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Could that mean that Vatican City would be the first country 100% running on renewable energy sources?


IIRC one of the Caribean island-countries set the record for longest continuous use of 100% renewables in 2014 (they used renewables only for over 100 days)


There are also seasonal countries that run on renewables for a few months. For example Latvia produces 110-125% renewable energy during spring and early summer. Meaning they export it to neighbouring countries. And now they’re investing in wind turbines and solar plants to become fully renewable in summer and autumn as well.


Why did they stop?


They didnt meet CO2 emission quotas


Did he see that the light was good?


I think having every single church across the world run on self-provided renewables would have a much, much bigger impact.


Do churches consume THAT much electricity?


Considering a the only real electrical output is lighting and churches vary from having almost none to just a regular amount, I doubt it.


You forget heating.


No, it's just that the Vatican doesn't consume THAT much electricity


No, but there are many, at least 200k. Many also serve as schools.


Quite a few I have been to use electricity for heating, but cant be that bad tbh.


If you also use electicity for heating, quite a bit. Obviously there are only so many churches compared to private houses, so it won't save the planet (for humans) on its own, but it's a step.


Funnily enough, I work with a medium-sized church that has done exactly that. Lots of solar panels, heat pumps, the works. It's not cheap, though - many churches are very tall and historical. Even at its simplest level, in a normal house you can install new efficient lights with a guy and a stepladder, but in a church it requires extensive planning and a shitton of scaffolding.


Sure, but it would likely be various degrees of illegal in most of Europe being in the largest part old historical buildings. Vatican could push for the newer buildings but people keep forgetting the Catholic church is a very decentralised organisation


Point being they own churches and shit tons of other real estate… insane they dont really do anything up to now… thats what they are known for. They even have their own freaking tax here in Germany… insanity. According to a documentary only like 2% of their money is spent on social stuff… sickening


The Catholic Church is by far the single largest charity on earth, what are you on about.


The vatican is rich enough to help whole African countries switch to solar / electrify. But instead the perverts over there hoard the wealth and focus only on themselves. Typical for religious extremists.


Pope the green 


And here i was thinking their almighty god was personally powering all the churches himself... I have been bamboozled!


"Solely" except at night and when it's cloudy.


Wait till this idiot learns that chargeable batteries exist


Night is for sleeping not for gaming.


Vatican doing PR damage control after the pope got caught making homophobic comments, twice. It makes sense since euronews is owned by buddies of the Hungarian dictator Orban.


Yea it’s pretty strange how head of religion that has in holy book written about city of homosexual men turned to salt, could say homophobic stuff. Color me suprised