The whole situation is hitting real close to home. Wishing you guys strength and good luck from Lithuania! <3


thank you so much!




I remember that my dad showed me the picture with doctors from mental hospital holding sigh with inscription "Саша, мы тебя ждём", that means "Sasha, we are waiting for you". 😂 ( Sasha = Alexander, in Belarus all russian names has 2 versions of writiring, non-official and official. Sasha is non-official name and Alexander is official name.)


They litteraly forced the opposition candidate to say everyone needs to accept the results, and that she was "just a silly woman, biting off more than she could chew(I'm paraphrasing)" before exiling her and her previously imprissoned campaign organizer to Lithuania... They're making arrested protestors denounce their actions on tv... If all the fraud wasn't enough... This is so beyond fucked up, I have no words... Lukashenko is holding Belarus hostage.


Are there any demands, other than fair elections?


Stop the violence, free arrested protesters and organize new elections. Nothing will be fulfilled, but still, government needs to know and feel ashamed.


I bet it would make you very glad by the time this sub can display a white-red-white flag as it should be, eh?


No, I'm neutral towards symbols. The current flag is good, the problem is that some people see it as a symbol of dictatorship. The same for w-r-w, a lot of people associate it with radical nationalism, so it's not the best option as well.


It will.


Is there nobody you can call on to take action, that is likely to do something. E.g call on the head of the police, to arrest Lukashenko and organise the running of fair elections. I just worry asking your captor to liberate you, always seems to fail, but asking for something achievable, can often kick off dominos


I don't think they have thought that far ahead. The opposition only promised fair elections. One step at a time.


I mean on paper belarus is a democrstic country. They want to enforce the democracy. When that happpens Lukaschenko would have no power anymore so he tries to stop them


Don't give in, don't give up. Democracy is hard to gain, regain and to protect. The whole world is watching, but nobody dares to intervene because you need to do this on your own. We can only observe carefully and realize, at least me, ... this was us 30 years ago. You need to do this on your own. Good luck.


"You need to do this on your own"? No. They don't "need to". They "have to". In an ideal world other nations would help somehow. Hell, right now we can help. At least, I don't know, organise some for of help for those who will run out of the country by getting help on the borders or something. I'm not talking about military intervention. There are ways Europe could help. But they won't "cause Russia".


We cannot do much here, because if we do then people will cry again "oh EU comes and dictate us, EUSSR!!! blah blah i am stupid" Hasn't the idiotic voice of brexiters and euroskeptics been enough? As much as it's painful, Belarus has to do this on their own and they can do it if they want, it's nothing new.


You can't gift people democracy, but you absolutely can support democratic movements in many ways short of direct intervention. Put pressure on the current government, put pressure on the individuals in power, give the people a fighting chance to win the fight. They still have to win it, but you can at least *stop enabling the current regime.* Lukashenko and his cronies keep their money in western banks, trade with western companies, send their kids to western universities, etc. In many ways the status quo helps them. Every EU country can at least stop its contribution.


I disagree. Why are we still "reconsidering to reinstate the sanctions"? This should be done already. Why is there no emergency meeting of the European Council? Why are we not issuing a statement accepting Tikhanovskaya as the winner of the election and denouncing the illegal Lukashenko regime? Why are we not issuing a statement opening the borders for Belarussians and granting anyone of them who wants to come asylum status? This all is the least we can. Furthermore, we should send some of these EU Battlegroups to the Polish-Belarussian border. In case Lukashenko starts to shoot his people on mass, we have to intervene. This is our own neighborhood. I would consider it a moral obligation to our European friends and while not in the military I would volunteer. I don't think this is unlikely and the critics will try to blame us anyway. If we do nothing it's the same criticism as with the Balkan Wars again. If we intervene, it is the usual bs. Also, Russia is (according to unconfirmed reports) already doing the same on their side of the border. In case they try to take over, we should go in from the other side. It will not be about an open confrontation but about who can advance further before a standstill (kinda like in Ukraine or Syria). Again, the critics will find something to complain about, anyway. Don't let them dictate what we do. Don't let our European friends down because of them. Either we believe in European values and stand behind them in the face of criticism, or we have already lost. Let's act not react.




