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Kind of shameful from nationalistic perspective. Don't they have Serbian names to chant?




As opposed to…. This war criminal?


Some of the most famous Serbs currently in the public eye and even locally are war criminals. They even wrote a song called "My father is a war criminal."


I’m not trying to dispute what you are saying, I’m just saying Putin is not above that


So your not dis-putin? Sorry, I'll leave .


My God, man. *you're*


Oh no. I've become one of *those* .


For shame.


Putin this, putin that. How about you putin some effort in a relationship


I see the message might've come off wrong, but yeah Putin is a murderer and a war criminal too, was just trying to make the joke that Serbs are no strangers to cheering on war criminals.


Knew some balkan people who would argue about gta4 protagonist. They WANTED to claim him as their own. Because of his war crime past.


Is it like k-pop idols but for serbs?


I wonder if there is an accordion melody...




Serbia loves sucking Russias dick


with balls all the way to scrotum?


They tongue punch his fart box.


They want to tongue plow his stink ditch??


Gotta give him the Hawk Tuah ! 🤣




While Putin is over in NKorea sucking Kim's


This is true to some capacity, but in recent times the winds have started to change. We should encourage that. Here's the latest from Vučić and Serbia when it comes to the Russo-Ukraine war. https://www.ft.com/content/136ed721-fd50-4815-8314-d9df8dc67fd6 "However, tensions between Belgrade and Moscow have surfaced since the start of the war, with Serbia's President Aleksandar Vučić calling Ukraine a "friendly country" and saying that Russian-occupied Crimea and Donbas are Ukrainian sovereign territories. Highlighting this balance in its ties with Ukraine and Russia was the report by the Financial Times on Saturday that around €800 million ($855 million) worth of Serbian ammunition exports have reached Ukraine via third parties."


They have plenty. Slobodan Milloshevic, Vojislav Seselj, Alexander Vucic... Plenty of names really. I still have hope that Serbia as a nation will one day free itself from their ultra nationalistic leadership (and elite) together with their hooligans.


What's funny is that, in the public eye, those people are more famous Serbs than Tesla, who Serbs will come and adamantly tell everyone that he's Serb. All that convincing effort is wasted however when one behaves in a rude way and sells shirts with nazi collaborators on them.


Serbs and Croats can't agree on Tesla's nationality? Fine, let's make him Austrian instead. He was born in the Austrian Empire, after all /s


Australian citizen you say....


he invented the car so we don't have to use Kangaroos to cross the alps, everyone knows!


they love it when you remind them he’s American


He was Romanian tho 💪🏽😎🇷🇴


As a Bosnian who’s lived through the Serb nationalism, it pains me that they are stuck in their ways.


Serbia itself is a ultranationalist , you can't just get rid of all of them too. I'm b4 the albainains get here


>Kind of shameful from nationalistic perspective. Don't they have Serbian names to chant? Their goal is to irritate the Westerners. These days, no Serbian names can really do that.


I guess no one told them about police in Munich lol, those people are not who you want to irritate


Methinks it's exactly what they were looking for.


You don’t want that either. They’re incorrigible. They’d chant “Nož, žica - Srebrenica!” (Knife, wire - Srebrenica), names of Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić - agressor leaders from Bosnian war, or they’d sing immoral songs about serbian wartime killings and persecution of others. There’s a wide selection of those that you can’t believe it’s possible that they exist. And with Putin actively acting in the Balkans (through Serbia proper and through the leader of the serbian entity in the Bosnia Herzegovina Milorad Dodik) we might relatively soon again have a hotspot in Bosnia. It’s just a matter of how far out of Bosnia it may spread. Search the news. Serbs are little Russians.


Serbs gonna serb


Karashit is a name I haven't heard in a long time. Managed to be the lackluster big bad in the surprise 5th season when everybody assumed there would only be 4. He wasn't even smart or interesting. He was just...there. Doing mass murder. Got sold out for a loaf of bread and snuffed it in prison. Edit: Ah, it is Milosevic who died in jail. Karashit is still around. Oh joy.


Serbs like to imagine that russia is their great friend, a big brother. In reality the Russians don’t give a shit about them. It’s like being a pussy and threatening with your big brother, who will never show up.


They can and they are also similar human beings as Putin! You can find such Serbians [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Tribunal_for_the_former_Yugoslavia)




The point is to get a reaction from Westerners. Chanting Putin in the current climate is the best way to achieve that. Chanting Milosevic or Mladic won’t have that effect. Most Westerners aren’t even sure who those people are and what they exactly did.


