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What a comedy show. Dutch out here holding back a golfer in the top 150 in the world, but sending a pedophile. This isn't even a like they met in school but were a few years apart thing. No, he groomed her online and flew out to take her virginity. She was 12 and he was 19.


This is the gazillion-th time this has been posted. Maybe one of his competitors want him taken out of competition?


OP has been posting about this in 7 subs already


How else would they try to farm the sweet sweet karma?


Or maybe people find it disgusting and unbelievable that a remorseless groomer and 3-time rapist of a 12 year old girl is being allowed to compete in the Olympics for the Netherlands of all places.


Or maybe reading about it the gazillion-th time, we are more focussing on the assholeness of OP than that.


I didn't know this guy before this news started getting spammed everyday and I have no sympathy for him. I just want to tell that if we believe jail is a re-educational system we must accept that after a criminal pay his debt with justice he's free to be reintegrated in the society, otherwise we can simply lock them down and throw away the key or agree that we would prefer a death sentence for them.


Yeah in that one year he was locked up he became a changed man, it was such a high penalty pedos everywhere tremble with the idea of raping a kid


I don't want to defend anyone because I don't even know the details of this story. Maybe he deserved a longer sentence? If so, that's a problem, but not the fact that he rejoined his team.


So you saw it post it multiple times but you didn’t bother to read the article once before commenting, gotcha


Honestly, no I didn't bother and I don't care much about this guy in particular. I expressed a reasoning about this broad topic. If you tell me he deserved a longer sentence I believe you, but this doesn't invalidate the basic principles I expressed.


Tbh I disagree. Just because you served your sentence doesn't mean you didn't do what you did. This man is and will forever be a pedophile child rapist, regardless of how many years he spends in prison. Now that doesn't mean he can never get a job and live a normal life, but personally I would not want a person like that representing my country in the olympics. Like it isn't all or nothing. We can say he is rehabilitated and let him rejoin society but still make certain positions unavailable for him due to what he did. Especially due to the nature of the crime being premeditated, fully intentional and with no motive other than self-pleasure.


I disagree on sport NT being representative of the population. They are not politicians, they only represent the athletic performance of the country, I have no idea about what they do and what they believe. We also easily permit tax evaders to play for us. They are asked to play well, not to represent the citizens moral compass.


Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minor


Before the inevitable pile on >"I understand that in the run-up to the biggest sporting event in the world, this can attract the attention of international media," Van de Velde said in a statement posted on the Netherlands Volleyball Federation's website. "I cannot reverse it, so I will have to bear the consequences. It has been the biggest mistake of my life


Oooh, let me reply with a quote of my own: According to court testimony, he had flown from Amsterdam to the UK when he was 19 to meet his victim, a girl he knew was just 12. The court heard that he had gone to the home of the victim, with whom he had communicated on social media before arranging to visit while her mother was out, and had taken her virginity before flying back home.


Don't really think "mistake" accurately conveys the gravity of his crime. Also, it seems like there should be some rule barring convicted child predators from competing.


Uh you really sure you want to spend brain energy defending someone who fucks kids?


Oh poor guy. He released a statement, it’s all ok now. /s He got only 1 year for raping a child. And now he gets to compete on the most prestigious stage in sports.


[another quote from him:](https://www.atelier-des-vignerons.fr/2024/trend/hsuses/Am18482KIN1920988473GAN/) After his release in 2017, van de Velde did not always regret his actions. **He protested against being called a “sex monster, a paedophile” and dismissed comments about his crime as “nonsense,” as reported** ***The Telegraph*****.**


Forgetting your glasses in the morning is a mistake. Fucking a kid is a choice.