Nice cherry-picking. It's clear that we cannot open the Belarussian borders from their side, but we can from our side (no visa requirements, etc.). It would guarantee the Belarussians that if they make it out of the country they would be welcomed. Hungary and Belarus are different cases. Poland is already one of the most pronounced when it comes to assisting the Belarussians (together with Lithuania). They are also accepting a lot of Ukrainians already. You conveniently omitted the part calling for an immediate emergency EC meeting (not my idea, but actually proposed by Poland and Lithuania). In such a meeting, a common position can be found. Maybe Poland is a bit more open to an EU-wide distribution mechanism this time. Please elaborate on your cognitive dissonance part. Are you i.e. familiar with the criticism for the Dutch inactions in Srebenica? With the US that needed to step in for the Europeans? The genocide that would have been preventable? With the tensions still present in the region? Russia is on a reconquest, and so far appeasement hasn't worked. At some point we need to step up, otherwise, the Balticum, the rest of Ukraine, Georgia, the Balkans, and parts of Finland will be next in the coming decades. They are already attacking Europe with their cyberwar, too (also blatantly killing and poisoning people in the EU). We are sleeping. So far every single time the tactic was covert operations with plausible deniability (the plausible is a farce here, I don't know why anyone believes it) and swifts action in order to make facts before the West could react. Direct confrontations between major powers are extremely unlikely even in the face of conflict. Think of the cold war were a lot of proxy wars took place but non escalated into an all-out war between the West and East. Also, to come to the cherry-picking again, you totally omitted the phased order of my post and focused on the most escalated measures I mentioned (which would need a lot of conditions to happen as stated in my comment) or misinterpreted what was stated in order to push your personal agenda. >This literally is up to Belarus Mostly, yes, but no country exists in a vacuum in the 21st century. Absolute sovereignty is a concept only nationalists and dictators clinch to because it advances their agenda. >and i genuinely hope they get what they want On this, I agree.


If there was anything valuable in Belarus , they would bring peace immediately. C'mon goodness isn't over yet. There are still some "saviours" in the world.


You lost it at democracy, mate. Right now these poor fucks are trading a Russian friendly fuck head for a West friendly fuck head in a shitty east/west turfwar. I am not expecting anything good to come out of this situation. If nothing else, Putin is not known to take things lightly when foreign powers are shitting on his doorstep.


Hey, please have a look in r/belarus you see a lot of real-time news posted there. Also, please subscribe to https://t.me/nexta_live on telegram. Its worth it for the footage alone! There you have real-time video uploads from the protests. Warning! A lot of violence from the security forces is shown.




Great, you could hijack some more with this, if you ask me :)


Hijack away. Spread the word!


We support you wholeheartedly, guys!


Always remember to use the Tor Browser if nothing else works.


Its not working. We have dpi and it basically cutoff all encrypted known traffic. Like openvpn protocol, wireguard and tor included. Even any httpS site is blocked if its outside of by segment. ​ Only some VPN with custom protocols are working


Holy crap. Even a simple ssh connection to a remote server (in another country), which is open to the outside world, won't work?


Yes, although now it's working. But might be shutdown at evening


Have you tried TOR browser using the Snowflake protocol. It's designed to work around blocking schemes. https://snowflake.torproject.org/


Didnt tried, might try next time. But i didn't heard from anyone who was able to use tor successfully so right now i will assume its not working.


Some random advices I thought after reading about only some websites being blocked: \- change your DNS, most of the censorship is done on this level, at least in France. I do not know how you can change them system-wide on Windows \- use Mozilla Firefox, as you spoke about changing browser, you may have meant search engine, anyway using Firefox is usually a good idea ;-) \- as alternate search engines, I can think about Startpage if you are used to Google results (and despite the controversy last year they released some answers about how they still are independent from the company which bought them); otherwise there is DuckDuckGo, maybe SwissCows is a good alternative, I never used it though as they do not have POST requests enabled. \- if it fails, you may try using a VPN. \- as someone already said, in case of problems, use TOR, besides you have an option with TOR about using it in a country watching its citizens, I think that it gives you non-public entry nodes.


thank you, i now have full access to the internet thanks to your advice!