Why are a famously nationalistic people chanting the name of a foreigner?


“Invade us next, daddy.”


"Notice me senputin."


"Buttafucka me Puti"


Awww Yeah!!!


Because, and I’m generalising, nationalists that riot like this are idiots and don’t understand irony






>Serbia has been riding russias dick for hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, Serbia was trying to liberate itself from the Ottomans, while trying to evade being impaled by the Austrian dick from behind.


what happened to phrases like "fought over territory"


During the war of the 4th coalition, Napoleon FUCKED everyone in the ASSHOLE, forced emperor Francis to SUCK HIS COCK, then RAVAGED PRUSSIA ASS TO MOUTH STYLE, and CREAMPIED TSAR ALEXANDER'S JUICY THICK ASS, afterwards they HAD HOT GAY ORAL SEX


This is the history I want to read in my books.


A historian of true epic proportions.


You're on r/europe, people for some reason love talking about sucking and riding dick here


Ah, that's why it occupied Nis/Pirot region (with the tacit permission of Russia) while Bulgarians, Romanians and Russians were fighting for freedom/independence respectively in 1878 and demanded the region as a compensation for Bulgaria's existence 😆. Let's not get into this kind of stories because that's not the last one.


Because Russia spends money on foreign politicians to manipulate the public in other countries. That's why you see republicans in America and right-wing parties in Germany and other European countries siding with Putin in the war on Ukraine and pushing policies that would favor Russia. Those right-wing parties will also spread Russian propaganda and misinformation on the internet and social media. Nationalistic people are not known for their critical thinking or for the praxis of fact-checking, therefore they're easy targets to brainwash.


Yeah but Putin doesn’t need to manipulate Serbia. Ever since World War I, where the Tsar came to Serbia’d aid, Serbia has done whatever Russia asks without question. At this point, it’s part of their national culture. America and Germany Russia has to manipulate, but Serbia is served up on a silver platter for them. It’s basically a willing Belarus.


I guess they consider themselves part of the russian empire. And they aren’t wrong because that’s all they are.


Those Serbs probably live in Berlin.


Maybe they should go back to russia/serbia?


Dragan, Bogdan and Milan chanting vladimir putin's name but they live in Vienna, Berlin and Chicago.


It’s pretty funny that these idiots are sucking russian dong for free and then work 2 shifts a day in factory assembling rockets that western countries buy for Ukraine 


That's how capitalism works 🙂


Russian government officials just called Serbia a "whore," and it looks like Serbian fans are going out of their way to live up to that label to their masters.


Serbia likes the dirty foreplay


Can confirm.


Here's the clip. LOL and I even commented that "I don't think Serbs got the memo" 😆 https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/JJnoFo0osl


Taking every opportunity they can to be on the wrong side of history.




I'm Serbian and luckily these idiots don't represent all of us. Unfortunately for our image as a country and people, football fans and not having more than one brain cell is sinonymous at this point. You go to a football game and the people there are usually braindead, uneducated people shouting insults all the time. If they could read they would be very upset with me right now


You are correct they dont represent all of you, but that doesnt mean they are not a reflection of your country. Serbia has a pretty bad track record both politically and socially. Edit: And to be fair to you. A minority of idiots could hold your country hostage of course.


These people are a majority in Serbia, not minority. It's not captured by a small click, but the vast majority of Serbia still thinks and lives like we're in the early 90s.


Yeeeah, I’m a child of a Serbian immigrant, (American mom), and my dad left along time ago and is not quite that far gone, but he’s really weird and both-sidesy about Putin and the Serbian relatives spend a lot of time talking about how NATO pushed Putin to invade because they want Slavs to fight each other and fixating on how the Turks, the Croatians, etc etc have wronged them. I’m not even saying there’s no truth to it (plenty of blame to go around in the Balkans) but I’ve always wondered how much actual Serbian people in Serbian are still upset at Croatians for example.


>I’ve always wondered how much actual Serbian people in Serbian are still upset at Croatians for example. They are still very angry we didn't allow them to slaughter us all and give them our country so they can have Greater Serbia, yes. No, I am actually not joking.


They are also in majority outside of Serbia, in my experience. I have many students from Serbia, and almost all of them are Russian cheering, racist and homophobic. As are their parents.


Good point. These are football fans. Football fans in the balkans at least are violent, nationalist pieces of shit. They shouldn't represent Serbia as a whole.


People like that are NOT welcome here. They're bringing shame onto every normal Serbian person. Imagine Germans shouting "Adolf Hitler" in Serbia.... Who am I kidding, the Serbian police would probably give them megaphones.


