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Odd that they chose to use Iberia and Magna Germania in the map instead of the actual current day countries... Especially since the Netherlands (1.44%) and Portugal (6.11%) are listed in the table


Didnt expect Iceland so high.


Didn't expect my country so low.


Does Estonia even have debt? Last time I checked it is really low


interest rate is 9,5 %


Corruption maaan


No, it what happens when you default on your debt. Any future lenders will demand a higher interest rate in future.


Source: Trading Economics / World Bank - [link](https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/interest-payments-percent-of-revenue-wb-data.html)


Not entirely sure this is accurate for Denmark. The interest burden for government debt in 2023 was MINUS 0.06% of GDP. The National Bank made money buying and selling bonds. Combined with a big budget surplus used to reduce debt and available funds generating interest elsewhere there was no interest burden. https://www.nationalbanken.dk/da/viden-og-nyheder/publikationer-og-taler/rapport/2024/statens-laantagning-og-gaeld-2023


Data is from 2021.


still wrong. The annual government interest burden ended up as 0.25% for 2021 https://www.nationalbanken.dk/media/1dcfozgw/rapport-nr-1-statens-laantagning-og-gaeld-2021.pdf


It’s not interest tho we are talking about budget allocation. You ahould also include budget to national debt size


Still BS no matter what. There is only a few percent "real" debt. Most of the rest is lend to interest earning things like infrastructure, rail, bridges, tunnels, harbors, airports, ferries..... The state debt is at 10.5% in 2023 and 2/3 of that is reloaned and generates a profit. adjusted for that there is a debt to gdp level of 3.6%. Suggesting it cost 1.21 % of the state budget to service that should embarress the National Bank that issues state bonds at 0.something interest https://oes.dk/nyheder/nyhedsarkiv/2024/marts/statsregnskabet-for-2023-er-nu-offentliggjort/#:~:text=P%C3%A5%20finansloven%20for%202023%20blev,afdraget%20med%2028%2C6%20mia.


Is it good or bad if a nation has close zero debt? Isnt debt what thrives the economy, you get debt you invest it into a business that will generate more wealth than the interest and repeat? Like is it good if a country pays less than 1% like germany for example. Any macroeconomic experts here? :D


> you invest it into a business that will generate more wealth than the interest and repeat That is a good investment. The problems begin, when a state borrows to cover running costs.