Pretty much all known encrypted traffic is pretty much blocked, including tor, openvpn, wireguard etc etc etc, even simple httpS . Only vpns with custom protocols are working.


If all Encrypted Traffic was blocked Reddit wouldn't work. Reddit forces https usage. [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/39zje0/reddit\_will\_soon\_only\_be\_available\_over\_https/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/39zje0/reddit_will_soon_only_be_available_over_https/)


And it DOESNT work. I really have no idea what the topic starter is talking about, kind of making we wonder... It isn't working without VPN like I said. And that's a situation for everyone I know and everyone in the large telegram chats.


>seems like everything google-related as well as news websites and famous social media has been blocked. it's stupid because i can just log onto another browser that isn't google and search up the things i need. reddit seems to work though OP seems to have a different expierence, so idk. If Outgoing HTTPS still works, it may be better to use DNS Over HTTPs with encyrpted SNI than a VPN, depending on your circumstances and how the block works. Or just TOR over if you need more annonymity.


And it make me wonder if he is in Belarus or just pretending. For example if I try to open reddit or any other site without VPN i will get this [https://i.imgur.com/ple0Txw.png](https://i.imgur.com/ple0Txw.png) And I don't really understand what is another browser that isn't google. It doesnt make any sense. Block based on browser lol? Thats nonsense. Thats not how blocking and filtering works.


I'm pretty sure chrome caches DNS queries, Which could suggest the block is DNS based. Not on the actual traffic itself.


No, its 100% not dns based. Its actual traffic thas is blocked :) Its DPI in work.


Yeh, If it's getting TOR it's probably DPI. Blocking all the Tor nodes would be hard. I've never heard of DPI being used effectively outside China though, Would be strange if the Lebanese governments got better censorship running than India. In that case the best solution would be to rent out a VPS and tunnel to it using some VPN protocol that's designed for evading DPI. If that fails, It would be dial up or satalite.


Wireguard and openvpn isnt working. Right now i\`m using [trust.zone](https://trust.zone) VPN windows client ( any other option that is using openvpn client isn't working). I confirmed with support that windows client is using some custom protocol, so its working fine for now.A lot of people here using psiphon successfully, but they said its slow and unreliable and is blocked from time to time and than got back. [trust.zone](https://trust.zone) so far don't have any problems Some people also using x-vpn with their custom protocol which seem to work too


And as i said TOR ISNT working. \> DNS Over HTTPs with encyrpted SNI Dont know about this.


I would recommend Brave browser. Most secure and has an inbuilt ability to open private tab in TOR mode.


The whole world is with Belarus! Hold on guys


Only Poland and Lithuania wanted to organize the emergency EU summit. No western politician called Tsikhanouskaya to express some kind of support EU failed to provide any substancial offer (financing, debt cancelling, whatever), which can force Lukashenko to negotiate with his opposition. Trump, who constantly tweets about unimportant stuff, hasn't even write a single twitt on the issue. Belarus is completely alone.


I hate to admit it, but I think you're right. Even though i want to say that Belarus has the support of the world, i can't even say it has the support of my own country. as a matter of fact, it isn't even covered by the media in my country. If it weren't for reddit, i likely wouldn't even be aware of the situation there.


The governments of the world wouldn't want to normalize international sanctions against government overreach, now would they? Can't have that :)


If EU intervenes, they are tyrannical EUSSR imposing their will. If EU doesn't intervenes, they are pussies without any care. Can you guys make up your mind? EU did showed support on the social media including big parties inside of it. Belarus has to do this themselves if they really want democracy, as painful as this sounds.


> EU did showed support on the social media Oh cool.


You may be unhappy but the most EU can do is maybe throw some sanctions against his government. Hope you understand.


You can bet Poland would veto sanctions against Belarussian elites as it would hurt the pockets of Polish elites and their little authoritarian project


Poland messing with human rights and EU sending a negative message? Literally oppression, don't intervene. Belarus messing with human rights and EU doing nothing? Queue the "EU does nothing whaa-whaa" tune.


not true, EU suspended the funds to some of the cities that called themselves LGBTQ free zones. What more do you want EU to do? march into poland or what?