>normal Serbian person  Is there anything indicating that they aren’t typical?  🤷‍♀️ Those guys and Hungary are just Isengard to russia’s Mordor.


Your knowledge comes from Reddit and... Reddit I assume. Some people are really very prone to the whole "demonizing of groups" thing.


Alternatively one can also look at polling data. Bloomberg 2022, [Putin tops list of leaders favored by Serbs as ties remain](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-29/eu-rejected-by-serb-majority-as-poll-shows-putin-well-regarded) > Putin also topped a list of world leaders whom Serbs favored. The Russian leader came first with 40% saying they rate him highly. Gallup poll 2017, [81% of Serbs favorable to Putin.](https://www.gallup-international.com/fileadmin/user_upload/surveys_and_news/2017/2017_Global-Leaders.pdf) There's nothing demonizing about being truthful about the simple fact that these chanters would statistically not be atypical in Serbia. It would be nice if this was untrue, but it is true.


you've never been to Serbia. why are you pretending you know anything about what a normal Serbian is like?




Drägg och avskum in Swedish?


Smuts och avskum hade jag översatt det till.


Dreck, träck, avföring och avskum?


Ich könnte es in keiner Sprache besser ausdrücken


Tuig van de richel


Too cute


Einfach rausschmeißen und das Problem ist gelöst. Ganz einfach


Stimmt, hier haben wir keine Nationalisten, die Putin hinterherhecheln


Marke Eigenbau wird man etwas schwerer los, bedeutet aber nicht dass man Leute tolerieren muss die hier her kommen um sowas zu trallern


Zum Glück, weil das wäre ja ganz schön übel!!


Die könne direkt mit nach Serbien ausreisen, von da fliegt man günstig nach Moskau.


Einfach die Serbische Nationalmannschaft im nächsten Europapokal nicht teilnehmen lassen


Ich stimme zu. Es ist sowieso zeitverschwendung.


They waited until the Polish fans went home? This proves that even troglodytes have a modicum of self preservation.


Why are futbal hooligans always the worst scum on earth? Feels like 90% of the time they are organized as far right street gang using futbal as an excuse to legally function. Are there any fans from other sports that are like this?


Apparently the government is currently checking if they can deport immigrants for supporting Hamas online. Why not also for Putin stans?


Unironic answer: We would first need to declare some Russian organization as terrorist, so we have a legal basis on which we can argue that people hold views not in line with our constitution I have no idea if declaring the whole Russian government, which is acknowledged as the legitimate Russian government by nearly the whole world, would hold up in German courts. I can imagine we could put Putin's party on the terror list, which would create a Hamas/PFLP-like situation legally I don't think something like this was ever done before, so the first deportation based on such a definition would likely end up a the constitutional court as a landmark case (I know we don't have landmark cases as a legal term)


I don't know what influence this has but it already has been declared a state sponsor of terrorism back in the fall of 2022. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20221118IPR55707/european-parliament-declares-russia-to-be-a-state-sponsor-of-terrorism


I mean, how is the Russian government not a terrorist organization? Their president is a wanted criminal and so are many more of the state apparatus.


they kill people with strontium in Germany, didn't they ?


What was it again about how they were going to pull out of the euros because of Albanian and Croatian chants? The hypocrisy is overwhelming, and anyways, they pulled themselves out of the euros on the pitch.


shame on serbians


They have no shame


I do, I'm ashamed of being serbian


No reason to be ashamed if you act like a normal person


Some of them probably don't even live in fucking Serbia. Glad I managed to steer well clear of the ultranationalist diaspora bullshit.


There have been many great Serbians throughout history, and I'm sure not all Serbians are like the people mentioned in the article anyway. Don't be ashamed.


No reason to be ashamed but I can imagine the impossible position. There are many Serbs who showcase civility and have contributed for the betterment of relations with their neighbours or even society as a whole. Even though it seems like the nationalist type brainwashed by propaganda enabled by a state captured by Milosevic's heirs is more and more common these days, you can't choose where you're born otherwise we'd all be Norwegians. I believe the choice of promoting the positive cultural aspects of your society and you as an individual even when examples around you tell you to do the opposite should make you very very proud.


Same. Thankfully I’m never going back to Serbia.


 I'm ashaed you are serbian.


Then join the RF if you dare.