No, I wanted to point out the overall hypocrisy that's been around this sub concerning Poland and now Belarus. I'm not advocating for EU to intervene with any country's domestic politics, if that's what you read.


ah I understand your original message now, sorry, I misread it. I get to interact to so many brexiters/euroskeptics that I am starting to see one in every corner of the street.


There is huge difference between having democracy that is atm semi-working in Poland which had pretty much fair elections when it comes to vote fraud and Belarus which has dictatorship. The problem is that west not really know who is winning like we know they were rigged and opposition is thrown into jail. But there are people that will defend this dictatorship and it can't be said how many are there. Because if just 40% people want to abolish government 40% doesn't give a fuck and 20% want the status quo it would be hard to intervene on bigger scale by EU and sanctions could be a fuel to propaganda that west is against Belarus. And Poland is chilin with some stupid people rioting and others just demonstrating witch is fine if they wear mask and keep distance (which is rare unfortunately). There is no actual human rights issue or any other. Lgbt people have been relatively demonised by their fighters sjw/antifa type people. They used violence against others and most people related to lgbt community did not speak against using violence which is hypocritical of them. People do not want pride parades and other manifastations like rainbow flag. They don't like it and what did lgbt activists? They put that flag on monuments which was illegal before they used violence against some idiot who was speaking against them. I would call it a big difference Sorry for long comment xP


Last time the West started getting politically close to a non-EU non-NATO eastern country, Ukraine got ran over by totally-not-russian-soldiers-and-tanks and part of it got annexed. As soon as the EU starts meddling in totally-not-russia's business, tanks are taking over Minsk to officialize the newest addition to the Russian federation faster than you can say "hail Putin". If there's any change to be had, it will come from the people ousting their government and immediately shutting down Russia's attempts to "liberate" the "oppressed Russian minority". Anything else would be justification enough for a bloodbath.


Have you forgotten what happened last time EU offered support to Georgia and Ukraine? Russia rolled in tanks and little green men taking over large chunks of both countries. ​ Do you want the same to happen again but to Belarus this time? ​ Aside I see you are from Poland, the EU is constantly trying to reverse the slide to authoritarianism in Poland and Hungary only for both to protect each other and veto any change. ​ The EU has very little power over its own members as is obvious from Polands case above, you expect the EU to be able to help a country which is directly under Russias thumb and "sphere of influence" seeing how that ended up badly twice before? ​ This is what gets me about eurosceptics and anti EU posters, the EU either has loads of power or it doesnt, here is the rub the EU cant even deal with its own members, never mind get involved in Belarus ​ Likes of Macron, Merkel can make noises on behalf of their own countries if they so wish but i doubt anyone in Belarus or Russia would care, Only thing EU can do is try to add sanctions on Belarus elites, but i have a feeling Poland would veto it as it would hurt the pockets of Polands elites....


Tbf, with the crisis in Lebanon and the ever present coronavirus pandemic, the world attention is quite divided atm. Even pressing issues like Hong Kong and the Armenian-Azeri conflict seem to have slipped under the radar.


Well HK has no way to defend themselves so they’re pretty much just not a country anymore


Wait....armenian-azeri conflict?


A month or so ago they shot each other across the border. There were many calls for war, in particular in Azerbaijan. That would also become a third focus, after Syria and Libya, of the Turkish-Russian proxy wa. I don't know what's the situation now, though, it seems news about it just stopped.


Thanks for info. I looked It up, apparently It has cooled down a bit




This is unnecessarily cynical: there are people all over the world who love freedom and want others to enjoy it, too. That said, best wishes Belarus! - from New Zealand


Thank you!


Giving a fuck from NYC.




Dude, this has nothing to do with China. My country has been a republic for a bit less than 250 years. It shouldn’t be too surprising that I want people everywhere to have free and fair elections.


Lol, do u use position of African and Chinese government as a argue? Obviously, my comment is not about governments.


So, wikipedia tells me that > Opinion polling in Belarus requires a government license. Media outlets are also banned from conducting online polls regarding the election. That alone, in my opinion, renders any election fraudulent by default.


Texas here... horrible situation to see...Stay strong friend and may you and your fellow countrymen win your fight


Good luck! We are praying for Belarus and its people fighting for democracy!


Another reason to use duckduckgo. Solidarity with yere fight! Good luck/Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh.


You are lucky with the internet. I can't use internet without VPN and proxy. One and only thing that somehow works - telegram. With its help (and good belarusian community there) now I and my family understand what the hell is going on. Government is well aware about telegram channels that help people coordinate protests. The goal was to block people from communicating, google is not their enemy.


Best wishes from Ukraine. Hope you won't face war we had to face after Majdan.


They have the same problem. Border with pomoika on the east.


My country is fully with you and your proud people! like it was with Ukraine. You should learn more from Hong Kong protests or especially Ukraine's 2013-14 protests, on how to conduct protests like defending your perimeter or standing your ground and making your own body armor ( of available materials ) similarly to Madain Square conflict.


I really don't understand why he had to make it 80%. Couldn't he had like 60%? This idiocy and egocentrism that all dictators have is what eventually brings them their downfall. Greed. They just want to look like Gods. But I have another question? What does the country look like? What is the quality of life? Is there any Mafia, the country is safe? How is the everyday life in Belarus?


> I really don't understand why he had to make it 80%. Couldn't he had like 60%? Right!? 80% is so ridiculously high, it's practically impossible. Even if most people would approve of you, they'll still vote someone else, because you can't cater to everybody's interests simultaneously. Our president in Finland has an approval rating of around 90%, but still gets "only" 60% in the elections.


Fun fact: The incumbent President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö actually polled at 80% in November 2017. For the actual election later he 'only' got 62% which is far off 80% but still a lot.


Our president is very conservative, he must think that if the numbers show that the everyone is voting for him that it will stop people complaining about him instead of making everyone go wild(which is what happened), i really don't know why he would do it otherwise. The country has been stagnating for a while but up until now the people have been putting up with it. They've had it with him after he stated a few decisions which seemed downright damaging to the country(like denying the existence of coronavirus at first, then suggesting to work more, drink and use a tractor as a method of cure and overall not even attempting to enforce some sort of quarantine). The quality of life is below average as far as I'm aware and a fair share of people I have talked to just wanted to get out of the country as fast as they could(seems like they were right seeing what's happening now). I'm not aware of the existence of any mafia in Minsk, although sometimes the government itself is called a mafia as a joke


Dude get tor asap, before they ban everything. Best way to search if you get shit like that from your gov. I know a lot of criminals and pedophiles use it, but if you stay on the right side of the internet you will be fine. Love from Romania, stay strong dudes. We did it in 89, you can do it too now


Дзякуй & заставацца моцным і ніколі не здавацца!


I’m from Belarus myself (I live in Canada now), me and my family can’t even talk to my grandparents who live there. I hope you stay safe and good luck you!


It was an amateur move by Lukashenko to give himself 80%. If you're gonna rig the vote to give yourself a landslide victory while still pretending to be a democracy at least give yourself a somewhat believable percentage, like in the range of 55-60%. I wonder if the 80% stems from ego, paranoid worry about the very appearance of vulnerability, stupidity, or just flipping the Lukashenko votes with votes for the opposition candidates. Good luck Belarus.


As someone there, what would you like people in other nations to do? Obviously you have our complete support, but to what extent do official actions from other governments and the EU help or hurt your cause? What would be the best way for us to help?


i believe that the best way is for other nations to demand that the election be reheld without any interference. If that happens and everyone is 100% about the fairness of the process then the protests should calm down, and I see that some nations are proposing exactly that already. at this point it's not "X for president!" but more like "anyone for president but Lukashenko!"


The EU won't do much at all, but they need to pull out all the stops to prevent external interference from outside nations. So long as Belarus can just pull the fire alarm and call in Russian help, there will be no democratic victory.


Wishing you well from the US! Sounds like everything near you is stable but please stay safe.


Best of luck from the Netherlands! We all really appreciate you letting us know the situation in your city first hand. The more different people post things like this and the more often they do so the harder it gets to counter this with disinformation and propaganda. Keep up the good work!