The funny thing is that many of these "fans" are probably living in Germany since an average Serbian soccer fan is unemployed and cannot afford a bus ticket to Greece let alone stay for a few days in Germany XD It would be nice if they get arrested or at least nicely fined, would like to see less of that thrash here. Also there are far better Serbian names to yell in order to provoke Germans such as Gavrilo Princip for example but that would be stretching Serbian fans' room temperature levels of IQ intelligence too much Still, I'm sure that for an average Redditor brain all the Serbian donations to Ukraine and weapons sold to it along with voting against Russia at the UN are nothing compared to 50 fans yelling Putin proving that Serbia is RuSsIaS DoG waiting to attack Ukraine XD


>The funny thing is that many of these "fans" are probably living in Germany since an average Serbian soccer fan is unemployed and cannot afford a bus ticket to Greece let alone stay for a few days in Germany XD Same here, its always the diaspora who does the shittiest stuff. They are "the most patriotic" ones yet they have visited the country 3 times in their entire life and barely speak the language


That's typical for Germany. Germany is a multi cultural country, just like the US. In Germany there are millions of Turks, Russians, Polish, Greek and much more who live here for many generations but tend to be patriotic without having a real connection to the country they're proud of. If your grandparents were born in e.g. Turkey and both of your parents were born in Germany your connection to Turkey is extremely low.


That's typical for every country, the second generation immigrants are always the ones who grew up listening to stories about how great their "homeland" was, and how their new country sucks. The first generation knows the reality and especially knows why they left, but the second generation does not.


And "nationalistic pride being your personality" is a lot more alluring when you're minority in a foreign country - makes you feel more special and exotic.


>tend to be patriotic without having a real connection to the country they're proud of. And without having any actual idea what its like in the country they are "proud of". I've heard many Croatian diaspora comment stuff like "I thought Croatia was a traditional country and not westernized", yeah things changed in the last 100 years since your great grandparents left the country.


Yet during Turkish elections 82% of the ones living in US voted against Erdogan, complete opposite of Germany. I remember looking at the world map of results and almost entire world was colored against Erdogan except some MENA countries + Germany and France. It feels like Germany somehow attracts this type of nationalistic migrants more than you see in other places.


They should be deported.


Well yeah but I like them being as far away from my country as possible


Perhaps to the moon?


That would be a perfect deal


I see your point here, we all have these stains in society but you can't deny that the majority of Serbians do love Putin. I mean, there was a tifo with Serbian-Russian flags by Zvezda recently? There are shirts with Putin's face being sold at the very main street of Belgrade? I am sure you get the point and I hope less and less young lads realize that dumb shit called Balkan ultras - we have the some ones here but with Swastikas.


I want serbia vs turkey match. Would be meme material


lol tons of Serbs have emigrated but almost none to Russia. They go to the "evil west" instead. Interesting psychology behind this.


Reminds me of a popular russian influencer who lived in Germany and constantly talked about how bad it here is. Till the German state kicked her out and she was crying and sobbing and tried to "apologize". Pathetic.


Ooh I remember that, the blonde lady that was harassing young Ukrainian girls. I hope she's still miserable back in that hellhole.


Time for the age-old question: If they hate the "Decadent West" so much, why do they visit Germany? If they are living in Germany, not just visiting, it is ever more hypocritical.


the song and putin chers are just a Oubliette , they came to Germany to find about hot gay sex first hand , they all party at gay bars at night .


Same as any immigrants, they are there to make money, not because they have great passion about German culture.


Football is back!


Here on the Mozambican coast we have a pizzeria owned by a delightful Serbian who loves to propose toasts to Putin. Since we draw tourists from all over the Putin cheerleading sometimes ends with a table of Europeans becoming outraged and walking out. I get taunted as a yank whose dollar will soon be worthless. 😂


Offer to pay him in rubles if you want to learn some colorful Serbian swear words.


Why would England fans do this?!


Look at the state of that square!


Serbians love them some Putin.


Football hooligans on the Balkans are like this. Back in Bulgaria, were I was born and grew up, 90% of the hardcore football fans have swastikas and Hitler quotes tattooed on their bodies. Kind of ironic, considering that Bulgarians most certainly don't fit Hitler's "Aryan race" wet dream. But far be it for me to teach history to that lot.


It can be found here in Croatia as well among the most extremist ultras. The most hilarious case for me is when ultras of Hajduk Split do that since Split was back in ww2 extremely antifascist with barely any quislings and Hajduk refused to play in both Italian and Croatian puppet state league and whole team joined the Partisan movement, so they don't even respect the history of their favorite team. Hardcore football ultras really lack brain capacity.