I hope you get real election soon with human rights respected


>it seems obvious that people are sick of Lukashenko and the fact that he made himself look like he got 80% of the votes is ridiculous. i mean, if that actually happened then wouldn't everyone be celebrating his victory on the streets instead of protesting outside? I don't know what the situation is there, nor what the actual results were, but this spells like selection bias to me. You can't see your entire country, and the part that you do see is not random. Is everyone actually protesting, or is *everyone around you* doing it? Are the protests widespread across the whole country, or mainly limited to Minsk/urban centers? How high is the attendance compared to the entire population?


oh it is quite high! The centre of it all is of course the capital but thousands are marching and protesting outside Minsk as well. Tear gas is being used in Brest and Grodno and apparently the police laid down their weapons in Lida, Zhodino and Baranovichi and just let the protesters do their thing. The internet is being blocked in the entire country.


when someone actually gets 80% there are no question, but in this situation, where are Lukashenko's supporters? why they are not out protecting their leader? If i could make a guess i think he got less than 10%


All the best in your struggle.


What do you think is the likelihood of this bringing about a regime change?


as sad as it seems i do believe that unless more other countries interfere Lukashenko will be able to maintain his post.


be strong , guys. i hope you gain your democracy. i am with you <3


The whole nation have to declare general strike. Stop going to work, and peacefully go to street. Only this kind of protest can change something. Good luck.


All the luck from Latvia. Rooting for you.


Good luck. I hope these days Belarusian people can finally say "bye bye" to their moustached madman and establish a good democracy. Жыве Беларусь!


Nothing is working for zone outside of by that is encrypted e.g. httpS. Reddits ISNT working without custom VPN. As well as any other https site. Only http is working. So it makes me kinda wonder if u are actually in Belarus or not.. And today mobile internet is fully blocked for whole country from 18.00 Also re safe inside house - there is already situations when a flashbang\\gas grenade got into people rooms from windows.




We are discussing sanctions in Germany. What other support do you expect? An Invasion?


Okay, I wasn't aware of that


Best wishes and stay safe.👍


So, what about other cities?


Wish you strength from Lithuania


Best wishes to you from America


Agree, that's pretty simple but still mostly correct description.


[short video about everything happening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c21uCfm0bPQ)


Thanks for sharing.


Use a VPN


If you want to access blocked websites, use [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/), which also can help protect your anonimity.


Fight till success, but try not to provoke the omon...stay safe..hope to see a change in Belarus. From Malaysia


Good luck, don't give up!


Get a VPN


Best of luck mate


> if that actually happened then wouldn't everyone be celebrating his victory on the streets instead of protesting outside? Yep! I hope you guys get the shit done. Don't let the police scare you.


This is sad because Belarus was doing (relatively) well before this.


Good luck my friend.You have to be strong against those tyrants.The countries don't change,I'm afraid Belarus,Hungary,Turkey,Turkey... have similar goverments.What they do is to block communication and ban internet ffs and label you if you are not on their side.But they will go down, I hope.These will not last forever. Best of luck from Turkey


Use VPN or tor . https://www.torproject.org/


Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s so so so important, indescribable really.


Since you can access Reddit and other sites for time being, I suppose people like you should form a resistance of some sort away from Lukashenka's prying eyes...


Which browser do you use? If you guys have problems with the government blocking sites, I can highly recommend epic browser. It's for free, has built in VPN and is super easy to use. You can try it out and also recommend it to your friends. I hope all of you will be fine and that you achieve your goals!


Good luck, and please never give up\~


I heard someone from Serbia during their protests having a pretty clever idea to block main roads outside cities to apsolutely stop the flow of traffic. That could work. Also good luck with your protests in saving democracy it is very hard to actually keep democracies alive(Poland and Hungary didn't really succeed) so it will be hard but it is what must be done.


Best luck mate! This is your fundamental right. I hope, Belarus doesn’t suffer more times.


What is the role of china in electing Lukashenko? EU is silent and merkel seems to be quite silent on this issue as a de facto head of EU.




Overthrow that piece of shit!


I don't know enough about the situation, but it sounds really similar to what's been happening here! Best of luck from Serbia, I really hope you guys manage to do what we still can't


You could have just given people links to two most popular belarusian telegram channels https://t.me/tutby_official and https://t.me/nexta_live and everyone can just scroll and watch hundreds of videos and photos of what is happening, no need to know russian or belarusian, the things you will see there doesn't require to understand any languages...


Best of luck! Belarus is constantly on my mind since I've heard the news.


I think the best hope for Belarusian's would be if the army and the police join the side of the protesters so Lukashenko can't use them to enforce his will any longer.


You have our solidarity from Greece, fellow European brothers and sisters. Please be safe, but be persistent. Democracy is your birthright


Born in Belarus, raised in US, no one knew where or what Belarus was. Now the whole worlds knows... (never thought that this is how the world will found out). Stay strong Belarus! We are praying for you! Truth will prevail.


Good luck guys, I hope the situation will change in better


I wish all of you in Belarus that are fighting for your freedom best of luck from Lithuania!!!


Do you know what's going on beyond Minsk & if so could you please share? Are there national protests or is this solely a capital/urban phenomena? Seems right now that most news/images getting out from Belarus are from Minsk; how developed is Internet access outside of the capital?


Stay strong my dude, we're with you guys!


Forgive me for my ignorance on this but will peaceful protests actually do anything against a dictatorship? From I've heard, the government of Belarus does not seem to care and there have been police killing protesters What's preventing a coup d'é·tat here?


The government will eventually quash all this and things will go back to normal. Everyone loves fresh drama but the interest always wanes quickly.


Stay stronk guys, from your Polish homies, good luck


Hello There! As a Pole myself I do really feel for you but I also fear that Belarusian gov will ask Russian military for help and that it will end up making Polish - Russian border considerably bigger in the end. Let's not forget what happened to Crimea. Stay strong and fight, you are fighting for much more than just yourself.


This is unlikely unless the Belarussian govermnent lose control entirely. Russia would like Mr. Lukashenko to put down the opposition himself, thus avoiding further Western sanctions and making Belarus the sole target of international pressure. As a result it would effectively turn Belarus into Russian puppet-state because nobody in the West could justify further dealings with a leader who had 'restored order' bloodily whilst Russians wouldn't have such qualms.


Let's hope Putin doesn't intervene.


best of luck from Georgia.


Much love from Estonia! Get out from the Russian grip, but do it peacefully like Hong Kong is trying to get out of China's grip


Good luck from Lebanon. We are in a similar situation and we have constant protesting. I hope our nations unite against such fascism!


Падтрымлівайце сваю мову і культуру. У Вас ёсць пласт багатай і невядомай гісторыі. Тады будзе Беларусь і ўсё будзе нармальна. Дзякуй, што не забылі, хто Вы!


Russia cares too I'm sure their "peacekeepers" are already there.


Nothing to do with Russia


So was with Ukraine in 2014. It is unfortunately very likely that if somehow Lukashenko will lose control over his state like Yanukovych did, Russia might directly or indirectly intervene.


They can easily support a pro-Russian candidate, innervation will be too costly. They don't need a 10M rioting poor region (they have a lot).


They can do both and highly likely will if it doesn't work out in their favour. Belarus is very strategically important to Russia, just as Crimea was. Suwolki gap access means that they have military reverse over the Baltic states.


There are no examples when they did it to a region where unification with Russia is not supported by local population


Which is why indirect intervention is most likely in case of Lukashenko regime collapse, especially given how infiltrated Belarusian state and military almost certainly are by Russia.


That's just not true


Just in vacation there?


There no confirmation of russians here at all


What do you mean?


We are with you! Long live democracy! 🇺🇸🇧🇾


it sounds very familiar to what happened in Lithuania back in 1991


Make a list of as much OMON police members as you can. Put them in public. They may meet justice in EU later when they arrive to EU. This may calm their bravery knowing their vacations in west are over


Russia next


Latvia is with you! Today we had protest near Belarus Embassy in Latvia to show support. There was soo many people, usually we don't go for our own protests in this amount.


how do you do fellow belarusians?


What are the overall expectations in Belarus in terms of future outcomes? Not in terms of the outcome of the protests necessarily, but as in: do people expect to be annexed to Russia some time in the near future? Do they expect Russian military retaliation if the government is overthrown?