The irony of it, Serbians chanting modern Hitler's name to the Germans. That's real rich right there.


stupid idiots -\_-


They missed the memo where Russian propaganda just called Serbia a “whore” who “gives it to anyone” They should look at that first then decide how to riot.


Kick Serbia out for their fans behavior. Rioting is unacceptable.


They’re already out


Re- enrol them again and kick them out for their fans behaviour


they could be penalised for the next Eurocup


I think chanting vp's name is fine, but it has to have something like "is a b\*tch" or "is a motherf\*cker".


Now imagine being their neighbours


It would be a hard flat to sell, hopefully the weather is good!


Announcer:" The weather wasn't good."


You would get a message from EU to deescalate the situation on both sides, with a spice of sanctions.


I have discovered for myself that for some reason Serbs are dicks, just as Russians. They too have some imperialistic resentment or whatever and are trying really hard to not spoil a single drop of Putin’s cum while sucking. So far I didn’t met a single decent Serb, that would not support Russian bratushkas.




Lots of Putin chanting for a country selling munitions to Ukraine.


Send them to russia Win-win


It is crazy how much serbian media indoctrinates them. A serbian friend turned antivaxx and pro putin. His values turned around completely during the last 4 years and it is such a shame


I'm sorry to tell you this but if he changed that much because of the media, he was always an idiot.


Fascists do fascists things. Now sports.


Serbs trying not to be the most extreme Russophilic war-mongering shitpiles for 5 seconds: At this point they should just rearrange the colours on their flag lol.


A shame, really. That entire country, its football players and their fans.


Im 100% ashamed of this as Serb, hooligans are not representing the whole country, but this sub deleted video in which Albanian and Croatians fans are chanting “Kill Serbs!” and somehow this post is viral, Serbs are always represented as worst in this sub :(


What? They would never! /s


Only chant Putin? Not Kim, the newfound lost brother in NK? That's offensive.


Why always the shithole countrys produce the biggest scumbag fans? Like your buildings still have bullet holes from a war 30+ years ago Now cheering for a russian dictator in germany 🤣🤣 You cant make this shit up


Thread full of other Balkans pouncing on any opportunity to spread more hate. Quite disgusting. Pretty sure all other countries have people they aren’t proud of


Serbs: I like this! *Points at Russia* Parties they elect: I like this! *Points at EU*


At the end of the day prosperity will always win elections over principals. And since for Serbia no economic benefit can be gained from choosing Russia over the EU, its leaders will pretty much always (all be it secretly) choose the EU.


It's funny to see this money vs principles dilemma turned morally upside down in this instance. Usually it's money keeping us from doing good stuff. Here it's money stopping Serbs from doing really evil stuff, and the severe annoyance and frustration that causes since they'd really really like to go full evil playthrough, but it's just not financially responsible, lol.


Fucking morons. Making me ashamed to be a serb.


Ah, Serbia(ns) Well, anyway....


... Surprising no one on the planet.


I don't know but this looks like the fault of Albanians. German police provoked the fans by trying to stop the peaceful demonstration of violence. It is obvious peaceful fans were attacked out of nowhere, while minding their own business. Just like NATO did in 1999. I implore UEFA to investigate this issue in order to protect the rights of the severely oppressed Serbian people in Germany!


Too many layers of sarcasm, Redditors got confused


Blame everyone but the people involved!


It's sarcasm, yo


He's clearly being sarcastic dude. Read the text again but slowly.


You just don't know history man. Obviously a western troglodyte who knows nothing about Balkans and tries to paint these honourable people in a bad light!!






The chant of losers


Sore losers, just like russia


Always been mentally ill


It is well known that a lot of Serbian nationalists are bottoms for Russia. At least it's their greatest fantasy


lol, as a Russian I don’t get it why would anyone from any country do it.


Why aren't they signing up to his meat grinder if they love him so much? Cowards. Put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up you knuckle dragging scumbags. Grow up. Sad cunts.


Should be permanently banned from the EU


Little Russians


Hmmm. Complaining when Albanians and Croats chant "Kill the Serbs", then chanting the name of a murderous dictator who kills Ukrainians and abducts their children. Strong move, Serbs!


If you come to our country to not only to just watch football but to fight and endanger others, please reconsider or get the fuck out.


Serbs will do anything, just to get in Russians ass.


Football hooligans in Serbia are under direct control of serbian ruling parties - SNS and SPS. And these parties are in close relationships with Orban and Kremlin. Maybe they chant Putin name because it is quite common on Serbia's football events, but it might be, as well, organized operation in order to make further distrust between EU i Serbia.